Alcock, John | Sermo Johi~s Alcok |
Year | 1502 |
Genre | sermon |
Title | Sermo Johi~s Alcok epi~ Elien~. |
Fisher, John | Sermon bysshop of Rochester |
Year | 1509 |
Genre | sermon |
Title | This sermon folowynge was compyled & sayd in the Cathedrall chyrche of saynt Poule within yecyte of London by the ryght reuerende fader in god Iohn~ bysshop of Rochester, the body beyinge present of the moost famouse prynce kynge Henry the. vij. the. x. day of Maye / the yere of our lorde god. M.CCCCC. ix. whiche sermon was enprynted at the specyall request of ye ryght excellent pryncesse Margarete moder vnto the sayd noble prynce and Countesse of Rychemonde and Derby. |
Fisher, John | Sermon concernynge certayne heretickes |
Year | 1526 |
Genre | sermon |
Title | A sermon had at Paulis by the co~mandment of the most reuerend father in God my lorde legate / and sayd by John~ the bysshop of Rochester / vpo~ qui~quagesom sonday / concernynge certayne heretickes / whiche tha~ were abiured for holdynge the heresies of Martyn Luther that famous hereticke / and for ye kepyng and reteynyng of his bokes agaynst the ordinance of the bulle of Pope Leo the Tenthe. |
Colet, John | Sermon of doctor Colete |
Year | 1531 |
Genre | sermon |
Title | The sermon of doctor Colete / made to the Conuocacion at Paulis. |
Matthew, Simon | Sermon by Symon Matthewe |
Year | 1535 |
Genre | sermon |
Title | A sermon made in the cathedrall churche of Saynt Paule at London, the XXVII. day of June, Anno. 1535. by Symon Matthewe. |
Longland, John | Sermon by Iohan Longlond |
Year | 1536 |
Genre | sermon |
Title | A Sermo~d spoken before the kynge his maiestie at Grenwiche, vppon good fryday: the yere of our Lord. M. CCCCCxxxvi. By Iohan Longlo~d byshope of Linclone. Ad laudem & gloriam Christi, & ad memoriam gloriosae passionis eius. |
Tunstall, Cuthbert | Sermon made vpon Palme sondaye |
Year | 1539 |
Genre | sermon |
Title | A sermon of Cvthbert Bysshop of Duresme, made vpon Palme sondaye laste past, before the maiestie of our souerayne lorde kynge Henry the. VIII. kynge of England & of France, defensor of the fayth, lorde of Ireland, and in erth next vnder Christ supreme heed of the Churche of Englande. |
Peryn, William | Thre Godly and notable Sermons by Wyllyam Peryn |
Year | 1546 |
Genre | sermon |
Title | Thre Godly and notable Sermons, of the moost honorable and blessed sacrament of the Aulter. Preached in the Hospitall of S. Antony in London, by Wyllya~ Peryn preest, bachelar of diuinite, & now set forth for the auaunceme~t of goddes honor: the truthe of his worde, and edification of good christen people. |
Latimer, Hugh | Fyrste Sermon of Mayster Hughe Latimer |
Year | 1549 |
Genre | sermon |
Title | The fyrste Sermon of Mayster Hughe Latimer, whithe he preached before the Kynges Maiest. wythin his graces palayce at Westmynster M.D.XLIX. the viii. of Marche. |
Bonner, Edmund | Profitable and necessarye doctrine by Edmunde Bishop of London |
Year | 1555 |
Genre | sermon |
Title | A profitable and necessarye doctrine with certayne homelies adioyned thervnto set forth by the reuere~d father in God, Edmunde Bishop of London, for the instruction and enformation of the people being within his diocesse of London, & of his cure and charge. |
Edgeworth, Roger | Sermons preached by Maister Roger Edgeworth |
Year | 1557 |
Genre | sermon |
Title | Sermons very fruitfull, godly, and learned, preached and sette foorth by Maister Roger Edgeworth, doctoure of diuinitie, Canon of the Cathedrall churches of Sarisburie, Welles and Bristow, residentiary in the Cathedrall churche of Welles, and Chauncellour of the same churche: With a repertorie or table, directinge to many notable matters expressed in the same sermons. |
