Sermo Johi~s Alcok
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Sermo Johi~s Alcok epi~ Elien~.
STC 285.5
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Ihesus clamabat: Qui habet aures audiendi audiat: Luc. viii.
THYSe Wordes ben wryten in thegospell of this daye / And thus to be
englysshyd Ih~u our sauyour made
a proclamaco~n with a hyghe & grete
voyce to the people that came to
here hym. sayeng Euery man whiche
hath eeres of heryng maye yf he be well disposyd
here what is sayde vnto hym Bede sayth yt
thyse wordes ben oft tymes repetyd bothe in ye gospelles
& in the appocalipsis / and hath in them grete
mysterye of ye pleasure of god almyghty. Saynt
Ierom in the chapytre vpon Ioh~n sheweth yt
all the sermons & prechynges that Cryste Ihesu
made. he sayd them cu~ magno clamore by ye whyche
he sertifyed the people that he prechyd vnto ye
grete zele & affecco~n that he had to the wele of ther
soules / and that they sholde be desyrous to here the
worde of god. by the whyche they sholde be delyuered
fro all mortalyte and be made by it filios dei p~
adopco~em Fyue proclamaco~ns specyally made
by Criste Ihesu. I note in hys holy gospelles. whiche
ben of that auctoryte. that who so euer wyll not
here them & indeuour hym to kepe them. shall neuer
come to euerlastynge Ioye / Wherfore frendes
geue better eere & take more hede to them. The
fyrst proclamaco~n I note in the gospell of this day
where he callyd the people yt came fro cytees. townes& borughes. and shewed to them a parable of
sede whiche was sowe in dyuers places not conuenyent
for the growynge therof. & perisshed / but that
whyche was sowe in good tylth & erth. multiplyed
& encresyd merueyllously to ye grete riches of hym
that sewe it. Criste Ih~u calleth this sede his worde
by. the whyche all thynge is made & multiplyed
& hath their beynge as it is wryten .i.q.i. Inter catholicam.
Oi~m reru~ recreacio et oi~m recreacio fuit
in verbo Psal.Uerbo dn~i celi firmati su~t.Et genes.
.i. Dixit & facta su~t. &. xxxiii. q.h.c. Quid ergo.
And ryght as sedes sowe bryngeth forth infinite
corne to the sustenau~ce of man. Ryght so ye worde
of god sowen in mannys soule bryngeth forthe
infenyte vertues as is notyd .i.q.i.c Interrogo vos
Man is the perfeccyon of the hole werke of god
He made heuen & creatures celestyall Inuysyble to
vs that be mortall creatures here in erth. And made
man & other creatures here in erthe terrestryall
but the perfecco~n of his werke is the coniuncco~n of
the soule whiche is celestyall. to the body that is terrestryall.
For ye whyche body all thynge that is made
here in erthe as tree. fruyte. beestis. foule & fysshe
and al other are create to fede and serue the body.
the body to serue the soule. and the soule oonly to
serue almyghty god / And therfore it is wryten. de
penitenciis. dist. i. recreat=9= Sicut ai~a est vita corporis.
ita deus est vita ai~e. And right as almyghty
god hathe purueyed for mete to the sustenaunce ofthe body. in lyke wyse he hath ordeynyd spirytuall
meete for the sustenau~ce of the soule. whyche is his
worde. as he sayth Math~ .iiii. / And wryten extra de
officio. or. c. Inter cetera. Non i~ solo pane viuit homo.
sed in oi~ verbo qd~ p~cedit de ore dei. By the
vertue of his blessyd worde. he hath ordenyd that ye
materyall brede whyche fedyth the body. shall be
transformyd in to his flesshe & blood. and in to be
most precious meete to fede ye soule of man. Therfore
Dauid sayth in the psalme. Afferte dn~o. Uox
dn~i in magnificencia. That is to be vnderstonde.
that the voys of the worde of our lorde hath ye vertue
of magnyficence. that is whan his seruaunt in
due fourme accordyng to his lawe ordened & sayth
the wordes vpon the materiall brede. there is that
magnyficence in the wordes that inco~tynenty. that
whyche was materiall brede is conuertid in to his
flesshe. & the materyall wyne in to his blood. Whyche
season the angelles in heuen in ye immolacyon
ben there present in mynistrynge & doynge sacryfyce
to theyr maker. as it is wryten de con~. dist. ii.
