Certaine godly and deuout prayers
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Certaine godly and deuout prayers. Made in latin by the Reuerend father in God, Cuthbert Tunstall, Bishop of Durham, and translated into Englishe by Thomas Paynell, clerke.
Sample 1
The original format is octavo.
The original contains new paragraphas are introduced by pilcrows and decorated initials,
A generall confession of sinnes.
O Creatour& gouernor
of Heuen,
and earth,
of all the
worlde, and of all thynges
that are made: O
holy, stronge, immortal,
almighty, terrible, iust,
mercifull Lord GOD.
I a wretch, and vnfortunate,
ouerwhelmed wt
the greate burden and
wayte of synne, acknowledge,
and confesse, my
selfe to haue bene, and
to be the mooste wycked
synner of all other that
euer lyued, and so greatlye
to haue offended the
eyes of thy maiestie, that
not onely I am not worthy
to be called thi sonne
nor yet thy inferior andlest seruaunt, yea not to
treade vpo~ the ground,
howe much lesse to offer
vnto the, any sacrifice of
laud or thankes geuing.
For why. yf yu haste not
sparyd the celestiall mynisters,
thy moste cleare
and noble spirites, that
is Lucifer and hys companions,
but for the
onely offence and synne
of rebellion, and pryde,
that they euen sodenlye
and in a mome~t thought
agaynst the, hast delyuered
them, cast downe fro~
the hyghe habytacle of
heauen, to be tormentid
with eternall paynes:
What may I miserable
wretch say, or what mai
I saye for my selfe? the
which hath offended the
not with smale, but wt
verye greate, not witha few, but with innumerable,
not with secrete,
but with manifest vices,
and as yet, heping sinne
vpon sin, doth not leue
of nor cease to sin. But
moste mercyfull father,
inasmuche as thou arte
the father of mercyes,
and that thy mercyes ar
aboue thy workes, nor
wylte not the death of a
synner, but that he
shoulde rather conuerte
and lyue: I trustynge
gretly vnto thy mercy,
and hauynge noo other
hope lefte me, doo approche
and flye vnto the
clemencye of thy maiesty:
And mekelye I doo
aske and requyre the forgeuenes
and remissyon
of all my synnes, wherwith
I at anye tyme fro~
my tender age vnto thishower haue offe~ded thy
goodnes wyttynglye or
ignorantly: the whyche
thinges, thou O GOD
from whom nothinge is
hydden, doest knowe a
greate deale better, than
I canne rehearse them.
I haue offended greuously,
and aboue the number
of the sandes of the
sea, in pryde and vayne
glorye, in anger and hatred,
in enuy, i~ couetuousnes,
in slothefulnes, in
glutteni, in lecheri, in neglige~ce
of diuine honor,
in vaine othes, in vnlawful
lustes, in blasphemy,
in slaunderyngs, in lies
in idle wordes, in vnmesurable
laughyng, in iestes,
in vaine lookes, in
hearyng, in tastynge, in
thoughtes, and in wordes,
in dedes, and in allthynges, that the frayltye
of man at any tyme
might haue offended in,
the which thing, I confesse
to haue bene done
through mi faute, yea I
saye through my mooste
greatest faute. For the
which, O most meakest
God, forgeue me a man
that is vtterly loste and
mooste vnhappy, for thy
great and vnspeakeable
merites sake. For whye
thou art my maker, my
father, my helper, & my
protector, my lorde and
my God, yu art my hope,
my trust, my stre~gthe, my
defence, my consolatio~,
my delyueraunce, my
lyfe, my helth, and my resurrectio~.
Thou art my
stablyshment and my refuge,
my lyght, and my
desyre, my helpe and mysuccor. Wherefore I
praye and besech the, the
deliuerer of the miserable,
to helpe me, and I
shalbe saued: to gouerne
me and defende me, to
visitte me, and comforte
me, to illumine me, and
reuiue me that am dead
in synne. And forasmuch
as I am O Lorde
thy creature, and thy
workemanshyppe, leue
me not I praye the, for
although I am euyll, &
vnworthi of forgeuenes,
yet for all that I am alwayes
thyne. To who~
then shall I flye O lord
God, but vnto the? Yf
thou despise me, whoo
shall loke vpon me? yf
thou cast me of, who shal
receaue me? Therefore
brynge me thy fugytyue
seruaunt out of the lurkyngeplaces of vyces,
and washe me defiled wt
innumerable spottes of
synnes, in the fountein
of thy pietie & mekenes.
