Preface Historie of Iohn Caluin
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Preface Biography
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"No title" In: Anonymous. A discourse wrytten by M. Theodore de Beza, conteyning in briefe the Historie of the life and death of Maister Iohn Caluin [...]
STC 2017
Sample 1
The original format is octavo.
The original contains first paragraphas are introduced by decorated initial,contains elements such as change of font,
The Printer to the Reader.
FRIEND READERI offer vnto thee this present
gathering or summe, contayning
the Lyfe and Death of
the Faithfull seruant of God,
Maister Iohn Caluin: by the
which thou shalt see maruellous
examples of the assaultes, that he hath endured
for the Doctrine of the Sonne of God, and also what
assistance God doth giue to his, when his honor and
glorye commeth in question. In the meane time
thinke it not straunge that this discourse doth not
agree with the accustomed forme of Hystorians,
for the purpose of the Auctor who is Master Theodore
de Beza, a good seruant of God also, and a companion
of Maister Iohn Caluin in the worke of the
Lorde, was not to publishe it as an Hystorie, but
onely for a Preface to the Commentaries of the saide
Caluin vppon the Booke of Iosue, come to light sith
his death. I haue thought good to aduertise thee
hereof, to the ende that thou shouldest not thinke,
that the memorie of so great and worthie a personage
myght be satisfied with so smalle a discourse,
albeit that it is diligently and truely set forth thewhich shall serue thee onely to this purpose, to
make thee to hope and looke for an ample and
goodly Hystorie of his actes and doings,
which shall greatly profite to the
aduancement of the Church
of God: to whom be glory
and honor for euer
and euer.
So be it.