Sermon against persecution
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A sermon against persecution. Preached March 26. 1682. Being the 4th Sunday in Lent (on Gal. 4. 29. Part of the Epistle for that Day) and the time when the Brief for the Persecuted Protestants in France was Read in the Parish Church of Shapwicke. And Now Published to the Consideration of Violent and Headstrong Men, as well as to put a stop to false Reports.
Wing B3488
Sample 1
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The original contains new paragraphas are introduced by indentation,contains elements such as italics,contains comments and references,
That the following part of my Discourse may be as plain and
easy to you as possible, I will reduce what I design to say on this
Subject, to these following Heads. 1. I will tell you what Persecution
is. 2. Name more particularly the Characters of them
that are Persecutors. 3. Shew you whence it is that wicked Men
are so violently set against the Godly. 4. I will make some brief
application of the whole.
I am first of all to tell you what Persecution is. And it is an
endeavouring to Trouble, Molest, Disturb, Kill, or any way Hurt
and Injure another Person on some Religious account. Every
Prosecution of a Person, is not properly Persecution, but only
when it is grounded on some Religious Affair. A Man may be
guilty of Sin in prosecuting another upon civil accounts, but this
Sin comes under another Denomination, as Oppression, Injustice,
unpeacable Brangling, &c. Now Persecution is much what the
same in Religion, that Oppression is in Civils. When Men will
not suffer others to enjoy that Liberty, and those Rights in Religion,
which either Nature or Revelation do allow them; but will
be severe against them, if in every accidental Matter, they will
not be just of their Mind. When Men do hale others to Tribunals,
in their Estates; or to be deprived of their Lives, or civil
Liberties, because they either perform some Duty God has expresly
Commanded, in a way they do not approve, or because
they will not consent to, Embrace, and Comply with those Determinations
they have just reason to Believe are Sinful. Whilst
Men are not openly Wicked, but tho not free from common Infirmities,
which do unavoidably accompany humane Nature in
this frail Estate, yet free from Gross and Scandalous Sins, whilst
they deny not any Doctrine of Christianity, nor divulge any Tenet
to the Prejudice of Christianity, nor do any way endeavour
to disturb the Peace of the Government under which they live;
they have a right to a peacable and quiet Residence, and ought
to be free from any Molestation, tho they cannot in every accidental
thing attain to the same Latitude with others. Whoever
goes about to Disturb and Injure, or Contract on such as these,
Fines, or other Punishments, because they cannot receive and comply
with those supernumerary Conceits some do too much please
themselves with, and press with too much warmth on others, are
too lyable to this heavy Charge of Persecution. And if we only
consider what it is they are so concerned for, we may see too
much reason, to conclude they have no great Portion of Commendable
Properties. Wherefore I will now proceed to the
Second Point, which is to account to you some of their Characters
more particularly, or to shew you what kind of People Persecutors
generally are. They are commonly observed to be the
worst, the most Brutish, and Degenerate part of Mankind. Consult
others, Read Histories, or Consider what you may Learn
from your own Observation; you will find them to come generally
under some very Scandalous, and Offensive Characters. They
are usually taken to be the very Pest of Society. It is almost as
dangerous to live amongst them, as amongst the Wild and Savage
Beasts of the Desert. They are a sort of Tygers and Lions,
the most Ravenous beasts of Prey with humane Visages.
Were the Pythagorian Notion of the Transmigration of Souls
received, the whole World would then conclude them nothing
but humane Carcases acted with Wolvish Breath. More particularly
they have some or all of these Characters and Qualities
attending them.
Zeal. And there is no one thing that makes Men more formidable
and Troublesom, than undue and mistaken Zeal. It is like
Fire when it meets with Gunpowder and other combustible Matter.
It devours all before it, and its Flames become unquenchable.
Superstitious Bigots place Religion in things, that are at
best but bare humane Inventions, many times, pure Diabolical
Suggestions; and then Sathan to ingulfe them further, doth so
excite and irritate them, they contend and strive for these things,
as if Heaven, Soul, and Eternity were all at Stake; hence it is,
they represent all that are not of their Way and Mind, as the
greatest Criminals and Malefactors. No sooner do Men place
Religion where God placeth none, but Sathan obtains a great
Power and Influence over them, and at last hurries them headlong
into strange and wild Extravagancies in the Defence, and
for the Propagation of those Points. These are usually the most
fierce and barbarous of all other people. For it is usually observed
that Superstitious Men are very Fearful, and that the greatest
Cowards are most Revengful and Cruel, if they can obtain an
Advantage. Paul's blind Zeal made him a Persecutor: He did
it Ignorantly. And our Saviour tells us of some that would kill
and murder Men, and flatter themselves with a Perswasion that
they were therein doing God and Religion good Service.
2. They are Men of insufferable Pride and Malice, there is
an absolute Necessity, that some degree of that Popish Conceit
of Infallibility should prevail in all that are Persecutors, to reconcile
themselves to their own Practices; For who can be so absurd
and foolish, as to endeavour to ruine others, because they
will not Believe or Practise what they themselves do acknowledg,
they are not so certain concerning, but that it is possible they may
be in an Errour and Mistake? Those who are Persecutors do expect
all should yield to them, and take them for Oracles, and
if they be not thus received, they think the Affront is too great
to be endured, and therefore must be Revenged. Malice and Revenge
hath generally a very great Influence on all Persecutions.
Your Persecutors are usually People, of a Haughty, Curst, and
Poisonous Nature, they love to be doing Evil: Their Delight
is to Hurt and Offend them, with whom God is Pleased. They are
an opportunity to intrap, and make the Innocent fall. They
cannot bear Contradiction. Zedekiah was so impatient of Contradiction,
he no sooner hears Micaiah bring a different Message
from his, and discover how a lying Spirit was in the Mouths of
the other Prophets, but he falls upon Micaiah, and Buffets
3. They are Men of desperate and broken Fortunes, or else
great Worshippers of Mammon. They do commonly take up
Informing, and Swearing, and Persecuting as a Trade to live by.
They scarce know how to subsist but by Preying on the Wealth,
and Estates, and Goods, of those honest, sober, religious People
they do Inform and Swear against. Men that are so lazy they
cannot Work, so luxurious they have not where withal to maintain
their Lusts, and of so ill and blasted a Fame and Reputation,
none dares trust them. These are indeed a fit sort of People
to Persecute the Righteous: They cannot Live unless some
or other fall by their means. There are two sorts of most abominable
and wicked Ways, Men have found out to maintain
themselves, and feed their Lusts by: The one is Robbing on the
High-way, and the other is Informing against, and Persecuting
the Righteous. Now those that apply to the latter Way, are
the most Infamous of the two; for as they are wicked enough,
to commit as great Villanies as the other dares, so they have not
Courage to adventure on such dangerous Courses, and to expose
themselves to so much Hazard for a Livelyhood as the other do.
They think it easier to Swear, than Hector and afright Men out
of what they have. The wise Man seems to give a very lively
Description of these People in Prov. 4.16, 17. They sleep not
except they have done Mischief, and their sleep is taken away, unless
they cause some to fall, for they eat the Bread of Wickedness, and drink
the Wine of Violence.
If there be any Persecutors whose Fortunes are not altogether
so despicable and small, they are such as make a Mammon
their God; The Hopes of getting Wealth doth very powerfully
irritate them to what they do: Was it not thirty pieces of Silver
that made Judas betray his Master? What is the Reason
Sinners do excite one another to wait for Blood, and to lurk privily
shall find all precious Substance, and shall fill their Houses with
4. They are extreamly profligate and scandalous in their Lives.
Men that are very loose, prophane, and every way debauched:
Such as are common Swearers, Drunkards, Whoremongers, and
professed Enemies to every thing that is Serious, Holy, and Good.