For howe fylthy soeuer
I be, thou canste clense
me. Howe blynde soeuer
I be, thou canst geue me
my syght. How sicke soeuer
I be, thou ca~st hele
me. Yea and yf I were
deade and buryed, thou
canst reuiue me. For thy
pitie is farre greter, tha~
is my Impiete. Thou
canst forgeue more, than
I canne do, and pardon
more, than I can trespasse.
Therefore, O
Lord, behold me not after
my demerites: nor
consyder not the multytude
of my iniquytyes:
but after the multytude
of thi mercies, haue mercyvpon me, and be mercyful
vnto me a miserable
synner. And mercyfull
god, be mercifull vnto
them, vnto whome I
haue at anye tyme, or
they vnto me geuen any
occasion to synne, and
through thy infinit mercy
and the most worthy
merytes of thy onelye
sonne oure Lorde Iesu
Chryst, and of hys most
holy mother Marye, and
of all Saintes, absolue
vs from all our synnes,
and iniquities. And inasmuche
as we are not
able to doo worthye penaunce
for oure sinnes,
nor satisfye the: set the
crosse and the death, the
paynes and the anguyshes,
whiche thy onelye
and welbeloued sonne
our Lord Iesus Christ,an innocente, suffered
mekely in this lyfe, for
the abolyshment of our
synnes. And geue vs
that retourne vnto the,
true contrition, pure co~fession,
continual ame~dment
of lyfe, facultye, &
grace to deserue lyfe and
glory euerlastynge. So
be it.
A prayer vnto the holy Trinitie.
BLessed bethe hyghe
and the incomprehe~sible
the father, ye sonne
and the holy Ghost, god
lord, and comforter, charitie,
grace, and communication.
The begetter,
the begotten, and the regenerans.The true
lyght, the true lighte of
the true light, the true illumination.
The founteine,
the floud, the irrigatio~.
Of one al things,
by one al things, in one
al thinges. Of whome,
by whom, in whome all
thinges. A liuing lyfe,
lyfe of the liuing, the geuer
of lyfe of the liuing.
One of him selfe, one of
one, one of both. The
whych is of hym selfe,
the which is of another,
the which is of both.
The father is true, the
sonne truth, the holye
spyryte, the spyrytte of
truth. The father, the
sonne, and the holy gost
is then but one essence
and beynge, one vertue,
one goodnes, and one
beatitude. Of whom, bywhom, and in whome,
al thinges whatsoeuer
they be that lyue truely
and blessedly lyue blessedlye.
Whom we doo
worshyp and adore thre
goddes in perso~es, and
one in substaunce of the
diuinitie, the father vnbegotten,
the onelye begotten
sonne of the father,
the holy ghost procedynge
of both, and in
both remaynyng, holye
trinitie, and vnitye vndiuided
one god almighty.
It is mete and conuenient,
O honorable trinitie,
that we wretches
with highe laudes and
prayses, do honour the.
For wha~ we were not,
through thy poure thou
madest vs: when that
through our own faute
we wer lost: yu throgh thipitie and goodnes didest
wonderfullye recouer
vs. Wherefore we pray
and besech thy maiestye,
that at no tyme thou
suffer vs to be vnthankefull
vnto these exceding
great benefites, nor yet
vnworthy of thy greate
merytes, but throughe
thy grace to increace in
vs faith, hope, and charitie,
that bri~ging forth
through thy benignity,
the frute of good workes,
we may come thou
grauntynge the same
to life euerlasting, wher
that we called to the nu~ber
of saintes, maye beholde
thy glory, the whiche
shall satisfye vs for
euer. In the mene tyme
of thys our lyfe, thy prayses
shal delite vs singing
co~tinualli, glori be to thefather, that hath creatid
vs: glory be to the sonne
that hath redemed vs,
glory be to the holy gost
that hath sanctified vs:
glorye be vnto the hygh
and vndeuyded trinitie,
whose operations and
workes, procede of it
wholy, whose empire
continueth wtout ende.