Quis fideliu~ And of this ye shold not gretly merueyle /
For a yonge mayden our lady saynt Mary
whan she sayde thyse .v. wordes Fiat michi scd~m
verbu~ tuu~ God & man were knytte togider in her
wombe And so verbu~ caro fct~m est In lyke wyse
whan ye preest sayth thise .v. wordes hoc est eni~ corpus
meum there is togyder in that materiall hoste
god & man. the same whyche was born of our lady& hangid vpon the crosse. that rose from deth to lyf
& ascendid to heuen. And is & shalbe Iudex viuorum
& mortuorum And all faythfull crysten men whyche
in true lyf & fayth ben fed wyth it viuu~t i~ eternu~
And so it is viatitu~ to streng the mannys soule to
come / ad monte~ oreb / to the presence of the trynyte.
De=9= fecit ex bonitate celu~ & terra~. ex co~passio~e redemit
gen=9= humanu~. ex p~missio~e misit in terra~ sp~m
scm~. et ex sua su~ma caritate quot die pascit nos ei=9=
corpe & langui~e vt ee~m=9= caro de carne eius et os de
ossibus. So frendes who so herith this proclamaco~n
thus made by the son~ of god. & callyd to ete of
this blessyd meete & wyll not he shall neuer come
to heuen. The seconde proclamaco~n that Cryste
made is wryten. Ioh~. vii. &. xxxiii. q. h. / tu~c saluabit~
Where he sayd. Si qis sitit vei~t ad me & bibet. Who
so euer lyst drynke lete hym come & drynke of my
drynke. & he shall neuer after be thursti / For ryght
as he callyd them before to ete of his brede. ryght
so now he callyth them to drynke of his drynke /
This drynke frendes is the blessyd blood & water
yt was lete out of Crystis syde when he hangid on
the crosse. clene blood of our redempco~n. & clere water
of our regeneraco~n And not / flegma / as the heretyke
sayth. as is declaryd / de Sunm~ tri & fi cath~
in cle / And of this blood & water that passid out of
Crystis syde all the sacramentes of the chyrche. in
whom all our saluaco~n & helth lyeth in. hath theyr
effect. as is notid in .c. Cu~ Martha. extra dece. missarum.And right as water wassheth and clenseth all
fylth. ryght so ye sacrament of Bapteme wassheth
ma~nys soule fro al maner sy~ne orygynal mortal &
venyall. & is callyd / Ianua sacramentorum / And this
sacrament hath his effecte by the worde of god. as
Dauid sayth in the psalme / Afferte / Uox dn~i sup~
aquas. de=9= maiestatis intonuit dn~s sup~ aquas multas
& rygt as whan Crist was baptizid. the fader
shewed his pleysure / in voce / the sone / in carne nr~a
& the holy ghost / in sp~e colu~be / And all the angelles
were there present at the reuerence of the instituco~n
of that sacrament. Ryght soo at this season at the
baptisyng of euery cristen creature. is the holy trinyte
present wyth angelles. And there is infusyd in ye
soule of yt crysten creature / tres virtutes theologice
Fides. spes & caritas / As is notyd in the sayde / clementine.
do Sunm~ tri & fi cath~ / So frendes who
so euer may be baptizyd in water and wyll not. he
shall not come in heuen. The thirde proclamaco~n
made by oure sauyour Cryste Ihu~s is wryten.
Ioh~ xi. & xiii q r c. Qui diuina. et de pe. dist. vi. c i.
Whan he reysed Lazar from deth to lyf crienge wt
a grete voys / Lazare vini foras / And incontynent
at the co~maundement of his worde. the soule that
was: in limbo / resortyd to the body and gaue it lyf:
Cryste sayeng to his discyples / Soluite eu~ et sinite
abire / Euery man beyng in deedly synne frendes.
is deed in ye syghte of god. And as Ancelme sayth.
