Supplications of Saints
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Supplications of Saints. A Booke of Prayers: Diuided into three parts. prayers for 1 Daniels deuotion. 2 Paul, and his company 3 Dauid alone. Seuerall dayes. seueral occasions. seuerall parties. Wherein are three most excellent Prayers made by the late famous Queene Elizabeth.
STC 22932
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PRAYERS: Beginning with the letters of the name ELIZABETH.
EVery day, OAlmighty GOD
and heauenly
Father, will I
pray vnto thee, to haue
mercy vpon me, and to
keepe me in thy grace, fauour
and loue.
Euery day will I giue
thankes vnto thee, o Lord
IESV, the Sonne of GOD,for thy gratious redemption
of my body and
soule; from sinne, death
and hell.
Euery day will I laud
thy holy Name, o holy
Ghost, Gods Spirit, hearts
ioy, elects comforter: beseeching
thee, blessed Trinitie,
in sacred vnitie, to
replenish my heart with
all charitable desires, and
heauenly inspirations necessary
to Saluation. Amen.
LAy too thy helpinghand, o Lord, strengthen
my weake condition,and powre thine
oyle of grace into my
wounded heart, that I
may be able to walke in
the wayes of thy commandements
without reproofe,
and receiue comfort
in all my needs and
necessities. Amen.
IT is pitie and compassion,o LORD, alone,
which must couer mine
vnworthinesse: therefore
renouncing all merite in
my selfe, I flie vnto thee
for succour. Leaue me not,
o Lord, but preuent mee
B 2
with thy goodnesse, nowand euermore. Amen.
ZEalous, O LORD,I am of thy truth.
Wherefore I pray
thee, sanctifie my heart to
a right conuersation in
this world. Direct me by
thy lawes, that I neuer
step beyond the limites of
my duetie: and suffer me
not to enter into any action,
which eyther may dishonour
thee, or bring
my life into infamie.
ADmit me, O mercifullLord, to thy gracious
fauour: many
are the dangers of this
life, and I haue no patron
to defend mee, but thee.
Heauen is thine, and the
earth is thine; keepe me
on earth, as one of thine,
and bring mee to Heauen
to raigne with thee. Amen.
BLessed Lord, I hauesinned, but my pardon
is with thee. If I
were as sinfull as Marie
Magdalen, as outragious
B 3
as the prodigall sonne,and as bashfull to come
neere, as the Publican, yet
Iesus hath made satisfaction
for my sinne: therefore
in mercy forgiue
mee now and euermore.
ENter not into iudgementwith a poore
creature, O LORD
dust and ashes is my state
here, onely I am created
after thine Image, for a
better world: destroy not
then the worke of thine
owne hands, but shew thy
mercy and goodnesse vnto
me, this day and euermore.Amen.
THinke vpon me, OLORD, thy word
neuer failed, and
thy compassions haue no
end. By the vertue of the
one, and the substance of
the other, purifie me from
all iniquitie, and leade me
into all truth this day and
euermore. Amen.
HAue mercy vponmee, O LORD.
accept my Prayers
which I powre out before
B 4
thee, and graunt my requests.Mercifully prosper
the things that I take in
hand: saue mee from
mine enimies: a blessed
life, and a happie
end, good
Lord send me.
Supplications OF SAINTS.
The first part.
Daniels deuotion.
Dan 6.10. He kneeled vpon his knees three times a day, and prayed.
This part containeth priuate Prayers, For Morning, Noone and Euening, euery day in the weeke.
Also foure other Prayers for Morning and Euening: and two Prayers vpon the Passion of our Lord Iesus.
B 5
Morning Prayer.
Psal. 145.10. All thy works prayse thee, O Lord, and thy Saints shal blesse thee.
Psal. 119.170. O let my Supplication come before thee: deliuer mee according to thy word.
OH LORDGOD, Almightie
Father, and
thou welbeloued
Sonne of the Father,
Iesus Christ, with the holyGhost, holy, blessed and
glorious Trinitie; eternall
God, Lord of the Sabbath,
and the fountaine of all
wisdome. I do not present
these my Supplications
before thee for my righteousnesse,
but for thy
great mercies. I trust in
them truely, without diffidence:
I trust in them only,
without any other plea:
I trust in them alwayes
without wearines, & therfore
I beseech thee, grant
mee mercifull audience.
Mercifully heare mee, O
Lord, mercifully heare
me O Lord God. First,
I extoll thy infinite goodnesseand mercy, together
with thine eternall wisedome
and truth, that thou
hast protected me all this
night past, and made me
to rest and sleep so quietly
and securely vnder the
shadow of thy wings. And
I beseech thee, from the
bottome of my heart to
protect me this day with
thy mighty hand from all
dangers, both of body
and soule. Giue thy holy
Angels charge ouer mee,
to keepe mee in all my
wayes: driue away from
mee the euill angell and
deadly enemie; remooue
all offences of this world.Mortifie and kill in me all
carnall lustes, vnlawfull
pleasures, and euill affections,
that they may haue
no dominion or raigne in
my mortall body, & giue
me a contrite heart to bewaile
my former life, and
let me find comfort in thy
mercy, for the remission
of my sinnes.
Sanctifie me O holy
Father this holy day, with
thine especiall grace, that
I may honour thee as a
Creator, loue thee as a
redeemer, & expect thee
as a Sauiour, and that I
may haue modest cariage
in my behauiour, true deuotionin my Prayers, and
reuerent attention to
heare thy sacred word;
and so vnlocke the eares
of mine vnderstanding,
that I may obserue, learne
and imbrace, such things
as are necessary for mee,
to the better confirmation
of my faith in Christ
Iesus, and the saluation of
my soule by his blood.
Rayse mee, O Father, by
the power of thy sonnes
resurrection, from sinne
and iniquitie, and giue me
spirituall rest in the communion
of Saints, that
hereafter when I shal leaue
this world, I may keepethe euerlasting Sabbath
with thee in the Kingdom
of Heauen.
Behold O Lord I knock
at the doore of thy mercy,
for all these graces,
with all the powers of my
strength, soule, and mind:
beseeching thee to continue
vnto mee the right
vse of all the powers and
faculties of the same, and
to send thy holy Spirit to
beare witnesse to my Spirit,
that I am thy child,
and shall be heire of thy
Kingdome, with Christ Iesus
our Lord, and through
his merits, for whose sake,
I beseech thee, to grant allthose things all that I haue
prayed for. Amen.
A prayer for the Ministers of the Word.
O Lord Iesus, which hastco~manded vs to pray
for labourers to the Haruest,
we beseech thee, send
painefull Ministers into
thy Church. Endue them
with such wisedome and
speech, as the aduersaries
may not be able to
gaine-say. Open vnto
them the doore of doctrine,
giue them the spiritof boldnesse, that they
may faithfully dispense
thy Mysteries, and speake
thy Word freely. Take
away all contentions and
differences from among
them. Make them examples
to those that beleeue,
in soundnesse of
Doctrine, and purenesse
of life. And because the
rule of our life depends
vpon thy word in their
mouthes, blesse them with
all graces fit for their calling,
that wee may giue
thankes vnto thee, and
praise thy Name for euermore,
Euening Prayer.