The eternitie of glorye
besemeth the, lawde besemeth
the, and hymnes
beseme the. Al worshyp
is due vnto the, and all
honor and thankes the
whych art our God for
euer. So be it.
A Prayer vnto the holye Trinitie.
WE adoreand worshype the,
O holye
the father
the sonne, and the holye
ghost, an vnspeakeable
maiestie, one god omnipotent:
we thanke the,
that hast vouchsaued to
create and to make vs
like vnto thy owne symilitude
& image, that
we throughe memorye,
vnderstandyng and wil,
shuld be made lyke vnto
ye We perceue these thre
powers of the soule to be
in vs: by the whych we
remember, co~template,
and desyre the. By the
memorye whych is the
pare~t of vnderstanding
O god the father of eternal
light and wisedome
of oure lord Iesu christ,we represe~t thy image.
By vnderstandyng the
whych is the chylde of
memory thy Image, O
Lorde Iesu Chryste,
whych art the brightnes
of the eternall lyghte,
and the wysedome begotte~
of the father, doth
shyne in vs. By the wil
whych is the direction
of a louer to him wardes
that is beloued, and copleth
the louer, and him
that is beloued together
thy Image is knowen
in vs, the spirite of the
holy conforter, which is
the loue, the concord, and
the embracementes, of
the father, & the sonne.
Thy similytude, O holy
Trinitie, whan we
are adurned with the
bryghtnes of vertues, is
sene in vs. Therfore webesech the continuallye
to directe oure lyfe, that
we bespotte not thy Image,
whiche is in vs,
with vyce, but that wee
mai reme~ber the, vnderstand
the, and loue the,
wt sincere minds. Geue
vs a right faith, a stedfaste
hope, and perfecte
charitye: that through
these, our memory maye
be fastened in the, oure
vnderstandyng may receue
lyght, and our wyl
may be inflamed. O almightye
trinitie, thou
arte god and lorde, thou
art a king immortal, fro~
whom are al thinges, by
whome are all thynges,
in whom are al thyngs,
whose kyngdome and
impire contynueth for
euer. O omnipotent trinitie,
thou whych liuestart the beginning of life
thou art the perfect fairenes,
and the blessed delectation.
O omnipote~t
trinitie, thou hast created
the three frames of
thynges, celestiall, terrestyall,
and infernall.
Wherfore we in thy
incomprehensible dyuinitie
doo maruell at the,
we in all thy workes do
gloryfye the, we geue
the thankes for thy innumerable
benefites. O
eternal Trinitie, grau~t
vs continualli to think,
to speake, and to doo
those thynges onelye,
that please the. O eternall
Trinitie, graunte
that all oure actes, and
dedes may procede from
the, may be directyd by
the, finished and consumyd
in the. O eternallTrinitie, graunte that
aboue all thynges wee
may fyrst and principallye
loue the, then oure
neygheboures as oure
selues, and the~ to the entente
we maye kepe thy
lawe. oure enemyes. O
vnmesurable Trinitye.
instill and power heuines
into vs, for our synnes
commytted, & feare
for the paynes that ha~ge
ouer vs, and hope to obtaine
forgeuenes. O vnmesurable
trinitie grau~t
our synnes committed,
may be stryken out throughe
forgeuenes, yt oure
prese~t fautes mai thrugh
co~tinence be refraynyd,
& that those which are to
come, maye be by some
cautio~ & menes remoued
O vnmesurable trinite,
geue vs perfect co~tritio~,intire confession, and a
continual ame~dment of
lyfe. O blessed trinitie:
graunt vs the pitifull &
faythfull ayde of thy holy
Aungelles, the which
in this lyfe may instruct
vs, confort vs, & defende
vs. O blessed trinite, se~d
vs from heuen stedfaste
faith, that our enemyes
the fleshe, ye worlde, and
the deuyles trouble vs
not. O blessed Trinitie
driue farre from vs all
concupiscence of ye flesh.
al concupiscence of the
eies, and all pryde of life
O honorable trinitie, co~serue
and kepe vs from
war, hunger, and pestilence.
