primer, or, Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary
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The Primer, or, Office of the blessed Virgin Mary. According to the Reformed Latin; And With like graces Priviledged.
Wing P3465
The original format is sexto.
The original contains new paragraphas are introduced by indentation and large initials,contains elements such as italics,contains wiith fol. + Arabian numbers,
A preparatory prayer before Sacramental confession.
O Maker of Heaven and Earth, King ofKings, and Lord of Lords, who hast made
me of nothing unto thy Image, and similitude,and hast redeemed me with thy own precious
blood, whom I a sinner am not worthy to
name, nor call upon, nor yet to think of in
heart, I meekly beseech thee, and humbly
pray thee, that thou wouldst respect with clemency
me thy wicked servant: and have mercy
upon me, which tookest pity upon the
woman of Canaan, and Mary Magdalen; who
sparedst the Publican, and the thief hanging
on the Cross. To thee I confesse, O most loving
Father, my sins, which, O Lord, if I will
I cannot hide from thee. Spare me, O Christ,
whom I have lately much offended in thinking,
speaking, and doing, and in all means, in
which I a frail man and a sinner might offend;
through my default, through my default,
through my most grievous default. Therefore,
O Lord, I beseech thy clemency, which camest
down from heaven for my salvation; which
liftedst up David from the fall of sin, spare me
O Lord, spare me, O Christ, which sparedst
Peter denying thee. Thou art my Creator,
and my Redeemer, my Lord, and my Saviour,
my King and my God. Thou art my hope and
my trust, my stay and my help, my consolation
and my fortitude, my defence and my deliverance,
my life, my salvation, and my resurrection,
my light and my desire, my aid and
my patronage: I beseech and pray thee help
me, and I shall be safe: govern me, and defend
me, comfort and consolate me, confirm and
glad me, enlighten me, and visit me, raise me
being dead, because I am thy Creature and
work. O Lord, despise me not, for that I am
thy servant and vassal, and although evil, althoughunworthy and a sinner, yet such as
I am, whether good or evil, alwayes I am
thine. Unto whom shall I flye, except I go to
thee? If thou cast me off, who will receive
me? If thou despise me, who will behold me?
Reacknowledge me therefore though unworthy
returning unto thee, though I be vile and
unclean. For if I am vile and unclean, thou
canst cleanse me; if I be blind, thou canst enlight
me; if I be feeble, thou canst heal
me; if I be dead and buried, thou canst revive
me, because thy mercy is greater then my
iniquity: greater is thy piety, then my impiety;
more thou canst pardon, then I commit; and
more thou canst forgive, then I a sinner offend.
Therefore, O Lord, despise me not, nor
yet take heed unto the multitude of my iniquities;
but according to the multitude of thy
comiserations have mercy on me, and be pitiful
to me a most great sinner. Say to my soul
I am thy salvation: Who saidst, I will not
the death of a sinner, but rather that he be
converted and live, turn me, O Lord, unto
thee, and do not extend thine ire against me.
I beseech thee, O most clement father, for thy
mercy I bow down and earnestly pray thee,
that thou direct me unto a good end, and unto
true penance, pure confession, and worthy
satisfaction of all my sins. Amen.
A prayer before Sacramental confession.
REceive my confession, O most benign andmost clement Lord Jesus Christ, the only
hope of the salvation of my soul, and give unto
me I beseech thee contrition of heart, andtears to mine eyes, that I may bewail dayes and
nights all my negligences with humility and
purity of heart. Let my prayer, O Lord, approach
neer in thy sight. If thou shalt be angry
against me, what helper may I seek? who
will have mercy upon mine iniquities? remember
me, O Lord, who didst call the woman of
Canaan and the Publican to repentance, and
didst receive Peter weeping. O Lord my
God, accept my prayers; O good Jesus, Saviour
of the world, which gavest thy self to
the death of the Cross, that thou mightest save
sinners, regard me a wretched sinner, calling
upon thy name; and take not heed so to my
wickedness, that thou forget thy goodness.
And if I have committed ought whereby thou
maiest condemn me, yet thou hast not lost
that whereby thou art wont to save. Spare me
therefore, O Lord, which art my Saviour, and
take mercy on my sinful soul. Lose the bands
thereof, heal the wounds, O Lord Jesus, I desire
thee, I seek thee, I will thee, shew me thy
face, and I shall be safe. Send forth therefore,
O most loving Lord, through the merits of the
most pure and immaculate ever Virgin Mary
thy Mother, and thy Saints, thy light, and thy
truth into my soul, which may shew unto me
truly all my defects, which it behoveth me to
confesse, and which may help and teach me to
expresse them fully and with a contrite heart,
who livest and raignest.
A Prayer after confession.
J Beseech thee, O Lord, let this my confessionbe graceful and acceptable to thee, by
the merits of blessed Mary thy Mother ever aVirgin, and of all Saints; and whatsoever hath
now been wanting unto me, and at other
times, of the sufficiency of contrition, of the
purity and integrity of confession, let thy piety
and mercy supply, and according to the same
vouchsafe to account me more fully and perfectly
absolved in heaven; who livest.
A Prayer before receiving the B. Sacrament.
O Most benign Lord Jesus Christ, I a sinnerpresuming nothing on mine own merits,
but trusting on thy mercy and goodness,
do fear and tremble to have accesse unto the
table of thy most sweet banquet: for I have a
heart and body spotted with many crimes; a
mind and tongue not warily guarded. Therefore,
O benigne Deity, O dreadful Majesty, I a
wretch holden in these streights, have recourse
unto thee the fountain of mercy, I hasten to
thee to be healed; I flye under thy protection;
and he whom I cannot endure a judge, I
hope to have a Saviour. To thee, O Lord, I
shew my wounds; to thee I discover my
shame. I know my sins to be many and great,
for which I fear. I trust in thy mercies, which
are without number. Look down upon me
with the eyes of thy mercy, O Lord Jesus
Christ, eternal King, God and man, crucified
for man. Hear me graciously hoping in thee,
have mercy upon me full of wretchedness and
sins, thou that wilt never restrain the fountain
of thy pity to flow. All hail healthful sacrifice,
offered upon the tree of the Crosse for
me, and all mankinde. All hail, O noble and
precious blood, gushing out of the wounds ofmy Lord Jesus Christ crucified, and washing
away the sins of the whole world. Remember,
O Lord, thy creature, which thou hast redeemed
with thy blood; it repenteth me that I
have sinned, I desire to amend that which I
have done. Take away then from me, O most
clement father, all mine iniquities, and offences,
that purified in mind and body, I may deserve
worthily to taste the holies of holies; and
grant that this holy tasting of thy body and
blood, which I unworthy intend to receive,
may be remission of my sins, perfect purgation
of my crimes, driving away of filthy cogitations,
and a re-engendring of good thoughts, and
also wholesome efficacy of works pleasing to
thee, and withal a most firm protection of
soul and body against the wiles of my enemies.
Another prayer of S. Thomas Aquine before receiving the B. Sacrament.
ALmighty and eternal God, behold I cometo the Sacrament of thy only begotten
Son, our Lord Jes. Christ. I repair as one being
sick unto the Physitian of life, even as one unclean
unto the fountain of mercy, as one blind
to the light of perpetual brightness, as one
poor and needy to the Lord of heaven and
earth. I beseech therefore the abundance of
thy infinite bounty, that thou wouldst vouchsafe
to cure my infirmity, to wash my filth, to
lighten my blindness, to enrich my poverty,
to cloath my nakedness; that I may receive
thee the bread of Angels, King of Kings, Lord
of Lords, with so great reverence and humility,with so great contrition and devotion, with so
great purity and faith, with such purpose and
intent as is expedient for the health of my
soul, grant me, I beseech thee, not only to receive
the Sacrament of our Lords body and
blood, but also the thing and vertue thereof; O
God most meek, grant me so to take the body
of thy only begotten Son our Lord Jesus
Christ, which he took of the Virgin Mary, that
I may deserve to be incorporated to his mystical
body, and accounted among the members
thereof. O most loving father, grant me for
ever with open face to behold thy beloved
Son, whom now covered in this wayfare, I
intend to receive; who together with thee,
A prayer after receiving the B. Sacrament, by S. Thomas of Aquine.
I Give thee thanks, O holy Lord, Father Almighty,Eternal God, which hast vouchsafed
to replenish me a sinner thy unworthy
servant, through no merits of mine, but by the
only vouchsafing of thy mercy with the precious
body and blood of thy Son our Lord Jesus
Christ; and I beseech thee, that this holy
receiving may not be to me as a guilt unto punishment,
but as a wholesome intercession unto
pardon. Let it be to me an armour of faith,
and a shield of good will. Let it be a riddance
of all my vices, a driver out of concupiscence
and lust, an increase of charity, patience, humility,
and obedience: a firm defence against
the wyles of all enemies as well visible as invisible,a perfect quieting of my motions as
well carnal as spiritual, a firm cleaving unto
thee one and true God, and a happy consummation
of my end; and I beseech thee that
thou wilt vouchsafe to bring me a sinner unto
that unspeakable feast, where thou with thy
Son, and the holy Ghost, art a true light to
thy Saints, a compleat fulness, an everlasting
gladness, an absolute joy, and a perfect felicity:
through Christ our Lord.