Gen. 18.27.30. Behold, I haue taken vpon mee to speake vnto my Lord. Oh let not my Lord be angry, and I will speake.
OH eternall God andmerciful Father, from
the bottome of my heart
I giue thee continuall
thanks that of thy mercy
thou hast nourished mee,preserued me by thy power,
& gouerned me by thy
word, and holy Spirit this
day, & all this weeke: yea,
& at all other times of my
life hitherto: and I most
humbly beseech thee, in
the merits of Christ Iesus
my Sauiour, not to respect
mine vnworthines, but to
couer & bury all my misdeeds
in his graue, which
I haue either wittingly or
ignorantly done; especially,
O Lord, those which
in this weeke past I haue
committed in thought,
word, and deed, against
thy Diuine Maiestie.
Water, o Lord, the seedof thy holy word, which I
haue receyued this day,
with the dew of thy grace,
that with sound iudgement
and godly deuotion
may put in practise such
things as I know to be
deasing to thy diuine Maiestie;
and that my heart
being alwayes obedient to
thy Commandements, &
the feare of mine enemies
taken away from mee, I
may passe my time in
peace & holines, through
thy gracious protection.
Be mercifull vnto me,
O Lord forgiue the euill
that I haue committed,
supply the good which Ihaue o~mitted; restore
what I haue lost, heale my
sores, clense my filthinesse,
lighten my darkenesse,
and alter the whole
stare of my minde, that
nothing may be wanting
to good purposes in mee.
O LORD, stretch out
thy hand ouer me, and
of thy wonted goodnesse
defend me this night from
all euill: keepe me from
fearful & wicked dreams,
vnprofitable cares, vaine
cogitations and outward
violence; preserue my body
from eternall death:
reserue my soule from
euerlasting damnation.Compasse me about, on
euery side with thy grace
inwardly and outwardly:
that when I shall eyther
take care for things of
this life, or carefully seeke
for those things which appertaine
vnto the Kingdome
of Heauen, I may
heare the voyce of thy
holy spirit, sounding in
my heart, from the mouth
of the Apostle; My God
shall fulfill all your necessities,
through his riches,
with glory in Iesus Christ.
Grant, O Lord, these and
all other graces meete for
me, euen for Iesus Christs
sake, my onely Lord andSauiour. In whose Name
I further pray vnto thee,
saying that Prayer
which thy Sonne in
his Gospel hath
taught vs, Our
Father which
art in Heauen,
Morning Prayer.
Blessed be God, which hath not turned away my prayer, nor his mercy from me.
O Heauenly Father,and Almightie God,
which beyond
all measure hast vnlocked
the treasures of thy fauour
and blessing vnto mee,
from time to time: I most
heartily thanke thee forthe sweet sleepe and comfortable
rest which I haue
taken this night, through
thy gracious preseruation
of me, and now O Lord
I consecrate my soule and
body to thy seruice this
day againe, and euer hereafter,
desiring that my
prayer earely now this
Morning, may haue accesse
vnto thee.
O Lord, I pray thee
blesse, preserue, and keepe
me this day, by thy power
from sinne, shame and all
euill, and so direct mee
with thy grace, that all my
thoughts, words, & works,
may please thee. Stand, Ibeseech thee, between me
and mine enemies, bodily
and ghostly. And as thou
hast now raised vp my body
from a sound and heauie
sleepe: so deliuer my
soule from the dead sleepe
of sinne, and the darkenes
of this world. Helpe, O
Lord, the creature which
dependeth vpon thy prouidence
only. Further my
businesse, that I may truly
walke without sinne, and
safely worke without danger
in that vocation
whereunto thou hast called
me in this life.
O Lord Iesus haue mercy
C 2
vpon me miserable sinner,pardon and forgiue
mee all my sinnes, negligences,
and ignorances.
Remember not mine obstinacies,
and haue compassion
vpon mine infirmities.
Set thy holy Passion,
Crosse, and Death,
betweene thy iudgement
and my Soule, both now
and at the houre of death.
Of thy mercie, O Lord,
strengthen my weaknesse,
and mortifie my corrupt
nature, enclining to swearing,
wantonnesse, lying,
or any other sinne whatsoeuer;
and grant that I may
so walke in thy wayes, by
the light of thy holy word,that no worldly vanitie
bewitch me to sel my selfe
to worke wickednesse.
O holy Father, graunt
me a sound mind, and the
right vse of my senses continually,
that knowing
what I doe, and practising
what I know, I may worthily
lament the wickednesse
of my life, and euer
vpon my vnfained repentance,
feele thy comforts
in my soule, and neuer forget
the desire of the life
to come. O Lord, blesse
me in all the passages of
this life, and after death,
restore the same body and
C 3
soule to life eternal. Hearemy prayers, O Lord God,
for Iesus Christs sake, my
onely Lord and Sauiour,
A Prayer to God the Father.
O Merciful God and louingFather, on whose
prouidence we depend for
all our necessaries, wee
thanke thee for our royall
creation after thine owne
Image, and all other good
graces now and euer bestowed
vpon vs. Giue vsgrace, we pray thee, so to
liue as becommeth thy
children, in all holines and
righteousnesse. Incline our
harts to thy law, & not to
couetousnes: open our eies
that wee may behold the
secret things of thy Law.
Make vs fruitfull in all
good works, forgiue vs our
sinnes, and wash vs in the
blood of thy Sonne; clense
our hearts, and renew our
mindes to thy holy will:
prosper the workes of our
hands, and bring vs safely
from all dangers to the
end of this day, for Iesus
Christs sake. Amen.
C 4
Euening Prayer.
Euening and Morning, and at Noone, will I pray and cry aloud, and hee shall heare me.
ALmighty God,which giuest
infinite occasions
vnto euery
creature to prayse thy holy
Name, I come vnto
thee with the holy Prophet,
that mine eyes may
preuent the night-watches,beseeching thee to
accept this mine Euening
Sacrifice of praise and
thanks, for the depth of
thy goodnesse, which I am
not able to expresse, and
the Sea of thy mercies,
which haue ouer-flowed
this day to my great comfort.
Season, O Lord, my
senses inward and outward
with the Salt of thy
grace, that with a sanctified
heart, I may make a
godly vse of all those good
things which I haue heard,
seene, or read this day.
And further, lighten mine
eies that I sleepe not in
C 5
death, nor walke in darknessespiritual or corporal,
to endanger eyther my
body or my soule.
O Lord, let mine eyes
sleepe, and inioy that moderate
recreation which
thou hast appointed for
my wearisome condition,
but let my soule continually
watch vnto thee, to attend
thy comming, that
when my sleepe hath not
beene vnmeasurable, to
please excessiuely the ease
of my flesh, I may be the
better disposed to thy seruice
to morrow.
Preserue me Lord, from
all vncleannesse, both of
body and soule, from alldangers that walke in the
night: and keep me from
all temptations of him
that is the prince of darknesse.
