Jacombe's Catechism
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Full Title
A Short and Plain Catechism Instructing a Learner of Christian Religion, what he is to believe, and what to Practise.
Wing J109B
Sample 1
The original format is octavo.
The original contains new paragraphas are introduced by indentation,first paragraphas are introduced by decorated initial,contains footnotes,contains elements such as italics,
WHAT is man?
WHAT is man?
Answ. A reasonable creature.
Q. What mean you when
you say you are reasonable?
you say you are reasonable?
A. I mean I am above a beast, and
have something within me whereby I
know what I do, and why.
have something within me whereby I
know what I do, and why.
Q. That I may see how your knowledge
leads to practice: tell me, what learn you
from your being reasonable?
leads to practice: tell me, what learn you
from your being reasonable?
A. That I never do any thing of
which I cannot give a good account
to my self and others.
which I cannot give a good account
to my self and others.
Q. You said you was a creature,
what mean you by that?
what mean you by that?
A. I mean, I once was not, but
was made, and am preserved by another.
was made, and am preserved by another.
Q. What learn you hence?
A. That I must constantly live in dependance
on him that made me.
on him that made me.
Q. Who made you?
A. God.
Q. What is God?
A. God is a Being wholly spiritual,
and therein above my self, most
gracious, holy, wise, powerful,
infinite in all perfections, and therein
above all spirits.
and therein above my self, most
gracious, holy, wise, powerful,
infinite in all perfections, and therein
above all spirits.
Q. You say God is a Being wholly spiritual,
what mean you by it?
what mean you by it?
A. I mean he is a Being that hath no
flesh and bones as I have, and cannot be
perceived by any of my senses, nor can
I make any thing like him.
flesh and bones as I have, and cannot be
perceived by any of my senses, nor can
I make any thing like him.
Q. You have acknowledged a God, and
told me he is a Spirit, what learn you hence?
told me he is a Spirit, what learn you hence?
A. That I am bound to worship him,
and to worship him in spirit.
and to worship him in spirit.
Q. You said he was gracious, what mean
you by his grace?
you by his grace?
A. I mean his readiness to do all
Q. What learn you hence?
A. To expect from his bounty whatsoever
he seeth needful for me.
he seeth needful for me.
Q. You said God was holy, what mean
you by it?
you by it?
A. That he neither can or will do any
evil, and can neither love nor approve
it in any other.
evil, and can neither love nor approve
it in any other.
Q. What learn you hence?
A. Never to imagine his grace will
countenance me in sin.
countenance me in sin.
Q. You said God was wise, what mean
you by it?
you by it?
A. That he hath knowledge of all
things, and ability to do all things
according to it.
things, and ability to do all things
according to it.
Q. What learn you hence?
A. To do all as in his sight, and
begging direction of him to rest satisfied
in his disposal.
begging direction of him to rest satisfied
in his disposal.
Q. You said God was powerful, what
mean you by it?
mean you by it?
A. That he is almighty, and can do
all things; that agree with his wisdom
and holiness.
all things; that agree with his wisdom
and holiness.
Q. What learn you hence?
A. To fear him above all creatures,
being confident, that what he
fulfilled, though it seem impossible to
flesh and blood.
being confident, that what he
hath promised or threatned, shall befulfilled, though it seem impossible to
flesh and blood.
Q. You added God was infinite in all
perfections, what doth that teach you?
perfections, what doth that teach you?
A. Never to admit any low or unworthy
thoughts of God; and when
I have the highest, then to remember
I know him best, when I admire him
thoughts of God; and when
I have the highest, then to remember
I know him best, when I admire him
Q. You have told me you was made, and
that God was your maker, for what end did
he make you?
that God was your maker, for what end did
he make you?
A. That by faithful service to him,
I might be happy in the enjoyment of
I might be happy in the enjoyment of
Q. What learn you hence?
A. Carefully to perform my duty to
God, and never to seek happiness in
worldly pleasures, and profits, or any
thing below him.