Men that have prostituted themselves to every Lust and Wickedness,
that have no more of Religion than an outward Name,
being Atheists in their Hearts, and many times so in their Profession.
Such as think there is no Happiness but what agrees
with Epicurus's Conceit, making their Belly their God, and minding
nothing but the things of this World. Your ordinary forsworn,
and perjur'd Wretches, are the People that do most commonly
seek a Livelyhood by being suborn'd to Swear against them
that fear the Lord. They that never scruple to tear the name of
God in Pieces, and to affront their Maker on every turn, by taking
his Name in Vain, who emboss every Word they speak, with
some dreadful Oath or other, who dare impudently swear a hundred
Oaths in an Hour, without any Provocation, these are the
fittest Men to Inform and Swear against, and endeavour their Ruine,
who have a Religious and truly Conscientious regard to the
Name of God, and every thing on which he hath stampt his Image.
No wonder such as these, should solemnly devote and
prostitute their Souls to Hell, by swearing even falsly against others,
when they have the Temptation and Incouragement of
getting Wealth and Riches, since they are so accustomed to affront
their Maker, they think they never speak gentilely, unless
they set their most high God at utmost Defiance, and do in Words
at length challenge him to Damn them. He that sets himself apart
to Sathan's Service by indulging to all the Lusts of the Flesh,
that can boast of his Drunkenness, and Uncleanness, of his frequent
Excesses, and every Days Debauch, that can unconcernedly,
or rather with Triumph speak of his Hopes and Desires of
being Damn'd for ever, that Defiles the Air he speaks in, and offends
all he comes amongst with his prodigious Oaths, and Execrations:
This Man is ready prepared if an Occasion do offer it
self, or can by any means be obtained, to Swear a Conscientious,
Man that will ordinarily indanger his Soul, and Swear for nothing,
will much more do so, be it right or wrong, when he hath
the Temptation of Wealth, and it may be the Applause and
Commendation of great Men for his Incouragement.
Having given this account of the two first Particulars: I shall
now inquire whence it is that wicked Men are such bitter and
inveterate Enemies against the Godly? Constant Experience is
an undenyable Proof of the Truth of it, for no Age hath passed,
but the worst Men have bin contriving and endeavouring to do
the Righteous some Displeasure. We need not consult Histories,
to Confirm what I am now treating of, for we may every
where take Notice of the Deplorable Truth and Certainty of it
amongst our selves. But from amongst the many Instances which
might be mentioned as having some influence in and concurring
to this, I will only name these few.
1. There is a desperate and deadly Enmity against Godlyness,
and so against good Men, rooted deeply in the Nature of wicked
Men. Ever since we lost the Image of God, we are by Nature
the Children of Wrath, not only as we are subject and lyable
to the Wrath and Displeasure of God, but as we are of a wrathful,
furious, and unreconcilable Temper. We are naturally Enemies
not only to God, but to one another also. And it is to
be ascribed principally, rather wholly, to the wise Conduct and
Providence of God, that all Men are not constantly up in Arms,
and always endeavouring the utter Extirpation one of another.
But this Enmity is especially set against all Goodness. When
Man lost Holyness, he became a most violent Adversary to it.
As you observe when a Man hath tasted of the good Word of
God, and the Powers of the World to come, if he apostatize, he
becomes the most Virulent and Implacable Enemy to it. So it
is with Man naturally since the Fall. The Devils that were such
pure and holy Angels, are now the greatest haters of Holyness.
Wicked Men are of a Curst, Envious, Malicious Temper, they
are of a Persecuting Nature, and have a great deal of Savageness
in their Temper; they are against Holyness, as being contrary
to their Nature, and thus become so violent against good Men.
things, which are of a contrary Nature, and if there be any thing
of Wildness, and Cruelty, and Savageness intermixed, then it
is extraordinary violent against those which are of the contrary
Nature. But those things which have not such a Savageness Intermixt,
they only testify their aversion by a peacible withdrawing
themselves, not at all endeavouring the Destruction or Hurt
of the other. This is very apparent in the Wolf and the Lamb:
They delight not in the Society one of another, but the Lamb,
though of so contrary a Nature to the Wolf, doth not seek the
Life or hurt of the Wolf; but the Wolf is not satisfied but with
the total Destruction of the Lamb. Nor is this only because the
Wolf doth usually prey and feed on such Creatures, for then when
the Hunger were satisfied, that rapacious and fierce Temper
would cease. That Creature which is of a fierce and ravenous
Nature, will destroy and kill not only out of Necessity, but also
for Sport and Recreation. Thus wicked Men they are of a contrary
Nature to the Godly, and have much wildness and ravenousness
intermixed. They cannot sleep unless they make some to fall;
and therefore they are resembled to, and set forth by those Creatures
which are wholy set upon destroying the Harmless and
Innocent. They lye lurking privily in their Den, that they may catch
the Righteous.
If you ask what the Reason is that the Righteous and Holy do
not Persecute the Wicked, as well as the Wicked do them, the
Nature of each being equally contrary to each other? I answer,
the Roughness and Severity of good Mens Natures is taken away
by that sanctifying and altering Grace which is bestowed on
them, and for which they are so much hated by the other. The
new Nature conferred on them, hath the harmlesness of the Dove
accompanying it. A sanctified Nature so far as under the Power
and Influence of Sanctification, hath no Hatred, nor Envy, nor
Malice, nor any other Quality that is hurtful. It dares not hate
or hurt an Enemy.
And the true reason why ungodly Men do no more hurt to the
Righteous, is because God restrains them; he puts his Hook into
their Nose, and his Bridle into their Lips, and checks them.
Contrariety causeth their Aversion to the Godly, but it is
of the Persecution; as you see Tygers, Wolves, Lions, and Bears,
do persue, and kill, and devour Sheep, Lambs, and other Innocent
and Profitable Creatures, and as Hawks and Kites do fly after
and Prey on Turtle Doves and Pigeons, so do Wicked outragious
Ungodly Men Persecute and Trouble the Just and Holy.
2. Their Natural Enmity is very much increased and excited
into act by very unjust Prejudices, which they imbibe and entertain
with Delight. A wicked persecuting Person and rejoyceth to
hear of any thing, which tends to the Defamation, and Disrepute
of one that is truly Religious. He labors to spread and
divulge it abroad, and aggravates every Mistake, and almost
unavoidable Infirmity, representing it as an hideous and unpardonable
Crime. Nay he usually attributes the Faults of some
particular Persons to the whole Profession. Thus the very Name
of a Pious Man is Odious and Insupportable to him; and he talks
as virulently against, and desires as vehemently the utter Destruction
of every one, how Harmless, Good, and Innocent soever,
who comes under such a Denomination, as against the vilest Miscreant
and Criminal in the World, tho he never knew or heard
of any Hurt by the one, or any good by the other.
It may not be amiss to take notice now of a Sin, that prevails
exceedingly at this time amongst our selves; which is, that we
have disputed our selves into so much Wrath, such an Aversness
and Enmity to one another, that Dissenters, and those who pretend
to the Church, can scarce indure the Names of one another,
unless some disgraceful and reproachful Term be annexed. Too
many of them are become such fierce Adversaries one against another,
that they have not only abandoned themselves from the
eminent Exercise of that Charity and mutual Forbearance, common
Christianity doth very much inforce, but they do with too
much Appetite listen and inquire after, and instead of mourning
for, do rejoyce and almost triumph in the Faults which particular
Persons on either side are chargible with; and which is
yet a greater Fault, they are too frequent in applying the Guilt
beyond its due extent.
