Catholic Church | primer, or, Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary |
Year | 1658 |
Genre | prayer |
Title | The Primer, or, Office of the blessed Virgin Mary. According to the Reformed Latin; And With like graces Priviledged. |
Alcock, John | Sermo Johi~s Alcok |
Year | 1502 |
Genre | sermon |
Title | Sermo Johi~s Alcok epi~ Elien~. |
Alfield, Thomas | Preface Death of M. Campion, M. Sherwin, M. Bryan |
Year | 1582 |
Genre | biography preface |
Title | "No title" In: Alfield, Thomas. A true reporte of the death & martyrdome of M. Campion Iesuite and preiste, & M. Sherwin, & M. Bryan preistes [...] |
Alfield, Thomas | Death of M. Campion, M. Sherwin, M. Bryan |
Year | 1582 |
Genre | biography |
Title | A true reporte of the death & martyrdome of M. Campion Iesuite and preiste, & M. Sherwin, & M. Bryan preistes, at Tiborne the first of December 1581 Observid and written by a Catholike preist, which was present therat Wheruuto is annexid certayne verses made by sundrie persons. |
Anderton, Lawrence | Preface Apologie of the Romane Chvrch |
Year | 1604 |
Genre | controversial treatise preface |
Title | "No title" In: Anderton, Lawrence. The apologie of the Romane Chvrch, devided into three severall tractes [...] |
Anderton, Lawrence | Apologie of the Romane Chvrch |
Year | 1604 |
Genre | controversial treatise |
Title | The apologie of the Romane Chvrch, devided into three severall Tractes whereof 1. The first, Concerneth the Antiquitie and continuance of the Catholike Romane Religion ever since the Apostles time. 2. The second That the Protestantes Religion was not so much as in being, at or before Luthers first appearing. 3. The thirde That Catholickes are no lesse Loyall and dutifull to their Soveraigne, then Protestantes. All which are vndertaken and proved by testimonies of the learned Protestantes themselues. Esay. 19, 2. And I will sette Aegyptians against the Aegyptians, so everie one shall fight against his brother. |
Bale, John | Epistle exhortatorye |
Year | 1544 |
Genre | letter pamphlet |
Title | The epistle exhortatorye of an Englyshe Christiane vnto his derelye beloued contreye of Englande / against the pompouse popyshe Bysshoppes therof / as yet the true membres of theyr fylthye father the great Antichrist of Rome / Henrye Stalbrydge. |
Bale, John | Preface Course at the Romyshe foxe |
Year | 1543 |
Genre | controversial treatise preface |
Title | A preface to the Christen Reader." In: Bale, John. Yet a course at the Romyshe foxe [...] |
Bale, John | Brefe Chronycle of Iohan Oldecastell |
Year | 1544 |
Genre | biography |
Title | A brefe Chronycle concernynge the Examinacyon and death of the blessed martyr of Christ syr Iohan Oldecastell the lorde Cobham |
Bale, John | Course at the Romyshe foxe |
Year | 1543 |
Genre | controversial treatise |
Title | Yet a course at the Romyshe foxe. A dysclosynge or openynge of the Manne of synne, Co~tayned in the late Declaratyon of the Popes olde faythe made by Edmonde Boner bysshopp of London. wherby wyllyam Tolwyn was than newlye professed at paules crosse openlye into Antichristes Romyshe relygyon agayne by a newe solempne othe of obedyence, notwythsta~dynge the othe made to hys prynce afore to the contrarye. |
Bale, John | Communycacyon betwene two chyldren |
Year | 1549 |
Genre | controversial treatise |
Title | A dialoge or Communycacyon to be had at a table betwene two chyldren, gathered out of the holy scriptures, by Iohan Bale, for his .ij. yonge sonnes Iohan and Paule. |
Bale, John | Preface Brefe Chronycle of Iohan Oldecastell |
Year | 1544 |
Genre | biography preface |
