Posie of godlie prayers
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The posie of godlie prayers, With a devote Epistle before the Booke, and after the Booke, a perfect Table, to finde Prayers for everie purpose and person. By Nicolas Themylthorpe, Esquyre of England. Watch, and pray, Matth.26.41.
STC 23935
Sample 1
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large initials
THE POSIE of Godlie Prayers.
When thou rysest, say thus:
I Ryse, andenter into
this day, to
glorifie my
GOD, and
walke in my
vocation, In
the Name of the Father, the
Sonne, and the holie Ghost:
Then pray as followeth:
O Gracious Lord, and mostmercifull Father, which
hast from the beginning of
A 5
mine age hitherto, deliveredmee from all perils and dangers,
both of soule and bodie;
for which I most heartily thank
thee. And yet, because I feele
in my selfe so manie faults and
imperfections, such readinesse
to evill, and slacknesse to doe
good, I quake, and tremble,
for feare of thy wrath, and
sharpe judgement: but for that
I know thou commandest mee
by prayer to craue of thee all
things necessarie for soule and
bodie; and hast promised, graciouslie
to heare my lamentable
sute, and mercifullie to
grant mee my needfull requests
and petitions; and I knowe
thou canst, and wilt, performe
them: therefore, for Iesus
Christ his sake, and in his blessed
and holie Name, and for
thy Mercie and Truethes sake,I humblie beseech thy fatherlie
goodnesse, to grant me all
things for this bodie and transitorie
life, as shall be most
agreeable vnto thy godlie will
and pleasure. And I humblie
beseech thee, that I may always
praye in charitie, vse thy gracious
gifts and benefits in charitie,
and leade my whole life
and conversation in charitie;
that I may daylie, thorow the
assistance of thine holie Spirit,
mortifie all my carnall lusts, &
filthie affections. Prosper mee,
and mine, in all our honest
Effaires: encrease thy good
gifts in mee, and confirme and
establish mee in thy grace,
that I may goe forwards in all
And with an humble and
contrite heart, and with a sorrowfulland repentant spirit, I
make my sute vnto thee, most
mercifull Father; beseeching
thee for mercie, and forgiuenesse
of al mine offences, which
in this night past, or at anie
time heretofore I haue committed
agaynst thy Godlie will
and pleasure, by trespassing
agaynst thy Godlie Majestie in
thought, consent, word, or
deede: and I most heartilie
thank thee, that thou hast preserved
mee this night past, and
all the dayes of my life hitherto,
from all death, danger, &
other mischiefe: and I beseech
thee, blessed Father, that thou
wilt vouchsafe this day, and
ever here-after, to haue a mercifull
eye vnto mee; support &
sustayne mee, beare mee vp,
and saue mee, that I fall notinto danger, nor breake thy
Commandements: giue mee
grace to walke warilie amongst
the snares of my mortall enemies,
the Devill, the World,
and the Flesh; and in all things
to be prudent, and diligent, to
consider before, what I shall
speake, or doe; that my whole
thoughts, wordes, and workes,
may bee to thy honour, laude,
and glorie, to the edifying of
my soule in vertue, and to the
profit of my Brethren, thorow
the gracious Mediation of Iesus
Christ, my Lord, and onlie
Saviour: Amen.
Another prayer, for the morning.
O Merciful Lord God, I rendermost high laude, praise
and thankes vnto thee, for that
thou hast preserved and keptme, both this night, and all the
dayes and tymes of my lyfe hitherto,
vnder thy most mightie
protection, and hast suffred me
to liue vntil this present houre;
I most humblie beseech thee,
that thou wilt vouchsafe to receaue
me this day, and the residue
of my whole life, into thy
tuition; ruling and governing
me with thine holy Spirit, that
al maner of darknes, misbelief,
infidelitie, carnall lusts, & evill
affections, may be vtterlie chased
away, and drive~ out of my
heart: and grant me a right &
perfect fayth, that I may be justified
and saved both in soule
and bodie: and let me walke in
the light of thy Trueth; to thy
glorie & praise, my comfort, &
my neighbors furtherance, thorow
Iesus Christ, my Lord, Amen.
O Eternall God, & heavenlieFather, seeing by thy great
mercie I haue quietlie passed
this night, grant, I beseech thee,
that I may bestow this day, and
all the rest of my lyfe, whollie
in thy service; so that all my
thoughts, words, and workes,
may redound to the glorie of
thy holie Name, and the good
example of my brethren. And
as it hath pleased thee to make
the sun to shine vpo~ the earth,
to giue vs bodilie light; so
vouchsafe to illuminate my vnderstanding,
with the brightnes
of thy holy Spirit, to direct me
in the way of righteousnes; so
that whatsoever I shall doe, my
especiall care and purpose may
bee to walke in thy feare, and
serue and honour thee; and that
I take nothing in hand, which
shall not bee agreeable to thy
most blessed will; & that I mayin such sort travel for my body
and this present life, that I may
ever haue a due regarde vnto
the heavenlie lyfe, which thou
hast promised to thy children.
And let it please thee, o Father,
to preserue & defend me, both
in soule and bodie; to stre~gthen
me agaynst all the temptations
of the Devill, keep me from all
sinnes, and deliver me from all
perils & dangers whatsoever.
And, furthermore, I beseech
thee, good Lord, to receaue me
this day, and the residue of my
whole lyfe, into thy holy protection;
increasing in mee daylie
thy grace, and good gifts: and
vouchsafe, most mercifull Father,
to forgiue and forget all
my sinnes, which I haue heretofore
at anie tyme committed
agaynst thee; and for thy infinitMercie sake pardon & forgiue
the same: for which, and for all
things else, whereof I stand in
need, I make my humble petition
vnto thee, in the Name of
thy Son, my Lord and Saviour,
Iesus Christ, in such sort as hee
hath taught me, saying; Our Father,
which art in Heaven, &c.
Another, for the morning.
ALmightie, and most graciousGod, I heartily thank
thee, for the sweet sleepe, and
comfortable rest, which thou
hast given me this night past:
and for that thou hast commanded
by thy holie word,
that no man should be ydle,
but alwayes occupied in godlie
and vertuous exercises, everie
man according to his calling, I
B 3
most humblie beseech thee,that thy eyes may attend vpon
me, daylie defend mee, cherish,
comfort, instruct, and governe
mee, in all my studies, labours,
and counsels, even in such wise,
O my God, that I may spend
and bestow not onlie this present
day, but also the whole
time of my life to come, according
vnto thy most blessed
will and pleasure; setting thee
alwayes before mine eyes; living
in thy feare, and working
that which may be found acceptable
in thy fight; hating
wrong, & loving justice. Also,
I beseech thee, mercifull God,
to strengthen & keepe mee in
the fayth of thy Catholicke
Church, and kindle in mee the
loue and light of thine holie
Spirit; that I may walk godlilie
and vertuouslie in this lyfe, diein the trueth of thy word, and
liue with thee in everlasting
glorie. Grant this, most mercifull
God, for thy deare Sonne,
Iesus Christ his sake: Amen.
Another, for the morning.