Another prayer after receiving the B. Sacrament, by S. Bonaventure.
PIerce through, O sweet Lord Jesus, themarrow and bowels of my soul with the
most sweet and most wholsome wound of thy
love, with thy true, clear, and Apostolique
most holy charity, that my soul may languish
and melt ever by the only love and desire of
thee, let it covet thee, and have a longing desire
after thy courts, let it desire to be dissolved,
and to be with thee. Grant that my soul
may hunger after thee, the bread of Angels,
the food of holy souls, our daily supersubstantial
bread, having all sweetness and savour, and
all delight of well smelling: let my heart alwayes
hunger and eat thee, on whom the Angels
desire to look, and let the bowels of my
soul be replenished with the sweetness of thy
taste; let alwayes thirst after thee, the fountain
of life, the fountain of wisdom and knowledge,
the fountain of eternal light, the river
of pleasure, the plentifulnes of the house of
God; let it alwayes earnestly covet thee, seekthee, and find thee; let it tend to thee, come
unto thee, think upon thee, speak of thee, and
work all things unto the laud and glory of thy
name, with humility and discretion, with love
and delight, with facility and affection, with
perseverance unto the end; and thou alone
be alwayes my hope, my whole confidence,
my riches, my delight, my pleasantness, my
gladness, my rest and tranquility, my peace,
my well-smelling, my odor, my sweetness, my
meat, my food, my refuge, my help, my wisdom,
my portion, my possession, my treasure,
in the which my mind and heart is alwayes
fixed and firm, and immoveably rooted. Amen.
Another prayer after receiving the blessed Sacrament.
O Lord Jesus Christ, I humbly beseech thyunspeakable mercy, that this Sacrament
of thy body and blood, which I unworthy
have received, may be to me a purging of offences,
a fortitude against frailties, a fortresse against
the perils of the world, an obtaining of
pardon, a stablishment of grace, a medicine of
life, a memory of thy passion, a nourishment
against weakness, costage of my pilgrimage.
Let it guide me going, reduce me wandring,
receive me returning again, uphold me stumbling,
lift me up falling, and persevering bring
me into glory. O highest God, let the most
blessed presence of thy body and blood so alter
the taste of my heart, that besides thee at
any time it feel no sweetness, it love no fairness,it seek no unlawful love, it desire no
consolation, it admit no delectation at any
time, it care for no honour, it fear no cruelty;
who livest and raignest God, with God the
Father, in the unity of the holy Ghost, world
without end, Amen.
Sundry Prayers or Meditations of the Passion of our Lord.
A prayer of the particular Articles of the Passion.
O God, which for the redemption of theworld wouldst be born, circumcised, reproached
of the Jews, betraied of Judas the
traitor by a kiss, tyed in bands as an innocent
lamb led unto sacrifice, and in the sight of Anas,
Caiphas, Pilate, and Herod, unseemly
presented, accused by false witnesses, tormented
by whipping and upbraidings, defiled
with thorns, buffeted, smitten with a reed,
covered on the face, stripped of cloaths, fastened
to the crosse with nailes, lifted up on the
crosse, reputed among theeves, given to drink
gall and vinegar, and wounded with a spear;
thou, O Lord, by these most holy pains, which
I am unworthy sinner do reverently remember,
and by thy holy cross and death deliver
me from the pains of hell, and vouchsafe to
bring me where thou broughtest the thief
with thee crucified, who with the Father and
holy Ghost livest and raignest, world without
end. Amen.
Another Prayer.
O Lord Jesus Christ in whose power allthings are put, and there is none that may
resist thy will, who vouchsafedst to be born,
to dye, and to rise again; by the mystery of
thy most sacred body, and by thy five wounds,
and by the effusion of thy most precious
blood, have mercy on us, even as thou knowst
it to be necessary for our souls and bodies, deliver
us from the temptation of the devil, and
from all things in which thou knowest us to
be distressed, and keep and strengthen us to
the end in thy service, and give unto us true
amendment, space of right repentance, and
forgiveness of all our sins after death: make us
brethren, sisters, friends and enemies, one to
love an other, and with all Saints to rejoyce
without end in thy kingdom; who livest and
raignest God, with God the Father, and the
holy Ghost, world without end, Amen.
A prayer unto the wounds of Christ.
J Beseech thee, O Lord Jesus by those thyhealth-bringing wounds, which thou sufferedst
upon the cross for our salvation, out of
the which flowed that precious blood, wherewith
we are redeemed; wound this my sinful
soul, for which thou also vouchsafedst to dye,
wound it with the fiery & most forcible weapon
of thy abundant charity; pearce my heart
with the dart of thy love, that my soul may
say to thee, I am wounded with thy charity:
in such sort that from the same wound of thylove most abundant tears may flow from me
day and night. Strike, O Lord, strike I beseech
thee this my most hard heart with the
holy and forcible prick of thy love, and pierce
it more deeply into the inner parts with thy
mighty force; who livest and raignest, world
without end. Amen.
Of the seven words which Christ spake hanging on the crosse. A prayer.
O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the living God,which hanging upon the crosse, saidst,
Father forgive them, for they know not what
they do: grant, that I for the love of thee may
pardon all that do me harm. And thou which
saidst unto the thief, This day thou shalt be
with me in Paradise; grant me so to live, that
in the hour of my death thou maiest say to me,
This day shalt thou be with me in Paradise.
And thou which saidst unto thy mother, O
woman behold thy Son: and forthwith to the
disciple, Behold thy mother; grant that thy
love, and thy true charity may associate me unto
thy mother. And thou which saidst, Ely,
Ely, lamasabacthani
, that is to say, My God,my God, why hast thou forsaken me? grant
me to say in all my tribulation, and anguish,
My Father, my Lord, have mercy on me a sinner,
and help me my King, and my God, which
didst redeem me with thy precious blood.
And thou which saidst, I thirst, grant that I
may alwayes thirst after thee the fountain of
living water. And thou which saidst, Father
into thy hands I commend my Spirit, receive
me returning unto thee. And thou which
saidst, It is ended, grant that I may deserve to
hear that most sweet voice of thine, to wit,
Come my lover, my dear, my spouse, come that
thou maiest ascend with me, my Angels, and
Saints to banquet in my kingdom, to be made
merry, and to dwell with me, world without
end. Amen.
A prayer to the blessed Virgin Mary.
J Beseech thee, O holy Lady Mary, Mother ofGod, most full of pity, the daughter of the
highest King, Mother most glorious, Mother
of orphans, the consolation of the desolate, theway of them that go astray, the safety of all
that trust in thee, a Virgin before child-bearing,
a Virgin in child-bearing, and a Virgin after
child-bearing; the fountain of mercy, the
fountain of health and grace, the fountain of
consolation and pardon, the fountain of piety
and gladness, the fountain of life and forgiveness.
By that holy unspeakable gladness, by
the which thy spirit did rejoyce in that hour
wherein the Son of God was unto thee by
the Angel Gabriel declared and conceived;
And by that holy unspeakable humility, in
which thou didst answer the Arch-angel Gabriel,
behold the handmaid of our Lord, be
it unto me according unto thy word; and by
that divine mystery, which the holy Ghost as
then did work in thee, and by that unspeakable
grace, pity, mercy, love and humility, by
the which thy Son our Lord Jesus Christ came
down to take human flesh in thy most venerable
womb: and by the most glorious joyes
which thou hadst of thy Son our Lord Jesus
Christ; and by that holy and most great compassion,
and most bitter grief of thy heart,
which thou hadst when as thou didst behold
thy Son our Lord Jesu Christ made naked
before the cross, and lifted up upon the same,
hanging, crucified, wounded, thirsting, and
the most bitter drink of gall and vineger put
unto his mouth. Thou heardest him cry Ely,
and didst see him dye. And by these five
wounds of the same thy Son, and by the sore
shrinking together of thy inward parts, through
the extream grief of his wounds, and by the
sorrow which thou hadst when thou didst beholdhim wounded; And by the fountains of
his blood, and by all his passion, and sorrow
of thy heart, and by the fountains of thy tears,
that thou wouldest come with all the Saints
and elect of God, and hastem unto my help,
and my counsel in all my prayers, and petitions,
in all my distresses and necessities. As also
in all those things wherein I am to do any
thing, speak or think, all the dayes and nights,
hours and moments of my life. And obtain
for me thy servant of thy beloved Son our Lord
Jesus Christ the accomplishment of all vertues,
with all mercy and consolation, all counsel
and aid, all benediction and sanctification, all
salvation, peace and prosperity, all joy and
gladness; also abundance of all spiritual good
things, and sufficiency of corporal, and grace
of the holy Ghost, which may well dispose me
in all things, and may guard my soul, govern
and protect my body, stir up my mind, order
my manners, approve my acts, suggest holy
cogitations, pardon my evils past, amend
things present, and moderate things to come;
bestow on me honest and chaste life, grant me
faith, hope, and charity; make me firmly to
believe the articles of the faith, and to observe
the precepts of the Law: rule and protect the
senses of my body, and evermore deliver me
from mortal sins, and defend me to my lives
end, that he may graciously and meekly hear
and receive this prayer, and give me life everlasting.