Forgiue me the sins
and offences which I haue
committed this day, in
thought, word & deed, against
thee, or my neighbour.
Giue mee grace to
water my Couch with
teares, in vnfeined repentance
of my sins past, & so
to passe the residue of my
life, that in regard of thy
iustice, I may retaine a holy
feare, to stand alwaies in
awe of thee: and in regard
of thy mercy conceyue
sure hope neuer to despaire.O Lord, keepe me this
night, both in body and
soule, that I may ioyfully
rise againe, be thankefull
vnto thee, and diligently
walke in my vocation and
calling, to the glory of
thy holy Name, and the
commoditie of my neighbour,
for Iesus Christs
sake, our onely
Lord and Sauiour.
Morning Prayer.
Satisfie vs earely with thy mercie, that we may reioyce and be glad in all our dayes.
O Blessed LORDGOD, great
in power, fearefull
in Iudgement,
and rich in mercie:
which bindest, and no
man looseth; and loosest,
and no man bindeth; I
yeeld thee most humbleand harty thanks, for that
of thy fatherly goodnesse,
thou hast vouchsafed me
this last nights sleepe in
peace and rest: and again,
loosing the bonds wherewith
I was tyed, hast giuen
me power to see this Morning
light. Now, O Lord,
I beseech thee powre vpon
me this day, the dew of
thy blessing, that through
the operation of thy gratious
beames, I may bud
foorth, and beare the fruits
of true faith in my life &
conuersation. Continue
thy goodnesse and mercy
towards mee, and by thy
power rayse mee from thedeepe sleepe of all vnrighteousnesse,
discharge me
from the workes of darkenesse,
and clothe me with
the Armour of light, that
I may walke honestly as in
the day, and liue soberly,
righteously, and godly, in
this present world.
Grant me, o Lord, true
vnderstanding and knowledge
of thy word, which
is the Glasse of thy wil. Increase
in me all godly desires,
together with true
contrition of heart, that I
may vnfeinedly despise
the pleasures of this world,
& with harty repentance
be conuerted vnto thee.Send thy holy Angell to
guide me, and keepe me
in all my waies; and prosper
the worke of my
hands, that I neuer faile
in my vocation to doe
good, and eschew euill.
O Lord, I beseech thee,
preserue and keepe my
senses safe and sound, that
I be neither corrupted
by prosperitie, nor cast
downe by aduersitie; nor
be too fearefull of thy
iudgements, or too bold
vpon thy mercy: But grant
mee grace, O mercifull
Lord, that I may apprehend
all things that come
from thee with a religious,contented mind, and
in the end of my dayes,
by a liuely Fayth, may
ioyfully arriue in the
Land of promise, the
Kingdome of HEAVEN,
through the merits of
my onely Sauiour
and Redeemer,
A Prayer to God the Sonne.
O Blessed LORD IesusChrist, Sonne of the
eternall God, blessed be
thy name for our redemption.
Great was thy loue,
sore was thy Passion: Print
in our minds, we beseech
thee, the continuall memory
thereof, that we may
loue thee which so louedst
vs, and euermore prayse
thee that hast bought vs at
so deare a price. Reiect not
our prayers which we offer
to be presented to thyFather, but mercifully
helpe vs, and heale all our
infirmities: increase our
faith, and teach vs obedience,
forgiue vs our offences,
and hide vs in thy
wounds from thy fathers
iust wrath. Make good thy
promises vnto vs for the
world to come, and enable
vs with thy Grace for the
performance of all thy
Commandements: Prosper,
O Lord, our handy
worke and bring vs safely
to the end of this day,
for thy trueth, and for thy
Names sake, Amen.
Euening Prayer.
Happy is hee that hath the GOD of Iacob for his helpe, whose hope is in the Lord his God.
O Most holy Fatherand gracious GOD,
which giuest vnto all sorts
of men the cheerefull light
of the day, that in thine
assistance they may follow
their honest vocations: &
likewise the silent night,
that then they may returne
thanks vnto thee forthy benefits, and so rest
their wearied limbes, and
busied minds: I sinnefull
creature giue thee thanks
for the totall summe of all
this thy goodnes, whereof
I haue beene this day partaker
through thy mercy.
O Lord, looke not vpon
mine vnworthinesse, folly,
and wickednesse, but appease
thy iust anger, conceiued
against mee, and
forgiue what hath beene
amisse in mee this day, euen
for his sake who is thy
welbeloued Sonne, and
my deare Aduocate. Root
vp the thornes of mine
euill inclinations and affections,and in their place
make the fruites of vertue
spring. Inflame my heart
with the desire of heauenlie
loue, that I may keepe
thy commandements with
zeale as hot as fire, louing
thee aboue all things, and
mine neighbour as my
Giue me grace, o Lord,
to serue thee in true faith
and holines, all the dayes
of my life, & to ouercome
my mortall enemies, the
desires of the world, the
pleasures of the flesh, and
the suggestions of the wicked
spirit, remembring
my promise made to theein Baptisme, for the performance
whereof I depend
onely vpon thy holy
spirit. Let thine Angels
pitch their Tents round about
this house for defence,
now in the time of
this darkenesse, and grant
that this nights sleep may
be quiet vnto me without
griefe or trouble. Preserue
me & mine both in body
and soule, from al dangers
which may come either by
foolish dreames, noisome
spirits, or vncleannesse of
corrupt Nature. Waken
me againe, O Lord, in due
time, and let mee behold
the light of the next day,prepare me to thy seruice
euery day in all truth and
sinceritie, that when I
haue run the race of this
life, thou mayest be pleased
to call mee to be partaker
of a better, that so I
may liue and raigne with
thee euermore, through
Iesus Christ my onely
Lord and
Morning prayer.
Cause mee to heare thy louing kindnesse in the Morning, for in thee doe I trust; cause me to know the way wherein I should walke: for I lift vp my soule vnto thee.
O Blessed GODand merciful father,
the Sun of
the world, neuer
going downe, which bringest
forth, nourishest andrefreshest all things, both
in heaven and earth: I most
humbly thanke thee that
thou hast preserued me this
night, and euer hitherto
vnder thy protection, suffering
mee to liue vntill this
present houre: that thou
hast succoured and defended
me in all my needs &
necessities, and hast prouided
so graciously and mercifully
for mee. Now I beseech
thee o Lord not to
abridge the hand of thy
mercy toward mee, but
let the spring of thy grace
flowing from the sanctuary
of thy goodnes, arise to all
the parts of my soule, insuch proportion, as may
be for thy glory and my
Mortifie O my God all
corrupt affections in mee,
and pardon my innumerable
sinnes. Fill me this day
with thy grace, that I may
spend it to the honour of
thy Name. Set a Watch before
my mouth, and order
my lippes, that I may vtter
nothing vnaduisedly,
either before thee or men.
Keepe my sences within
their limits, direct my will
to that which is good, and
order my iudgement, for
the accomplishing of those
D 2
things that appertaine tomy vocation.