I Humblie and heartilie tha~kethee, O heavenlie Father,
thorow thy dearlie beloved
Sonne, Iesus Christ, that to
thine innumerable benefits hitherto
powred vpon my soule
& bodie, thou hast kept me
this night past, and all the dayes
and tymes of my lyfe hitherto,
from all evils, spirituall &
corporall: wherefore I beseech
thee, to be mercifull vnto mee,
to giue mee grace to repent, &
amend my sinfull lyfe; that I
may liue hencefoorth, not as I
B 4
will, but as thou wilt. And asof thy goodnesse, thou hast
given me time to repent, and
liue godlilie, of the same thy
goodnesse, in Christ Iesus, I
humblie beseech thee, to giue
me thy gracious gift of true,
holie, perfect, and perpetuall
repentance; that I may more
and more lament my former
sinfull lyfe, trusting faythfullie
in thy rich mercie, even thorow
the merites of Christ Iesus, for
the pardon of all my sinnes; &
that I may vnfaynedlie purpose,
and effectuallie labour,
to amend my lyfe; and that all
my thoughts, words, & deeds,
may be to the prayse of thy
holie Name, and good example
of others.
And for-as-much as thou
knowest mine ignorance, wickednesse,
and vnablenesse, tocarrie anie crosse or affliction,
I beseech thee, sweet Father,
so to governe and order all
thinges towardes mee, that I
bee never farther afflicted,
prooved, or tempted, than thou
wilt make mee able to beare:
and so assist and helpe mee in
the same, as may bee to thy
glorie, and my salvation, thorow
Iesus Christ, my Lord &
Saviour, Amen.
Another, for the morning, wherein the sinner acknowledges his sins, and asketh forgiuenesse.
ALmightie, mercifull, andmost loving Father, whose
loue is infinite, and whose
mercie endureth for ever; I a
sinfull creature, trusting in
thine vnspeakeable goodnesse
B 5
and loue towardes mee, doeappeare this morning before
thy divine Majestie, most humblie
confessing my great and
manifolde offences and sinnes,
which I alace haue co~mitted
against thee, together with the
innumerable transgressions of
thy most Godlie Commandements,
& fatherlie will. Against
thee, O Father, against thee onlie
haue I sinned: I acknowledge
my offences: I accuse my
selfe: O Lord, I cannot hide
my vnrighteousnes from thee:
I finde in my selfe nothing but
disobedience, doubtfulnesse of
thy goodnesse, incredulitie, hatred
of spirituall things, confidence
in my selfe, and fervent
lusting after carnall things: and
therefore I most humblie beseech
thy fatherlie goodnesse,
even for thy Sonne Christ hissake whom thou hast sent for a
purchaser of mercie for mee,
thorow fayth in His Blood to
take away my hard heart, make
me a cleane heart, and giue me
a true and liuelie fayth. Haue
mercie vpon mee, O Lord, my
Saviour: forgiue me my sinnes,
O Lord; even forgiue me al my
sinnes, for thy Sonnes sake. O
God, & mercifull Lord, certifie
my conscience of the remission
and forgiuenesse of my sins, by
thy holie Spirit; and by whose
operation mortifie in mee the
olde man, and bodie of sin; that
I may die vnto Sin, and walke
in newnesse of lyfe, eve~ to the
glorie of thy holie Name, thorow
Iesus Christ, my onlie Saviour:
for whose sake, and in
whose Name, I pray vnto thee,
O Father, even as himselfe hathtaught me, saying; Our Father,
which art in Heaven, &c.
My voyce shalt thou heare in the
morning, O Lord: in the morning
will I direct my Prayer vnto
thee, and will looke vp.
I Thanke thee, O heavenlieFather, by thy dearlie beloved
Sonne Christ Iesus, my
Lord and Saviour, that of thy
free mercy thou hast preserved
me this day from all hurts and
dangers. Vouchsafe also, I most
humblie beseech thee, to keepe
me this night, & for ever: saue
me from all my enemies, both
bodilie and ghostlie. Giue my
body quyet sleepe; but let my
soule and mynde continuallie
watch vnto thee, and thinke onthee, and thy holie Law: that
when the chearfull light of the
day shal appeare, I being whole
in soule & bodie, may joyfullie
aryse agayne, be thankfull vnto
thee, and diligently walk in my
vocation, to the glorie of thy
moste blessed Name, and my
comfort, thorow Iesus Christ,
my onlie Saviour: Amen.
Another prayer, for the euening.
O Most gracious Lord, andmercifull Father, I thy
most vnworthie chyld, and sinful
creature, with humble heart
prostrate my selfe before thy
divine Majestie; moste humblie
beseeching thee of mercie to
forgiue me my manifold sinnes
and iniquities, which I haue
co~mitted agaynst thee this day,
or at anie tyme since I wasborne. Oh! I am heartily sorie
that I haue so manie wayes
transgressed agaynst thee, and
doe aske mercie and forgiuenes
for the same. And, O Lord,
with my whole heart I giue
thee thankes, that of thy great
goodnesse, mercie, and grace,
thou hast hitherto most safelie
preserved mee. And I beseech
thee, most mercifull Father, be
no more angrie with mee, nor
forsake me; but continuallie assist,
comfort, and strengthen me
against al the assaults of the Devill;
and be my succour and defence
this night, & to my liues
end; that I never offend thy divine
Majestie, or commit anie
haynous sinnes, or vyld iniquities:
& vouchsafe, of thy aboundant
bountifulnesse, to refresh
my weake bodie with convenientrest, that I may to morrow,
with all diligence, the
more readilie serue thee, in that
estate wherin thou hast set me:
that all my actions maye so
please thee, & by thy assistance
bee governed, that after this
vain & transitory life, I may attaine
to life everlasting, thorow
Christ Iesus, my Redeemer,
Another, for euening.
I Yeeld thee most humble andheartie thanks. O heavenlie
Father, for all thy graces and
benefites, which I haue at all
tymes heretofore receaved at
thy bountiful hands, even from
the beginning of my life, vntill
this present houre; and for the
great benefit of my election before
the foundation of the
C 2
world; for my creation, redemption,justification, & sanctification,
in Iesus Christ; for sparing
mee so long, and giving mee so
large a tyme of repentance; for
delivering mee from all perils,
ghostlie and bodilie; for drawing
me out of darknesse, and
bringing me to the light of thy
word; for defending me from al
dangers past, & protecting me
vntill this present houre. And I
most humblie beseech thee, of
thy goodnesse, O Lord, that it
may please thee to take care &
charge of me this night, and all
the dayes and times of my lyfe
hereafter. O, suffer me not to
sleepe and slumber in sinne and
vngodlinesse; but that I may be
alwayes watchful, and carefull,
for the co~ming of my Lord &
Savior Iesus Christ: that when
soever hee shall come, hee mayfinde mee prepared to receaue
him; and that I may heare, and
enjoye, that comfortable sentence;
Come, ye blessed of my Father,
and inherit the kingdome prepared
for you. Vnto the which
kingdome, I beseech thee, O
Lord Iesus Christ, to bring me,
who hast so dearlie bought me:
for vnto thee, O my Saviour,
together with the Father, and
the holie Ghost, belongeth all
honour, power, glorie, prayse,
and dominion, for ever and
ever, Amen.
Another prayer for the evening.