a iiii
amonge all the people of the worlde is none moreodious: than is a traytour to the kyng / & all the peple
feereth to deale with him. And in lyke wyse he
that is in deedly synne. is odyous to alle creatures
for his Ingratytude & dysobeysance to almyghty
god. as is notyd. xxiii.q. iu. Ser. Yet lete noo man
dyspeyre. yf he woll come at the callynge of Criste
And yf he be in neuer so grete synne & wretchidnes
His worde is of that effecte & hathe grace & vertue
whyche taketh awaye all synne. and breketh ye yates
of hell & all the power therof / And therfor Dauid
sayth in ye psalme aboue rehercyd Uox dn~i co~fringenti
cedros / Thyse wordes ben the wordes of
our lorde. whan ye preest sayth those wordes Ego
absoluo te a peccatis tuis The highe trees of cedre
pryde.enuye. Ire. couetyse wyth all other capitall
synnes. are distroyed. & neuer shall appere to hurte
hym whyche is confessyd of theym / This proclamacyon
frendes is of that necessyte. yt who soo euer
maye ben confessyd to a preest in forma eccl~ie and
wyll not. he shall neuer come to heuen. The fourth
proclamacyon Cryste made whan he hangyd
vpon the crosse & made his prayer to his fader fro
all sy~ners yt wold bileue yt he was god & man. wha~
he sayde thyse wordes Dimitte eis qr nesciu~t quid
faciu~t. Luc. xxiii. & .xxv. q. k. S.i. / And this sygnyfieth
sacramentu~ extreme vncto~is by ye whiche
all venyall synnes are taken a waye. whyche shold
be ye impedymentes for entrynge in to euerlastynge
glory. This sacrament hath his effecte of ye wordeof almyghty god. as Dauid rehercyth in the sayd
psalme / Uox dn~i p~para~tis ceruos / For ryght as a
harte desyreth for his helpe ye water / ryght so mannys
soule hauynge this sacrament desyreth pryncipally
heuen / This sacrament is deprecatori & stondyth
in prayer ryght as Cryst prayed vpon ye crosse
So in ministraco~n of this sacrament ye preest anelyng
dyuers partes of mannys body besechyth almyghty
god. that what soo euer thys creature hath
offendyd in his hert. by his eyen his eeres. his hondes
& fete. or ony other part by the whyche he hath
displeysid hym. to forgeue hym vt extra de sacra
vncto~e. c. vnico And so. who so wol not receyue thys
sacrament & may. shall not come to the glory of heuen.
The fyfth proclamacyon shall be made by
co~maundement of Cryste Ih~u whyche is rex & po~tifex
at the daye of dome. as is red. Math~. xxv.
Media nocte clamor fact=9= e~ at whiche voys & crye
all mankynde. as well fideles as infideles shall rise
wt the same bodyes whiche they haue here now
and they shall be incorruptyble. And alle faythfull
crysten men whyche hath kepte Crystis proclamaco~s.
shall receyue euerlastynge Ioye by the sentence
of Criste Ih~u pontificis to whom oonly ye pronuncyaco~n
of the iugement is geuen Sayeng Uenite
bn~dicti patris mei p~cipite regnu~ qd~ paratu~ est
vobis ab origi~e pe. disc. huc i~stant
in gl'o / And so to receyue euerlastynge Ioye. & to be
confermyd in the same / This proclamaco~n & sentencerepresentyth the sacrament of Confirmaco~n
whiche must oonly be done by a bysshop as is wreten
i~.c. vnic~ de sacra vnce And in that dant~: gra~
& robur vt de r. disc. r. oe~s And though it be so
yt a man baptisyd dey are he be confermyd. he shal
haue euerlastynge Ioye / but not so plenarye as he
sholde haue yf he were confermyd. It is ordeynyd
by the chyrche. that a chylde confermyd. by the
space of thre dayes shall beer a shred or bende aboute
the necke. in token he is become the seruaunt of
thre persones & one god ye fader. the sone & the holy
ghost / And therfore Dauid spekyng of this sacrament.
callyth it the sacrament of grete vertue &
grace for the stable confyrmacyon therof sayenge /
Uox dn~i in virtute / And wo so euer maye receyue
this sacrament & woll not. he shall neuer entre ye
kyngdom of heuen. There ben other two sacramentes
institute by Cryste Ih~u. whyche ben put
in mannys wyll to receyue them or naye. And they
taken byndeth the takers to obserue them vnder ye
payne of theyr dampnaco~n / Whiche ben. the sacrament
of matrimony & ordre / Of the sacrament of
matrimony spekith Dauid in ye fore rehercid psalme
sayeng / Uox dn~i int~cede~t flamam ignis / The
flame of co~cupyscence of the flesshe in fornycacyon
whyche is dedly synne / By this sacrament of matrimony
yt mortalite of syne is tornyd in to venyall
in diuers casis vt .xxvi. dist. deinde & .xxxij. q. ii.
Sic~. Et qd~ ip~e de=9= e~ cust~ & defe~sor mat~m~. xxxii. q.& nemo i~ fi~e And the sacrament of ordre is ye seconde
whyche is put in mannys elecco~n. in the whyche
inprimit~ carecter indebilis et dat~ spc~alis gr~a
And he ordred specyally to be mynystre of al other
sacramentes / Of this ordre & power therof spekith
Dauyd in ye aboue sayd psalme sayeng / Uox
dn~i co~mouenti desertu~ / whyche deserte this wolde
is callyd. And his offyce is. mankynde lyuynge in
it to informe & meue with his good example of lyuyng
& holy doctryne increpando. argue~do. exhortando
et 2minando And they ben ordred to loue
god pryncypally as is notyd. h. q. iii. / Qui ep~s /