O Lord, defend me from
all shame and disgraces:
shield me from al violence,
and guide mee safely from
all perillous & dangerous
wayes. Make mee as thy
Spouse, inwardly and outwardly
prepared by thy
grace, to bee presented a
pure Virgine vnto Christ.
Display vpon me thy banners
of loue, spred abroad
in my heart by the Holy
Ghost: that with the eye of
Faith, I may beholde and
see the Crosse of Christ,
and his sacred wounds, the
comfortable price of my
redemption; and stand sofast in this Christian warfare,
that nothing make me
yeeld to the temptations of
the Diuell. O Lord, so
strengthen mee with thy
grace in this vale of miserie,
that all my outward
members may follow the
direction of my heart, and
my heart being sincerely
dedicated vnto thee, I may
serue thee in holinesse and
Righteousnesse, all the
dayes of my life, for Iesus
Christs sake, my onely
Sauiour and
D 3
A Prayer to God the holy Ghost.
O Holy Spirit, the Authourand giuer of life,
which hast guided me thus
farre this day, and guarded
me from manifold euils; I
praise thee, I blesse thee, I
glorifie thee for thy great
mercie. Continue thy
goodnes towards me, I beseech
thee, though I deserue
it not: inspire my
minde with holy motions,
conuert me from euil, confirme
me in al that is good.Comfort mee, thou comforter,
when I shall haue
most neede. Cleare the
stormes of temptation, and
inflame the coldnesse of
my zeale, with the fire of
thy loue. Lead me into all
truth, and reclayme mee
when I goe astray: Oh prosper
the works of my hands;
bring mee safely from all
dangers to the end of this
day, for Iesus Christs
sake, Amen.
D 4
Euening Prayer.
Withhold not thy tender mercies from me o Lord: let thy louing kindnesse and thy truth alwaies preserue me.
O Lord God, thou whoart my life, the length
and strength of my dayes;
I most heartily thanke thee
for keeping mee this day
from manifold dangers,
both of Body and Soule,
which might iustly haue
fallen vpon mee. Nowe Ihumbly beseech thee,
bring not into iudgement
what I haue done amisse
this day, but mercifully
pardon the escapes and offences
of the same. Forgiue
and forget O LORD all
mine idle and vaine words,
and impute not my foolishnes
vnto mee. Destroy in
me the kingdome of sinne,
the power of Sathan, the
desires of the world, & the
vaine delights of the flesh.
Lord, into thy hands I
commend my selfe, euen
soule and body this night
and euer. Lighten my
darkenesse that I sleepe not
D 5
in death, & defend me thatno euill happen vnto me.
Take not thy holy Spirit
from mee, but continue
the motions thereof in my
heart, that when as the
Tempter shall come with
his assaults, I may be furnished
with the shield of faith
to quench his fiery darts.
Comfort me o Lord in
all those things wherein I
haue beene any wayes dismayed
this day. Confirme
my weakenesse, and grant
that this nights sleepe may
be sweet and healthfull to
my body and a profitable
memoriall of that sleepe,
which at my last end in that
great night, shall make a separationbetweene my body
and soule. Let thine vnspeakeable
mercy preserue
me, thy endles sweetnes reioyce
mee, thy heauenly
truth strengthen mee, thy
knowledge embolden me,
and thy goodnes keep me,
now & for euermore, from
mine enemies, visible and
inuisible: that I may awake
in the Morning in perfect
sense, & good health, and
for the same be thankefull
vnto thee, & carefully betake
mee to my vocation
& calling, for Iesus Christs
sake, my onely Lord and
Sauiour. Amen.
Morning Prayer.
The Lord is nigh vnto all them that call vpon him: to all that call vpon him in truth.
O Lord God, whichart the light that
no man can attaine
vnto, and yet lightenest
euery one that commeth
into this world, and
mercifully driuest away thedarknes of the night, & shadow
of death: I praise thy
holy Name, & thanke thee
that thou hast vouchsafed
me this fauour, to passe this
night in so comfortable
rest, & to be brought again
safe & sound, vnto the morning
light. Now I beseech
thee by the blessed Incarnation,
and holy Natiuitie
of thy Sonne Iesus Christ
the blessed day-star that
appeared to the world let
thy mercy this day arise
vpon me, & let the day-star
of thy light shine in my
heart, that I be not carried
away through the power of
darkenes, to spend this dayafter mine owne minde and
pleasure, but that I may
carefully follow thy fatherly
will reuealed in thy holy
Increase in me O Lord
the gift of faith and hope,
to beleeue in thee and thy
promises made in Christ,
that neither by mine owne
negligence, nor the infirmitie
of the flesh, nor the
grieuousnes of temptation,
I be driuen away from faith
in his blood. Disperse O
LORD, the thicke mistes
and clouds of mine iniquities,
and wash them away
in the blood of thy Sonnes
passion. Giue me a will toworke duely in my vocation
this day, that I be not
idle; and order my skil with
the rule of thy wisedome,
that I bee not vnfruitfull.
Blesse my body and soule,
that none euill or harme
come vnto me, & my memory
and senses, that they
passe not the limites which
thou hast appointed them.
O Lord, lighten my mind
to looke vpon good things
onely, inflame my heart
with the loue of them, and
conduct mee by thy grace
to attaine them: that as
thou hast awaked my body
from sleepe; so my Soule
may bee raysed from theslumber of sinne, and darknesse
of this World, and
they both being companions
and fellowes in the
way of godlinesse, may be
made partakers of euerlasting
life at the latter day,
through Iesus Christ, our
onely Lord and Sauiour,
A Prayer for Sobrietie.
O Lord God, whichhast commaunded
vs to be sober, and
watch, direct my pathes in
the right way to all sobrietie,
spirituall and corporal.
Suffer me not this day, nor
any other to abuse thy
good creatures, or turne
thy grace into wantonnes:
let mee not be ouercome
with surfetting and drunkennesse,
but auoide all superfluity,
vsing all temperance
and moderation,both in meats and drinkes.
Graunt me a stayed minde,
and a lowly conceite of
my selfe: Blesse mee,
that I may be wise, but to
sobrietie, that I may liue
soberly, righteously, and
godly in this present world
for Iesus Christs sake, Amen.
Euening Prayer.
The Lord is good to all, and his tender mercies are ouer all his workes.
O Lord God, my mostlouing and mercifull
Father, great in mercie,
and constant in truth: I doe
acknowledge my bounden
dutie of thankefulnesse vnto
thee, for thy manifold
graces and benefits impartedvnto mee this day,
though I bee vnable to
recount them, and farre
more vnworthy to receiue
them. Neuerthelesse, in full
assurance and confidence
of thy loue to me in Christ
Iesus, I commit now into
thy hands again this night,
my soule and body, and
all my senses, my thoughts,
affections, wordes, and
deedes: all within me, and
all without mee, my faith
and my continuance in
the same, beseeching thee
of thy mercy to keepe
them day & night blamelesse,
and vndefiled against
the day of thy comming.Pardon, I pray thee, and
forgiue mee all the sinnes
which this day I haue either
wretchedly effected,
or wickedly imagined against
thine honour, & the
good of my Neighbour.