O honorable Trinytie
geue vs whyleste
we be in helth, a course
and an order of lyfe,
that may be plesant andthankeful vnto the: and
whan syckenes shall
grow vpon vs, a desirefull
helth of soule and body,
and in all our lyfe a
memory to reme~ber vs,
that in thys worlde we
haue no remaini~g place
O honorable Trinitie,
vouchsafe to geue vs, yt
declyne from thy lawe,
a mynde to repente, &
to kyndle theyr desyres,
that ar studious to lerne
it, and at the last, to ope~
vnto those that do profit
therein, the clerenes of
thy diuinitie & godhed.
O most mekest trinitye,
geue vnto the ministers
of thy holy church, grace
both to lyue wel, and to
teach well: and to ye people
committed vnto the~,
a desyre to lerne thy co~maundementes:
them both, a diligent
furderaunce and
in thy lawe. O most mekest
trinitie, replenyshe
kynges and prynces, wt
fere to reuerence the, wt
grace to knowledge the~selues
to be mortal, and
wt wisedome, wel to gouerne,
and rule the people
committed vnto the~.
O most mekest
fortifye the religyous,
that they maye despyse
worldly things, obserue
thy lawe, & kepe theyr
vowes, made and promysed
vnto the. O most
mercifull Trinitie,
graunt vnto al virgins
vncorrupt chastitie, vnto
those yt are maried &
faithful custody of matrimony,
& to widose, grace
to conteine, and to lyue
continentlye. O moostemerciful trinitie, grau~t
vnto the pore and afflictyd,
consolation and pacience,
to the ryche and
those that are in power.
compassion and mercy,
and to them both, mutuall
loue amonge them
selues, and charitye. O
most mercifull trynitye,
geue vnto the emprysoned
a withdrawynge
mynd from synne, ye deliuerau~ce
of their bodyes
out of prison, & beynge
deliuerid, a wyl to serue
the. O benigne trinitie,
conduct & gide those that
iorneye, to a prosperous
ende of their iorneye, &
those that saile & trauers
ye seas, to a desirous port
& hauen, & al mortal men
to thy celestial & heue~lye
kingdo~e. O benign trinitie,
let or cause thi grace
helpe and ayde them, ytbegin a righte feith, and
that fortitude may confirme
those that go forwardes
and profyt therin,
that humilitie maye
accompany those that be
perfect, & that perseueraunce
may commende
all men. O benign trinitie,
graunt vnto ye proud
the contempt of honors,
and true humilitie: to ye
auaritius and couitus,
the co~tempte of riches, &
meke liberalitie: to the
voluptuous & gluttons,
the subiugation & ouerthrowe
of voluptuousnes,
& clenes of lyfe: to
the irefull and enuious,
the refreynynge of the
mynde, and charitie: to
the harde and cruell,
mekenes and modestye:
to the vniuste and
vnpitifull, iustice andpiete, to vayne me~ and
lyers, ye words of truth,
to the craftye and deceitfull,
simplicitie of manners:
and lastelye to all
christians lyuyng euyll,
penaunce. O mercyfull
Trinitie, kyndle and inflame
the gentyles,
Iues, and heretikes, wt
the lyght of true fayth,
that confessing thre persones
in thy essence, and
iudgynge ryghteouslye,
of all the articles of the
catholyke faythe, they
may with all theyr hartes
turne vnto the, the
onely and true God. O
mercifull Trinitie, we
offer thankes vnto the,
for the sainctes into thy
glorye receued, and praiers
for the deade, that
must be pourged, for the
damned, the prayses ofthy Iustyce. O mercyfull
Trinitie, we humble
offer vp vnto ye, oure
prayers, for the lyuyng
and the deade, vnto who~
they maye be profitable:
to the entent yu shalt wash
& blurre out theyr fautes
& remitte to these their
paynes, & to them bothe
conferre and geue thy
grace and glory. O maruelous
Trinitie, in power
thou arte omnipote~t,
in wysedome thou arte
inenarrable, thou arte
the lyght that lightneth
all thynges, thou art the
truthe that canne not be
ouercume, thou arte the
hyghe consolation. O
maruelous Trynytye,
thou art the fountayne,
the floude, and the irrygation,
and waterynge of
all goodnes. O true essencein dede, thou arte
the life, the glory, and ye
miroure of saints. Therfore
O honorable Trynitie,
all the citezens of
heuen, patriarches, prophetes
Apostles, martirs
co~fessors and virgynes,
shall glorifye thy maiestie.