Title | "The Preface." In: Bale, John. A brefe Chronycle concernynge the Examinacyon and death of the blessed martyr of Christ syr Iohan Oldecastell the lorde Cobham |
Bale, John | Preface First examinacyon of Anne Askewe |
Year | 1546 |
Genre | biography preface |
Title | "No title" In: The first examinacyon of Anne Askewe, lately martyred in Smythfelde, by the Romysh popes vpholders, with the Elucydacyon of Iohan Bale. |
Bonner, Edmund | Preface Profitable and necessarye doctrine by Edmunde Bishop of London |
Year | 1555 |
Genre | sermon preface |
Title | "The preface of the Byshoppe of London, to the Reader." In: Bonner, Edmund. A profitable and necessarye doctrine with certayne homelies adioyned thervnto [...] |
Bonner, Edmund | Preface Honest godlye instruction |
Year | 1555 |
Genre | doctrinal treatise preface |
Title | "No title" In: Bonner, Edmund. An honest godlye instruction, and information for the tradynge, and bringinge vp of Children, set furth by the Bishoppe of London [...] |
Bonner, Edmund | Profitable and necessarye doctrine by Edmunde Bishop of London |
Year | 1555 |
Genre | sermon |
Title | A profitable and necessarye doctrine with certayne homelies adioyned thervnto set forth by the reuere~d father in God, Edmunde Bishop of London, for the instruction and enformation of the people being within his diocesse of London, & of his cure and charge. |
Broughton, Richard | First part of Protestants proofes |
Year | 1607 |
Genre | controversial treatise |
Title | The first part of Protestants proofes, for Catholikes religion and recvsancy. Taken only from the writings, of such Protestant Doctors and Diuines of England, as haue beene published in the raigne of his Majesty ouer this kingdome. Psal. 1. vers. 1. Blessed is the man that hath not got in the counsaile of the vngodly. |
Catholic Church | primer, or, Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary |
Year | 1658 |
Genre | prayer |
Title | The Primer, or, Office of the blessed Virgin Mary. According to the Reformed Latin; And With like graces Priviledged. |
Colet, John | Sermon of doctor Colete |
Year | 1531 |
Genre | sermon |
Title | The sermon of doctor Colete / made to the Conuocacion at Paulis. |
Donne, John | Essays in divinity |
Year | 1952 |
Genre | doctrinal treatise |
Title | Essays in divinity |
Donne, John | Sermon by Iohn Donne |
Year | 1626 |
Genre | sermon |
Title | A sermon, preached to the Kings Mtie. at Whitehall, 24. Febr. 1625. By Iohn Donne Deane of Saint Pauls, London. |
Edgeworth, Roger | Sermon prefaces preached by Maister Roger Edgeworth |
Year | 1557 |
Genre | sermon preface |
Title | "The preface of the aucthor to them that shal rede these sermons folowinge." In: Edgeworth, Roger. Sermons very fruitfull, godly, and learned [...] |
Edgeworth, Roger | Sermons preached by Maister Roger Edgeworth |
Year | 1557 |
Genre | sermon |
Title | Sermons very fruitfull, godly, and learned, preached and sette foorth by Maister Roger Edgeworth, doctoure of diuinitie, Canon of the Cathedrall churches of Sarisburie, Welles and Bristow, residentiary in the Cathedrall churche of Welles, and Chauncellour of the same churche: With a repertorie or table, directinge to many notable matters expressed in the same sermons. |
Fisher, John | Sermon preface concernynge certayne heretickes |
Year | 1526 |
Genre | sermon preface |
Title | "Fyrst here foloweth an Epistole vnto the reder by the same byshop." In: Fisher, John. A sermon had at Paulis by the co~mandment of the most reuerend father in God my lorde legate [...] |
Fisher, John | Sermon bysshop of Rochester |
Year | 1509 |
Genre | sermon |
