Preface Lives of saints
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Preface Biography
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"No title" In: Kinsman, Edward. The lives of saints Written in Spanish, by the learned and Reuerend Father Alfonso Villegas [...]
STC 24731.5
Sample 1
The original format is octavo.
The original contains first paragraphas are introduced by decorated initial,
To the Reader.
WE present the now at length, deere ChristianReader, with the foure last moneths of
theyre glorious liues, whose names, as renowned
Sainctes of God, are in the Roman
Calender. This debt, I must confess, hath
bin due this long time: but could not be
discharged, vntill this present; wherein the
grace of God hath freed our passage through a maine sea of
difficulties. For such is the nature of all Catholique writings in
oure distressed countrie. what through penurie, pressure, and
long imprisonment of theyre authors at home; ignorance
neglect & carelesnes of suche as are put in trust abroade; wee
must wynde oure selues out of a laberynth of crosses, before
wee can bring to light oure laboures. And euen then must
they runne so manie hard fortunes, and haue suche bad wellcome
and entertainment, that only this were able to check
all endeuoures, not strengthned by the hand of God. And
yett could I neuer finde anie reason, why this worke of oures
should not be wellcome to people of all sorts and conditions.
For yf the liues of those auncyent worthies, whose
highest ayme was a fayned, shadowed, transitorie glorie, or
els the loue and renowne of theyre natiue countrie, be so
gratefull to most men, principally suche as follow theyre
steppes: they, who, taking vp theyre crosse and following
CHRISTE, did beate the narrow path, that leadeth to saluation;
they whose ayme was euerlasting glorie, whose loue
Hierusalem theyre mother citty in heauen; they whose valour
and violence did winne the Kingdome purchased for
them with the bloud of CHRISTE; why should not theyr
liues be acceptable to all, whose name doth wittness theyr
profession, to be nothing els but a following of CHRISTE?
Or why should wee gleane, with a hungrie delight & greedie
appetite, some few barren eares of morall vertues, scattered
in the liues of Heathnish authors; & care not for the chiefe
croppe and principall haruest of all naturall & supernaturall
vertues, which are to be found in that hundreth-yielding
field of the Churche of CHRISTE? Especially seing,that, what is most emine~t in suche as only walked by light of
reason, may nowayes compare with the verie beginnings of
those sainctes, that were guided by the light of faith. These
God therefore hath placed in the churches firmament, to
serue vs as light to guide oure steps: these he did leaue vs as
patternes and myrrhoures, wherein wee might behold
oure offences, to shunne them; theyre vertues, to embrace
them. In them all callings & professions shall finde how to
rule and square theyre actions, to the honoure of God, and
profit of theyre soules. They will teache vs how to wage
warre with oure enemies, World, Flesh & Deuill: how to
preuent theyre wiles & trappes, when they goe about to win
vs with coloure of sanctity: how to arme, order, & ward oure
selues, when they assaile vs with open force and hostility.
There wee shall see howe to behaue oure selues in the boysterous
stormes of aduersitie, how in the deceytfull calme of
prosperitie. Finally theyre liues will be oure card and compasse,
teaching vs how to direct oure course, that without
suffering shipwracke of oure soules wee may arriue at the
hauen of health & saluatio~. Wherefore, deere Christian Reader,
doubt not to wellcome & entertain that ghuest, whose
presence with pleasure will affoord thee such profitt. And
when thou doest finde some few suche things as are more to
be admired then imitated, pass not thy iudgement vpon the~
with passion: measure not the vertues of God his Sainctes
by thy owne feeblenes: goe not about to weaken or discredit
the promisses of CHRISTE, nor confine the omnipote~t
hand of God within the narrow bounds of humaine reason.
for the holie Ghost hath all ready fore told vs, that God is
admirable in his sainctes: and CHRISTE did promise, that
his disciples should worke greater wonders, then theyre