Thy tripartite churche
callynge vnto the in
heuen, in earth, and in
purgatory shal gloryfye
thy maiestie. Thy tolleraunce
& pacience, wher
wt thou suffrest and bearyste
with synners, thy
Iustice, wher wt thou rewardest
the good, & doth
punishe the euil, but aboue
al, thy mercy wher
with thou whiche arte
meke doth remit synne,
shall gloryfy thy maiestie.
The creation disposition,
and conseruationof all thynges shall gloryfye
thy maiestie: euery
soule that lyueth, euery
soule yt perceueth & euery
soule yt vndersta~dith,
shall gloryfye thy maiestie.
O simple god in trinitie,
the tripertite celestiall
Hierarchi, the order
of Angels tripertite
in thre, euerye celestiall
spirite, euerye humayne
sprite, shall gloryfye thy
maiestie, sayinge wtoute
any intermission. Holye
holy, holy, Lord God of
hostes. The heuens and
the earth are full of thy
glory. Glory be to
the O lord most high.
So be it.
A Prayer fyrst to euery person of the holy trinitie, & afterwardes to the holy Trinytye.
God the father of heaue~, haue mercy vpon vs.
O Holy lordfather almightye,
GOD, of
who~ God
thi sonne is vnto the, the
founteine of diuinitye,
consubstantiall, coeternall,
and equal, borne before
all worlds: by who~
the holy gost workynge
with hym, heauen and
earth, and all thynges,
vysyble and invisyble,
comprysed in them, thou
with an vnspeakeableworkemanshyppe and adurname~t
hast creatyd:
We honor the, we worshippe
the, we adore the,
and for thy great and innumerable
we thanke the. Be mercyfull
vnto vs mortall
wretches we besech the,
and despise vs not geue~
to si~ne, inasmuch as we
ar thy hand worke: but
through thy infinite clemency,
deliuer and kepe
vs from all euyl, & from
all synne.
O god the sonne redemer of the worlde, haue mercye vpon vs.
O Lorde Iesu christthe sonne of the liuyng
god, whych
art the true & the omnipotentgod, the wisedo~e,
lyuely worde, brightnes
and image of the father,
vnto whome with the
father and the holy gost,
is lyke honour, the selfe
same glorye, coeternall
maiestye, and one substaunce.
Whom descending
from the high arke
and trone of heuens into
the worlde to take
fleshe of hys mother, a
virgin, thou hast willyd
through the cruel paine
of the crosse, to restore
vnto vs our innocencye
agayne, we honor thee,
we worshyppe the, we
adore the, and for thy
greate and innumerable
benefits, we thanke
thee, we beseche the, not
to suffer vs, redemed wt
thy bloude, to peryshe,
but through the greatepaines of thi deth, to deliuer
and kepe vs from
all euyll, and from all
God the holy gost, haue mercy vpon vs.
LOrd Godthe holye
ghost, whiche
art co~substanciall,
coeternall, and equal
with the father and the
sonne, procedynge from
them vnspeakeably, the
which descendidst in the
forme and shape of a
doue, vpon the self same
sonne baptised of Ihon,
and dydst syt vpo~ thy holy
disciples, appering as it
were in fierye tounges.We worshyp the, we adore
ye, we honor ye & tha~k
the. for thy greate and innumerable
Dryue from vs we besech
the, the darkenes of
al ignoraunce, and kyndle
in oure myndes the
lyght of thy diuine knoledge,
and inflame in vs
the heate of most mekest
loue towardes the father,
and the sonne, and
thee, the spirite of them
Holy Trinytye one god haue mercy vpon vs.