God, and never to seek happiness in
worldly pleasures, and profits, or any
thing below him.
Q. You were made to serve God, how
will he be served?
will he be served?
A. According to his will revealed in
the Scriptures, wherein all things are
contained, which I am to believe and
the Scriptures, wherein all things are
contained, which I am to believe and
Q. What learn you hence?
A. Diligently to read & search them.
Q. What doth the Scripture teach you
concerning man, which you have not yet
told me?
concerning man, which you have not yet
told me?
A. The Scriptures give the History
of the creation of the world out of nothing,
and of Adam the first man.
of the creation of the world out of nothing,
and of Adam the first man.
Q. How was Adam the first man created?
A. The Scripture saith, God made
him in his own Image, that he was
upright, and set as Lord over his
him in his own Image, that he was
upright, and set as Lord over his
Q. What learn you hence?
A. To admire Gods goodness in
making the world and man in it, in
such an excellent estate, since nothing
made by him, could bring any profit to
making the world and man in it, in
such an excellent estate, since nothing
made by him, could bring any profit to
Q. Did Adam alwayes continue in the
state God made him?
state God made him?
A. No: he disobeyed Gods command
in eating forbidden fruit, and so
fell from it.
in eating forbidden fruit, and so
fell from it.
Q. What learn you hence?
A. Never to charge God with mans
sin, but condemn him whose behaviour
was unworthy to God, and cruel to
sin, but condemn him whose behaviour
was unworthy to God, and cruel to
Q. What was the state into which he
A. A state of sin and misery.
Q. What is the state in which you are?
A. Mine, and every mans is the
same, for we all find in our selves lust
conceiving and bringing forth sin, and
sin finished, bringeth forth death.
same, for we all find in our selves lust
conceiving and bringing forth sin, and
sin finished, bringeth forth death.
Q. What learn you hence?
A. To bewail my sad and lamentable
condition from which I am not able to
deliver my self.
condition from which I am not able to
deliver my self.
Q. O wretched creature that thou art,
Who can or will deliver thee?
Who can or will deliver thee?
A. I thank God through Jesus
Christ whom he hath provided to be
a Saviour.
Christ whom he hath provided to be
a Saviour.
Q. Who is this Jesus Christ the Saviour?
A. God and man, or God manifested
in the flesh.
in the flesh.
Q. What learn you hence?
A. To be much incouraged, notwithstanding
my sad condition, since
my Saviour being both God and man
is able and willing to help me.
my sad condition, since
my Saviour being both God and man
is able and willing to help me.
Q. What did Christ do for you.
A. He lived a holy yet an afflicted
Cross, rose out of the grave, ascended
into heaven, where he now sits
to make intercession.
life, and dyed for our sins upon theCross, rose out of the grave, ascended
into heaven, where he now sits
to make intercession.
Q. What learn you hence?
A. Cheerfully to obey him, and
willingly to part with every thing for
him, who parted with life for me, and
is still mindfull of me.
willingly to part with every thing for
him, who parted with life for me, and
is still mindfull of me.
Q. What good do you hope for from
this Saviour?
this Saviour?
A. A supply of all my wants;
especially forgiveness of my sins,
sanctification, and everlasting salvation.
especially forgiveness of my sins,
sanctification, and everlasting salvation.
Q. What learn you hence?
A. In no case to entertain any despairing
Q. How must you address your self to
God, for the obtaining the mercies you
hope for by Christ?
God, for the obtaining the mercies you
hope for by Christ?
A. First, with a deep sense of my
unworthiness, unfeignedly repenting
that ever I sinned against him, 2
With a real sense of his undeserved
goodness, humbly by faith in Christ
expecting from his free grace. 3
Heartily resolving to walk before
unworthiness, unfeignedly repenting
that ever I sinned against him, 2
With a real sense of his undeserved
goodness, humbly by faith in Christ
expecting from his free grace. 3
Heartily resolving to walk before
him in newness of life all my dayes.
