More, Thomas | Preface Lyfe of Iohan Picus |
Year | 1510 |
Genre | biography preface |
Title | "Unto his right entierly beloued sister in crist Ioyeuce Leigh thomas more greting in our lorde." In: More, Thomas. Here is co~teyned the lyfe of Iohan Picus Erle of Myra~dula a grete lord of Italy an excellent co~ning man in all scie~ces & vertuous of lyuing. [...] |
Anonymous | Preface Newe Legende of Englande |
Year | 1516 |
Genre | biography preface |
Title | "The Prologe." In: Anonymous. Here begynneth the kalendre of the newe Legende of Englande. |
Bale, John | Preface Brefe Chronycle of Iohan Oldecastell |
Year | 1544 |
Genre | biography preface |
Title | "The Preface." In: Bale, John. A brefe Chronycle concernynge the Examinacyon and death of the blessed martyr of Christ syr Iohan Oldecastell the lorde Cobham |
Bale, John | Preface First examinacyon of Anne Askewe |
Year | 1546 |
Genre | biography preface |
Title | "No title" In: The first examinacyon of Anne Askewe, lately martyred in Smythfelde, by the Romysh popes vpholders, with the Elucydacyon of Iohan Bale. |
Anonymous | Preface Briefe rehersal |
Year | 1561 |
Genre | biography preface |
Title | "The preface and introduction into the history of the Passion and death of Christ." In: Anonymous. A briefe rehersal of the death resurrectio~, & ascension of Christ [...] |
Bèze, Théodore de | Preface Historie of Iohn Caluin |
Year | 1564 |
Genre | biography preface |
Title | "No title" In: Anonymous. A discourse wrytten by M. Theodore de Beza, conteyning in briefe the Historie of the life and death of Maister Iohn Caluin [...] |
Hanmer, Meredith | Preface Avncient ecclesiasticall histories |
Year | 1577 |
Genre | biography preface |
Title | "No title" In: Hanmer, Meredith. Avncient ecclesiasticall histories of the first six hvndred yeares after Christ, wrytten in the Greeke tongue by three learned Historiographers [...] |
Alfield, Thomas | Preface Death of M. Campion, M. Sherwin, M. Bryan |
Year | 1582 |
Genre | biography preface |
Title | "No title" In: Alfield, Thomas. A true reporte of the death & martyrdome of M. Campion Iesuite and preiste, & M. Sherwin, & M. Bryan preistes [...] |
Godwin, Francis | Preface Catalogve Bishops of England |
Year | 1601 |
Genre | biography preface |
Title | "No title" In: Godwin, Francis. A catalogve of the Bishops of England, since the first planting of Christian religion in this Island [...] |
Paule, George | Preface Life of Iohn Whitgift |
Year | 1612 |
Genre | biography preface |
Title | "No title" In: Paule, George. The life of the most reverend and religiovs prelate Iohn Whitgift, Lord Archbishop of Canterbury. |
Kinsman, Edward | Preface Lives of saints |
Year | 1614 |
Genre | biography preface |
Title | "No title" In: Kinsman, Edward. The lives of saints Written in Spanish, by the learned and Reuerend Father Alfonso Villegas [...] |
Smith, Richard | Preface Life of Lady Montagve |
Year | 1627 |
Genre | biography preface |
Title | "The preface of the avthor to the deuout Reader." In: Smith, Richard. The life of the most honovrable lady the La. Magdalen Viscovntesse Montagve. [...] |
Hayne, Thomas | Preface Life of Dr. Martin Lvther |
Year | 1644 |
Genre | biography preface |
Title | "No title" In: Hayne, Thomas. The life and death of Dr Martin Lvther [...] |
Firth, John | Preface Wise virgin |
Year | 1653 |
Genre | biography preface |
Title | "No title" In: Firth, John. The wise virgin, or, A wonderfull Narration of the hand of God [...] |
Anonymous | Preface Life of Dr. Joh. Thauler |
Year | 1660 |
Genre | biography preface |
Title | "No title" In: Anonymous. The history Of the life of the Sublime and Illuminated divine, Dr. Joh. Thauler [...] |
Alleine, Theodosia | Preface Life of Jospeh Alleine |
Year | 1671 |
Genre | biography preface |
Title | "No title" In: Alleine, Theodosia. The Life and Death Of that Excellent minister of Christ Mr Joseph Alleine [...] |
Alleine, Theodosia | Preface Life of Jospeh Alleine |
Year | 1671 |
Genre | biography preface |
Title | "No title" In: Alleine, Theodosia. The Life and Death Of that Excellent minister of Christ Mr Joseph Alleine [...] |
Janeway, James | Preface Life of John Janeway |
Year | 1673 |
Genre | biography preface |
Title | "No title" In: Baxter, Richard. Invisibles, Realities, Demonstrated in the holy life and Triumphant Death of Mr. John Janeway[...] |