Lay not the frailty of my
younger yeares vnto my
charge. And for the better
confirmation of thy gracious
pardon, I humbly intreat
thee o Lord to annexe
vnto thy Graunt, the
power of thy grace, to attend
vpon me, that I may
this night quietly take my
rest, vnder the shadow of
thy wings, void of all feare,
spirituall darkenes, danger,and despaire. Strike my
heart o Lord with thy
feare, that fearing I may
escape those things which
thou threatnest, and giue
mee the comfort of thy
saluation, that in louing
thee, I may obtaine those
things which thou promisest:
and when the darkenesse
of this mortall life, as
the darkenesse of the day
now doth shal come, grant
mee O LORD a watchfull
heart: willingly disposed,
and throughly enabled
with thy grace to abandon
these transitorie
nights and dayes, and depart
hence in the peaceof a good conscience, into
thine euerlasting rest,
through Iesus Christ, my
onely Sauiour and Redeemer:
In whose name I further
pray vnto thee, saying
that forme of prayer that
he that taught vs, Our
Father which
art in Heauen,
Morning Prayer.
Whom haue I in heauen but thee? and there is none vpon earth that I desire besides thee.
O Almighty Lordmy most louing
Creatour, & redeemer,
I thy
vnworthy seruant, giue
thee humble and hearty
thankes, for thy gracious
protection and preseruationof me in health, wealth,
and safety, this night past,
and euermore: beseeching
thee so to direct me by thy
holy Spirit, that I may liue
and walke this day according
to thy godly will and
pleasure, in all harmelesse
manner, to the profit of my
neighbour; and in all holinesse,
to the glory of thy
blessed name.
Lighten my minde, O
Lord, that I may cleerely
see those things that please
thee. Graunt vnto me the
knowledge and true vnderstanding
of thy word,
that without all vanitie
or curiositie, I may knowwhat is thy holy will and
pleasure in all things, and
also expresse in my liuing
those things which I know.
On bended knees O Lord
I beseech thee reiect mee
not vtterly for mine offences,
neither take thy grace
and assistaunce from mee.
Blesse my iudgement, and
all my senses, that no sodaine
motion make me to
conceiue any griefe so far
as to forfeit my reasonable
Blesse O Lord my labours
and trauailes in this
world, that I may haue
wherewithall to relieue my
necessities vpon all occasions.Indue mee with thy
feare, an humble minde,
godly sorrow; and a good
conscience, that I may cary
an honest & vpright meaning,
to deale iustly and
truely with all men.
O Lord, temper and order
all things vnto mee in
such peaceable course, that
I be neuer further tempted
and proued, then thou wilt
make me able to beare, and
so helpe me in the same, as
may be most to thy glory.
Giue me patience against
all prouocations, and faith
in all temptations; forgiue
me all those things wherevnto
E 2
vnto I haue yeelded contraryto thy commaundement,
and so arme mee
with thy holy Spirit, that I
may walke more warily, &
more wisely all the dayes
of my life, for Iesus Christs
sake, mine onely Sauiour
and Redeemer. Amen.
A Prayer for Chastitie.
ALmighty Lord, whichknowest that in our
flesh dwelleth no good, and
yet hast made our bodyes
the Temple of the Holy
Ghost, giue me grace this
day and euer, to crucifiethe flesh, with al the affections
and desires thereof, &
to bring it in subiection vnto
the Spirit. Quench the
flames of all carnall desires
in mee, abate the heate of
lust, and let me not be led
away by any wanton company.
I know my members
are the members of
Christ, sanctifie me I beseech thee
that whether I
be married, or liue single, I
may auoyd all vncleannes,
and alwayes know how to
possesse my Vessell in holinesse,
and not in the lust of
Concupiscence, for Iesus
Christs sake, Amen.
E 3
Euening Prayer.
It is good for mee to draw neere vnto God: I haue put my trust in the Lord God, that I may declare all thy workes.
O Eternall GOD, mymercifull and louing
Father in Christ Iesu our
Lord, I render vnto thy
Maiestie due praise and
thankes for thy fatherlygoodnesse, in protecting
mee this day, from many
damages and daungers
which might haue happened
vnto mee, and now I
beseech thee to keepe and
protect me this night: me,
and all those that depend
vpon mee, that we be neither
disquieted by dreams,
nor afraid of any terrour.
Haue mercy vpon mee O
God haue mercy on mee,
and of thy wonted goodnesse,
forgiue mee all my
transgressions, especially
those which I haue committed
this day against thy
holinesse: shew mee the
E 4
light of thy countenance,and let me finde comfort in
the remorse of my conscience.
Blesse mee o Lord
and water mee with the
dewe of thy blessings, and
let the drops of thy sonnes
blood, shed for my sinnes,
and yet crying for mercy
distill into my heart by a
liuely faith, for the comfort
of my soule, and the
amendment of my life.
I beseech thee, O Lord,
take from mee all manner
of darkenesse, misbeliefe,
infidelitie, carnall lusts, and
affections; & so strengthen
me with thy grace, that the
Barke of my weake Faith
sinke not, nor I be ouerturnedby the stormes of
Sathan, the waues of wickednesse,
nor the tempest
of a biting Conscience.
Enter thy iudgements in
the Tables of my heart,
that I may be content to
spare of my ordinarie
sleepe, and be more earnest
vpon the meditation of thy
sacred word, then the kings
of the Nations haue beene
to turne ouer their records
in the night season. Bee
mindefull of mee, when I
happen to forget my selfe,
and thinke vpon me sleeping
and waking.
E 5
Graunt me o Lord thisfreedome and liberty, that
I may lie downe in peace
and rest, and rise vp againe
in due time safely, to the
honour and glory of thy
Name, and the managing
of my worldly businesse in
thy feare, through Iesus
Christ, our onely Lord
and Sauiour,
Morning Prayer.
The Lord will command his louing kindnesse in the day time, and in the night season his song shall be with me, and my Prayer vnto the God of my life.
OH IMMORTALand euerlasting
God, Father of
our Lord Iesus
Christ, I thy vnworthy seruant
beseech thee, to accept
this my MorningSacrifice of prayse and
thankes, due vnto thee alone,
for protecting me with
thy mighty hand, from the
feares of this night past, &
refreshing my weary body
with naturall and kindely
rest: and herevnto I humbly
intreat thee to ioyne
thy further grace, for the
rousing vp of my slothfull
and sluggish nature, that I
may arise from sinne, and
walke in the way of thy
Commandements with all
chearefulnesse this day and
Pardon O Lord I beseech
thee the euils, and
abhominations of my lifeand conuersation. Cut off
the rootes, boughs, leaues,
and fruits, of the euill tree
of my heart: put away the
inward lusts, doubtings,
and denying of thy prouidence,
with all those grosse
and out-ward sinnes which
I haue committed daily
against thee: and giue me
a sure hope of euerlasting
life, that alwaies, while I am
in this world, I may haue
the tast and feeling of it in
my heart.