Title | This sermon folowynge was compyled & sayd in the Cathedrall chyrche of saynt Poule within yecyte of London by the ryght reuerende fader in god Iohn~ bysshop of Rochester, the body beyinge present of the moost famouse prynce kynge Henry the. vij. the. x. day of Maye / the yere of our lorde god. M.CCCCC. ix. whiche sermon was enprynted at the specyall request of ye ryght excellent pryncesse Margarete moder vnto the sayd noble prynce and Countesse of Rychemonde and Derby. |
Fisher, John | Sermon concernynge certayne heretickes |
Year | 1526 |
Genre | sermon |
Title | A sermon had at Paulis by the co~mandment of the most reuerend father in God my lorde legate / and sayd by John~ the bysshop of Rochester / vpo~ qui~quagesom sonday / concernynge certayne heretickes / whiche tha~ were abiured for holdynge the heresies of Martyn Luther that famous hereticke / and for ye kepyng and reteynyng of his bokes agaynst the ordinance of the bulle of Pope Leo the Tenthe. |
Harding, Thomas | Preface Answere to Maister Ivelles chalenge |
Year | 1564 |
Genre | controversial treatise preface |
Title | "No title" In: Harding, Thomas. An Answere to Maister Ivelles chalenge [...] |
Harding, Thomas | Answere to Maister Ivelles chalenge |
Year | 1564 |
Genre | controversial treatise |
Title | An Answere to Maister Ivelles chalenge, by Doctor Harding. 1 Cor. 14. An a vobis verbum Dei processit? aut in vos solos peruenit? Hath the word of God proceded from you? Or hath it come among you only? |
Harpsfield, John | A notable sermon by Mayster Ihon Harpesfeild |
Year | 1536 |
Genre | sermon pamphlet |
Title | A notable and learned sermon or homilie, made vpon saint Andrewes daye last past 1556 in the Cathedral churche of S. Paule in London, by Mayster Ihon Harpesfeild doctour of diuinitie and canon residenciary of the sayd churche, set furthe by the bishop of London. |
Kinsman, Edward | Preface Lives of saints |
Year | 1614 |
Genre | biography preface |
Title | "No title" In: Kinsman, Edward. The lives of saints Written in Spanish, by the learned and Reuerend Father Alfonso Villegas [...] |
Longland, John | Sermon by Iohan Longlond |
Year | 1536 |
Genre | sermon |
Title | A Sermo~d spoken before the kynge his maiestie at Grenwiche, vppon good fryday: the yere of our Lord. M. CCCCCxxxvi. By Iohan Longlo~d byshope of Linclone. Ad laudem & gloriam Christi, & ad memoriam gloriosae passionis eius. |
Matthew, Simon | Sermon by Symon Matthewe |
Year | 1535 |
Genre | sermon |
Title | A sermon made in the cathedrall churche of Saynt Paule at London, the XXVII. day of June, Anno. 1535. by Symon Matthewe. |
Pico della Mirandola, Giovanni Francesco | Lyfe of Iohan Picus |
Year | 1510 |
Genre | biography |
Title | Here is co~teyned the lyfe of Iohan Picus Erle of Myra~dula a grete lord of Italy an excellent co~ning man in all scie~ces & vertuous of lyuing. with dyuerse epistles & other warkis of the seyd Iohan Picus full of grete science vertew and wysedome. whos lyfe & warkys bene worthy & digne to be redd & oftyn to to be had in memorye. |
More, Thomas | Dialogue of Comfort |
Year | 1534 |
Genre | controversial treatise |
Title | Martz, Louis L. and Frank Manley (eds.). 1976. The Complete Works of St. Thomas More. Vol. 12. New Haven/London: Yale University Press. |
More, Thomas | Preface Lyfe of Iohan Picus |
Year | 1510 |
Genre | biography preface |
Title | "Unto his right entierly beloued sister in crist Ioyeuce Leigh thomas more greting in our lorde." In: More, Thomas. Here is co~teyned the lyfe of Iohan Picus Erle of Myra~dula a grete lord of Italy an excellent co~ning man in all scie~ces & vertuous of lyuing. [...] |
Nausea, Friedrich | Sermon preface of the sacrament |
Year | 1533 |
Genre | sermon preface |