Jewel, John | Second Tome of Homilies |
Year | 1563 |
Genre | sermon |
Title | The seconde Tome of Homilies, of such matters as were promysed and intituled in the former part of Homilies. Set out by the authoritie of the Queenes Maiestie. And to be read in euery paryshe Churche agreablye. |
Whitgift, John | Godlie Sermon by Doctor Whitgift |
Year | 1574 |
Genre | sermon |
Title | A godlie Sermon preched before the Queenes Maiestie at Grenewiche the. 26. of March last past by Doctor Whitgift Deane of Lincolne. |
Jewel, John | Certaine Sermons by Iohn Iewel |
Year | 1583 |
Genre | sermon |
Title | Certaine Sermons preached before the Queenes Maiestie, and at Paules crosse, by the reuerend father Iohn Iewel late Bishop of Salisburie. Whereunto is added a short Treatise of the Sacraments, gathered out of other his sermons, made vpon that matter, in his cathedrall Chuch at Salisburie. |
Sermons preached by Henry Smith | |
Year | 1592 |
Genre | sermon |
Title | Sixe sermons preached by Maister Henry Smith at Clement Danes Chvrch without Temple barre. With two prayers of the same Author hereunto annexed. |
Dering, Edward | Sermon at the Tower of London |
Year | 1597 |
Genre | sermon |
Title | A Sermon preached at the Tower of London, by M. Edward Dering, the 11. of December. 1569. |
Hooke, Christopher | Sermon in Paules Church |
Year | 1603 |
Genre | sermon |
Title | A sermon preached in Paules Church in London: and pvblished for the instruction and consolation of all that are heauie harted, for the wofull time of God his generall visitation, both in the Citie and in the Countrie: and fit for the comfort of Gods Children at all times. Heb. 12. Vers. 11. 12. No chastising for the presen seemeth to be ioyous, but grieuous: but afterward, it bringeth the quiet fruite of righteousnesse, vnto them that are thereby exercised. Wherefore lift vp your handes which hang downe, and your weake knees. |
Andrewes, Lancelot | Sermon by D. Andrewes |
Year | 1604 |
Genre | sermon |
Title | The copie of a Sermon preached on good Friday last before the Kings Maiestie, by D. Andrewes Deane of Westminster. 6. April 1604. |
Dent, Arthur | Christes miracles |
Year | 1608 |
Genre | sermon |
Title | Christes miracles, Deliuered in a Sermon. By Arthur Dent, Preacher of the word of God, at South-Shoobery in Essex. |
Hooker, Richard | Sermon of the natvre of pride |
Year | 1612 |
Genre | sermon |
Title | A learned sermon of the natvre of pride, by Richard Hooker, sometimes fellow of Corpus Christi College in Oxford. |
Playfere, Thomas | Sermons of Thomas Playfere |
Year | 1623 |
Genre | sermon |
Title | The whole sermons of That Eloquent Diuine, of Famous Memory; Thomas Playfere, Doctor in Diuinitie. |
Donne, John | Sermon by Iohn Donne |
Year | 1626 |
Genre | sermon |
Title | A sermon, preached to the Kings Mtie. at Whitehall, 24. Febr. 1625. By Iohn Donne Deane of Saint Pauls, London. |
Fuller, Thomas | Ioseph's partie-colored coat |
Year | 1640 |
Genre | sermon |
Title | Ioseph's partie-colored coat, containing, a comment on Part of the 11. Chapter of the 1. Epistle of S. Paul to the Corinthians Together with severall sermons: namely, 1. Growth in Grace. 2. How farre Examples may be followed. 3. An ill Match well broken off. 4. Good from bad Friends. 5. A glasse for Gluttons. 6. How farre Grace may be Entayled. 7. A Christning Sermon. 8. Faction confuted. By T. F. |
Grantham, Thomas | A Marriage Sermon |