By this means do those who are Corrupt, Carnal, and Sensual
on each side, labor to increase our Animosities, and
But it is most of all deplorable, that the Malignity and Poison
of this course, seems to diffuse and spread it self amongst
them who have given undeniable and prodigious Evidences of
extraordinary Learning, and sometimes of very great and deservedly
imitable Moderation and Equanimity: Which discovers
that when People do apply themselves to advance any Party
with undue Warmth, they forget to observe that Decorum, they
have formerly commended to the World, and are too easily induced
to use the meanest Arts in depressing the Cause they oppose.
It is certainly very unbecoming and unworthy of Men of great
Learning, Holyness, and Gravity to indeavour to defame all
that are of the contrary Perswasion, by suggesting to the World
evil Surmises and Opinions concerning all in general, by reporting
infamous Stories which concern only some few in particular:
for besides the Injury they themselves do by this Means to those
that are Innocent; they both Countenance the unjust Methods
the worst of Men do use in decrying those they are against, and
they furnish them with Materials to carry on their Design.
This hath bin an ancient Method, People have used to revenge
themselves on the Innocent. Report say they, and we will
Report. Do but either start any one Story that is real, with relation
to some Particulars, or fraim and coin a Story that will appear
Plausible, and let it once take Air, and we will soon help to
transmit it further, and by this means we shall take our Revenge
on them.
But what a dreadful Blow would be given to Christianity in
the Opinion of its professed Enemies, should all Parties labor to
rake together the foul and enormous Offences of particular Persons
amongst those they do Oppose, and then publish them to
the World, as what the whole Party doth either approve, or may
justly be charged with?
There is no doubt but this Church tho it's Government and
Constitution be so pure, justifiable, and Consonant to Apostolical
Practice would suffer very much, should but the almost Ordinary
mis-carriages of a great number who pretend to the Clergy
be exposed to publick view; with an account of the Incouragement
and Molestations, whilst others who lead better Lives, and are
more constant and diligent Preachers, and do express on all Occasions
more of that Charity and Forbearance towards all men,
which Christianity doth so much commend and inforce, are
frowned upon, and left open to the Rage and Fury of besotted
Frantick and Debauch'd Bigots. There is no defence against unjust
3. They apprehend, that the strict and Holy Lives of Religious
men do very much reproach their lewd and vicious Courses.
At least they find that their pure and Holy Doctrines do occasion
them anguish and unquietness, disturbance and trouble in the
perpetrating of their beloved Wickednesses. Why could not
Herodias suffer John Baptist to keep his Head any longer? It was
because she could not live quietly in her uncleanness with her
Husbands brother, whilst he was still Preaching to Herod, that it
was not lawful for him to have her. Indeed there is not any thing
doth more effectually discover the horrid Loathsomness of wicked
mens Lusts and Practices, than the Chast, Holy, and strict
Conversations of Pious men. And therefore they are so much
against them, even because their Doctrines and Lives do so much
reprove their wicked Works of darkness.
4. Holy men are carrying on a different work from that which
ungodly lew'd men are Designing and Acting. They are servants
to different Masters, and therefore it is not to be expected they
should accord very well. The good Man's work doth defeat
and Ruin the Sinners, and therefore he is against him, and doth
persecute him all he can, because he belongs not to his Company,
but is labouring to destroy his masters Kingdom, and overthrow
what he esteems his own greatest Interest. If ye were of the
World the World would love his own, but because ye are not of the World,
but I have chosen you out of the World, therefore the World hateth you.
5. This proceeds many times from a very strong and Powerful
impulse of Satan. As wicked men are his Slaves and doing
his Work, so he doth irritate and excite in a special manner to
this very instance of Persecuting the Godly. The Devil thinks
he has most work done when the greatest number of Righteous
men fall: And he concludes that if he could by his Instruments
in the World without any Opposition. The Devil Rules
in the hearts of the Children of Disobedience. And it is worth our
Observation, that immediately before Judas went to the High-Priest,
&c. to inform against and betray his Master, it is said the
Devil entred into him So that one main instance, whence it is that
wicked People do persecute the Righteous, is because the Devil is in
them. The Devil doth as truly possess, Act, and govern them
that persecute the Righteous, as he did those that were called
Demoniacks, when our Saviour was upon Earth. And tho he do
not cause them now to Tear and Rent, and Torture themselves,
as they did then, yet he has a more dreadful Influence on their
Souls, and indangers them much more as to their spiritual and
final Estate.
I am now in the last place to apply what has been discoursed
concerning Persecution; and will do it in a few Words.
1. For the support and Incouragement of the Righteous, when
Persecuted and in distress. Take care that the reproaches and
Violences of the ungodly do not afright you from your uprightness,
nor shake your stedfastness. Those storms and rufling
Winds, their Threats and Menaces, should not break or overthrow
you, but should rather have the same Influence on you,
that blasts and Tempests have on firm and thriving Trees, whilst
they break and overturn those that are Rotten and weak, they
do only cause the other to take deeper and faster Root.
This is no more than what you must expect, and what every
good man ought daily to prepare for. He that is resolved for
Heaven must go through many Tribulations; you are warned of such
Treatment before-hand. Our Saviour has dealt so plainly with
all his followers in this particular, that it is one great part of a
Christians work to live alway in Expectation of those things that
so he may not be surprized when they come. We have our every
days Cross to wait for, and must be willing to take it up; and
bear it away with Cheerfulness, when ever it comes. We have
not the clearest and most unquestionable Evidences of the Truth,
at least the Power of Christianity in and over us, till we can Cheerfully
part with and resign up all, yea with Triumph bear away
Reproaches, and Fears, and false Accusations, till we can lay
Religion, if occasion be.
And if God sees fit to bring you to the Tryal; it is that you
may have the stronger assurance of your unfeigned Love to him,
and unconquerable interest in him. And that you may display
the Efficacy and Beauty of Religion unto the World in the most
undeniable and Constraining instances. The Persecutions of the
first Christians gained Christianity a great Repute, and made
such an entrance for it into the World, as could never be stopt
up or hindred, till Sloth, Carnality, and Superstitious conceits
had corrupted the Minds and Lives of it's Professors, and this
happ'ned after they were burthened and over-loaded, with Honours,
Ease, Preferments, and a multitude of unnecessary, and
Superfluous outward Accommodations.
The Saints and people of God have met with the same Treatment
in all Ages. This has been their Lot and Portion, when
they have lived amongst wicked loose People. And we generally
find that they took great Satisfaction in it. Our blessed Saviour
was used thus himself. How was he reviled, scorned, reproach't,
falsely accused, Spit upon, Buffetted, Whipt, and at
last disgracefully Crucified, by a degenerate inhumane People?
You see the greatest and most absolute Innocence is not safe,
from the Malicious rage, and violence of ungodly men. The
Apostles presently after, were served in the same manner. And
when they were Scourged, to render them a publick scorn and
reproach they went away rejoycing, that they were counted
worthy to be thus used for Christ. It is one part of the Vocation
you are called to, to suffer for Christ: Phil 1.29. The more
that wicked men do Load you with Contumelious Language, and
oppressive Fines and Mulcts, or do inflict on you Corporal Punishments
and Torments, the more they do to raise you to the
Likeness of the blessed Jesus.
And indeed it is not the least matter of rejoycing, that they
who Persecute you, are only such as are born after the Flesh. Your Enemies,
are they that are Enemies to God and Christ; worldly,
sensual, Devillish men, who glory in their Shame, who make their
Belly their God, who are Enemies to the Cross of Christ; and whose end
is Destruction. It is a much greater disgrace, to be respected and
out their Venom, and darting forth their forked Tongues
and Stings against you: They will speak well of none but such as
are infected with their Disease. They that are the spawn of Satan,
will undoubtedly have ill will to the Children of God.