LOrde god omnipotent,yt hath vouchsafyd
to create and
to make man lyke vnto
thy similitude & Image:
graunt, that the spottes
of vyces, defyle vs not,whome thou the maker
of al the world, after the
ineffable example of thy
selfe haste creatyd, and
saue vs throughe thy
mercy, who~ our synnes
shall lese yf thou be not
present to helpe vs.
LOrde god omnipotent,
that hast geuen
vs a fre wyll to doo
wel or euil, geue vs soo
thy grace, that we maye
avoyde those thynges,
thou defendyng vs, whiche
are euill, and to do
those, thou helpyng vs,
which are good.
LOrde God omnypotente,
of whom
is all wysedome and
prouydence, thou doeste
knowe what is expedient
for vs mortall men,as it plesith the, and as
it shall seme beste to thy
maiestie of vs, soo be it,
but yet with mercy.
A Prayer to be sayde vnto Iesus either whan the holy Sacrament is lyfted vppe, or elles before the crucifixe.
IESU,whych after
the innumerable
tormentes of thy bodye,
hangyng verye wekely
vpon the crosse, vouchesauedest
to dye for vs,
haue mercy vpon vs.
A prayer vnto Iesus.
O Most mekestLord
Iesu christ
beholde &
loke vpon
vs wretchyd synners, wt
those thy mercifull eies,
with the which thou beheldest
Peter in the hal,
whileste he denyed to
knowe the. And at supper
Marye Magdalene,
whilest she anointid thy
fete. And vpon ye crosse,
the meke thefe, whylest
he knowledged the to be
a kynge. Graunte vnto
vs from the mooste beninge
founteyne of thy
mercye, that after the
example of Peter, we
maye bewayle oure sinnes,
and yt we as Mary
Magdalene dyd, mayeburne in thy loue, and
vehementelye loue the,
and that we, as the thefe
hath optayned paradice,
may se the in thy kingdome,
the whyche doste
reygne god, with God
the father, and the holy
Ghoste, thoroweoute
all worldes. So be it.
A prayer to Iesus.
O Lorde IesuChryst,
the which
being god
tokest vpon
the a mortall body, to
make vs lawes to lyue
holely & vertuously. For
that thy loue vnto vs
we mekely praye the, yt
thou suffer not vs, inta~gledwith the snares of
vices, vtterly to perysh,
who in tyme past through
Adams contumacy
were reiected, and now
hast made vs the heyres
of thy kyngdome, but
that thou as meke and merciful,
wilt withsafe
to abolishe our flagitius
synnes and wyckednes,
the which are mo than
canne be numbred, and
greater than can be spoken
or rehearsyd, which
doth raigne god, wt god
the father and the holye
ghoste, thoroweout all
worldes. So be it.
A prayer to be sayde before the crucifixe
O Merciful Crucifix,the redemer of all
people, whose head wasfylthely lacerate & torne
with a crowne of thorn,
whose handes and feete
extendyd vpon a crosse,
were thorowe boryd wt
nailes, whose hole feble
bodye was hanged on
high, and two theues to
his ignomini & shame,
fastenyd on hys ryghte
and lefte hande, of the
which the one despysyd
thee, the other knowleged
the to be a kynge,
whose spyryte commended
vnto the father, was
geuen vppe to redeme
vs withall. And beynge
dead, thy syde thorowe
percyd, guysshed and
powred oute water and
bloude. What toungue
can worthelye expresse,
what minde canne conceaue
those innumerable
paynes, the whychethou an innocente haste
suffred? We besech the,
for these soo exceadyng
great tormentes, to illuminate
our soules, with
the lyghte of thy knowledge,
to moderate oure
vnderstandinge, to stre~gthen
oure handes to
good workes, to conuerte
our feete steppes
& goynges to thi waies,
to dyrecte our thoughts,
wordes, and dedes, and
last of all to brynge vs
wretches, vnto thy kingdome:
where that wee
with thy holy Angeles,
maye haue thy fruition:
the which dost lyue and
reygne God, with god
the father and the holye
ghoste, thorowoute all
worldes. So be it.
