Preface Life of Iohn Whitgift
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Preface Biography
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"No title" In: Paule, George. The life of the most reverend and religiovs prelate Iohn Whitgift, Lord Archbishop of Canterbury.
STC 19484
Sample 1
The original format is quarto.
The original contains first paragraphas are introduced by decorated initial,contains elements such as change of font,contains illustrations,
To the Reader.
IT was farre from mythoughts, that these first
draughts of mine, which I
onely intended as minutes
and directions for a more
skilfull penne-man; should
euer haue shewed themselues to the world, had
not the backwardnesse of some, and the importunitie
of others, driuen me to the Orators resolution;
who saith, I had rather any man should
doe it, then my selfe: yet my selfe, rather
then none at all. The argument may peraduenture
sooner finde some maligners, then iust reprouers.
Wherein yet, as farre as the importance
and necessity of the cause will suffer, I haue so warily
tempered the sharpnesse of my penne, that I
hope none of moderate humour himselfe, will
iustly charge me of being immoderate herein.But yet if any where I shall seeme otherwise; the
discreete Reader will see, it is out of the instructions,
Records, and Authors whom I follow, and
not out of mine owne disposition, who desired as
well herein, as in other of my courses, rather to
imitate my Maister in his milde and moderate
carriage, then willingly to be offensiue or displeasing
to any. Neither is it my purpose to haue the
ashes of the dead raked vp againe. But as no man
can rightly commend a Commander, or skilfull Pilot,
without relating their passed exploits, and
dangerous stormes: So neither could I, without
wronging my Reader, and the principall Subiect,
commend him for so worthie and prudent a Gouernour,
vnlesse I had withall giuen a taste of his
aduentures, and the stormie time wherein he liued.
And therefore I pray thee courteous Reader,
both charitably and modestly to censure my
trauell and paines herein.