Giue me grace, O Lord,
to shun and auoid all those
things which thou either
hatest, or hast no pleasure
in. Take from mee a proudlooke, and a deceitfull
tongue, bloody hands, and
a heart any wayes giuen to
wicked imaginations. Keep
me this day from all perils
that may come vnto my
soule and body, either by
Sathan himselfe or his Ministers.
Blesse my senses
and vnderstanding, that in
all things I may heare and
speake reason: and suffer
me not I beseech thee to
speake, thinke, or doe any
thing this day, but that
which may please thee, be
answerable to my vocation,
and tend vnto the
aduancement of thy glory,
and the health of my soule.O Lord, I pray thee, send
thy blessing vpon all my labours,
and giue me a mind
to helpe them that haue
neede, according to my abilitie.
And so prepare my
heart in all my businesse,
that I may alwayes begin
it in thy Name, and goe
forward in thy feare, and
finish it with thy blessing:
that whatsoeuer I shall doe,
it may prosper. Grant this
O Lord for Iesus Christs
sake, our onely Mediator
and Redeemer.
A Prayer for Patience.
O God which art theGod of Patience, and
consolation to the Patient,
stay my vnbridled nature
this day and euer from all
discontentednes of minde,
and furious actions. Giue
mee grace to take in good
part whatsoeuer doth befal
me, and let my heart acknowledge
it to be the
Lords doing, and not by
chance. Quiet my minde
in the manifold disquietingsof this world, and open
mine eyes that I may see
helpe in thee. Preuent all
that is against mee, and all
that falleth out, turne to the
best for mee. Thy will be
done, and graunt mee
patience for Iesus
Christs sake.
Euening Prayer.
I will praise thee, for I am fearefully and wonderfully made. Meruailous are thy workes, and that my soule knoweth right well.
HOnour and praise bevnto thee, Oh Lord
most high and immortall
GOD, for thy gracious
goodnesse and mercie extended
to me this day, and
alwayes, notwithstandingall my wickednesses which
cry daily against mee, and
mine enemies that would
swallow mee vp. I beseech
thee o Lord continue thy
gracious and mercifull fauour
vnto mee, let the shadow
of thy wings be my
couer, thy Holy-ghost my
comfort, & thy holy Name
my Rocke and defence, against
all feare and trembling
which may ouertake
mee, this night or any
other time. Forgiue me all
that is past, euen all the euill
that I haue done or
thought, and graunt that I
may euer hereafter serue
and please thee in holinesseand newnesse of life. Be
thou my shield & defence
against the suggestions, illusions,
and temptations of
Sathan; and all the allurements
& baits of the flesh,
with all alterations, prouocations,
changes & chances
of the world. Sanctifie
mee with thy grace, that
my body may be kept vndefiled,
as the Temple of
the holy Ghost, and my
soule defended, cherished,
and tendered, as the apple
of thine eye.
O good GOD, the
Sunne is gone downe, the
Webbe of this day is almost
spun, and the night athand. Blesse me I beseech
thee this night, and take
mee into thy custodie, saue
me waking, keepe me sleeping,
that I may both sleep
and wake in peace and safetie.
Prepare me O Lord
for the day following, the
holy sabbath, the hallowed
day of thy rest, and my
great dutie: and then so
vnlocke the mysteryes of
thy holy word vnto mee,
that I may therein learne
the lessons of thy glorious
Maiestie, and mine owne
Graunt me o Lord such
grace as I may make a right
vse of all things, and thatthe hearing of thy word, &
the good examples of thy
seruants, agreeing with the
rule of thy word, may bee
both as a bridle to restraine
me from sin, and a
spurre to set me forward to
all holinesse of life, and
conuersation in this world.
O Lord grant mee these &
all other good things, euen
for Iesus Christs sake my
onely Lord and Sauiour.
A Prayer for the Morning.
O Lord God, mostmightie & mercifull
Father, I
vnworthy creature
acknowledge mine
owne vilenes, naturall corruption
and abhominable
sinnes, many times committed
against thee: I beseech
thee admit mee to
render thee my boundenthankes, for thy manifold
mercies extended towards
me this night past, and all
other times of my life: for
my rest and sleep, my food,
and rayment, my health,
peace and liberty, and the
hope of a better life in the
merites of thy Sonnes bitter
passion. Now deare
Father, I beseech thee to
continue thy mercifull fauour
vnto me this day and
euer hereafter. Forgiue me
all mine vnthankfulnes, vnkindnes
and prophanenes
towards thee, thy word and
seruice, or towardes my
Neighbour. Set all my
sinnes ouer to that reckoning,which thy Sonne Iesus
Christ, my Lord, hath
made vp for them vpon his
Crosse; neuer lay any of
them to my charge, but
freely forgiue and forget
O Lord strike my heart
with thy rod, that I may alway
be furnished for a true
and vnfained repentance;
that I may not be blinded
in my sinnes, to delight in
them, or to think that thou
wilt not respect my vntowardnesse;
but that I may
be weary of them, grieue
for them, and by all means
possible striue to attaine to
a true mortification of theflesh, and so liue holily, and
iustly, and soberly in this
present world.
O good God, I humbly
intreat thee, leaue me not
to my selfe, mine owne lusts
and desires: but assist mee
with thy grace to hearken
vnto thee and thy word, &
to passe my time in feare
and trembling, as an obedient
childe of so good a
Blesse me Lord this day,
and prosper all that I shall
take in hand; let mee haue
all my directions from thy
will, and the successe from
thy mercifull hand. Giue
mee a competent stay forthe maintenance of this
mortall life. Continue my
food, and rayment, health,
peace and liberty, that I
may with a quiet minde &
thankefull heart passe my
time in this vale of miserie,
doing good to all men after
mine abilitie, without
disgrace to my selfe, or
harme to any one.
Grant these good things
most mercifull God, and
all other needefull graces,
not onely vnto me, but vnto
all thy deere children in
the world, to the good of
our soules and bodies, for
Iesus Christs sake, in whose
F 2
name I further call vponthee, as he hath taught vs,
in his Gospell, saying,
Our Father which
art in Heauen,
A Prayer for the Euening.
O Eternall GOD,and most mercifull
Father, I doe
confesse against my selfe
that my heart and hands
are full of all filthines and
sinnes whatsoeuer, and I
am altogether vnworthy
to speake vnto thee, or to
come neere thy presence.
Neuerthelesse beeing so
much bound vnto thee, as
this day past, and all other
times of my life doe witnesse,
F 3
I offer vnto thy holinesby the hands of Iesus
Christ my Mediator
my humble dutie of praise
and thanksgiuing for my
creation, election, redemption,
vocation and sanctification,
with all other good
graces appertaining to this
life, or that which is to
come. And namely, o Lord
my tongue and lippes shall
glorifie thee, sitting aboue
the Cherubins, for preseruing
me this day past from
so many miseries and casualties
whereinto I might
iustly haue fallen, if thou
wouldest haue entred into
iudgement with mee. But
Lord thou art mercifull &passest by my offences, to
winne me by thy long sufferance:
I beseech thee
make mee thankfull for all
thy mercies.