Hear and make intercession for me,
most sweet Virgin Mary Mother of God and
mercy. Amen.
Another prayer to the said Virgin, and withal unto Saint John the Evangelist.
O Untouched and for ever blessed, singularand incomparable Virgin Mary, Mother
of God, most grateful Temple of God, the sacrifice
of the holy Ghost, the gate of thy Kingdom
of heaven, by whom next unto God the
whole world liveth, incline, O Mother of mercy,
the eares of thy pity unto my unworthy
supplications, and be pityful to me a most
wretched sinner, and be unto me a merciful
helper in all things. O most blessed John, the
familiar and friend of Christ, which of the same
Lord Jesus Christ was chosen a Virgin, and
among the rest more beloved, above all instructed
in the heavenly mysteries, for thou wast
made a most worthy Apostle and Evangelist;
thee also I call upon, with Mary, Mother of the
same Lord Jesus Christ our Saviour, that thou
wouldst vouchsafe to afford me thy aid with
hers. O ye two celestial jewels, Mary and John.
O ye two lights divinely shining before God,
chase away by your bright beams the clouds
of my offences, For you are those two in
whom the only begotten Son of God, for the
merit of most sincere virginity, hanging upon
the crosse confirmed the priviledge of his love;
saying thus to the one of you, Woman, behold
thy son: and then unto the other, Behold thy
mother. In the sweetness therefore of this
most sacred love, through which by our Lords
own mouth as mother and son you were
joyned in one, I a most wretched sinner
recommend this day to you both my body andsoul; that all hours and moments, inwardly
& outwardly, you would vouchsafe to be unto
me firm guardians, and before God devout intercessors;
ask earnestly for me I beseech you,
health of body and soul. Procure I beseech
you, procure by your glorious prayers, that the
pure spirit, the best giver of graces, may vouchsafe
to visit my heart and dwell therein, which
may throughly purge me from all filth of vice,
lighten and adorn me with sacred vertues,
cause me perfectly to stand and persever in the
love of God and my neighbour, and after the
course of this life the most benigne comforter
may bring me to the joyes of his elect, who
with God the Father and the Son liveth and
raigneth world without end. Amen.
A prayer.
WE beseech thee, O Lord Jesus Christ,that the blessed Virgin Mary thy mother
may be a mean for us with thy clemence,
now and at the hour of our death; through
whose most sacred soul at the hour of thy passion
a sword of sorrow did pass; through thee,
O Jesus Christ Saviour of the world, who
with the Father, and holy Ghost, livest and
raignest world without end. Amen.
Another prayer unto the Virgin.
O Mary Mother of God and gracious Virgin,the true comforter of all desolate persons
crying to thee, by that great joy whereby
thou tookest comfort when thou didst know
our Lord Jesus impassibly to have risen from
death the third day, be a comfortress to my
soul; and vouchsafe to help me with the same
thy and Gods only begotten son, in that last
day when I shal rise again with body and soul,
and shall yield account of all my voyages, to
the end that I may be able by thee, O pitiful
Mother and Virgin, to avoid the sentence of
perpetual damnation, and happily come to eternal
joyes with all the elect of God. Amen.
A prayer of S. Gregorie the Pope, which is in the end of the exposition of the seven penitential Psalmes.
O Good Jesus the word of the Father, thebrightness of fatherly glory whom Angels
desire to behold; teach me to do thy will,
that guided by thy good spirit, I may come
unto that blessed city, where there is everlasting
day, and of all one spirit; where there
is certain security, and secure eternity, and
eternal tranquillity, and quiet felicity, andhappy sweetness, and sweet pleasantness;
where thou with the Father, and the holy
Ghost, livest and raignest world without end.
A prayer unto Jesus.
O Good Jesus, O most benigne Jesus, Osweetest Jesus, O Jesus the Son of the
Virgin Mary, full of mercy and pity; O sweet
Jesus according to thy great mercy, have mercy
upon me. O most clement Jesus, I humbly
beseech thee by that precious blood which
thou would shed for sinners, that thou wash
away all my iniquities, and respect me wretched
and unworthy, humbly craving pardon and
calling on this holy name Jesus. O name of
Jesus, sweet name, O name of Jesus, name delectabilis ,
O name of Jesus, name comfortable;
for what is Jesus but a Saviour? Therefore
Jesus for thy holy name, be to me a Jesus,
and save me: suffer me not to be damned,
whom thou hast created of nothing. O good
Jesus, let not my iniquity be my destruction,
whom thy almighty goodness hath made. O
sweet Jesus acknowledge that which is thine,
and wipe away that which is strange to thee.
O most benigne Jesu, have mercy on me,
while time is to take mercy; condemn me
not in the time of judgment. For what utility
may be in my blood while I shall descend
into eternal corruption? The dead, O Lord
Jesus, shall not praise thee, neither all they
that go down into hell. O most loving Jesus,
O Jesus most desired, O meekest Jesus, O Jesus,Jesus, Jesus, let me enter into the number
of thy elect. O Jesus the salvation of those
that believe in thee: O Jesus the comfort of
such as flye to thee. O Jesus the sweet remission
of all sins. O Jesus, the Son of the Virgin
Mary, powr into me grace, wisdom, charity,
chastity, and humility, that I may perfectly
love thee, laud thee, enjoy thee, serve thee, and
glory in thee, and all which call on thy name,
which is Jesus. Amen.
A prayer of S. Thomas of Aquine.
GRant unto me, O merciful God, ardentlyto desire such things as are pleasing to
thee, prudently to search them, truly to acknowledg,
perfectly to accomplish them unto
the praise and glory of thy name. Order my
state, and whatsoever thou requirest that I
shall do, grant me to know it. And give me
to execute it as behoveth, and is expedient
for me soul: grant me, oh Lord my God, that
I fail not betwixt prosperity and adversity;
that in the former I be not to much puffed up,
nor in the later to much depressed, that I joy
or sorrow of nothing but that which leadeth
unto thee, or leadeth away from thee. That I
covet to please none, or fear to displease any,
but thee. Let all transitory things, oh Lord,
become vile unto me, and let all things that
are thine be dear unto me for thy sake, and
thou, oh God, above all. Let that joy be
wearisome to me, which is without thee; and
let me not desire any thing that is out of thee.
Let that labour delight me, O Lord, which isfor thee; and let all ease be tedious to me,
which is without thee. Grant me, O Lord, often
aptly to direct my heart, and in my fainting
by sorrowing to bethink me with purpose
of amendment: make me, O Lord God, obedient
without contradiction, poor without
quailing, chaste without corruption, patient
without murmuration, humble without faining,
merry without dissolution, sad without
dejection, ripe without unpleasantness, quick
without lightness, fearful without desperation,
true without doubleness, working good
things without presumption, to correct my
neighbour without highness of mind, and to
edifie him in word and example without dissimulation.
Give me, O Lord God, a watchful
heart, that no curious cogitation may lead
me away from thee. Give me a noble heart,
that no unworthy affection draw me downward.
Give an upright heart, which no sinister
intention may draw down away. Give
me an invincible heart, which no tribulation
may overcome. Give me a free heart, which
no perverse and violent affection may make
chalenge unto. Grant me, O Lord my God,
an understanding knowing thee, a diligence
seeking thee, a wisdom that may find thee
out, a conversation pleasing thee, a perseverance
faithfully expecting thee, and a confidence finally
imbracing thee; to be pierced with thy
pains through penance; to use thy benefits in
this wayfar by grace, and at the length by glory
to enjoy thy joyes in thy country, who
with, &c.
Another prayer of S.Thomas of Aquine, before study.
O Unspeakable Creator, which forth of thetreasure of thy wisdom hast pointed out
three hierarchies of Angels, and placed them
by a wonderful order above the fiery heaven,
and hast most seemly distributed the parts of
the world: thou, I say, which art called the
true fountain of light and wisdom, and the
highest beginning, vouchsafe to power upon
the darkness of my understanding in the
which I was born; the double beam of thy
brightness removing from me darkness, that
is to say, sin and ignorance. Thou which
makest eloquent the tongues of them that
want uttrance instruct my tongue, and power
into my lips the grace of thy blessing. Give
me quickness of understanding, capacity of retaining,
subtility of interpreting, facility of
learning, and copious grace of speaking: guide
my going in, direct my going forward, and accomplish
my going forth; through Christ our
Lord. Amen.