MOst mercifull God, andtender Father, who besides
thy most inestimable mercies,
given and bestowed vpon
me, in creating mee, in redeeming
C 3
me, even by the preciousdeath of thy dearlie beloved
Sonne, Christ Iesus, in calling
mee to the knowledge of thy
blessed and liuelie word, in
keeping mee in thyne holie
Church, & in thy most gracious
governing mee, and all things
hitherto, for my wealth and
commodite; who hast also most
fatherlie cared for mee, and
hitherto safelie kept me from
all perills and dangers, both of
soule and bodie; giving me apparell,
food, health, and all
other things necessarie for the
comfort and succour of this
miserable and poore life, which
I confesse alace manie others
want. For these, and for all
other thy good giftes, and gracious
benefites, which of thy
onlie goodnesse, and fatherlie
providence thou hitherto hast,and still doest, powre vpon
mee, I most humblie thanke
thee, & prayse thy holie Name;
beseeching thee, good Father,
to forgiue, hide, and burie all
my sinnes, which at anie time
heretofore I haue committed
against thy most holie will and
Commandementes. And I beseech
thee to grant mee the
guard of thy good Angels, to
keepe me this night, and for
evermore: and grant, deare
Father, that when I shall sleep
in death, and my bodie rest
temporallie, my soule may liue
with thee eternallie, even to
the glorie of thy holie Name,
and my everlasting joy, for
Iesus sake, Amen.
C 4
Another, for evening.
O Eternall God, and mostmercifull Father, who this
day, and all the tyme of my lyfe
hitherto, hast graciouslie defended,
nowrished, and preserved
my soule and my bodie, &
of thy loving kindnesse hast
most Fatherlie provided for
mee, a poore sinner, not onlie
in giving me a ritch portion of
thy creatures, but also in that
plentifull redemption, which
thy most deare Sonne Iesus
Christ hath purchased for me.
Grant vnto mee, O mercifull
Father, the assistance of thy
grace, and holie Spirit; that
though my bodie take its naturall
rest, yet my soule and
mynd may beholde thy goodnesse
toward mee, bee joyfull
in thee, and receaue such inward
pleasure, and heavenlie
sweetnesse in thy loue; thatwhatsoever I shal hence-foorth
thinke, speake, or doe, it may
bee all to the honour of thy
holie Name.
And let thy mightie Hand,
and out-stretched Arme, O
Lord, be still my defence; thy
mercie and loving kindnesse in
Iesus Christ thy deare Sonne,
my Salvation; thy true & holie
word, my instruction; thy grace
and holie Spirit, my comfort
and consolation, vnto the end,
and in the end, thorow Iesus
Christ, my Lord, and onlie
Saviour, Amen.
When you goe to bed, say:
I lay mee downe to rest, in theName of the Father, the
So~ne, and the holie Ghost.
C 5
O Mercifull Lord God, heavenlieFather, whether I
sleepe, or wake, liue or die, I
am alwayes thyne: wherefore I
heartilie beseech thee, that thou
wilt vouchsafe to take care and
charge of mee this night, and
at all tymes hereafter, and not
to suffer mee to perish in the
workes of darknesse, but to
kindle the light of thy holie
Spirit in my heart, that thy
godlie knowledge may daylie
encrease in mee, through a
right and pure fayth, and that
I may alwayes walke, and liue
after thy godlie will and pleasure,
thorow Iesus Christ, my
Lord, and Saviour, for whose
sake I beseech thee, O Father,
as hee hath taught mee saying,
Our father, which art, &c.
A prayer before we settle our selues to our Devotions.
O Most gracious God, giuemee leaue to present my
selfe before thy divine Majestie,
and to powre out my
vnworthie prayers vnto thee:
In the multitude of thy mercies,
O Lord, I come to make
manifest my necessities, as a
poore and needie wretch, vnto
a God of infinite glorie: I come
as a worme, vnto my Soveraygne
maker: I come as an
hainous offender, vnto a just &
severe Iudge: thou, O God,
promisest, that who so asketh,
shall receaue; and, who so seeketh,
shall finde: grant me, therefore,
grace to pray vnto thee, as my
duetie & thy desert requireth.
Grant mee a pure intention, a
fervent devotion; that with an
humble heart, firme hope, and
perfect charity, I may effectualliepray vnto thee, and aske of
thee that which thou seest most
for thy glorie, and my good.
O mercifull Lord, helpe me
to praye worthilie, that thou
mayst graciouslie grant my petitions:
defend my weake heart
from ghostlie assaults; & so fixe
my mynde vpon thee, that I be
not carried away from the due
consideration of thy presence:
grant me attentiuelie to applie
my thoughts, and to be wholie
ravished, and possessed, with
zeale, and true devotion: grant
mee to aske forgiuenesse with
deepe contrition, and full purpose
of amendement of lyfe.
Afford, O Lord, such comfort
to my soule, as thou seest fit for
me; and by the assistance of thy
Spirit, inspire thy good motio~s
into mee, that I may feele themforcibly, accept them thankfullie,
and fulfill them effectuallie;
and that I may devotelie pray
vnto thee, with true repe~tance;
appease thee, and for ever duetifullie
serue thee, world without
ende: Amen.
A generall Confession of sinnes.
ALL-mightie God, and heavenlieFather, I confesse
and acknowledge, that I am a
miserable and wretched sinner,
and haue manie wayes moste
grievouslie transgressed thy
most Godlie Commandements,
thorow wicked thoughtes, vngodlie
lusts, sinfull wordes, and
deeds, in my whole lyfe. In sin
alace was I conceaved, and
borne; and there is no goodnes
in me; that without thy mercie
I should perish for ever, solittle help, comfort, or succour,
is there eyther in mee, or in
anie other creature: onlie this
is my comfort, O heavenlie
Father, that thou diddest giue
thy dearlie beloved Sonne to
the most vilde, bitter and slanderous
death of the Crosse for
me, that hee might so pay thee
ransome for my sins, satisfie
thy Iudgement, still, & pacifie
thy wrath, reconcile me againe
vnto thee, and so purchase mee
thy grace, favour, and everlasting
lyfe: wherefore, thorow
the merite of his most bitter
death and passion, and thorow
his innocent blood-sheeding, I
beseech thee, O heavenlie Father,
that thou wilt vouchsafe
to bee gracious and mercifull
vnto mee, to forgiue and pardon
mee all my sinnes, to enlightenmy heart with thy holie
Spirit, to renew, confirme, &
strengthen mee, with a right &
perfect fayth, and to inflame
mee in loue towardes thee, and
my Neyghbour: that I may
hence-foorth walke as it becommeth
mee, in thy most
godlie Commandements: and
so glorifie & prayse thee everlastinglie.
Grant mee yet farther, O
Father, that I may haue a quiet
heart and conscience; and that
I may in all temptations, afflictions,
necessities, yea, and in
the verie Pangues of Death,
trust faythfullie in thee, and in
thy Mercies. And for that thou
hast commanded mee to pray
vnto thee, I most humblie beseech
thee for all thinges needfull
D 2
for mee, even for Christhis sake, and pray vnto thee,
as hee hath taught mee, saying:
O Our Father, who art in the
Heavens: Halowed &c.
A Prayer of Thankes-giving, wherein the Sinner craveth Remission of sinnes, things needfull for this lyfe, & lyfe everlasting.