O Lord, pardon and forgiue
mee all my sinnes:
graunt me euery day more
and more the sight and feeling
of them, with heartie
sorrow and vnfained repentance
for the same. Giue
mee grace to belieue all
the sweet promises that
thou hast made vnto mee
in Christ Iesus, both for
the remission thereof, and
the hope of a better life:
strengthen me from aboue
F 4
with thy mighty hand, towalke in euery good way
without feare, and to bring
forth the fruits of a true &
liuely faith in my life and
conuersation, all the dayes
of my life.
Arme me O Lord with
thy grace and holy spirit against
all the common corruptions
of the world, the
temptations of the Diuell,
and the allurements of the
flesh: and settle my minde
to the continuall exercise
of deuout prayer, with the
hearing of thy sacred word
watching for thy comming
both publike and priuate.
Continue thy goodnesse
towards mee, in prouidingfor mee such things as are
necessarie for the maintenance
of this present life,
and blesse the same vnder
my hand: that the little
which I haue may be increased,
and the increase
may serue, as well to furnish
my necessarie vses, as
to minister vnto the necessities
of others, according
to mine abilitie.
Keepe mee, Lord, this
night from all euils, which
may happen either vnto
my body, or my soule. Extend
thy goodnesse toward
all those that depend vpon
me, or I on them. Giue me
F 5
quiet sleepe and rest, andwhen I shall awake, let all
my thoughts and cogitations
be holy meditations on
thee and thy law. Blesse me
O Lord, all the nights and
dayes of my life, and at the
end thereof send me a blessed
departure, and afterward
a ioyfull resurrection
vnto life eternall.
Graunt me these good
things most mercifull father,
and all other needfull
graces, for Iesus Christs
sake, in whose name I further
call vpon thee, as hee
hath taught vs in his Gospell,
saying, Our
Father, &c.
Short Prayers for Morning and Euening, by I.F.1581.
A short Prayer for the Morning.
GOD of Light,who hast preserued
mee, and
brought mee
from the darkenesse of this
night, shine into my heart
this day and euer, by thy
blessed and holy spirit, thatI may be enlightened, and
ledde into all Truth, that I
may walke faithfully, as
the childe of light before
thee, casting away the
workes of darknesse, in the
place that thou hast set me,
doing and performing diligently
those things that
thou hast required of me,
either to the praise of thy
name, or to the comfort of
my Brethren. Graunt this
good Lord, I humbly beseech
thee, for Iesus
Christs sake.
A short Prayer for the Euening.
I Thanke thee OFather, for thy
gracious protection
of me this
day. I beseech thee keepe
me also this night vnder
thy wing, that I resting in
thee, may finde such comfort
and strength both in
body and soule, as may enable
mee to the performance
of my duty. Grant
this I humbly beseech
thee for Iesus Christs sake
my onely sauiour, in whose
name I further call vponthee, as he hath taught vs,
in his Gospell, saying,
Our Father which
art in Heauen,
A Prayer to God the Father, as a Preparatiue to the Meditation ensuing.
O Gracious Lord, almightieand euerlasting
God, the father of my
Lord and Sauiour Iesus
Christ; who was borne at
Bethlem in great pouerty:
Graunt me, I beseech thee,
a roome among the wise
men of the East, to offerthe poore talent of my
weake deuotion vnto him
all the dayes of my life:
euen a true Faith, for pure
Gold, the perfume of deuout
Praier, for sweet Frankincense,
and hearty Sorrow,
with bitter Teares of
Repentance, for dropping
And because hee came
into this world in such humilitie,
yet furnished with
such a measure of loue, that
hee was content for my
sake, to be laden with the
burthen of all our infirmities,
to carry our sorrowes,
to vnder goe a world of
iniuries and miseries, andat the last in a shamefull
death to offer vp himselfe
in Sacrifice to thee for my
redemption; vouchsafe me
thy Grace, that I may pick
vp some Crummes vnder
his Table, and gather vp
some fruits at the foote of
his Crosse, that when I
haue seene, what Iudas
sould, & the Iewes bought:
what Iudas lost, and I haue
gained, I may bathe my
soule in the purple streame
of his most precious blood
and then entombe him, &
lay him vp in a beleeuing
heart, vntill his glorious
appearance: So that all
the dayes of my life, beingwashed as the Apostle
saith being sanctified, and
being iustified in the name
of the Lord Iesus, and by
the spirit of my God, I may
neuer be without sorrow
for my Sinnes, thankfulnes
for thy Benefits, feare of
thy Iudgements, loue of
thy Mercies, nor remembrance
thy presence.
A Meditation or Prayer vpon the Life, Death, and Passion of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ.
O LORD ChristIesus, Sonne of
God, thou holy,
mighty, & wonderfull
God and Man, who
art the life of the liuing,
and the death of Death,
and therefore both in life
and death aduantage:Whose life for my sake,
was feebled with naturall
infirmities, and death caused
by violent sorrowes, &
yet thy life milde, and thy
death quiet. I beseech thee
giue mee a fleshie heart, to
weepe and shedde teares
downe my cheekes, if not
for thy paines who didst
sweat drops of blood trickling
downe to the ground,
& afterward dyedst for my
sake yet for my sins, which
then bred thy sorrow, and
now worke my woe.
Lord, I know that for
me, the tempest of thy
Fathers anger, and fire of
his wrath was stirred andkindled against thee; wherfore
now with the wise men
of the East, and all the
Iewes, I come to seeke thee
in the Stable at Bethleem,
and in Mount Caluarie.
At Bethleem, where the
Manger was thy Bed to be
borne in: in Mount Caluarie,
where the Crosse
was thy Bed to dye on.
In Bethleem, where a handfull
of Straw was the pillow
for thy sacred Head to
rest on: in Mount Caluary,
where a crowne of Thornes
and a number of Nailes
pierced and fastened both
head and body. In Bethleem,
where course swaddlingclothes were the best
Roabes: and in Mount
Caluarie, where thou didst
hang naked in much miserie.
I come to adore thee,
to prayse thee, to pray
thee, that as in thy life
time, thou wast content to
be bred, borne & brought
vp in manifold infirmities,
to strengthen our frailtie,
and to demonstrate the
truth of thy Humanitie
and then at thy death, to
disarme thy selfe, and to be
broken with them, for the
discharge of our Captiuitie,
& the assurance of our
accesse to the Throne of
grace. So thou wilt beepleased as a gracious King
to holde out thy golden
Scepter of mercy to my
fearefull conscience, that
I may come neere to looke
into thy wounds, to sue for
compassion and pardon, &
to taste of thy goodnesse,
who am a sinnefull wretch,
full of corruption and manifold
2 O sweet Iesus, how shall
I recount the large seuerals
of thine innocent passions,
from thy poore Natiuity,
to thy guiltles death?