A Prayer in affliction.
O Most sweet Lord Jesus Christ, the trueGod, who from the bosome of the highest
almighty father was sent into the world to release
sins, to redeem the afflicted, to deliver
the imprisoned, to gather together the dispersed,
to reduce strangers into theis country, to
have mercy on the contrite in heart, to comfort
the sorrowful and mourning: vouchsafe,O Lord Jesus Christ to absolve, and deliver me
thy servant out of the affliction and tribulation
in which I am put; and thou, O Lord, which
from God the Father almighty hast received
mankind in as much as he is a man, into thy
heart; and hast of thy pity by thy cruel passion,
after a wonderful manner purchased Paradise
unto us with thy precious blood, and hast
made peace between the Angels and men:
thou, O Lord Jesus Christ, vouchsafe to establish,
and confirm concord and peace between
me and my enemies, and to shew thy grace
upon me; and to power upon me thy mercy,
and vouchsafe to extinguish and mittigate all
hatred and anger of my enemies, which they
have against me; as thou tookest away the anger
and hatred of Esau, which he had against
his brother Jacob; even so, O Lord Jesus
Christ, vouchsafe to stretch over me thy servant
thy arm and thy grace, and to deliver
me from all that hate me. And thou, O Lord
Jesus Christ, as thou didst deliver Abraham
from the hands of the Chaldees, and his son
Isaac from being offered in sacrifice with the
ram, and Jacob from the hand of Esau his brother,
and Joseph from the hands of his brethren,
Noe by the Ark from the floud, and
Lot from the city of Sodom, and thy servants
Moses and Aaron, and the people of Israel
from the hand of Pharaoh, and from the bondage
of Egypt, King David from the hand of
Saul, and Goliah the Gyant; Susanna from fals
crime and testimony; Judith from the hand
of Holofernes; Daniel from the den of Lions;
the three children Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego,from the furnace of burning fire; Jonas
from the Whales belly; and the daughter
of the woman of Canaan, which was tormented
by the devil; and Adam from the deep
pit of hell, by thy most precious blood; and
Peter from the sea; and Paul from his bands:
even so, O most sweet Lord Jesus Christ son
of the living God, vouchsafe to deliver me thy
servant from all my enemies, and to come
speedly to my help, by thy holy benefits, by
thy holy incarnation, which thou tookest as
man of the Virgin Mary, by thy holy nativity,
by thy hunger, by thy thirst, by thy cold, by
thy heats, by thy labours and afflictions, by
thy spittings and buffets, by thy whips, by the
nailes, by the lance, by the thorny crown, by
the drinking of gall and vineger, by the most
cruel death of the cross, by the seven words
which hanging on the cross thou spakest; to
wit, to God the Father almighty: forgive them
for they know not what they do. Thou saidst
O Lord, to the thief hanging on the cross, Amen,
Amen, I say unto thee, this day thou
shalt be with me in Paradise. Thou saidst, oh
Lord, unto thy Father, Ely, Ely, lamasabacthani ,
which is interpreted, my God, my God,
why hast thou forsaken me? Thou saidst, O
Lord, unto thy mother, woman behold thy
Son; then unto the disciple, behold thy mother:
shewing thy self to have care of thy
friends. Thou saidst, O Lord, I thirst, to wit,
the salvation of holy souls which were in
limbo, and in desiring ours. Thou saidst, O
Lord, to thy father, into thy hands I commend
my spirit. Thou saidst, O Lord, it is finished,signifying thy labours and sorrows
now to be ended, which thou tookest upon
thee for us sinners. For these therefore I beseech
thee, O Lord Jesus Christ my redeemer,
that thou keep me thy servant from the malignant
enemy, and from all danger here in
this present world, and in that to come. Defend
me by thy descending into hel, by thy
holy resurrection, and the often comforting
thy disciples by thy admirable ascension, by
the coming of the holy Ghost the comforter,
by the day of fearful jugdment, by all these
hear me, O Lord. And by all thy benefits,
and also for all thy benefits bestowed on me
thy servant; for that thou hast made me of
nothing, thou hast produced me and perfectly
guided me unto thy holy faith, and hast foreshielded
me against the temptations of the devil,
promising eternal life. For these and all
other, which eye hath not seen, nor ear heard,
nor hath ascended in the heart of man: I beseech
thee, O sweetest Lord Jesus Christ, that
thou wouldst vouchsafe to deliver me thy servant
now and ever, from all perils of body and
soul, for thy pity and mercy sake. And after
the course of this life, vouchsafe to bring me
unto thee the living and true God, who livest
and raignest world without end. Amen.
A Prayer.
O God, which despisest not the wailing ofthe contrite, nor contemnest the plight of
them that mourn, attend unto the prayers
which we power out unto thee in our tribulation,
and clemently hear them; that whatsoever
divelish or humane contrarieties do
work against us, it may be brought to nothing,
and dashed by the advise of thy piety;
so as being hurt by no adversities, but delivered
from all tribulation and distress, we
may yield thanks to thee in thy Church. Forgive,
O Lord, our sins, and bestow on us thy
mercy, which we pray that thou respect our
humility, dissolve our bonds, blot out our offences,
behold our tribulation, repel our adversity:
and granting the effect of our petition,
thou maiest graciously hear thy suppliants;
through our Lord.
O God, which dost purifie thy Church by
the yearly observation of the time of Lent;
grant unto thy family that what it goeth about
to obtain of thee by abstinence, it may execute
the same by good works; through our
THE ANTIPHONAES VERSES and PRAYERS. Of the principal Feasts of the whole year.
The Antiphona on the nativity of our Lord.
THis day Christ was born; this day our Saviourdid appear; this day the Angels
sing in earth, the Arch-angels are glad; this
day the just rejoyce, saying, Glory be to God
on high, Alleluja,
V. Our Lord hath made known, Alleluja.
R. His salvation, Alleluja.
The prayer.
GRant we beseech thee, O almighty God,that the new nativity by flesh of thy only
begotten may set us free, whom the old bondage
doth keep under the yoke of sin; through
the same Lord. In the unity of the holy Ghost.
The Antiphona on the feast of S. Stephen the first Martyr.
DEvout men buried Stephen, and madegreat lamentation over him. V. Stephen
did see the heavens open.
R. He did see and
entred in: blessed is the man to whom the
heavens shall lye open.
The prayer.
GRant us we beseech thee, O Lord, to immitatethat which we reverence, that we
may learn also to love our enemies; for that
we solemnize his birth day which knew how
to pray, even for his persecutors, to our Lord Jesus
Christ thy son, who with, &c.
The Antiphona on the feast of S. John the Apostle and Evangelist.
This is that John, which at supper did leanupon the brest of our Lord: blessed is that Apostle,
to whom are revealed the celestial secrets.
V. Greatly is blessed John to be honored.
R. Who at supper leaned upon the brest
of our Lord.
The prayer.
O Lord, that art benign, glorifie thy church,that it being lightened by the doctrine of
blessed John the Apostle and Evangelist, may
attain to eternal rewards; through our Lord.
The Anna. On the Epiphany of our Lord.
We celebrate this holy day adorned withthree miracles: this day the star did conduct
the sages unto the crip: this day at the marriage
wine was made of water: this day Christ
would be baptized of John in Jordan, that he
might save us, alleluja.
V. The Kings of Tharsus and the Isles shall
offer gifts.
R. The kings of Arabians and Saba
shall bring presents.
The prayer.
O God, which upon this day didst revealthy only begotten son to the Gentils, a
Star being their guide; grant mercifully, that
we which now by faith have known thee,may finally be brought to behold the countenance
of thy highness; through the same our
The Antiphona on the first Sunday in Lent.
Behold now the acceptable time; beholdnow the day of health: let us therefore on
these dayes yield our selves as the servants of
God, in much patience, in fasting, in watching,
and in unfained charity.
V. God hath given his Angels charge over
R. That they keep thee in all thy wayes.
A Prayer.
O God, which dost purifie thy Church bythe yearly observation of the time of Lent;
grant unto thy family that what it goeth about
to obtain of thee by abstinence, it may execute
the same by good works; through our
The Antiphona on Palm-Sunday.
It is indeed written, I will smite the Shepherd,and the sheep of the flock shall be dispersed:
but after I shall rise again, I will go
before you into Galilee, there shall you see
me, saith our Lord.
V. Deliver me, O Lord, from the evil man.
R. And from the wicked man set me free.
The prayer.
O Almighty eternal God, which for exampleof humility for mankind to follow,
caused our Saviour to take flesh, and to mount
the cross; grant mercifully that we may deserve
to have the instructions of his patience, and
also the fellowship of his resurrection; throughthe same, &c.
The Antiphona on Easter day.