A Prayer vnto God.
O AlmyghtyeLord
God, whiche
the trinitie
of persones in vnitie
of substaunce, whiche
hast bene eternally, arte
nowe, & shalbe the blessed
GOD for euer thorowout
al worlds, we co~mende
oure soules into
the handes of thy power
to be kepte both dayes &
nyghtes, & all the howres
and momentes of
our lyfe. O god the maker
of al men, haue mercy
vpon vs, and O king
& gouernor of the world
directe vs, kepe vs, throughe
the faith of thy patriarches,
the merytes
of thy prophetes, the predicationof thy Apostels
the victories of thi martyres,
the charitie of thy
confessoures, the contynence
of thy virgynes,
and through the intercession
of all thy Sayntes,
the whych haue pleasyd
the from the beginning
of the world. Holy Abel
the whyche fyrste of all
other receiued ye
of martirdo~e, shal praye
for vs. Holye Enoche,
the whych walkyd with
god, and translated oute
of the worlde aperyd no
more, shal make obsecrations
for vs. Holye Noe
whom god in the tyme
of the flud preserued for
hys Iustice sake, shall
praye for vs. Faythfull
Abraham, the whyche
stedefastly beleuyd God
and was imputyd vntohym for Iustice, shall
make supplications for
vs. Holy Isaac, beynge
obedient vnto his father
gaue vs whan he should
haue bene offerd vppe,
a figure of our lorde Iesu
Chryst, that was offerd
vp a sacrifice for the
saluation of the world,
shall make intercession
for vs. Happye Iacob,
the whych sawe the Angels
of god, commynge
to mete hym, shalbe a
mene vnto god for vs.
Ioseph the welbeloued
of hys father: whome
hys brethren dyd sell,
shall praye for vs. Holy
Moyses, with whome
god spake face to face,
shall make supplycatyons
for vs. Holye
Dauyd, whome O lord
thou haste chosen afterthy owne hart & mynd,
shall helpe vs. The prophete
Helias, whome yu
tokest and lyftidst vppe
in a fierye charette, shall
make obsecrations for
vs. The Prophette Heliseus,
whose bones by
the onelye touchynge of
the deade, haue reuiuyd
the deade, shall pray for
vs. Holy Esaias, whose
lyppes were clensyd wt
celestyall and heuenlye
fyre, shall praye for vs.
O Lorde, let Hieremye
whome thou hast sanctyfyed
in hys mothers
wombe, helpe and praye
for vs.
The holye Prophette
Ezechiell whyche sawe
the maruelous visyons
of GOD,
shall pray for vs. HolyeDaniell a man gretlye
belouyd, the which losid
and declared the kinges
dreames, and was deliuered
oute of the lake of
lions, shall praye for vs.
The three chyldren Sydracke,
Mysac, and Abdenago,
whych were deliuered
from the fyer,
shall succure and helpe
vs. We call vnto oure
helpe the twelue Prophetes,
Oseas, Iohell,
Amos, Abdias, Ionas.
Micheas, Nau~, Abacuc,
Sophonias, Aggeus,
Zacharias, & malachias
All the Apostels of oure
Lorde Iesu Chryst, Peter,
Paule, Andrewe,
Iames, Ihon, Thomas,
Iames, Philippe, Bartholome,
Mathewe, Simon,
Thadeus, Mathias,
and all the discyplesof lorde Iesu Christ, shal
assiste vs. All the Martyres
of Chryst, confessoures
and vyrgynes, &
all that are electe, shall
make intercessyon for
vs, that we maye ouercome
all the temptations
of our enemie.