O GOD of Abraham, Isaac,and Iaakob; Thou God of
all mercie and pittie, haue
mercie vpon mee, a wretched
Sinner, and forgiue mee, I most
humblie beseech thee, all my
sinnes, and offences, which ever
I haue committed against thee:
blotte out all my misdeedes:
renew a right heart, & create,
O God, a new spirit within
mee. I thanke thee, O heavenlie
Father, for all thy blessinges
and benefites, which thou hastbestowed vpon me: multiplie,
continue, & encrease thy good
blessings with mee: stretch out
thy bountifull hand over mee;
& with thy eye of mercie look
vpon me. Sende me, O Lord, a
sufficient living: make me beneficiall
vnto all, and not chargeable
to anie. Blesse, me, o Lord,
and giue me grace to liue godlilie,
& vertuously, and to reign
with thee everlastinglie. Deliver
mee from all troubles, discontents,
and worldlie calamities.
Take me, O Lord, into thy
own tuition: blesse, prosper, &
protect all my proceedings: let
whatsoever I take in hand, bee
good; and let the same come to
an happie and successiue ende.
Let mee haue a care, not to doe
any thing that may offe~d thee:
D 3
but let my whole desire be onlieto doe those thinges which
may please thee. Send, O Lord,
thy Angel from Heaven, to governe
and deliver me as he did
thy servant Tobias from al dangers.
Sende, O Lord, thy grace
from Heaven, to guyde me; and
thy wisdome from the highest
Heavens, to teach & direct me:
let mee not anie more fall into
sinne thorow frayltie: but to
blesse mee with thy blessinges,
that I may never offende thee;
but that I may earlie and late,
night and day, and at all tymes
and seasons, giue prayse and
thankes to thy heavenlie Majestie:
that I may liue in this
world to thy glorie, and my
comfort, and to reygne with
thee in everlasting glorie, in the
world to come. Heare, O Lord,
these my Prayers; and for thymost deare Mercie sake, & for
my sweet Saviour Iesus Christ
his sake, grant my petitions. To
thee, O God the Father, Sonne,
and holie Ghost, be al honour,
dominion, power, and glorie,
now, and for ever, worlde without
ende, Amen.
A prayer for forgiuenes of sinnes, with a confession of fayth.
O Lord God Almighty, andFather of my Saviour Iesus
Christ, I most earnestlie beseech
thee, of thy fatherly goodnesse
and mercie, to pardon &
forgiue me al my sins & offences,
and thorow thy bountifull
goodnes & mercie, deliver me
from al those sins and offences,
which by my frayltie, or anie
waye else, I ever committed
D 4
agaynst thee. For I confesse andacknowledge, that I am a miserable
and wretched sinner, and
haue manie wayes moste grievouslie
transgressed thy moste
Godlie wil & Co~mandements,
thorow wicked thoughtes, vngodlie
lusts, sinfull wordes and
deeds, in my whole lyfe. In sin
was I conceaved, and born; and
there is no goodnesse in mee:
therefore, thorow the merits of
the bitter death and passion of
thy beloved Sonne, Iesus Christ
my Saviour, and thorow his innocent
blood-sheeding, I beseech
thee, O heavenly Father,
that thou wilt vouchsafe to bee
gracious and merciful vnto me;
to forgiue & pardon me all my
sins & offences; to enlighte~ my
heart with thy holie Spirit; to
renew, confirme, & strengthen
mee, with a right and perfectfayth: inflame in mee loue towards
thee and my neighbour,
that I may walke with a glad
heart in thy Co~mandements, &
glorifie and prayse thee everlastinglie:
and that I may with a
cleare conscience, and quiet &
chearful hart, in al temptatio~s,
afflictions, and necessities, crye
vnto thee earnestlie, and say,
Lord, haue mercie vpon me, a sinner,
even for Iesus sake, Amen.
A godly prayer, for forgiuenesse of sinnes, and all things needfull for Soule and bodie.
O Omnipotent, Eternall, &ever-living God, who hast
made Heaven, and Earth, the
Sea, and all thinges contayned
in them: thou onlie maker of
all thinges, preserver, & helper
D 5
of them, with thy Sonne, myLord Iesus Christ, & the holie
Ghost: O most wise, mercifull,
good, strong, and righteous
Iudge, who hast sayde, thou
wilt not the death of a Sinner, but
that hee convert, and liue: I thy
poore creature, and worke of
thyne hands, doe acknowledge
& confesse my manifolde sinnes
and offences, which from my
youth, vntill this tyme, in
thought, word, and deede I
haue most grievouslie committed
agaynst thee; and am most
heartilie sorie for the same: desiring
thee, for Iesus Christ his
sake, to haue mercie vpon mee;
and, according to thy great
mercie, forgiue mee all my offences.
O Lord, I confesse and
acknowledge, that I was conceaved
in sinne, and borne in
iniquitie, & in my flesh dwellethnothing that is good: and
of my selfe I am not able to
thinke a good thought, much
lesse to wish, and least of all, to
doe as I ought: and therefore,
O Lord, I call vnto thee for
grace, who hast promised, to
heare them that cal vpon thee:
assist, O God, and guide mee
with thy holie Spirit: draw me
vnto thee: make mee, O Lord,
poore in spirit, vilde and low
in my owne sight: giue me thy
grace, that whensoever I shall
bee drawne into anie sinne and
wickednesse, eyther in thought,
word, or deede, that I may
feele my owne infirmitie, and
weaknesse; & that I may with
speedie repentance turne vnto
thee. Take from me my stonie,
blinde, vnbelieving, doubtfull,
vnfaythfull, and vnthankfullheart; my carnall, ydle, secure,
and impenitent heart; and giue
mee an heart to feare thee,
loue thee, and trust in thee:
write thy law in my heart and
mynde: let mee belieue, trust,
and liue in thee for ever: deliver
mee from the spirit of
pryde, vaine-glory, haughtines
of mynde, presumption, selfe-loue,
& trust in my selfe. Take
from mee, O Lord, the wicked
spirit of suspition, envie, jealousie,
grudging, whispering, or
backe-byting: keepe mee from
wrath, malice, hatred, lying,
evill words, contention, flattering,
dissimulation, hypocrisie,
blasphemie, vayn swearing,
light fashions, ydle Words, and
al vnstablenes of heart. Deliver
me, O Lord, from al filthinesse,
both of the spirit, and of theflesh: from vncleane thoughtes,
vnlawfull desires, evill concupiscence,
and lusts of the bodie.
Take from mee Covetousnesse,
and care of ritches, all deceat
and guyle, all ydlenesse and
floath, and giue mee not over
vnto an vnshamefast and obstinate
minde. Make mee able to
beare wronges with patience,
and not to recompence evill for
evill. Make mee loath to giue
occasion of evill vnto anie: and
if I doe, make mee willing
to confesse my fault, & amende
it. Take from mee, O Lord,
a carefull heart of worldlie
thinges: & grant, that neyther
povertie oppresse mee, nor
ritches lift mee vp, to forget
thee: but in prosperitie make
mee thankfull, and patient and
humble in adversitie. Lord,make mee merrie, without
lightnesse; sad, without mistrust;
sober, without dulnesse;
true, without doublenesse; fearing
thee, without desperation;
trusting in thee, without presumption.