And they beholding did see the stone rolledaway, for it was very great. Alleluja.
Then for the Verses said, This is the day
which our Lord hath made, let us rejoyce and
be glad therein.
The prayer.
O God, which this day hast opened untous by thy onely begotten Son, the entrance
of eternity death being overcome: our desires
which thou by preventing dost further, vouchsafe
by assisting to prosecute; through the
The Antiphona on the day of our Lords ascention.
O King of glory, O Lord of powers, whichthis day as a triumphant victor didst ascend above
all heavens, leave us not as orphans, but
send the promise of thy father upon us the spirit
of truth. Alleluja.
V. Our Lord in heaven, Alleluja. R. Hath
prepared his feat. Alleluja.
The prayer.
GRant we beseech thee, O almighty God,that we which do belive thy only begotten
Son our Redeemer, to have ascended unto
the heavens at this day: may our selves also inhabit
the heavenly mansions; through the
same Lord.
The Antiphona on Whitsunday.
This day are compleat the dayes of Pentecost,alleluja: this day the holy Ghost appeared
to the disciples in fire, and bestowedon them the gifts of graces; sent them into the
whole world to preach and testifie, that he
which shall believe, and shall be baptized, shall
be saved. Alleluja.
V. The Apostles did speak with divers
tongues. Alleluja. R. The wonderful works
of God. Alleluja.
The prayer.
O God, which on this day hast taught thehearts of the faithful by the enlightening
of the holy Ghost; grant to us in the same
spirit to favour the things are right, and
alwayes to be glad of his consolation; through
our Lord in the unity of the same.
The Antiphona on the feast of the holy Trinity.
Thee God the Father unbegotten, thee theSon only begotten, thee the holy Ghost the
Comforter, the holy and undivided Trinity,
with all heart and voice, we confesse praise and
blesse; to thee be glory, world without end.
V. Blessed art thou, O Lord, in the firmament
of heaven.
R. Both praise worthy, and glorious for
The Prayer.
O Almighty everlasting God, which hast givento thy servants in confession of the true
faith to acknowledge the glory of the eternal
Trinity, and in power of Majesty to adore the
unity; we beseech thee that through the firmness
of the same faith we may ever be defended
from all adversities, through our Lord.
The Antiphona on the birth day of John Baptist.
The child which is born unto us, is morethen a Prophet: for this is he of whom our
Saviour faith, Among those that are born of women
a greater hath not risen then John Baptist.
V. This child is great before our Lord. R. For
the hand of God is with him.
The prayer.
O God, which hast made this day honourableunto us, in the nativity of blessed
John; give unto thy peoples the grace of spiritual
joyes; and direct the minds of all faithful
into the way of everlasting salvation;
through our Lord.
The Antiphona on the feasts of the Apostles Peter and Paul.
This day Simon Peter did ascend unto thetree of the cross. Alleluja. This day the keybearer
of the kingdom of heaven rejoycing
went unto Christ. This day Paul the Apostle
the light of the world, bowing his head was
crowned with Martyrdom for the name of
Christ. Alleluja.
V. They have shewed forth the works of
God. R. And have understood his deeds.
The prayer.
O God, which hast consecrated this presentday in the Martyrdom of thy Apostles Peter
and Paul; grant unto thy Church to follow
in all things their commandment, by whom it
received the beginning of Religion; through
our Lord.
The Antiphona on the feast of S. Laurence the Martyr.
Blessed Laurence, while being laid on thegrid-iron he was broiled, said unto the most
wicked tyrant, It is now enough, turn and
eat. For the goods of the Church, which thou
requirest, the hands of the poor have carried
up into the heavenly treasures.
V. Laurence the deacon hath wrought a
good work. R. Who by the signe of the cross
gave sight to the blind.
The prayer.
GRant us, we beseech thee, O almightyGod, to quench the flames of our vices,
which hast given power to blessed Laurence
to overcome the burning heats of his torments;
through our Lord.
The Antiphona on the feast of the dedication of S. Michael the Arch-angel.
O Most glorious prince, Michael the Arch-angel,be mindful of us, here and everywhere,
alwaies pray for us to the son of God.
Alleluja, alleluja.
V. In the sight of Angels I will sing unto
thee, my God.
R. I will adore unto thy holy
Temple, and confesse thy name.
The prayer.
O God, which by a marvelous order disposestthe services of Angels and men; grant
merciful, that by whom alwayes serving thee
in heaven thou art attended, our life by them
may be defended in earth; through our Lord.
The Antiphona on the feast of all Saints.
O how glorious is that kingdom in thewhich all Saints rejoyce with Christ! clothed
with white robes they follow the Lamb withersoever
he shall go.
V. The Saints shall rejoyce in glory. R. They
shall rejoyce in their beds.
The prayer.
O Almighty eternal God, which hast grantedus to worship the merits of all thy
Saints under one solemnity; we beseech thee
that thou wilt give us through multiplied intercessors,
the desired abundance of thy mercifulness
towards us; through our Lord.
The Antiphona of Martyrs.
The soul of Saints rejoyce in the heavens,who have followed the steps of Christ, and because
for the love of him they have shed their
blood, therefore they rejoyce with Christ
without end.
V. The Saints shall rejoyce in glory. R. They
shall be glad in their beds.
The prayer.
WE beseech thee, O Lord, that the feastsof the blessed Martyrs and also Bishops
N. and N. may protect us, and the venerable
prayer of them may recommend us; through
our Lord.
The Antiphona on the birth of a confessor being a Bishop.
Our Lord hath loved him, and adornedhim, and hath clothed him with a robe of glory,
and hath crowned him at the gates of paradise.V. Our Lord hath guided the just through
the right wayes. R. And shewed to him the
kingdom of God.
The prayer.
GRant we beseech thee, O almighty God,that the venerable solemnity of N. thy
blessed confessor and Bishop, may increase in
us both devotion and salvation; through our
The Antiph. on the birth day of Virgins.
Come, O spouse of Christ, receive the crownwhich our Lord hath prepared for thee for ever.
V. By thy beauty and thy comlinesse.
R. Intend, prosperously proceed, and raigne.
The prayer.
O God, which among other the miraclesof thy power hast bestowed the victory
of martyrdom even on the frail sex; grant
mercifully that we which worship the birth
day of the blessed Virgin, and thy Martyr N.
may by her examples go to thee; through
our Lord.
The Antiphona on the feast of the dedication of a Church.
O how dreadful is this place! verily it is noother thing then the house of God, and the
gate of heaven.
V. Holiness becometh thy house, O Lord.
R. In the length of dayes.
The prayer.
O God, which renewest unto us every yeerthe day of consecration of this holy Temple,
and presentest us in health alwayes to
these holy mysteries, hear the prayers of thy
people, and grant that whosoever entereth
this temple to ask benefits, may rejoyce to
have obtained them all; through our Lord.
A prayer to require suffrages of Saints.
WE beseech thee, O Lord, defend usfrom all perils of mind and body; and
the glorious Virgin Mary mother of God, praying
for us, together with the Apostles Peter
and Paul, and the blessed N. and all Saints,
thou being benign, grant unto us salvation, and
peace; that adversities and all errors being destroyed,
thy Church may serve thee in secure
liberty; through our Lord.
A prayer for the holy Church of God.
O Almighty everlasting God, which hast revealedthy glory unto all nations in Christ,
keep the works of thy mercy; that the Church
spred throughout the world, may persever in
stedfast faith in confession of thy name; through
the same Lord.
A prayer for the chief Bishop.
O God, the pastor and governor of all faithfull,thou being merciful, favorably respect
thy servant N. whom as pastor thou wouldst
to be chief over thy Church, grant him, we
beseech thee, in word and example to profit
them, whom he hath charge over: to the end
he may come together with the flock committed
unto him unto life everlasting; through
our Lord.
A prayer for every degree of the Church.
O Almighty everlasting God, by whose spiritthe whole body of the Church is sanctified
and governed, hear us praying for all
estates; that by the gift of thy grace, by all
degrees thou maiest be faithfully served;through our Lord.
A prayer for any necessity of the Church, and any thing to be obtained.
O God, our refuge and strength, the veryauthor of piety, further the devout prayers
of the Church, and grant that what thing we
faithfully ask, we may effectually obtain;
through our Lord.
A prayer against the persecutors of the Church.
WE beseech thee, O Lord, admit beingappeased the prayers of thy Church:
that adversities and all errors being destroyed,
it may serve thee in secure liberty; through
our Lord.
A prayer for the demanding help against infidels.
O Most merciful God, who remembrest notthe iniquities of them that turn to thee, but
clemently hearest their waylings; favorably
respect the temples prophaned by the hands
of infidels, and the affliction of thy beloved
flock: remember thy heritage purchased with
the effusion of the most precious blood of thy
only begotten son: and also fervently visit the
vineyard planted by thy right hand, which the
wild bore endevoureth to root out, and
strengthen the labours thereof by thy power,
against the rage of those that would destroy it;
make them conquerors, and they working
well therein, make them possessors of thy
kingdom; through the same Lord.