But what a rejoycing is it, that by this very means, you are
so particularly assured of a most glorious Recompence: Besides
the inexpressible Consolation, God will secretly Communicate at
present, he has provided, and in a special manner promised Incomprehensible
Felicities hereafter. Mat 5.10, 11, 12. 1 Pet. 4.14.
But then you must be sure that what you suffer for, be the cause
of Christ. Let it be true and real Religion, Conscience indeed,
and not any groundless Phancy, unreasonable Humor, or unaccountable
Resolution and stubborness you suffer for. Especially
beware that none of you suffer as a Murderer, or as a Thief, or as an
Evildoer, or as a busie Body in other mens Matters. These are the
faults and Characters of Persecutors themselves, and for these
things men ought to suffer. See that your Consciences be clear
and well informed. Take care to understand the thing you contend
for. Weigh your Opinions and your Practices in the Ballance
of the Sanctuary. Be sure your cause be Good, and then if you are
Persecuted and do suffer, come under what Denomination you
will, and let your Persecutors be who they will, of how great
Power and Authority so ever, I dare and will pray that Peace may
be upon you, and upon the whole Israel of God. It is the cause that
makes the Martyr, tho it is not alway the cause that makes the
2ly. Let this caution you, that you be not guilty of this Sin.
It will be found at last, a very dreadful thing to be a Persecutor;
for by this means you become fighters against God. And dare
ye resolutely Provoke the Lord to jealousie, are ye stronger than he?
Did ever any set themselves against God and prosper? The Lord
Jesus doth take what is done to his Followers and Disciples, as
done to himself. And he will terribly avenge himself of the Adversaries
and Destroyers of his People. You cannot hurt the People
of God, but you offend and pierce God himself in the Apple
of his Eye.
And will not God think you avenge his own Elect which
cry day and night unto him? I tell you he will avenge them speedily.
fatal, and miserable stroke had ended your Lives, as soon as you
saw the Light, than that you should live to be Persecutors. Mat
18.6. have not Persecutors alway come to some fearful end?
If you would not pull down divine Vengeance on your own
Heads, if you would not make your selves and your Posterity infamous
to all Generations, by inheriting the most dreadful Curses
on your Bodies, your Estates, and all your Interests and Concerns,
if you would not be the general abhorrence of mankind,
if you would not Rot away Peice-meal whilst you are alive, if
you would not be your own unpitied Executioners, if you would
not be filled with Horror and Consternation by reason of a
Wounding, Terrifying and accusing Conscience, if you would
not Purchase to your selves the hottest Climate and Region in the
infernal Pit, but can be content with an ordinary Damnation, if
you have no desire to be the worst, the most miserable, the most
Contemptible, of all that shall inherit everlasting burnings, take
heed of this Sin. The Devil never feasts so deliciously, as when
served with Persecutors and Informers.
How variously and strangely has God testified his Displeasure
and Wrath against Persecutors? Whole Volumes might be
filled with bare Relations. Those Judgments have been inflicted
on them, to make them a scorn an abhorrence, and a warning
to Posterity, which were never known, or heard of in the World,
till they were punish't and made infamous by them.
And if you be Persecutors God has the same, and greater
Plagues and Judgments in store for you.
I know there are few who apply themselves to this Course,
but they flatter themselves, and endeavour to satisfie others,
with some or other false and pretended Excuses. But alas what
will these avail you, whilst they are so Thin and Hollow not only
the All-seeing-God, but the ordinary sort of People can see
thorough them? Unless the cause be too black and horrid to obtain
the Patronage of Hell, or the Actors be sordid and scandalous
enough to make the Devil ashamed of them, he will furnish
with some pretence to palliate and gloss the Fact.
But it is not enough that you have something to Plead and
say in your own defence amongst men, unless it be what will be
varnish the severity you use to others, as to obtain the favorable
opinion of the generality of men concerning it, what will
this avail you, if when you appear before the great Tribunal,
you be found amongst Persecutors? All false Colours, and meretricious
Paint will then disappear.
Now to secure you from this danger, it will be needful to have
a constant regard to these two Rules.
1. Have nothing to do with hurting, or contracting damages
on any serious, upright, Conscientious Christian. Be not accessory
for a World to the Ruine, or needless prejudice of any one, who
stands fast in the faith of Christ. Those who agree with us in all
the Substantials of Religion, and add no dangerous or Destructive
Tenet to these, who are Holy, Sober, Chast, Temperate, Righteous,
Compassionate and merciful, and who no way indeavour to
disturb the publick peace, but are Vigorous Protestants, and resolute
opposers of the common Enemies of our Religion, and Civil
Rights, they ought especially considering our present Circumstances
to be so far from being Persecuted and oppressed,
as to have all the Incouragement and Countenance that pious
Christians, and Loyal Subjects can claim and deserve. Do not
hurt, persecute, or revile any, whom you have reason to believe
the Lord Jesus will own, approve and honour. Will Christ ever
thank men at the great day for keeping such out from Communion with his
Church, whom he will vouchsafe not only Crowns of Glory to, but it may
be Aureola too, if there be any such thing there?
It had been well for Pilate, if he had hearkened to that seasonable
message, have thou nothing to do with that just men.
2. Take heed of, and avoid the very appearances of this Sin.
Keep at as great a distance from it, as possible. Do not Cherish in
your minds, any thing that may ingage, or incline to it. Cast away
all unjust Prejudices, Mortifie Wrath and Anger: and shut
your Ears against them that would incense you against those, you
differ from, by reporting false and malicious stories of them.
Supposing it could not properly be called Persecution to prosecute,
and be severe with People about those things, which you
are satisfied in your own minds, God has not concern'd himself
about, either by Commanding or forbidding them, yet your Ruining,
they have other apprehensions either of the Nature or use
of them, will unavoidably look too like Persecution I think
for a serious Compassionate Christian to tolerate himself in.
This seems not to have any of that Meekness, Condescention,
and Forbearance our Religion doth so expressly and so vehemently
Nay your addicting your selves to such Courses will indanger
the indearing of a rough, sowre, and unpeaceable temper to you.
And it may be it will at last hurry you, into such Exorbitances, as
you did not at first either Design, or think of; nay which will amount
to inexcusable and down-right Persecution.
This will certainly make way for your entertaining very unjust
Prejudices against others. It will lay you lyable to greater Transports
in your Passions. It will expose you to more and stronger
Temptations, than you are at first aware of, it will lay you open
to the wiles of Satan, that cunning Adversary, and great
destroyer of the Godly.
Nay it is probable enough, that when those Christian Sentiments
and Resolves, you do at present retain, are a little worn
off, and by disuse become feeble, the very desire and ambition
of acquaintance with men of Power and Repute, who are Enemies
to Protestants as such, may ingage you in those Practices,
which both your deceitful Hearts and the better hopes of others,
made you believe you should for ever detest.
Satan very seldom Attempts to draw any man to direct Persecution
at first; He only leads them at first to the out-skirts, and
Fleshes them by degrees. But when he has once brought men to
take Pleasure in seeing others suffer, tho not for real Religion, the
sweetness of Blood, or the Satisfaction of getting Wealth, or
the Honour of being caressed by great men, will indanger to
qualifie them to undertake with unconcernedness and Triumph
the most barbarous and inhumane Persecutions imaginable.
easy to you as possible, I will reduce what I design to say on this
Subject, to these following Heads. 1. I will tell you what Persecution
is. 2. Name more particularly the Characters of them
that are Persecutors. 3. Shew you whence it is that wicked Men
are so violently set against the Godly. 4. I will make some brief
application of the whole.