Giue mee, O Lord,
the spirit of humblenes, meeknesse,
simplicitie, gentlenesse,
goodnesse, faythfullnesse, and
trueth. Grant me, O God, the
bowels of mercie, and loving
kyndnesse, towardes my Brethren,
long-suffering, and patience,
to beare all things well
which it shall please thee to lay
vpon mee: regenerate myne
heart, with the spirit of grace
continuallie; and grant mee an
inward feeling of thy favour &
mercie towardes mee, in Iesus
Christ, my Lord, that I may
know thee to bee my God andFather, and mee thy chylde for
ever. O Lord, encrease my
Fayth in thee, & in Iesus Christ,
my Redeemer: confirme myne
hope in thy promise: make
perfect my loue towardes thee:
giue mee a true and vnfeygned
loue to all vertue & godlinesse:
encrease in mee, O Lord,
strength, and victorie, against
all temptations, & assaultes of
the devill, the flesh, the world,
and the vanities thereof: giue
mee grace to keepe a good
conscience: giue mee a pure
heart and mynde, and renew a
right spirit within mee: giue
me the true vnderstanding of
thy holy word, that I never
swerue from the trueth thereof:
and that my chiefe felicitie
may bee ever in the same, and
E 2
in hearing, reading, talking,watching, praying, fasting,
mortifying and subduing my
owne will, and members. O
moste gracious Lord Iesus
Christ, Sonne of the living
God, who was crucified, and
rose againe for mee, and all
believers, and who sittest on
the right hand of the Father,
and art appoynted the onelie
Mediator for mee vnto God,
haue mercie vpon mee; pray
to thy heavenlie Father for
mee: sanctifie mee with the
holy Ghost, as thou hast promised;
and sende the spirit of
trueth to abyde with mee for
ever: kindle my mynde and
heart with thy holy Spirit, that
I may truelie belieue in thee,
acknowledge, and call vpon
thee, giue thankes vnto thee,
and obey thee: for I feele myselfe so charged and clogged
with sinnes, and infirmities,
that I know not what to doe;
but offer vp my selfe whollie
vnto thy mercie, to bee reformed,
according to thy good
will and pleasure.
O eternall, most mightie, &
ever-living God, governe and
keepe mee: lighten me alwayes
with thy Gospel: rule and confirme
my heart with thy holy
Spirit, and governe my studie:
powre on mee thy spirit of
grace, and prayer: O Lord,
make mee happie, & diligent,
in the workes of my vocation:
take into thy custodie for ever,
O sweete Saviour, my soule,
bodie, lyfe, & all that I haue:
bee gracious vnto mee, O Father:
succour, and helpe mee,
E 3
in all my necessities: grant meeall thy blessinges, and let thy
holy Spirit sanctifie mee, and
dwell in mee for ever. And
O Lord, haue mercie vpon
mee, graft, plant, and sowe in
my heart all vertues: and giue
mee grace so to vse them, and
all other thy gracious gifts, as
may bee most to thy glory and
prayse, to my consolation and
comfort, and to the profite of
thy Church.
Heare, O Lord, my prayers,
and forgiue mee all my
sinnes and wickednesse, which
I haue committed: & giue me
grace, I pray thee, truelie to
repent mee of the same. Grant
vnto mee, O Lord, true contrition
of heart, that I may vehementlie
despyse my sinfull
lyfe past, and whollie bee converted
vnto thee. I haue sinned,O Lord, I confesse it, and
I cannot denie it: But, O my
God, pardon my trespasses:
release my debtes, and forgiue
mee all my sinnes: stoppe my
wounds, for I am plagued, and
beaten with iniquities: Oh,
grant mee grace, with patience
to attende thy divine majestie:
encrease in mee, I most humblie
beseech thee, O most gracious
God, the gift of fayth,
that I may truelie belieue in
thee, and in thy promise made
vnto mee. Grant this, O loving
Father, for thy deare and wel-beloved
Sonne, Iesus Christ
my Lord and Saviour his sake.
A Prayer, where-in the sinner accuseth him-selfe, for falling into sinne, and asketh forgiuenesse for the same.
DEare, tender, and mostemercifull Father, God Almightie,
great and dreadfull,
who art mercifull vnto whom
it pleaseth thee: for thou art
the Father of mercie, and God
of all grace, peace, and comforte;
who desirest not the
death of a sinner: I therefore
earnestlie beseech thee, O
Lord, to haue mercie vpon
mee: haue mercie vpon mee,
O Lord, according to thy great
goodnes; and according to the
multitude of thy mercies put
away my sinnes and offences:
wash mee, O God, from my
wickednesse, and make mee
cleane from my vnrighteousnesse.
I acknowledge my sins,
and doe accuse my selfe of my
evill deedes: I confesse my
wickednesse, and rebelling against
thy preceptes: I hauebeene a frowarde chylde, and
haue offended, and provoked
thee, with my manifolde vanities
and sinnes, and haue not
exercised my selfe in thy lawes:
I haue turned backe from thy
wayes, alace and haue done
most wickedlie before thee:
I haue walked even after my
owne lewde thoughtes, and
foolish fantasies, and not as
thou wouldest: yea; I haue
runne from sinne to sinne, following
the fonde desires of my
fleshlie heart. I haue displeased
thee by my inventions; and
none of my sinnes are hidden
from thee. I am not worthie
to bee called thy sonne: woe is
mee, that I haue gone from
thee: great is my griefe, that
I haue led my lyfe in sinnes:
E 5
full woe am I, that I haue forsakenthee, and lived after
my owne mynde.
But, O Lord, forgiue mee
all my sinnes: doe not quite
forget mee, neyther keepe thy
mercie longer from mee: heare
mee nowe, O Lord, graciouslie,
& bee mercifull vnto mee:
bee no longer angrie with
mee, nor cast not away a contrite
& penitent sinner. Turne
thee againe, O Lord God, &
forgiue mee all my sinnes, and
offences. Hyde not thy face
from my prayers, but according
to thy promises take mee
into thy favour: for I am one
of those, O Father, whom thy
Sonne hath redeemed with his
most precious blood: & therefore,
of thee, O Lord, I aske
mercie; beseeching thee to
forgiue mee all my sinnes: andto haue mercie vpon mee,
even for thy deare Sonne,
Christ Iesus his sake, my onlie
Lord, and Saviour, Amen.
A Prayer of thankesgiving, and for Remission of Sinnes.