A prayer for the Emperor.
O God, protector of all Kingdoms, and especiallyof the Christian Empire; grant unto
thy servant N. our Emperor, with due
knowledg to honour the triumph of thy power;
that for as much has he is chief by thy appointment,
he may by thy gift ever be mighty;
through our Lord.
A prayer for the King.
WE beseech thee, O Almighty God, thatthy servant N. our King, who through
thy mercy hath taken upon him the government
of the Kingdom, may also receive the
increase of all vertues; wherewith being decently
adorned, he may both be able to avoid
the monstrousness of vices, as also to come unto
thee right gracious, who art the way, the
truth, and the life; through our Lord.
A prayer for those that are to be Catechised.
O Almighty everlasting God, which evermakest the Church fruitful with new issue;
increase faith and understanding in our newly
instructed: that they being born again by the
font of baptism, may be joyned unto the sons
of thy adoption; through our Lord.
A prayer that the world may be purged from all errors.
O Almighty everlasting God, the consolationof the sorrowful, the strength of them that
travail, let the prayers of those that cry out of
any tribulation come unto thee: that all men
may be glad thy mercy to have been present
unto them in their necessities; through our
A prayer for heretiques and schismatiques.
O Almighty everlasting God, which savedall men, and wouldest not one should perish;
look favorably unto the souls deceived
by divelish deceit; that all heretical impiety
removed the hearts of them that er may relent,
and return unto the unity of thy truth; through
our Lord.
A prayer for the unfaithful Jews.
O Almighty everlasting God, which repellestnot from thy mercy even the Jewish unfaithfulness;
hear our prayers, which we offer
for the blindness of that people: that the
light of thy truth being known, which is
Christ, they may be delivered from their darkness;
through the same Lord.
A prayer for the Pagans.
O Almighty everlasting God, which desirestnot the death of sinners, but alwayes their
life; thou being merciful accept our prayer,
and deliver the pagans from the worship of
Idols, and joyn them to thy holy Church, unto
the laud, and glory of thy name; through our
Lord Jesus.
A prayer in the time of war.
O God, which dissolvest wars, and by thepower of thy protection dost vanquish the
impugners of them that trust in thee; help thyservants earnestly craving thy mercy, that the
cruelty of all their enemies being depressed,
we may praise thee with incessant thanksgiving;
through our Lord.
A prayer against Pagans.
O Almighty everlasting God, in whose handare the powers of all, and the rights of all
kingdoms, look favorably unto the aid of Christians;
that the pagan people, which trust in
their cruelty may be crushed by the power of
thy right hand, through our Lord.
A Prayer for peace.
O God from whom allholy desires, &c. leaf
A prayer in the time of famin and pestilence.
GRant unto us, we beseech thee, O Lord,the effect of our prayer, and thou being
merciful turn away from us pestilence and famin;
that the hearts of men may know that
such scourges proceed from thy indignation,
and cease by thy mercy; through our Lord.
A Prayer for rain.
O God in whom we live, are moved, andhave our being, grant unto us competent
rain; that sufficiently relieved by present
aids, we may more confidently desire things
everlasting; through our Lord.
A prayer for fair weather.
HEar us, O Lord, crying unto thee; andgrant unto us, making supplications, fair
weather: that we which justly are afflicted
for our sins, may by thy grace preventing, find
mercy; through our Lord.
A Prayer to be used in any tribulation.
O Almighty God, despise not thy peoplecrying unto thee in affliction; but for the
glory of thy name thou being pacified succour
the afflicted; through our Lord.
A Prayer for forgiveness of sins.
O God, which rejectest none, but being pacifiedby merciful piety through penance,
even toward the greatest sinners: thou being
merciful, respect the prayers of our humility,
enlighten our hearts that we may be able to
fulfill thy commandments; through our Lord.
A Prayer for those that are tempted and troubled.
O God, which justifieth the wicked, andwilt not the death of sinners; we humbly
beseech thy Majesty, that thou being benign
wilt with thy heavenly help protect thy
servants, trusting unto thy mercy: and preserve
them by thy continual protection, to the
end they may still serve thee, and by no temptations
be separated from thee; through ourLord.
A prayer for such as are in journey.
HEarken to our supplications, O Lord, anddispose the way of thy servants in the
prosperity of thy safeguard; that among all the
varieties of this passage and life, they may ever
be protected by thy aid; through our Lord.
A prayer for the sick.
O Almighty everlasting God, the eternalhelp of them that believe; hear us for thy
sick servants, for whom we humbly crave the
help of thy mercy; that health being restored
unto them, they may yield the thanksgiving
to thee in thy Church; through our Lord.
A prayer in tribulation of sins.
Shew withclemency, O Lord, leaf
A prayer for sins.
Hear we beseech thee, OLord, the prayers of thy suppliants, &c. leaf
A prayer for the health of the living.
STretch out, O Lord, the right hand of thyheavenly help to thy faithful, that may
seek thee with all their hearts and deserve to
obtain what things they worthily require;
through our Lord.
A prayer for the living and the dead.
O Almightyeverlasting God, which hast power
over the living, as before.
V. O Lord, hear my prayer. R. and let my
cry come unto thee. V. Our Lord graciouslyhear us. R. And keep us evermore. Amen.
Prayers to be said in the beginning of the Congregation.
COme holy Ghost, replenish the hearts ofthy faithful, and kindle the fire of thy love
in them. Lord have mercy upon us. Christ
have mercy upon us. Lord have mercy upon
us. Our father. V. And lead us not into temptation.
R. But deliver us from evil. V. Be
mindful of thy congregation. R. Which thou
hast possessed from the beginning. V. O Lord
hear my prayer.
R. And let my cry come unto thee.
Let us pray.
ILluminate our minds, we beseech thee, OLord, with the light of thy cleerness, that
we may see those things that are to be done,
and have power to accomplish those things
that are rightful; through Christ our Lord.
At the end of the Congregation.
LOrd have mercy upon us. Christ have mercyupon us. Lord have mercy upon us.
Our father. V. And lead us not into temptation.
R. But deliver us from evil. V. Confirm,
O God, that which thou hast wrought in us.
R. From thy holy Temple which is in Hierusalem.
V. O Lord hear my prayer. R. And let
my cry come unto thee.
Let us pray.
GRant unto us, we beseech thee, O Lord,the help of thy grace; that what things
we know are to be done thou being the author,
we may accomplish thou working the
same; through Christ. V. Vouchsafe, O Lord,
to render eternal life to our benefactors alive
and dead. R. Amen.
Another prayer.
O God, to whom each heart is open, andeach will doth speak, and from whom no
secret lieth hid; purifie by the inspiration of
the holy Ghost the cogitations of our heart;
that we may deserve perfectly to love thee,
and worthily to praise thee: through our Lord,
in the vnity of the same spirit, &c.
A prayer for devout friends.
O God, which hast powred the gifts of charityby the grace of the holy Ghost, into
the hearts of the faithful; grant unto thy servantsmen and women, for whom we crave
thy clemency, health of mind and body; that
they may love thee with all their strength,
and accomplish with all love what things are
pleasing unto thee; through our Lord.
A prayer for our enemies.
O God, the lover and keeper of peace andcharity, give unto all our enemies peace
and true charity: and grant unto them remission
of all their sins; and mightly deliver us
from their deceits: through our Lord.
A prayer to repel wicked thoughts.
O Almighty and most mild God, mercifullyregard our prayers, and deliver our hearts
from the temptations of evil thoughts; that we
may deserve to be made a worthy dwelling
for the holy Ghost; through our Lord.
A prayer to require charity.
O God, which makest all things to profitthem that love thee; grant unto our
hearts an inviolable desire of thy charity, that
the desires conceived by thy inspiration, may
by no temptation be altered; through our
A prayer to require patience.
O God, which hast broken the pride of theold enemy by the patience of thy only
begotten son; grant unto us, we beseech thee,
worthily to call to mind what he meekly suffered
for us, and so by his example quietly to
endure the advers chances falling upon us;
through our Lord.
A prayer to require continency.
KIndle with the fire of the holy Ghost ourreines and our heart, O Lord; that with
chaste body we may serve thee, and with pure
heart please thee; through our Lord. V. O
Lord, hear my prayer. R. And let my cry
come unto thee.
V. Our Lord graciously hear us. R. And
keep us evermore. Amen.
WE praise thee, O God. as before. Orthe Hymne, O Jesus our redemption,
as on the day of our Lords ascention. That
done, the V. Blesse we the Father, and the
Son, with the holy Ghost. R. Let us praise
and extol him for ever. V. O Lord hear my
prayer. R. And let my cry come unto thee.
Let us pray.