From thy bloodie sweat
and heauie agonie in one
garden, to thy strange buriallin another? How can
I thinke of thy labours in
preaching, thy wearinesse
in trauailing, thy watchfulnesse
in Praying, thy temptings
in fasting, thy teares
in pittying, and not confesse
more iustly of thee,
then Dauid did of his Ionathan,
Very kinde hast thou
beene vnto mee: thy loue to
mee was wonderfull, passing
the loue of women?
Was it not inough, euen
for loue to mee, to be
cloathed with the vaile of
flesh, but that thou must be
compassed with the shadow
of death? Was it not
inough to become Earth,Earth, Earth, but thou must
become also Woe, Woe, Woe?
The God of heauen to become
the Sonne of Man!
The Lord of life to bee
made the childe of death!
The Maister to be turned
to be a Seruant, and from
a Seruant, to be counted a
bad Seruant! No proofe
brought, and yet scourged
without measure: No Inditement
found, and yet
crucified without mercie!
Oh, the beloued of the
Lord ran through Bryars
of Passions! Oh, the holy
Lambe was betrayed, carried
away, bound, condemned
consorted with malefactorsand Theeues; and,
like Ionas, plunged in the
maine depth of sorrowes,
and swallowed vp of the
whale of death! O Lambe
of God, that takest away
the sinnes of the world,
haue mercy vpon mee.
3 O Lord Iesus, it is the
ioy of my heart, that thou
hast taken and borne all
mine infirmities. All, spirituall
and corporall: true
euidences of thy humanity,
but no impediments to thy
Charitie. All of Soule, all
of Body, and yet neither
deformed in fashion, nor
distempered in passion, nortainted with any guilt of
sinne. Thy soule heauie to
the death, shall bring my
soule to life: I should neuer
haue beene heartily
merry, except thou hadst
beene painefully sad, and
grieuously sorrowfull. I
should neuer haue beene
verily satisfied, except
thou hadst truely hungred
and thirsted. I should neuer
haue beene deliuered from
feare, and absolutely bold,
except thou hadst naturally
O thou euer-glorious
God, the consolation of Israell,
and the hope of all
G 2
the ends of the earth, relieuemy carefull Conscience,
that am sadde, disordered
and disturbed in
minde for feare of thy
iudgements, and because
I haue displeased so gracious
a God, and louing Father.
Oh, neuer let my soule
be ouertaken with feare so
farre as to dispaire: nor
ouerwhelmed with the Sea
of thy wrath, nor apparailed
with the suggestions of
Sathan: But let it alwayes
heare the voyce of thy
Blood, speaking better
things then the blood of
Abell, and crying, not for
reuenge, but for pardon,for me, who by manifold
transgressions haue
robbed God of his honour,
the Church of a member,
and my soule of life.
4 Oh man of sorrowes,
but mirrour of patience:
What a weeke of paynes
was this to thee? What a
good-Friday was that for
mee? What dayes of sorrowes
were then one after
another to thee? and yet
with what patience didst
thou passe them ouer?
Patient, when Caiaphus so
despightfully vsed thee:
Patient, when Pilate so vnrighteouslie
G 3
iudged thee:Patient, when false Iudas
so cunningly, and treacherouslie
saluted thee, and
designed thee to be taken.
Againe, patient, when thou
didst carry thine owne
Crosse: patient, when the
Crowne of Thornes drew
blood from thy sacred
head; and patient, when all
others reuiled, reproached,
bespitted, scoffed, and
abused thee.
Oh thou that so patiently
& peaceably, mildely, &
meekely, didst carry painefull
and pangfull, haynous
and heauie sorrowes for
mee: I beseech thee, let
thy patience discharge myimpatiencie, and let thine
infirmities which thou
didst truely take, and willingly
beare with such power
& innocency, informe
mine ignorance, comfort
my sadnesse, kindle my
loue, discharge my feare,
and moderate my anger.
O Lord, grant me patience
to beare thy holy wil in all
things, and giue me grace
in the midst of all troubles,
yet to continue in thy feare.
5 When I desire grace,
O sweet Iesus, to fulfill thy
commandement of Loue
G 4
and Charitie, which is theend of thy commandement,
out of a pure heart,
and of a good conscience
& of faith vnfained, where
shall I take my patterne
but from thee, such a louer
as is Loue himselfe? for
whom didst thou not loue?
As for thy Disciples, thou
didst loue them as Scholers,
and cherish them as
children, and stile them thy
friends. Thou didst stoope
downe to wash their feete,
that were not worthy to
vntye thy Shooe. Thou
diddest restore Peter, that
had abiured thee: thou
didst saue the Theefe that
dyed with thee: thou didstconfirme Thomas that douted
of thee: thou didst forgiue
Iames and Iohn, that
asked too much of thee.
Thy bloody persecutors &
crucifiers, who did curse
and execrate themselues &
their children, to doe thee
a mischiefe, they, euen they
had thine earnest prayers,
before thou diddest either
dispose of thy Mother, or
pray for thy selfe. Yea, that
Iudas that betrayed thee
and sould thee for thirtie
pence making no price of
thee, but taking a base offer
thy holy hands did
wash his vncleane feet, and
G 5
thy sacred lips did touchhis prophane mouth.
O thou fountaine of
Loue, that doest drench
those that loue thee in the
streame of thy pleasures, &
imbalmest euen thine enemies
with the oyle of compassion,
and louest Mankinde
with an euerlasting
loue, so farre, that after
they had borne armes against
thee, thou didst embrace
them in the armes
of thy Mercy. O thou that
didst grieue till thou mightest
dye for me: Thou that
wouldst be betrayed with a
kisse, as it were to meete
death in the middle way:
Thou that didst reproouePeter, when hee diswaded
thee from it, and didst hasten
on Iudas, lest he should
be too flacke to bring thee
to it. Kindle, o kindle my
desires to thee, inflame my
heart with thankfulnesse to
thee, inspire my soule with
the fire of zealous loue to
burne alwayes, and flame
vpon the Alter of my hart,
that for thy loue to mee, I
may euermore loue thee
aboue all things, and my
neighbour as my selfe.
6 This is the Consummatum
est , O sweet Iesus:
Thou hast giuen mee that
which thou didst not owemee, and hast forgiuen me
that which I did owe thee:
Thou wast content to be
the By-word of the people,
and the curse of the Law,
for my sake. Blessed be thy
Name; blessed be thy Life;
blessed be thy death. For
thy death is my birth: thy
crowne of Thornes is my
garland: the fearres of
thy body, are the starres of
my firmament. Thy gracious
wounds are my happie
plaisters. Thy bitter
Mirrhe refresheth me, thine
infirmities strengthen me,
thy stripes heale mee, and
thy blood clenseth me.
Loe, I haue nothing totake to but what I haue
from thee; Therefore Bone
Iesu, esto mihi Iesus, O good
Iesus make good thy good
name Iesus vnto mee, and
let thy Passion worke compassion
for me, that by thy
mercy I may obtaine remission
of my sinnes, and
by thy merits may obtaine
euerlasting saluation in
the kingdome of
heauen. Amen.