GRant, O Lord, of thy vnspeakeablemercie, that I
may worthilie prayse and honour
thee; that my mouth may
speake, my heart studie, and my
tongue sing thy laude & prayses:
heare the sacrifice of my
lips, and make it acceptable in
thy sight. My soule, praise thou
the Lord; and all that is within
mee laude his holy Name. I
will praise thee, O God, and
magnifie thy Name for ever &
ever: for thou art good to all;
and thy mercie exceedeth all
thy workes: my mouth shallgiue thee thankes, and extoll
thy holy Name. O prayse the
Lord, my God, my maker, redeemer,
nowrisher, defender,
Ioye, strength, victorie, and
eternall glorie. I honour thee,
I glorifie thee, I worship thee,
I laude & praise thee, for that
it pleased thee to make mee a
reasonable creature, and hast
given me wisdome, vnderstanding,
and many blessings, spirituall
and corporall: thou hast
visited my heart with many
graces, & holy motions: thou
hast delivered mee from many
perils both of soule & body, &
kept and preserved mee from
many sinnes, whereinto I
might haue fallen. For these,
and all other thy good blessinges,
most aboundantlie bestowed
vpon mee, I wretchedsinner, with all my heart, most
humblie laude, prayse, and honour
thee. O most mercifull
God, I adore, and giue thee
thanks, for thy vnmeasurable
clemencie, & infinite goodnes,
whereby thou doest most mercifullie
suffer mee to liue, pardonest
mee, and bestowest thy
benefites vpon mee: let thy
pittie mollifie my hardnes, and
thy burning charitie, melt my
frozen heart, that I may bee
cha~ged from a vessell of wrath,
vnto a vessell of mercie: & so,
beeing fred from all sinnes, I
may bee the more fervent in
loving thee: thou art good, &
I am evill; thou holy, I wretched;
thou just, I vnjust; thou
light, I blinde; thou lyfe, I
death; thou Ioye, I heavinesse,
thou soveraygne veritie, I nothingbut vanitie. O Lord,
sanctifie mee: helpe mee, and
saue mee: wash mee, & make
me cleane: suffer me not to
bee separated from thee; but
from the malignant enimie for
ever heere-after defende mee,
that I may come, & sing to thy
prayses eternallie. Grant mee
grace to come after thee, & to
imitate thee, that the former
of my devotion may recompence
in mee the follies of my
former conversation: & make
mee pure, & holy, that I may
earnestlie seeke thee, who art
the fountaine of eternall lyfe:
expell out of mee whatsoever
is evill or amisse, or whatsoever
displeaseth thee,: and
deliver mee, I moste humblie
beseech thee, from all sinnes,
iniquities, troubles, and evils,where-with I am encombered:
dispose all my thoughts,
words, and works, as may bee
moste agreeable vnto thy holie
will and pleasure. Keepe mee
ever, and everie-where, from
all sinnes, wickednesse, and offences.
Deliver me in this lyfe
from all evils, troubles, & dangers:
and afterwards bring me
to the most sweet, pleasant, and
delightfull joyes of Lyfe everlasting:
A Prayer of a sinner in trouble, thinking long for helpe; and trusting in God's mercie, desireth reliefe.
EVen vnto the Throne of thehighest Power, I acknowledge,
O Lord, that I am a sinner;
beseeching thee, O Lord
F 2
God Allmightie, of thy goodnesse,to do with me according
to thy great mercie. O Lord, I
am abashed, & ashamed to lift
vp my eyes vnto thee: for my
sins are assembled vp into thy
sight. Agaynst thee, O Father,
agaynst thee haue I sinned, and
done evill before thee. Thou
seest myne iniquitie is great: I
haue beene an offender agaynst
thee even from my cradle; and
since I sucked the breasts of my
mother, I haue not ceased to
doe evill. I was begotten in sin,
and brought into the world in
iniquitie. I cannot shake off my
sins and offences; but carrie still
with mee the infamie of my
youth. Beholde, O Lord, I am
sold vnder sin; and in my lyfe I
finde not that which is good:
for the good which I would
doe, I doe not; and the evillwhich I would not doe, I doe.
All the thoughts and imaginations
of my heart, haue beene
evill ever since I was young.
Let me not die in my sinnes, O
Lord God; for thou wilt not
the death of a sinner; but that
hee repent, and liue. Thou art
good, and merciful: and according
to thy great mercie saue
mee, thy vnworthie servant.
Thou hast showne mercie vnto
thousands: so haue mercie vpo~
me, o Lord God Omnipotent:
haue mercie vpon mee, a miserable
and wretched creature.
My soule is troubled: therfore,
o Lord, heale me: looke vpon
me, and deliver me. How long
wilt thou reject my prayers?
How long wilt thou turne thy
face away from me? Thy hand
F 3
is not weakened, o Lord, but itmay, helpe; and thy ears are not
stopped, therfore, o Lord, heare
me. How long, o God, shall my
mynd be troubled, with paynfull
and heavie thoughts? How
long shall sorrow torment my
soule? How long shall my enemies
triumph over me? Looke
towards me, o God: heare my
prayers: giue light vnto myne
eyes; and let mee not sleepe in
death; nor let not my sins prevayl
agaynst me. Turn agayn, o
Lord: turne agayn, and deliver
my soule; and saue mee for thy
mercie sake. O Lord, rebuke
me not in thine anger; nor punish
me in thy great displeasure.
Cast not thy dartes at mee; nor
lay thy heavie hand vpon mee.
Let me no longer beare thy anger;
nor drink of the cup of thy
displeasure. I haue no health,for feare of my offences, I haue
no rest nor peace, when I behold
my sins. My iniquities are
gone over my head; and lyke a
heavie burde~ they daily presse
me down. Thou, o Lord, knowest
my desire, and seest my
necessitie. Forgiue mee all my
sinnes, o Lord God Almightie,
for thy owne sake, and for thy
Sons sake. Put out of thy sight
all my haynous offences: for
thou hast promised forgiuenes
of sinnes vnto them that truely
repent for the same. Haue mercie
vpon mee, o good Father:
haue mercie vpon me: and for
thy glorious Name be no longer
angry with me: but forgiue
me all my sins; & take me, a penitent
sinner, into thy mercie,
for the loue of Iesus Christ, my
F 4
onelie Saviour, whom thouhast sent to obtaine mercie for
my sinnes, thorow fayth in
his blood, and who liveth and
reygneth, with thee, ô Father,
and the holy Ghost, for ever,
A Prayer of a Sinner, rejoycing for the benefites receaved at Gods hand: and still craveth Gods helpe, and forgiuenes of sinnes.
I Doe rejoyce in thee, OLord, who tookest vpon
thee in thy bodie my infirmities;
and so barest my paines:
thou wast made weake, for
my sinnes; and wounded, for
my offences; & by thy stroaks
were my woundes healed:
I went astray, lyke a sheepe,
and followed my owne wayes:
thou, O Lord, thorow thy
loue and mercie, hast redeemedmee that was lost; and by
thy blood-shed on the crosse,
hast payde my ransome: thou
diddest die for my offences:
& by thy precious blood thou
hast taken away my sins: turne
thy eyes of mercie, O Lord
God, and looke vpon mee, the
worke of thy hands; and heale
the infirmities of mee, thy
weake creature: keepe me from
all evill wayes; and teach me,
by thy holie Spirit, to choose
the way of trueth. I beseech
thee, ô King of holines, by my
redeemer Christ, keepe mee in
the right way, and vnite mee
vnto him in spirit: make me to
goe perfectlie in thy pathes, &
to hate all wicked wayes: wash
my heart from malice, and
cleanse me from my secret sins:
F 5
cleanse mee, O holie Father,with the blood of thy wel-be-loved
Sonne, from all my
sines, and deliver mee from all
my iniquities: purifie my heart
by thy holie Spirit, from all
filthinesse of sinne, and evill
concupiscence. O God almightie,
bee mercifull vnto mee a
sinner, and for thy glorious
name sake remember my sinnes
no longer: make mee, O God,
to returne from my evil wayes,
and wicked thoughts: remember
not the sinnes and offences
of my youth: but according to
thy mercie bee myndfull of
mee, for thy goodnesse sake. O
Lord, my hope is in thee; my
soule trusteth in thee: my soule
looketh for thee: thou art mercifull,
and with thee is plenteous
redemption: therefore
haue mercie vpon mee, accordingto the multitude of thy
mercies: for thou art full of
pittie and mercie: turne not,
therefore, thy face from mee.