I am first of all to tell you what Persecution is. And it is an
endeavouring to Trouble, Molest, Disturb, Kill, or any way Hurt
and Injure another Person on some Religious account. Every
Prosecution of a Person, is not properly Persecution, but only
when it is grounded on some Religious Affair. A Man may be
guilty of Sin in prosecuting another upon civil accounts, but this
Sin comes under another Denomination, as Oppression, Injustice,
unpeacable Brangling, &c. Now Persecution is much what the
same in Religion, that Oppression is in Civils. When Men will
not suffer others to enjoy that Liberty, and those Rights in Religion,
which either Nature or Revelation do allow them; but will
be severe against them, if in every accidental Matter, they will
not be just of their Mind. When Men do hale others to Tribunals,
and procure them either to be Punished in their Bodies, orin their Estates; or to be deprived of their Lives, or civil
Liberties, because they either perform some Duty God has expresly
Commanded, in a way they do not approve, or because
they will not consent to, Embrace, and Comply with those Determinations
they have just reason to Believe are Sinful. Whilst
Men are not openly Wicked, but tho not free from common Infirmities,
which do unavoidably accompany humane Nature in
this frail Estate, yet free from Gross and Scandalous Sins, whilst
they deny not any Doctrine of Christianity, nor divulge any Tenet
to the Prejudice of Christianity, nor do any way endeavour
to disturb the Peace of the Government under which they live;
they have a right to a peacable and quiet Residence, and ought
to be free from any Molestation, tho they cannot in every accidental
thing attain to the same Latitude with others. Whoever
goes about to Disturb and Injure, or Contract on such as these,
Fines, or other Punishments, because they cannot receive and comply
with those supernumerary Conceits some do too much please
themselves with, and press with too much warmth on others, are
too lyable to this heavy Charge of Persecution. And if we only
consider what it is they are so concerned for, we may see too
much reason, to conclude they have no great Portion of Commendable
Properties. Wherefore I will now proceed to the
Second Point, which is to account to you some of their Characters
more particularly, or to shew you what kind of People Persecutors
generally are. They are commonly observed to be the
worst, the most Brutish, and Degenerate part of Mankind. Consult
others, Read Histories, or Consider what you may Learn
from your own Observation; you will find them to come generally
under some very Scandalous, and Offensive Characters. They
are usually taken to be the very Pest of Society. It is almost as
dangerous to live amongst them, as amongst the Wild and Savage
Beasts of the Desert. They are a sort of Tygers and Lions,
the most Ravenous beasts of Prey with humane Visages.
Were the Pythagorian Notion of the Transmigration of Souls
received, the whole World would then conclude them nothing
but humane Carcases acted with Wolvish Breath. More particularly
they have some or all of these Characters and Qualities
attending them.
1. They are Men of a very Superstitious, Blind and IgnorantZeal. And there is no one thing that makes Men more formidable
and Troublesom, than undue and mistaken Zeal. It is like
Fire when it meets with Gunpowder and other combustible Matter.
It devours all before it, and its Flames become unquenchable.
Superstitious Bigots place Religion in things, that are at
best but bare humane Inventions, many times, pure Diabolical
Suggestions; and then Sathan to ingulfe them further, doth so
excite and irritate them, they contend and strive for these things,
as if Heaven, Soul, and Eternity were all at Stake; hence it is,
they represent all that are not of their Way and Mind, as the
greatest Criminals and Malefactors. No sooner do Men place
Religion where God placeth none, but Sathan obtains a great
Power and Influence over them, and at last hurries them headlong
into strange and wild Extravagancies in the Defence, and
for the Propagation of those Points. These are usually the most
fierce and barbarous of all other people. For it is usually observed
that Superstitious Men are very Fearful, and that the greatest
Cowards are most Revengful and Cruel, if they can obtain an
Advantage. Paul's blind Zeal made him a Persecutor: He did
it Ignorantly. And our Saviour tells us of some that would kill
and murder Men, and flatter themselves with a Perswasion that
they were therein doing God and Religion good Service.
2. They are Men of insufferable Pride and Malice, there is
an absolute Necessity, that some degree of that Popish Conceit
of Infallibility should prevail in all that are Persecutors, to reconcile
themselves to their own Practices; For who can be so absurd
and foolish, as to endeavour to ruine others, because they
will not Believe or Practise what they themselves do acknowledg,
they are not so certain concerning, but that it is possible they may
be in an Errour and Mistake? Those who are Persecutors do expect
all should yield to them, and take them for Oracles, and
if they be not thus received, they think the Affront is too great
to be endured, and therefore must be Revenged. Malice and Revenge
hath generally a very great Influence on all Persecutions.
Your Persecutors are usually People, of a Haughty, Curst, and
Poisonous Nature, they love to be doing Evil: Their Delight
is to Hurt and Offend them, with whom God is Pleased. They are
canker'd and ill natured, and never pleased but when they havean opportunity to intrap, and make the Innocent fall. They
cannot bear Contradiction. Zedekiah was so impatient of Contradiction,
he no sooner hears Micaiah bring a different Message
from his, and discover how a lying Spirit was in the Mouths of
the other Prophets, but he falls upon Micaiah, and Buffets
3. They are Men of desperate and broken Fortunes, or else
great Worshippers of Mammon. They do commonly take up
Informing, and Swearing, and Persecuting as a Trade to live by.
They scarce know how to subsist but by Preying on the Wealth,
and Estates, and Goods, of those honest, sober, religious People
they do Inform and Swear against. Men that are so lazy they
cannot Work, so luxurious they have not where withal to maintain
their Lusts, and of so ill and blasted a Fame and Reputation,
none dares trust them. These are indeed a fit sort of People
to Persecute the Righteous: They cannot Live unless some
or other fall by their means. There are two sorts of most abominable
and wicked Ways, Men have found out to maintain
themselves, and feed their Lusts by: The one is Robbing on the
High-way, and the other is Informing against, and Persecuting
the Righteous. Now those that apply to the latter Way, are
the most Infamous of the two; for as they are wicked enough,
to commit as great Villanies as the other dares, so they have not
Courage to adventure on such dangerous Courses, and to expose
themselves to so much Hazard for a Livelyhood as the other do.
They think it easier to Swear, than Hector and afright Men out
of what they have. The wise Man seems to give a very lively
Description of these People in Prov. 4.16, 17. They sleep not
except they have done Mischief, and their sleep is taken away, unless
they cause some to fall, for they eat the Bread of Wickedness, and drink
the Wine of Violence.
If there be any Persecutors whose Fortunes are not altogether
so despicable and small, they are such as make a Mammon
their God; The Hopes of getting Wealth doth very powerfully
irritate them to what they do: Was it not thirty pieces of Silver
that made Judas betray his Master? What is the Reason
Sinners do excite one another to wait for Blood, and to lurk privily
for the Innocent without Cause? Is it not because they hope theyshall find all precious Substance, and shall fill their Houses with
4. They are extreamly profligate and scandalous in their Lives.
Men that are very loose, prophane, and every way debauched:
Such as are common Swearers, Drunkards, Whoremongers, and
professed Enemies to every thing that is Serious, Holy, and Good.
Men that have prostituted themselves to every Lust and Wickedness,
that have no more of Religion than an outward Name,
being Atheists in their Hearts, and many times so in their Profession.