O God, of whose mercy there is no number,and of whose goodness the treasure
is infinite, we give thanks unto the most benign
Majesty, for the bestowed gifts, beseeching
alwaies thy clemence; that thou which
grantest their requests to them that ask, not
forsaking them, maiest dispose them unto the
rewards to come; through our Lord. V. O
Lord hear my prayer. R. And let my cry come
unto thee. V. Blesse we our Lord. R. Thanks
be to God.
IN the beginning of thy journey, if thou bealone, say in the singular number, if with
company, in the plural.
The Antiph.
In the way of peace. The song, Blessed beour Lord God of Israel. In the end, Glory.
That done let the Antiphona be repeated. In
the way of peace and prosperity let him direct
me; if thou be alone or us, if there be company
the Almighty and merciful Lord, and
the Angel Raphael accompany me or us
in the way, that with peace, safety, and joy I
or we may return home.
Lord have mercy upon us. Christ have
mercy upon us. Lord have mercy upon us.
Our father, in secret. V. And lead us not into
temptation. R. But deliver us from evil. V.
Make safe thy servants. R. My God, trusting in
thee. V. Send us help, O Lord, from thy holy
place. R. And from Sion defend us. V. Be
unto us, O Lord a tower of strength. R. From
the face of the enemy. V. Let not the enemy
prevail against us. R. And let not the Son of
iniquity have power to hurt us. V. Blessed be
our Lord this day and daily. R. The God
of our salvation make us a prosperous journey.
V. Shew unto me thy waies, O Lord. R. And
teach me thy paths. V. O that our wayes may
be directed. R. To keep thy righteousness.
V. The crooked shall become streight. R. And
the rough into plain wayes. V. God hath
given charge to his Angels over thee. R. That
they may guard thee in all thy passages V. OLord, hear my prayer. R. And let my cry
come unto thee. V. Our Lord be with you
R. And with thy spirit.
Let us pray.
O God, which didst make the children ofIsrael to passe dry-foot through the midst
of the sea: and which didst manifest the way
unto the three sages coming to thee, a Star being
the guide; grant us we beseech thee, a
prosperous journey, and a time peaceable:
that thy holy Angel accompanying us, we
may happily be able to come to the place whether
we go, and lastly unto the port of eternal
O God, which hast preserved unhurt,
through all the wayes of his peregrination,
thy servant Abraham, being brought from
Ur of the Caldeans; we beseech thee, that
thou wilt vouchsafe to guard us thy servants.
Be to us, O Lord, an assistance in our going
out; a comfort in the way; a shadow in heat;
a shelter in rain, and cold; a wagon in our
wearinesse; an aid in our adversity; a staf in
slippery way; a heaven in shipwrack: that
thou being our guide we may prosperously arive
there where we go, and at length may
safely return home.
HEarken, O Lord, we beseech thee, unto
our supplications, and dispose the way
of thy servants in the prosperity of thy safeguard:
that among all the varieties of thispassage and life, we may ever be protected by
thy aid.
GRant, we beseech thee, O Almighty God,
that thy family may go by the way of
safety, and that following the exhortations
of Saint John the fore-runner, it may securely
come unto him, whom he foretold, our Lord.
R. Amen.
V. Let us proceed in peace.R. In the name
of our Lord. Amen.
With their Antiphonas and Versicles throughout the year.
The Antiphona on the first Sunday in Advent.
FEar not Mary, for thou hast found gracewith our Lord; behold thou shalt conceive,
and shalt bear a Son. Alleluja.
V. Dew down, O heavens, from above, and
let the clouds rain down on the just.
R. Let the earth be opened, and bud forth
our Saviour.
The Prayer.
O Lord, we beseech thee, stir up thy power,and come; that we may deserve thou protecting
us, to be delivered from the imminent
dangers of our sins, and thou delivering us to
be saved; who livest and raignest God, with
God the Father, in the unity of the holy Ghost,
world without end. Amen.
The Antiphona on the second Sunday in Advent.
Art thou he that is to come, or do we expectanother? Tell unto John what ye have seen;
the blind are restored to sight, the dead risen
again, the poor preach the Gospel. Alleluja
V. Dew down, as above.
The prayer.
STir up, O Lord, our hearts to prepare thewayes of thy onely begotten Son; that
through his coming with purified minds we
may deserve to serve thee, who with thee liveth
and raigneth in the unity of the holy
The Antiphona on the third Sunday in Advent.
Blessed art thou Mary which didst believeour Lord; those things are perfected in thee,
which were spoken to thee by our Lord. Alleluja.
This Antiphona is omitted if one of the greater
Antiphonaes which followeth is to be put
in the place. V. Dew down, as before.
The prayer.
WE beseech thee, O Lord, accomodatethy ear to our prayers; and enlighten
the darkness of our mind with the
grace of thy visitation; who livest and raignest,
The greater Aniphonaes following are begun
the 17. of December, and every one is said
by order untilthe day next before Christians
eve. The Versicles, and prayers of the Sunday
before, are to be said when none proper
are assigned.
The Antiphona on the 17. of December.
O wisdom which came forth from the mouthof the highest, extending mightily from end
to end, and sweetly disposing all things, come
to teach us the way of wisdom.
The Antiphona of the 18. of December.
O Adonai, and guide of the house of Israel,which appearedst to Moses in the fiery flame
of the bush, and gavest to him the Law in Sina,
come to redeem us with thy stretched forth
The Antiphona on the 19. of December.
O root of Jesse, which standeth for a sign ofpeople, upon whom Kings shall restrain their
mouth, whom the Gentiles shall pray unto,
come to deliver us, tarry now no longer.
The Antiphona on the 20. of December.
O key of David, and scepter of the house ofIsrael, who openest and no man shuttest, and
shuttest and no man openeth: come and bring
the bound out of the house of prison, sitting
in darkness and in the shadow of death.
The Antiphona on the 21. of December.
O orient brightness of eternal light, and theson of justice; come, and illuminate those that
sit in darkness and in the shadow of death.
The Antiphona on the 22. of December.
O King of nations and desired of them, andthe corner store, which makest both one,
save man whom thou hast framed of slime.
The Antiphona on the 23. of December.
O Emanuel, our King and Law-giver, the expectationof nations, and the Saviour of them,
come to save us, O Lord our God.
On the imber Wedensday in Advent.
If it come before the 17. of December, thisAntiphona is to be said.
Behold the handmaid of our Lord; be it
unto me according to thy word. V. Dew
down. as before.
The prayer.
GRant we beseech thee, Almighty God,that the solemnity of our redemption now
to come, may both afford us the helpes of
this present life, and also give us the rewards
of eternal blessedness; through our Lord.
On the imber Friday in Advent.
If it come before the 17. of December, thisAntiphona is to be said.
This is the testimony, which John gave;
he which came after me, was made before
me. V. Dew down, as before.
The prayer.
O Lord, we beseech thee, stir up thy power,and come; that they which trust in thy
piety, may speedily be delivered from all adversity.
Who livest and raignest, &c.
On the imber Saterday in Advent.
The Antiphona. O. V. Dew down, as before.The prayer.
O God, who beholdest that we are afflictedthrough our own wickedness; grant mercifully,
that by thy visitation we may be comforted;who livest and raignest, &c.
The fourth Sunday in Advent.
The Antiph. O. V. Dew down, as before.The prayer.
O Lord, we beseech thee, stir up thy power,and come and succour us by thy mighty
force, that by the help of thy grace that which
our sins do hinder, the pardon of thy reconciliation
may hasten; who livest and raignest,
The Antiphona on the vigil of the Nat. of our Lord.
Whilest the Sun shall rise from heaven, youshall see the King of Kings coming forth from
his Father, as a bridegrom out of his bridechamber.
V. To morrow shall be blotted out
the iniquity of the earth.
R. And the Saviour
of the world shall raign over us.
The prayer.
O God, which by the yearly expectation ofour redemption makest us glad; grant
that thy onely begotten Son, whom we joyfully
receive as our redeemer, we may also
safely behold, coming as Judge, our Lord Jesus
Christ thy Son; who with thee, &c.
The Antiphona on the Sunday within the Octaves of the Nativity of our Lord.
The child Jesus did profit in age and wisdombefore God and man. V. The word became
flesh. Alleluja.R. And dwelt in us. Allel.
The prayer.
O Almighty everlasting God, direct our actsin thy well-pleasing, that in the name of
thy well-beloved Son we may deserve to abound
in good works; through the same our
The Antiphona on the Sunday within the Octaves of the Epiphany.
O Son, why hast thou so done to us? I andthy Father sorrowing did seek thee. What
is it that you sought me? Did you not know
that I must be about those things which are
my Fathers.
V: The Kings of Tharsis, as after in the Epiphany
of our Lord.
The prayer.
WE beseech thee, O Lord, prosecutewith heavenly piety the desire of thy
Suppliant people; that they may both see
what is to be done, as also be able to fulfil
what they shall see; through our Lord.