Haue mercie vpon mee, o Lord
God, my Saviour: pardon and
forgiue mee all my sins, for thy
Name sake. O righteous Father,
looke not vpon the multitude
of my sinnes; but looke
vpon the face of thy Sonne Iesus,
who bare my sinnes in his
bodie, on the crosse: turne thy
face, therefore, away from my
sinnes, and put out all my iniquities,
& make a cleane heart
within mee. Cast mee not away
from thy presence, and
take not thy holie Spirit from
mee: but helpe, and comfort
mee: Establish me with thy
mightie Spirit: mollifie my
heart, that I may walke in thywayes, and not in the wayes
of errour: helpe mee, and forsake
mee not, o Lord, my God,
for thy Sonne Christ Iesus
sake, Amen.
A Prayer, wherein a Sinner asketh forgiuenesse of his sinnes, and desireth the true armour, to bee defended against the enemies of his soule; and confesseth God to bee his Saviour.
EVerliving God, and mostemercifull Father, I moste
humblie beseech thee, for thy
Sonne Christ his sake, to heare
my prayers, and forgiue me
my sinnes, and from hencefoorth
giue mee thy holie Angell
to conduct and strengthen
me with thy vertue, to withstand
the evill devises of the
world, and the appetites of the
sinfull flesh: arme me with thyarmour, the grace of thy holie
Spirit, and mightie vertue:
write in my heart thy holie
word, lawes, and commandements:
put vpo~ me the breast-plate
of Righteousnesse: direct
my lyfe and conversation
according to the Gospel of
peace: giue me the shield of
fayth, to fight against sinne and
desperation; the helmet of
health vnto my salvation, thorow
the merites of thy dearlie
beloved Sonne, Iesus Christ;
for whose sake, I a poore sinner,
most humblie beseech
thee, that thou wilt vouchsafe
to powre vpon mee thy holie
Spirit; to worke in my heart,
mynde, and soule, that I may
alwayes doe thy will and pleasure,
and walke in this worlde
to thy honour. Thou, o Lord,hast made mee, and given thy
Sonne to die for my sinnes: O
Father, even for his sake haue
mercie vpon mee: O Lord Iesus,
who hast bought mee with
thy most precious blood, receaue
mee, and haue mercie
vpon mee, and bee my mercifull
mediatour vnto thy Father,
that my soule may bee
saved. O holie Ghost, coequall
with the Father, & the Sonne,
haue mercie vpon mee. O Lord
God, most loving, and mercifull
Father, I acknowledge my
selfe vnto thee, a wretched sinner;
yea, such a sinner, as hath
neede of grace, mercie, and
favour: for in thy sight there is
no man righteous. Thou, O
Christ, art the blessing of God,
by whome all the Nations of
the worlde are blessed, andmade ritch: thou deliveredst
mee, and all the faythfull, from
hell and damnation: thou art
a shielde vnto mee, and vnto
all them that trust in thee: thou
forgivest all trespasses, & healest
all infirmities: thou defendest
mee, and all the elect, and
blessest vs. Thou, O Christ, art
my saving health, and my sanctifier:
with thee is mercie, &
plenteous redemption: yea
thou art the true God, and Saviour:
all soules are thyne:
thou redeemedst mee: I haue
none other Saviour but thee:
I will turne vnto thee, o Lord,
turne vnto mee: I will aske
mercie of the Father in thy
Name: and I trust, I shall receaue
it, that my joyes may
bee perfect: I belieue in thee,
G 2
therefore I shall bee saved;thou art the way, the trueth,
and the lyfe: without thee
none can come to the Father:
thou camest into the worlde to
saue mee, and all that were
lost: therefore I belieue in thee,
and hope in thee, that thou
wilt rayse mee vp to everlasting
lyfe. I belieue that thou
wilt saue mee; haue mercie on
mee, therefore, and forgiue
me my sinnes, O Lord, who
livest and reygnest now and
for ever, world without ende,
A Sinner desireth forgiuenesse of his sinnes, and a right and true Fayth.
O Lord, maker of Heavenand Earth, I confesse my
selfe, from the verie bottome
of my heart, that I am a miserable,
wretched, and abhominablesinner, and haue wickedlie
transgressed thy Godlie
commandements. The sinnes,
alace, that I haue committed,
are as innumerable as the sand
on the sea: they beare mee
downe, as an intollerable burden.
In these sinnes, O Lord
God, I haue walked vntill this
day, according to the desires
of the world, and the evill lusts
of the flesh: but what-so-ever
I haue in this behalfe offended
thy most Godlie Majestie, it
sore repenteth mee, and the
fault grieveth mee, to the verie
bottome of my heart: saue
mee, therefore, O Lord, for
thy great mercies sake: for vnto
thee, O God, of my comfort,
I wretched sinner doe
come, craving of thee thy mercie.
G 3
Incline therefore thy earesvnto my calling, O Lord, and
consider the request of myne
heart: and grant vnto mee, thy
servant, O God, the strength
of thy holy Spirit, to subdue
the bodie of sinne, with the
lusts therof; that it may be obedient
in will & mynde vnto thy
laws. For no man can help me,
but onelie thou, O Lord, who
hast broght my soul out of hel,
& hast holpen me from falling
into destruction. Put away fro~
me, o deare Father, that which
is evill; for thou art holie: and
saue thy servant, which ever
trusted in thee. I will acknowledge
I haue all my strength of
thee: for thou art my hope, my
portion, my God, and my Saviour:
Haue mercie, therefore,
vpon me, O Lord, & according
to thy great mercie doe awaye
my offences. Looke on me withthe eys of mercie. Sprinkle me
with the sweet hyssop of grace.
Cleanse me fro~ my sins. Wash
me, and I shall be whyter than
snow. Quench the desire of sin
in me. Open my lips, that my
mouth may set foorth the praises
of thy holie Name.
O Christ, Son of God, haue
mercie vpo~ me. O holy Ghost,
giue me a new heart, & a right
spirit, to laude and prayse thee.
Turn me whollie vnto thee, O
Lord: & take my sins away fro~
me. O Lamb of God, heale me,
and I shall be whole. Saue me,
& I shal be saved. For thou, O
Christ, art my hope: Thou hast
taken vpon thee my diseases, &
wast wounded for my offences,
and wilt, I trust, pardon all my
sins. There is no salvation, but
G 4
in thee; nor other name wherinI can be saved, but by thee, O
Christ. Thorow thee I haue redemption,
& remission of sins.
Thou hast made satisfactio~ for
me: thou diedst for me, and for
my sins; and wast buried, & rose
again; and ascendedst into Heaven;
& sittest at the right Hand
of God, in the glorie of the Father.
Thou art my Advocate; &
obtainest mercy for my sinnes.
Thou art that holy One, which
was, is, & shall come. I belieue
that Thou shalt come to be my
Iudge; therfore, I beseech thee,
O Lord, let not my sins lose me,
whom thou hast bought with
thy precious Blood. But haue
mercie vpon me, O Lord God
holie Ghost; haue mercie vpon
me, and work thy divine grace
in me, that I may be saved, even
thorow my Lord Iesus Christ.
Saue me, O Lord: for I belieuethat I shall see thy pleasures in
the land of the living. Gra~t me,
O Lord, a right and true fayth.