Year | 1641 |
Genre | sermon |
Title | A Marriage Sermon. A sermon called A Wife mistaken, or a Wife and no Wife: or Leah in stead of Rachel; A Sermon accused for Railing against Women; for maintaining Polygamie, many Wives, for calling Iacob a Hocus-Pocus. A Sermon laught at more than a Play by the Ignorant for many such mistakes: Justified by the Wife. Wisedome is Iustified of her Children. By Tho. Grantham M. Art. Curate of High Barnes neer London, Invenies aliquem |
Fuller, Thomas | Fast sermon by Thomas fuller |
Year | 1642 |
Genre | sermon |
Title | A fast sermon preached On Innocents day by Thomas Fuller, B.D. Minister of the Savoy. |
Love, Christopher | Naturall Mans Case |
Year | 1652 |
Genre | sermon |
Title | The Naturall Mans Case stated, or, An exact map of the little world man, Considered in both his Capacities, Either in the state of nature, or grace, As is laid down in XVII sermons, By that late truely Orthodox Divine, Mr. Christopher Love, Pastor of Lawrence Jury, London. Whereunto is annexed The Saints Triumph over Death; Being his funeral sermon, By that painful Labourer in the Lords Vineyard, Mr. Tho. Manton, Minister of the Gospell at Stoak-Newington near London. |
Brooks, Thomas | String of Pearles |
Year | 1657 |
Genre | sermon |
Title | A String of Pearles: or, The best things reserved till last. Discovered, In a sermon, Preached in London, June 8. 1657. At The Funeral of that Triumphant Saint Mris. Mary Blake, late Wife to his Worthy Friend Mr. Nicholas Blake Merchant, with an Elegy on her Death. |
Allestree, Richard | Sermon by Richard Allestry |
Year | 1662 |
Genre | sermon |
Title | A sermon preached at Hampton-Court on the 29th of May, 1662. Being The Anniversary of His Sacred Majesty's most happy Return. |
Rust, George | Funeral sermon by Dr. George Rust |
Year | 1668 |
Genre | sermon |
Title | A funeral sermon, Preached at the obsequies Of the Right Reverend Father in God, Jeremy, Lord Bishop of Down: Who deceased at Lysburne, August 13th. 1667. |
Tillotson, John | Sermon by a Reverend Divine |
Year | 1673 |
Genre | sermon |
Title | A sermon Lately Preached on 1 Corinth 3.15. By A Reverend Divine of the Church of England. |
Stillingfleet, Edward | Mischief of Separation |
Year | 1680 |
Genre | sermon |
Title | The Mischief of Separation. A sermon Preached at Guild-Hall Chappel, May 11. MDCLXXX. Being the First Sunday in Easter-term, Before the Lord Mayor, &c. |
Bold, Samuel | Sermon against persecution |
Year | 1682 |
Genre | sermon |
Title | A sermon against persecution. Preached March 26. 1682. Being the 4th Sunday in Lent (on Gal. 4. 29. Part of the Epistle for that Day) and the time when the Brief for the Persecuted Protestants in France was Read in the Parish Church of Shapwicke. And Now Published to the Consideration of Violent and Headstrong Men, as well as to put a stop to false Reports. |
Wake, William | Obligation To put Trust in God |
Year | 1695 |
Genre | sermon |
Title | Of our Obligation To put our Trust in God, rather than in Men, and of the Advantages of it. In a sermon Preached before the Honourable Society of Grayes-Inn: Upon the Occasion of the Death of our late Royal Sovereign Queen Mary. |
Doolittle, Thomas | Call to Delaying Sinners |
Year | 1698 |
Genre | sermon |
Title | A call to Delaying Sinners; Or The danger of delaying In matters concerning our souls. Being the Substance o[f] several Sermons from Ps. 119. v. 6[0.] By Thomas Doolittle, Minister of the Gospel. Ezek. 33.11. Turn ye, turn ye, from your evil ways; for why will ye die, O House of Israel? |