Such as think there is no Happiness but what agrees
with Epicurus's Conceit, making their Belly their God, and minding
nothing but the things of this World. Your ordinary forsworn,
and perjur'd Wretches, are the People that do most commonly
seek a Livelyhood by being suborn'd to Swear against them
that fear the Lord. They that never scruple to tear the name of
God in Pieces, and to affront their Maker on every turn, by taking
his Name in Vain, who emboss every Word they speak, with
some dreadful Oath or other, who dare impudently swear a hundred
Oaths in an Hour, without any Provocation, these are the
fittest Men to Inform and Swear against, and endeavour their Ruine,
who have a Religious and truly Conscientious regard to the
Name of God, and every thing on which he hath stampt his Image.
No wonder such as these, should solemnly devote and
prostitute their Souls to Hell, by swearing even falsly against others,
when they have the Temptation and Incouragement of
getting Wealth and Riches, since they are so accustomed to affront
their Maker, they think they never speak gentilely, unless
they set their most high God at utmost Defiance, and do in Words
at length challenge him to Damn them. He that sets himself apart
to Sathan's Service by indulging to all the Lusts of the Flesh,
that can boast of his Drunkenness, and Uncleanness, of his frequent
Excesses, and every Days Debauch, that can unconcernedly,
or rather with Triumph speak of his Hopes and Desires of
being Damn'd for ever, that Defiles the Air he speaks in, and offends
all he comes amongst with his prodigious Oaths, and Execrations:
This Man is ready prepared if an Occasion do offer it
self, or can by any means be obtained, to Swear a Conscientious,
Religious Man out of his Right, and himself into it. ThatMan that will ordinarily indanger his Soul, and Swear for nothing,
will much more do so, be it right or wrong, when he hath
the Temptation of Wealth, and it may be the Applause and
Commendation of great Men for his Incouragement.
Having given this account of the two first Particulars: I shall
now inquire whence it is that wicked Men are such bitter and
inveterate Enemies against the Godly? Constant Experience is
an undenyable Proof of the Truth of it, for no Age hath passed,
but the worst Men have bin contriving and endeavouring to do
the Righteous some Displeasure. We need not consult Histories,
to Confirm what I am now treating of, for we may every
where take Notice of the Deplorable Truth and Certainty of it
amongst our selves. But from amongst the many Instances which
might be mentioned as having some influence in and concurring
to this, I will only name these few.
1. There is a desperate and deadly Enmity against Godlyness,
and so against good Men, rooted deeply in the Nature of wicked
Men. Ever since we lost the Image of God, we are by Nature
the Children of Wrath, not only as we are subject and lyable
to the Wrath and Displeasure of God, but as we are of a wrathful,
furious, and unreconcilable Temper. We are naturally Enemies
not only to God, but to one another also. And it is to
be ascribed principally, rather wholly, to the wise Conduct and
Providence of God, that all Men are not constantly up in Arms,
and always endeavouring the utter Extirpation one of another.
But this Enmity is especially set against all Goodness. When
Man lost Holyness, he became a most violent Adversary to it.
As you observe when a Man hath tasted of the good Word of
God, and the Powers of the World to come, if he apostatize, he
becomes the most Virulent and Implacable Enemy to it. So it
is with Man naturally since the Fall. The Devils that were such
pure and holy Angels, are now the greatest haters of Holyness.
Wicked Men are of a Curst, Envious, Malicious Temper, they
are of a Persecuting Nature, and have a great deal of Savageness
in their Temper; they are against Holyness, as being contrary
to their Nature, and thus become so violent against good Men.
Look at any Creature, you will find it hath an aversion to thosethings, which are of a contrary Nature, and if there be any thing
of Wildness, and Cruelty, and Savageness intermixed, then it
is extraordinary violent against those which are of the contrary
Nature. But those things which have not such a Savageness Intermixt,
they only testify their aversion by a peacible withdrawing
themselves, not at all endeavouring the Destruction or Hurt
of the other. This is very apparent in the Wolf and the Lamb:
They delight not in the Society one of another, but the Lamb,
though of so contrary a Nature to the Wolf, doth not seek the
Life or hurt of the Wolf; but the Wolf is not satisfied but with
the total Destruction of the Lamb. Nor is this only because the
Wolf doth usually prey and feed on such Creatures, for then when
the Hunger were satisfied, that rapacious and fierce Temper
would cease. That Creature which is of a fierce and ravenous
Nature, will destroy and kill not only out of Necessity, but also
for Sport and Recreation. Thus wicked Men they are of a contrary
Nature to the Godly, and have much wildness and ravenousness
intermixed. They cannot sleep unless they make some to fall;
and therefore they are resembled to, and set forth by those Creatures
which are wholy set upon destroying the Harmless and
Innocent. They lye lurking privily in their Den, that they may catch
the Righteous.
If you ask what the Reason is that the Righteous and Holy do
not Persecute the Wicked, as well as the Wicked do them, the
Nature of each being equally contrary to each other? I answer,
the Roughness and Severity of good Mens Natures is taken away
by that sanctifying and altering Grace which is bestowed on
them, and for which they are so much hated by the other. The
new Nature conferred on them, hath the harmlesness of the Dove
accompanying it. A sanctified Nature so far as under the Power
and Influence of Sanctification, hath no Hatred, nor Envy, nor
Malice, nor any other Quality that is hurtful. It dares not hate
or hurt an Enemy.
And the true reason why ungodly Men do no more hurt to the
Righteous, is because God restrains them; he puts his Hook into
their Nose, and his Bridle into their Lips, and checks them.
Contrariety causeth their Aversion to the Godly, but it is
that fierceness which is intermixed, which causeth the Violenceof the Persecution; as you see Tygers, Wolves, Lions, and Bears,
do persue, and kill, and devour Sheep, Lambs, and other Innocent
and Profitable Creatures, and as Hawks and Kites do fly after
and Prey on Turtle Doves and Pigeons, so do Wicked outragious
Ungodly Men Persecute and Trouble the Just and Holy.
2. Their Natural Enmity is very much increased and excited
into act by very unjust Prejudices, which they imbibe and entertain
with Delight. A wicked persecuting Person and rejoyceth to
hear of any thing, which tends to the Defamation, and Disrepute
of one that is truly Religious. He labors to spread and
divulge it abroad, and aggravates every Mistake, and almost
unavoidable Infirmity, representing it as an hideous and unpardonable
Crime. Nay he usually attributes the Faults of some
particular Persons to the whole Profession. Thus the very Name
of a Pious Man is Odious and Insupportable to him; and he talks
as virulently against, and desires as vehemently the utter Destruction
of every one, how Harmless, Good, and Innocent soever,
who comes under such a Denomination, as against the vilest Miscreant
and Criminal in the World, tho he never knew or heard
of any Hurt by the one, or any good by the other.
It may not be amiss to take notice now of a Sin, that prevails
exceedingly at this time amongst our selves; which is, that we
have disputed our selves into so much Wrath, such an Aversness
and Enmity to one another, that Dissenters, and those who pretend
to the Church, can scarce indure the Names of one another,
unless some disgraceful and reproachful Term be annexed. Too
many of them are become such fierce Adversaries one against another,
that they have not only abandoned themselves from the
eminent Exercise of that Charity and mutual Forbearance, common
Christianity doth very much inforce, but they do with too
much Appetite listen and inquire after, and instead of mourning
for, do rejoyce and almost triumph in the Faults which particular
Persons on either side are chargible with; and which is
yet a greater Fault, they are too frequent in applying the Guilt
beyond its due extent.