Driue from vs O lorde
the co~cupiscence of glutteny,
& giue vs the vertue
of abstynence. Put
to flyte from vs, the spyrite
of fornication, and
inspire and pore into vs
the loue of chastitie.
Restrayne from vs cupiditie,
and geue vs voluntary
pouertie. Quenche
in vs irefulnes, & kyndle
in vs the mekenes of manners,
and the charitie of
god, and of oure neyghboure.
O lorde cutte of
fro~ vs, the heunes of theworlde, and increce in
vs spiritual ioye. Repel
from vs ye pryde of the
mynde, and geue vs the
compunctio~ of the hart.
Diminishe oure pryde &
make perfecte in vs true
humilitie, for we are
wretchyd, and vnlucky
men, who shall delyuer
vs, from the bodi of this
death, but thy grace? O
mercifull god, we are to
excedyng great synners,
and oure synnes are innumerable,
and we are
not worthy to be callyd
thy seruauntes. O lord
cause vs to wepe, mollify
oure harde and stonye
hartes, and kyndle the
fyre of thy loue in vs, the
which are but asshes of
death. O Lorde delyuer
our soules, from all the
deceytes of our enemie,& kepe vs in thi will, tech
vs to do thy wil, for yu art
our God, to ye be honor &
glorye thoroweoute all
worldes. So be it.
A Prayer vnto the holye vyrgyn Mary.
AL hayle vndefiledvyrgyn
mother of
the sonne of
God, elected and chosyn
aboue al other virgines,
the which euen from the
wombe of thy mother
Anne, a woman mooste
holy, hast bene of the holy
ghost so sanctified, illuminatyd,
and so gretlye
defended with the
grace of God almighty,
that vnto the conceptio~
of our lorde Ihesu christ
thy sonne, and whylestthou dyddest conceaue
hym, and vnto the tyme
of his byrth, and whilest
thou didest beare hym, &
continuallye after hys
byrth, thou continuedest
& remaynedste a vyrgin
of al other that be borne
most chast, most vncorrupt,
& of bodye & soule
all thy lyft, most immaculate
and vnbespottyd.
For truely thou hast far
passyd al other virgins,
how many soeuer haue
bene hetherto sence the
begynning of the world
or euer shalbe to the later
ende there of, in a sincere
conscience of an impolutyd
mynd. By these
thy moste excellent gifts
of heuenly grace, infudid
in the by god very singularly.
O vyrgyn & mother
Marye, aboue allother women and vyrgyns,
we pray the whiche
arte vnto vs miserable
mortall men a mercifull
patronesse, that yu
wylt vouchsafe to make
intercession to God the
father omnipotent, and
to his sonne Iesu christ,
borne certenlye as concerning
his diuinitie of
the father before al worldes,
and of the, concernyng
his humanite, and
to the holye ghoste, that
our synnes maye be forgeuen
vs, and that we,
the spottes of our sinnes
through thy intercessyon,
cleane wypyd oute,
may merite continually
to reioyce with the O
holy virgin, & to prayse
the in the kyngedome of
heuen, without ende.
So be it.
A Praier vnto god for the dede which haue no man that praieth for them.
HAue mercy,we beseche
O Lorde
god haue
mercy, for the precyous
death sake of thy onelye
sonne oure Lorde Iesu
Chryst, of those soules, yt
which haue no intercessors
that remembre the~,
or that doth put the in remembraunce
of them,
nor no consolation, nor
hope in there torments,
but onelye that they are
created and made lyke
vnto thy similitude and
Image. and markyd wt
the signacle of thy faith
the which other thrugh
the negligence of thosewhiche are alyue, or of
the slydynge course of
tyme are cleane forgotten
of theyr frendes, and
posteritie. Spare them
O lord, and defende thy
workemanship in them,
nor despise not the work
of thy handes, but putte
forthe thy hande vnto
them, and beynge delyuered
fro~ the tormente
of paynes, brynge them
through thy great mercies,
the whych are celebratyd
and estemyd aboue
all thy workes, to
the felowshyp of the heuenly
citezins, which liuest
and reigneste God,
thorowe all worldes.
So be it.