Preface Life of Jospeh Alleine
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Preface Biography
Full Title
"No title" In: Alleine, Theodosia. The Life and Death Of that Excellent minister of Christ Mr Joseph Alleine [...]
Wing A1011B
Sample 1
The original format is octavo.
The original contains contains elements such as italics,
LET the Reader know, (to assure him that Faction
and Partiality are not the Authors of
this History) That the two full Narratives that
are not subscribed, are written by two Conformable
Ministers of very great sincerity and abilities,
who were long and intimately acquainted
with Mr. Joseph Alleine.
READER, thou art desired to take notice,
That that part of the Life which is
drawn up by Mrs. Theodosia Alleine, was sent up
by her to a worthy Divine, by him to be published
in his own stile, she not imagining it should
be put forth in her own words. But that worthy
Person, and divers others, upon perusal, saw no
reason to alter it, but caused it to be printed as
it is.