By this means do those who are Corrupt, Carnal, and Sensual
on each side, labor to increase our Animosities, and
make our Divisions wider and more unhealable.But it is most of all deplorable, that the Malignity and Poison
of this course, seems to diffuse and spread it self amongst
them who have given undeniable and prodigious Evidences of
extraordinary Learning, and sometimes of very great and deservedly
imitable Moderation and Equanimity: Which discovers
that when People do apply themselves to advance any Party
with undue Warmth, they forget to observe that Decorum, they
have formerly commended to the World, and are too easily induced
to use the meanest Arts in depressing the Cause they oppose.
It is certainly very unbecoming and unworthy of Men of great
Learning, Holyness, and Gravity to indeavour to defame all
that are of the contrary Perswasion, by suggesting to the World
evil Surmises and Opinions concerning all in general, by reporting
infamous Stories which concern only some few in particular:
for besides the Injury they themselves do by this Means to those
that are Innocent; they both Countenance the unjust Methods
the worst of Men do use in decrying those they are against, and
they furnish them with Materials to carry on their Design.
This hath bin an ancient Method, People have used to revenge
themselves on the Innocent. Report say they, and we will
Report. Do but either start any one Story that is real, with relation
to some Particulars, or fraim and coin a Story that will appear
Plausible, and let it once take Air, and we will soon help to
transmit it further, and by this means we shall take our Revenge
on them.
But what a dreadful Blow would be given to Christianity in
the Opinion of its professed Enemies, should all Parties labor to
rake together the foul and enormous Offences of particular Persons
amongst those they do Oppose, and then publish them to
the World, as what the whole Party doth either approve, or may
justly be charged with?
There is no doubt but this Church tho it's Government and
Constitution be so pure, justifiable, and Consonant to Apostolical
Practice would suffer very much, should but the almost Ordinary
mis-carriages of a great number who pretend to the Clergy
be exposed to publick view; with an account of the Incouragement
they meet with, or at least how free they are from Threatsand Molestations, whilst others who lead better Lives, and are
more constant and diligent Preachers, and do express on all Occasions
more of that Charity and Forbearance towards all men,
which Christianity doth so much commend and inforce, are
frowned upon, and left open to the Rage and Fury of besotted
Frantick and Debauch'd Bigots. There is no defence against unjust
3. They apprehend, that the strict and Holy Lives of Religious
men do very much reproach their lewd and vicious Courses.
At least they find that their pure and Holy Doctrines do occasion
them anguish and unquietness, disturbance and trouble in the
perpetrating of their beloved Wickednesses. Why could not
Herodias suffer John Baptist to keep his Head any longer? It was
because she could not live quietly in her uncleanness with her
Husbands brother, whilst he was still Preaching to Herod, that it
was not lawful for him to have her. Indeed there is not any thing
doth more effectually discover the horrid Loathsomness of wicked
mens Lusts and Practices, than the Chast, Holy, and strict
Conversations of Pious men. And therefore they are so much
against them, even because their Doctrines and Lives do so much
reprove their wicked Works of darkness.
4. Holy men are carrying on a different work from that which
ungodly lew'd men are Designing and Acting. They are servants
to different Masters, and therefore it is not to be expected they
should accord very well. The good Man's work doth defeat
and Ruin the Sinners, and therefore he is against him, and doth
persecute him all he can, because he belongs not to his Company,
but is labouring to destroy his masters Kingdom, and overthrow
what he esteems his own greatest Interest. If ye were of the
World the World would love his own, but because ye are not of the World,
but I have chosen you out of the World, therefore the World hateth you.
5. This proceeds many times from a very strong and Powerful
impulse of Satan. As wicked men are his Slaves and doing
his Work, so he doth irritate and excite in a special manner to
this very instance of Persecuting the Godly. The Devil thinks
he has most work done when the greatest number of Righteous
men fall: And he concludes that if he could by his Instruments
absolutely suppress the Righteous, he should Reign and Triumphin the World without any Opposition. The Devil Rules
in the hearts of the Children of Disobedience. And it is worth our
Observation, that immediately before Judas went to the High-Priest,
&c. to inform against and betray his Master, it is said the
Devil entred into him So that one main instance, whence it is that
wicked People do persecute the Righteous, is because the Devil is in
them. The Devil doth as truly possess, Act, and govern them
that persecute the Righteous, as he did those that were called
Demoniacks, when our Saviour was upon Earth. And tho he do
not cause them now to Tear and Rent, and Torture themselves,
as they did then, yet he has a more dreadful Influence on their
Souls, and indangers them much more as to their spiritual and
final Estate.
I am now in the last place to apply what has been discoursed
concerning Persecution; and will do it in a few Words.
1. For the support and Incouragement of the Righteous, when
Persecuted and in distress. Take care that the reproaches and
Violences of the ungodly do not afright you from your uprightness,
nor shake your stedfastness. Those storms and rufling
Winds, their Threats and Menaces, should not break or overthrow
you, but should rather have the same Influence on you,
that blasts and Tempests have on firm and thriving Trees, whilst
they break and overturn those that are Rotten and weak, they
do only cause the other to take deeper and faster Root.
This is no more than what you must expect, and what every
good man ought daily to prepare for. He that is resolved for
Heaven must go through many Tribulations; you are warned of such
Treatment before-hand. Our Saviour has dealt so plainly with
all his followers in this particular, that it is one great part of a
Christians work to live alway in Expectation of those things that
so he may not be surprized when they come. We have our every
days Cross to wait for, and must be willing to take it up; and
bear it away with Cheerfulness, when ever it comes. We have
not the clearest and most unquestionable Evidences of the Truth,
at least the Power of Christianity in and over us, till we can Cheerfully
part with and resign up all, yea with Triumph bear away
Reproaches, and Fears, and false Accusations, till we can lay
down our very Lives rejoycing for Christ, his Gospel, andReligion, if occasion be.
And if God sees fit to bring you to the Tryal; it is that you
may have the stronger assurance of your unfeigned Love to him,
and unconquerable interest in him. And that you may display
the Efficacy and Beauty of Religion unto the World in the most
undeniable and Constraining instances. The Persecutions of the
first Christians gained Christianity a great Repute, and made
such an entrance for it into the World, as could never be stopt
up or hindred, till Sloth, Carnality, and Superstitious conceits
had corrupted the Minds and Lives of it's Professors, and this
happ'ned after they were burthened and over-loaded, with Honours,
Ease, Preferments, and a multitude of unnecessary, and
Superfluous outward Accommodations.
The Saints and people of God have met with the same Treatment
in all Ages. This has been their Lot and Portion, when
they have lived amongst wicked loose People. And we generally
find that they took great Satisfaction in it. Our blessed Saviour
was used thus himself. How was he reviled, scorned, reproach't,
falsely accused, Spit upon, Buffetted, Whipt, and at
last disgracefully Crucified, by a degenerate inhumane People?
You see the greatest and most absolute Innocence is not safe,
from the Malicious rage, and violence of ungodly men. The
Apostles presently after, were served in the same manner. And
when they were Scourged, to render them a publick scorn and
reproach they went away rejoycing, that they were counted
worthy to be thus used for Christ. It is one part of the Vocation
you are called to, to suffer for Christ: Phil 1.29. The more
that wicked men do Load you with Contumelious Language, and
oppressive Fines and Mulcts, or do inflict on you Corporal Punishments
and Torments, the more they do to raise you to the
Likeness of the blessed Jesus.
And indeed it is not the least matter of rejoycing, that they
who Persecute you, are only such as are born after the Flesh. Your Enemies,
are they that are Enemies to God and Christ; worldly,
sensual, Devillish men, who glory in their Shame, who make their
Belly their God, who are Enemies to the Cross of Christ; and whose end
is Destruction. It is a much greater disgrace, to be respected and
spoken well of, by such as these, than to have them always spittingout their Venom, and darting forth their forked Tongues
and Stings against you: They will speak well of none but such as
are infected with their Disease. They that are the spawn of Satan,
will undoubtedly have ill will to the Children of God.