The Antiphona on the second Sunday after the Epiphany.
The wine failing, Jesus commanded the waterpotsto be filled with water, which was
turned into wine. Alleluja.
V. Let my prayer, O Lord, be addressed.
R. Even as incense in thy sight.
The prayer.
O Almighty everlasting God, which dostmoderate as well heavenly as earthly
things; hear clemently the prayers of thy people;and grant us thy peace in our times:
through our Lord.
The Antiphona on the third Sunday after the Epiphany.
O Lord, if thou wilt thou canst cleanse me;and Jesus said, I will, be thou cleansed.
V. Let my prayer be addressed, as before.
The prayer.
O Almighty everlasting God, mercifully regardour infirmity; and to defend us extend
the right hand of thy Majesty; through
our Lord.
The Antiphona on the 4. Sunday after the Epiphany.
O Lord, save us, we perish, command andcause, O God, tranquillity. V. Let my prayer
be addressed, as before.
The prayer.
O God, which knowst us set in so great dangers,that we cannot stay our selves through
human frailty; grant unto us health of mind
and body, that those things which we suffer
for our sins, thou helping us, we may overcome;
through our Lord.
The Antiphona on the 5. Sunday after the Epiphany.
Gather first the darnel, and bind it togetherin bundles to be burnt; but the wheat gather
into my barn, saith our Lord. V. Let my prayer
be addressed, as before.
The Prayer.
PReserve we beseech thee, O Lord, thy familyin continual piety; that it which resteth in
the only hope of heavenly grace, may ever by
thy protection be defended; through our
Lord Jesus Christ.
The Antiphona on the 6. Sunday after the Epiphany
The kingdome of heaven is like to leven,which being taken, a woman hid in three measures
of meal, until the whole was levened.
V. Let my prayer be addressed.
The prayer.
GRant we beseech thee, O Almighty God,that we ever meditating reasonable
things, may execute in word and deed those
things that are acceptable to thee; through
our Lord.
The Antiphona on Septuagesima Sunday.
The housholder said unto his workmen,What stand ye here all the day idle? But they
answering, said, For that no man hath hired
us. Go ye also into my vineyard, and what
shall be just I will give you.
V. Let my prayer be addressed, as before.
The prayer.
O Lord we beseech thee, clemently hear theprayers of thy people, that we which are
justly afflicted for our sins, for the glory of thy
name may mercifully be delivered; through,
The Anna. on Sexagesima Sunday.
To you it is given to know the mystery ofthe kingdom of God, but to others in parables ,
said Jesus unto his disciples.
V. Let my prayers be addressed, as before.
The prayer.
O God, which beholdest that we trust notin any action of ours, mercifully grant, that
by the protection of the doctor of the Gentiles
we may be defended against all adversities;
through our Lord.
The Anna. on Quinquagesima Sunday.
And Jesus staying commanded the blindman to be brought unto him, and said unto
him, What wilt thou that I do to thee? O
Lord, that I may see. And Jesus said to him,
Look up, thy faith hath made thee safe. And
he forthwith did see, and followed him, magnifying
V. Let my prayers be addressed, as before.
The prayer.
O Lord, we beseech thee, hear clemently ourprayers, and beeing loosed from the bands
of sins from all adversities preserve us; through
our Lord.
The Anna. on Ash-wedensday.
Heap up treasures to your selves in heaven,where neither rust nor moth destroyeth.
V. Let my prayers be addressed, as before.
The prayers.
GRant, O Lord, unto thy faithful, that theymay both begin the venerable solemnities
of fastings with due piety, as also go throughthem with secure devotion; through our Lord.
The Antiphona on Thursday.
O Lord, I am not worthy that thou enterunder my roof; but only speak the word and
my servant shall be healed.
V. Let my prayer be addressed, as before.
The prayer.
O God, which with sin art offended, andwith penance appeased, mercifully regard
the prayers of thy suppliant people; and turn
away the scourges of thy wrath, which we
for our sins deserve; through our Lord.
The Antiphona on Friday.
But though, when thou shalt pray, enter intothy chamber, and the door being shut, pray
unto my Father.
V. Let my prayers be addressed, as before.
The prayer.
THe fasts begun, we beseech thee, O Lord,to prosecute with gracious favour, that
the observance which corporally we present,
we may also be able with sincere minds to
exercise; through our Lord.
The Antiphona on Saturday.
Then thou shalt require help, and our Lordshall graciously hear; thou shalt cry, and he
shall say, lo I am here.
V. Let my prayers be addressed, as before.
The prayer.
FUrther, O Lord, our supplications; andgrant that this solemn fast, which is healthfully
instituted for the curing of souls, and bodies,with devout service we may celebrate;
through our Lord.
The Anna. on the first Sunday in Lent.
Behold now the acceptable time; beholdnow the dayes of health; in these dayes therefore
let us yield our selves as the servants of
God, in much patience, in fasting, in watchings,
and in unfained charity.
V. To his Angels God hath given charge of thee.
R. That they may guard thee in all thy ways.
The prayer.
O God, which dost purifie thy church by ayearly Lenten observation; grant unto thy
family, that what thing it travaileth by abstinence
to obtain of thee, it may in good works
execute the same; through our Lord.
The Anna. on Monday.
What you have done to one of my little ones,ye have done it to me, saith our Lord. V. To
his Angels, as before.
The prayer.
COnvert us, O God our Saviour; and thatthe Feast of Lent may avail us, instruct our
minds with heavenly discipline; through our
The Anna. on Tuesday.
For it is written, that my house is the houseof prayer to all nations, but you have made it
a den of thieves: and he was daily teaching in
the temple. V. To his Angels, as before.
The prayer.
REspect, O Lord, thy family, and grant thatour mind, which doth chastise it self in
affliction of the flesh, may shine with thee to
thy desire; through our Lord.
The Anna. on imber Wedensday in Lent.
Even as Jonas was three dayes and threenights in the belly of the whale, so shall the
son of man be in the heart of the earth.
V. To his Angels, as before.
The prayer.
WE beseech thee, O Lord, clemently hearour prayers, and stretch forth the right
hand of thy Majesty against all things contrary
unto us; through our Lord.
The Antiphona on Thursday.
O woman, great is thy faith; be it unto thee,as thou hast requested.
V. To his Angels, as before.
The prayer.
REgard, O benign Lord, we beseech thee,the devotion of thy people; that they
which by abstinence are afflicted in body, by
the fruit of good works may be refreshed in
mind; through our Lord.
The Antiph. on imber Friday in Lent.
He that made me whole, commanded me;take up thy bed, and walk in peace. V. To his
The prayer.
BE though, O Lord, merciful unto thy people,and whom thou makest to be devout,
mercifully cherish by thy benign help;
through our Lord
The Anna. on imber Saturday in Lent.
The vision which thou hast seen thou shalttell to none, until the Son of man do rise from
death. V. To his Angels.
The prayer.
WE beseech thee, O Lord, respect thy people,and clemently turn away from them
the scourges of thy anger; through our Lord.
The Antiph. on the 2. Sunday in Lent.
The vision which thou hast seen, as above.V. To his Angels.
The Prayer.
O God , which beholdest us to be destitute ofall strength; preserve us both inwardly
and outwardly, that we may be defended
from all adversities in body, and cleansed from
wicked cogitations in mind; through our Lord.
The Antiph. on Monday.
He that sent me, is with me, and hath notleft me alone; for that I ever do those things
that are pleasing to him. V. To his Angels.
The prayer.
GRant we beseech thee, O Almighty God,that thy family, which restraineth it self
in afflicting the flesh from nourishment, be ensuing
justice, may fast from sin; through our
The Antiphona on Tuesday.
But you all are brethren; name not unto youa father in earth; for one is your father, which
is in heaven: neither be ye called masters, for
that Christ alone is your master
V. To his Angels.
The prayer.
WE beseech thee, O benign Lord, perfectin us the supply of holy observance; that
the things which thou being the author, we
have known ought to be done, thou working
we may fulfil; through our Lord.
The Antiph. on Wedensday.
For he shall be delivered unto the Gentilesto be mocked, scourged, and crucified. V. To
his Angels.
The Prayer.
O Merciful Lord, we beseech thee respect thypeople; and whom thou dost command
to obtain from flesh meats, grant them also to
cease from hurtful vices; through our Lord.
The Anna on Thursday.
The rich man desired a drop of water, whichdenied Lazarus crums of bread. V. To his Angels.
The prayer.
GRant us, O Lord, we beseech thee, thehelp of thy grace that we being conveniently
disposed to fasting, and prayers, may be
delivered from the enemies of soul and body;
through our Lord.
The Anna on Friday.
They seeking to lay hold on him, feared thepeople, because they held him as a Prophet.
V. To his Angels.
The Prayer.
GRant we beseech thee, Almighty God,that the holy fast cleansing us, with sincere
minds thou maiest make us come to the
holies ensuing; through our Lord.