Title | "No title" In: Nausea, Friedrich. A sermon of the sacramit of the aulter made by a famouse doctoure called Fryderyke Nausea in Almayne and lately out of latyn translate into englysh by Iohn More |
Parsons, Robert | Preface First booke of the Christian exercise |
Year | 1582 |
Genre | doctrinal treatise preface |
Title | "No title" In: Parsons, Robert. The first booke of the Christian exercise, appertayning to resolution. [...] |
Peryn, William | Preface Thre Godly and notable Sermons by Wyllyam Peryn |
Year | 1546 |
Genre | sermon preface |
Title | "No title" In: Peryn, William. Thre Godly and notable Sermons [...] |
Peryn, William | Thre Godly and notable Sermons by Wyllyam Peryn |
Year | 1546 |
Genre | sermon |
Title | Thre Godly and notable Sermons, of the moost honorable and blessed sacrament of the Aulter. Preached in the Hospitall of S. Antony in London, by Wyllya~ Peryn preest, bachelar of diuinite, & now set forth for the auaunceme~t of goddes honor: the truthe of his worde, and edification of good christen people. |
Rastell, John | New boke of purgatory |
Year | 1530 |
Genre | controversial treatise |
Title | A new boke of purgatory whiche is a dyaloge & dysputacyon betwene one Comyngo an Almayne a Christen man / & one Gyngemyn a turke of Machoinett law / dysputynge by naturall reason and good philosophye / whether there be a purgatorye or no purgatorye. which boke is deuyded into thre dyalogys. The fyrst dyaloge sheweth and treateth of the merueylous exystens of god. The seconde dyaloge treateth of the immortalyte of mannys soule. The thyrde dyaloge treateth of purgatory. |
Smith, Richard | Preface Life of Lady Montagve |
Year | 1627 |
Genre | biography preface |
Title | "The preface of the avthor to the deuout Reader." In: Smith, Richard. The life of the most honovrable lady the La. Magdalen Viscovntesse Montagve. [...] |
Sorocold, Thomas | Supplications of Saints |
Year | 1612 |
Genre | prayer |
Title | Supplications of Saints. A Booke of Prayers: Diuided into three parts. prayers for 1 Daniels deuotion. 2 Paul, and his company 3 Dauid alone. Seuerall dayes. seueral occasions. seuerall parties. Wherein are three most excellent Prayers made by the late famous Queene Elizabeth. |
Sutcliffe, Matthew | Svpplication of certaine Masse-Priests |
Year | 1604 |
Genre | petition pamphlet |
Title | The svpplication of certaine Masse-Priests falsely called Catholikes. Directed to the Kings most excellent Maiestie, now this time of Parliament, but scattered in corners, to mooue mal-contents to mutinie. Published with a Marginall glosse, for the better vnderstanding of the Text, and an answer to the Libellers reasons, for the cleering of all controuersies thereof arising. |
Themylthorpe, Nicholas | Posie of godlie prayers |
Year | 1636 |
Genre | prayer |
Title | The posie of godlie prayers, With a devote Epistle before the Booke, and after the Booke, a perfect Table, to finde Prayers for everie purpose and person. By Nicolas Themylthorpe, Esquyre of England. Watch, and pray, Matth.26.41. |
Tunstall, Cuthbert | Certaine godly and deuout prayers |
Year | 1558 |
Genre | prayer |
Title | Certaine godly and deuout prayers. Made in latin by the Reuerend father in God, Cuthbert Tunstall, Bishop of Durham, and translated into Englishe by Thomas Paynell, clerke. |
Tunstall, Cuthbert | Sermon made vpon Palme sondaye |
Year | 1539 |
Genre | sermon |
Title | A sermon of Cvthbert Bysshop of Duresme, made vpon Palme sondaye laste past, before the maiestie of our souerayne lorde kynge Henry the. VIII. kynge of England & of France, defensor of the fayth, lorde of Ireland, and in erth next vnder Christ supreme heed of the Churche of Englande. |