But what a rejoycing is it, that by this very means, you are
so particularly assured of a most glorious Recompence: Besides
the inexpressible Consolation, God will secretly Communicate at
present, he has provided, and in a special manner promised Incomprehensible
Felicities hereafter. Mat 5.10, 11, 12. 1 Pet. 4.14.
But then you must be sure that what you suffer for, be the cause
of Christ. Let it be true and real Religion, Conscience indeed,
and not any groundless Phancy, unreasonable Humor, or unaccountable
Resolution and stubborness you suffer for. Especially
beware that none of you suffer as a Murderer, or as a Thief, or as an
Evildoer, or as a busie Body in other mens Matters. These are the
faults and Characters of Persecutors themselves, and for these
things men ought to suffer. See that your Consciences be clear
and well informed. Take care to understand the thing you contend
for. Weigh your Opinions and your Practices in the Ballance
of the Sanctuary. Be sure your cause be Good, and then if you are
Persecuted and do suffer, come under what Denomination you
will, and let your Persecutors be who they will, of how great
Power and Authority so ever, I dare and will pray that Peace may
be upon you, and upon the whole Israel of God. It is the cause that
makes the Martyr, tho it is not alway the cause that makes the
2ly. Let this caution you, that you be not guilty of this Sin.
It will be found at last, a very dreadful thing to be a Persecutor;
for by this means you become fighters against God. And dare
ye resolutely Provoke the Lord to jealousie, are ye stronger than he?
Did ever any set themselves against God and prosper? The Lord
Jesus doth take what is done to his Followers and Disciples, as
done to himself. And he will terribly avenge himself of the Adversaries
and Destroyers of his People. You cannot hurt the People
of God, but you offend and pierce God himself in the Apple
of his Eye.
And will not God think you avenge his own Elect which
cry day and night unto him? I tell you he will avenge them speedily.
It were better for you, you had never been born or that somefatal, and miserable stroke had ended your Lives, as soon as you
saw the Light, than that you should live to be Persecutors. Mat
18.6. have not Persecutors alway come to some fearful end?
If you would not pull down divine Vengeance on your own
Heads, if you would not make your selves and your Posterity infamous
to all Generations, by inheriting the most dreadful Curses
on your Bodies, your Estates, and all your Interests and Concerns,
if you would not be the general abhorrence of mankind,
if you would not Rot away Peice-meal whilst you are alive, if
you would not be your own unpitied Executioners, if you would
not be filled with Horror and Consternation by reason of a
Wounding, Terrifying and accusing Conscience, if you would
not Purchase to your selves the hottest Climate and Region in the
infernal Pit, but can be content with an ordinary Damnation, if
you have no desire to be the worst, the most miserable, the most
Contemptible, of all that shall inherit everlasting burnings, take
heed of this Sin. The Devil never feasts so deliciously, as when
served with Persecutors and Informers.
How variously and strangely has God testified his Displeasure
and Wrath against Persecutors? Whole Volumes might be
filled with bare Relations. Those Judgments have been inflicted
on them, to make them a scorn an abhorrence, and a warning
to Posterity, which were never known, or heard of in the World,
till they were punish't and made infamous by them.
And if you be Persecutors God has the same, and greater
Plagues and Judgments in store for you.
I know there are few who apply themselves to this Course,
but they flatter themselves, and endeavour to satisfie others,
with some or other false and pretended Excuses. But alas what
will these avail you, whilst they are so Thin and Hollow not only
the All-seeing-God, but the ordinary sort of People can see
thorough them? Unless the cause be too black and horrid to obtain
the Patronage of Hell, or the Actors be sordid and scandalous
enough to make the Devil ashamed of them, he will furnish
with some pretence to palliate and gloss the Fact.
But it is not enough that you have something to Plead and
say in your own defence amongst men, unless it be what will be
warranted and approved by the judge of all, for if you could sovarnish the severity you use to others, as to obtain the favorable
opinion of the generality of men concerning it, what will
this avail you, if when you appear before the great Tribunal,
you be found amongst Persecutors? All false Colours, and meretricious
Paint will then disappear.
Now to secure you from this danger, it will be needful to have
a constant regard to these two Rules.
1. Have nothing to do with hurting, or contracting damages
on any serious, upright, Conscientious Christian. Be not accessory
for a World to the Ruine, or needless prejudice of any one, who
stands fast in the faith of Christ. Those who agree with us in all
the Substantials of Religion, and add no dangerous or Destructive
Tenet to these, who are Holy, Sober, Chast, Temperate, Righteous,
Compassionate and merciful, and who no way indeavour to
disturb the publick peace, but are Vigorous Protestants, and resolute
opposers of the common Enemies of our Religion, and Civil
Rights, they ought especially considering our present Circumstances
to be so far from being Persecuted and oppressed,
as to have all the Incouragement and Countenance that pious
Christians, and Loyal Subjects can claim and deserve. Do not
hurt, persecute, or revile any, whom you have reason to believe
the Lord Jesus will own, approve and honour. Will Christ ever
thank men at the great day for keeping such out from Communion with his
Church, whom he will vouchsafe not only Crowns of Glory to, but it may
be Aureola too, if there be any such thing there?
It had been well for Pilate, if he had hearkened to that seasonable
message, have thou nothing to do with that just men.
2. Take heed of, and avoid the very appearances of this Sin.
Keep at as great a distance from it, as possible. Do not Cherish in
your minds, any thing that may ingage, or incline to it. Cast away
all unjust Prejudices, Mortifie Wrath and Anger: and shut
your Ears against them that would incense you against those, you
differ from, by reporting false and malicious stories of them.
Supposing it could not properly be called Persecution to prosecute,
and be severe with People about those things, which you
are satisfied in your own minds, God has not concern'd himself
about, either by Commanding or forbidding them, yet your Ruining,
or making others suffer extremely for these things, whilstthey have other apprehensions either of the Nature or use
of them, will unavoidably look too like Persecution I think
for a serious Compassionate Christian to tolerate himself in.
This seems not to have any of that Meekness, Condescention,
and Forbearance our Religion doth so expressly and so vehemently
Nay your addicting your selves to such Courses will indanger
the indearing of a rough, sowre, and unpeaceable temper to you.
And it may be it will at last hurry you, into such Exorbitances, as
you did not at first either Design, or think of; nay which will amount
to inexcusable and down-right Persecution.
This will certainly make way for your entertaining very unjust
Prejudices against others. It will lay you lyable to greater Transports
in your Passions. It will expose you to more and stronger
Temptations, than you are at first aware of, it will lay you open
to the wiles of Satan, that cunning Adversary, and great
destroyer of the Godly.
Nay it is probable enough, that when those Christian Sentiments
and Resolves, you do at present retain, are a little worn
off, and by disuse become feeble, the very desire and ambition
of acquaintance with men of Power and Repute, who are Enemies
to Protestants as such, may ingage you in those Practices,
which both your deceitful Hearts and the better hopes of others,
made you believe you should for ever detest.
Satan very seldom Attempts to draw any man to direct Persecution
at first; He only leads them at first to the out-skirts, and
Fleshes them by degrees. But when he has once brought men to
take Pleasure in seeing others suffer, tho not for real Religion, the
sweetness of Blood, or the Satisfaction of getting Wealth, or
the Honour of being caressed by great men, will indanger to
qualifie them to undertake with unconcernedness and Triumph
the most barbarous and inhumane Persecutions imaginable.