Forgiue me al my sins; & make
me daily more & more to walk
in a new way, and vpright life:
so that I vtterlie despysing all
worldlie things, may be continent,
pure of living, temperate,
righteous, diligent in all goodnesse,
meeke, mercifull, modest,
humble, readie to forgiue all
that offende me, and liue all the
days of my life acording to thy
divine will, & true feare: that I
may die in the world to all sin,
& to my selfe; and with a good
confidence, & merry hart, look
for the co~ming of thee, O Lord
my Saviour, Christ Iesus: To
whom, with thee, O Father, &
the holy Ghost, be al honour &
glory, for ever: Amen.
A prayer of a sinner, desiring God to powre his grace vpon him: & doth faithfully belieue, that God will freely forgiue his sinnes.
HOnour and praise be givento thee, O Lord God, for
seeing whereof I stand in need,
& so blessing me with thy manifolde
blessinges. I craue thy
mercie and grace, to bee my
guyde, wheresoever I goe. Receaue,
O Iesu, my soule & bodie
into thy ha~ds: for thou hast
bought mee with thy precious
Blood. O Lord, saue mee, for
thy mercie sake: and be my defender,
al the dayes of my lyfe.
Thou art the gift of the Father,
to saue sinners. I beseech thee,
O sweet Iesu, saue and deliver
mee from all evils, bodilie and
ghostlie, now and for ever; that
I may prayse and worship thee
in this lyfe, and in the world to
come. Agaynst thee, O Lord,agaynst thee haue I sinned. I
confesse, that al my lyfe tyme I
haue beene a sinner, and haue
grievouslie offe~ded thee. I haue
gone astray, lyk a lost sheep, &
haue bene an vnprofitable servant,
and there is no goodnesse
in me. But I confesse my sinnes,
O Lord, vnto thee, & earnestly
repent, that ever I offended
thee, being so loving a Father,
and so gentle a Lord: and I cry
with David, and say, Haue mercie
vpon me, O Lord, according to
thy mercies: and according to the
multitude of thy mercies, do away
my offences. Wash mee throughlie
from my wickednes; and cleanse me
fro~ my sins. For I acknowledge my
faults; and my sins are ever before
me. I cry with the lost sonne, O
father, I haue sinned against Heaven,
and against thee; and am nomore worthie to be called thy son. I
cry with the publicane, & say,
O Lord, be merciful vnto me, a sinner.
I cry with the blind, Iesu,
son of David, haue mercy vpon me.
And I faythfullie belieue, that
thou wilt freelie & mercifullie
forgiue me all my sins, be they
never so manie, or grievous, if I
faythfullie aske: For, by fayth I
am made of the child of wrath
the son of God: by fayth I am
married vnto Christ: by fayth
my heart is purified, Satan
overcome, and the world vanquished:
by fayth I am preserved
from damnation, justified,
and made righteous: by fayth
the wrath of God is asswadged,
and I work thy wil, O God: by
fayth my prayers are heard, &
my requests granted: by fayth
I please thee, O God, and ammade the chylde of light: by
faith I am borne a-newe, and
made the temple of the holie
Ghost: by faith I prevaile against
the gates of hell, and am
made the heire of thee, o God,
and fellow-heire with my Lord
and Saviour Iesus Christ, of
thy Glory: faith is richer than
all treasure, stronger than all
corporall power, and more
healthfull than all Physicions.
Grant mee, therefore, o Lord,
a true faith, and let me cleaue
to the mercifull and comfortable
promises of thee, o God;
so shall I be sure to haue remission
and forgiuenesse of all my
sins. I belieue thee, O Lord,
helpe thou my vnbeliefe, and
increase this my faith in me. I
most humblie beseech thee, for
Christ Iesus his sake, mercifullieto beholde mee, a most miserable
and wretched sinner, &
clearlie to forgiue mee al those
sinnes and wickednesses which
I haue committed against thee
even from the houre of my
birth, vntill this present tyme.
Forgiue mee, O Lord, all my
sins, for thy names sake, though
they bee great, and manie. Remember
not the sinnes and offences
of my youth, nor my former
sinnes: but according to
thy mercies thinke vpon mee,
o Lord, for thy goodnesse sake:
yea, haue mercie vpon mee, &
that right soone. Helpe mee, o
God of my salvation: o deliver
mee, and bee mercifull vnto
mee, a Sinner, for the glorie
of thy Name sake: so shall I giue
thee thankes for ever, & magnifie
thy blessed Name, even
world without ende, Amen.
A Verie Godlie Prayer, with manie Petitions.
O Lord, powre downe thyheavenlie grace, and Fatherlie
favour vpon mee; that
I beeing assured of thy favourable
goodnesse towardes mee,
may rejoyce, & glorie in thee.
Vouchsafe, O sweete Father,
to sende thy holy Spirit vnto
mee, which may make mee a
new creature, put away from
mee all fleshlie lusts, fill myne
heart with new affections, and
spirituall motions, and thorow
his godlie inspiration renewe
mee, both in bodie and soule,
that I may die vnto sinne, and
liue vnto thee in newnesse of
life, serving thee in holinesse
and righteousnesse, all the days
of my life. O sende thy wisedome,
out of thyne holie heavens,
and from the throne of
H 2
thy Majestie, that shee may beewith mee, and teach mee thy
will, and what is acceptable in
thy sight, conduct mee rightlie
in thy workes, & preserue mee
in her power. Remooue from
mee, O heavenlie Father, my
lewde, stubborne, and vnfaithfull
heart, and create in mee a
cleane, and godlie heart: cleanse
mee from all wicked thoughts:
breath into my heart, thorow
thy holy spirit, godlie and spirituall
motions, that I may
bring foorth good workes, to
the prayse and glorie of thy
Name. Grant mee, O Lord, a
quiet mynde, and a contented
conscience: free mee from the
damnable accusations of Satan,
from the craftie perswasions of
the world, and from the subtill
entisementes of the flesh: giue
vnto mee the precious gift of
fayth: giue mee christian loue,and perfect charitie, that I may
loue thee, my Lord and God,
with all my heart, with all my
mynde, soule and strength. Let
me loue my Neighbour as my
selfe, giue me grace patientlie
to suffer my enemies, & to forgiue,
and pray for them. Take
from mee all pryde, & haughtinesse
of mynde: graft in mee
true humilitie: giue mee grace
to bee mercifull, and liberall to
all that haue neede; preserue
my soule from all vice, and my
bodie from sicknesse: make mee
able with strong fayth to resist
Satan, with fervent prayer, to
mortifie the lusts of the flesh,
with meditation of thy holie
law, to avoide the vanities and
pleasures of this wicked world:
suffer me not to bee over-come
H 3
of Satan, nor his servants:but grant mee a strong fayth to
over-come them: sende thyne
heavenlie Angels to pitch their
tents about mee, and deliver
mee from their tyrannies: make
mee of that number, O Lord,
whome thou hast ordained to
bee saved: place mee amongst
thy sheepe; write mee in thy
booke of lyfe. Grant me these
petitions, Lord, and whatsoever
else is needfull for mee, O
most mercifull Father, for thy
deare Sonne Iesus Christ his
sake: to whom with thee, and
the holie Ghost, bee all honour
and glorie, world without
ende, Amen.