Q. By your answer, you may perceive an
absolute necessity of repentance, faith, and
newness of life; first, what is repentance?
absolute necessity of repentance, faith, and
newness of life; first, what is repentance?
A. Such a sorrow for sin, that
works hatred and forsaking of it.
works hatred and forsaking of it.
Q. What is faith in Christ?
A. A hearty perswasion that he is
the Saviour, that what he hath said,
and what is said of him in the Gospel,
is true; so as to obey his commands,
fear his threatnings, trust
him for the performances of all his
the Saviour, that what he hath said,
and what is said of him in the Gospel,
is true; so as to obey his commands,
fear his threatnings, trust
him for the performances of all his
Q. What is newness of life?
A. It consists in denying ungodliness,
and worldly lusts, and living soberly,
righteously and godlily.
and worldly lusts, and living soberly,
righteously and godlily.
Q. When may you be said to live soberly?
A. When in all things I live temperately
and chastly, moderating all unruly
and chastly, moderating all unruly
Q. When may you be said to live
A. When in all my dealings I do as
I would be done by.
I would be done by.
Q. When may you be said to live godlily?
A. When in my whole conversation
I behave my self towards God, as my
Creator and my Redeemer.
I behave my self towards God, as my
Creator and my Redeemer.
Q. I hope you intend to practise all
this, but are you able of your self?
this, but are you able of your self?
A. No, I am not of my self sufficient,
so much as to think one good
so much as to think one good
Q. What must enable you?
A. Gods blessed Spirit which he hath
Q. You say the spirit must enable you,
are you then idly to lye still and do nothing?
are you then idly to lye still and do nothing?
A. No, I am therefore to work out
my salvation with fear and trembling,
because God works in me to will and
to do of his good pleasure.
my salvation with fear and trembling,
because God works in me to will and
to do of his good pleasure.
Q. If you must not be idle what means
must you use?
must you use?
A. First, reading, hearing, meditating
of the Word which is the
power of God to salvation 2 Prayer
3 serious consideration of my actions,
and of all Gods providences to
my self and others 4 Use of the sacraments,
Baptism, and the Lords
of the Word which is the
power of God to salvation 2 Prayer
3 serious consideration of my actions,
and of all Gods providences to
my self and others 4 Use of the sacraments,
Baptism, and the Lords
Q. I less suspect your knowledge in the
rest, what is Baptism?
rest, what is Baptism?
A. Washing with water in the
Name of the Father, Son, and Holy
Name of the Father, Son, and Holy
Q. Of what use may your Baptism be
to you, since you was Baptised in your infancy?
to you, since you was Baptised in your infancy?
A. The consideration of it provokes
to newness of life, 1 Because outward
washing signifies purity. 2 Because
my being baptized in Christs
Name, engages me to own his Doctrine,
and keep his Laws, Gal. 3.27.
to newness of life, 1 Because outward
washing signifies purity. 2 Because
my being baptized in Christs
Name, engages me to own his Doctrine,
and keep his Laws, Gal. 3.27.
Q. What is the Lords Supper?
A. It's according to Christs institution,
bread broken and eaten, wine
powred forth and drunk, in remembrance
of Christ, whose body was broken
for us, and blood shed for the remission
of sin.
bread broken and eaten, wine
powred forth and drunk, in remembrance
of Christ, whose body was broken
for us, and blood shed for the remission
of sin.
Q. How is this usefull to provoke you
to newness of life?
to newness of life?
A. While the evil of sin, and the
love of Christ crucified is herein set
before my eyes, I am constrained to
live to him who dyed for me.
love of Christ crucified is herein set
before my eyes, I am constrained to
live to him who dyed for me.
Q. I pray God whensoever you receive
this benefit?
this Sacrament, you may. But do all receivethis benefit?
A. No, they cannot who understand
not the ends of Christs death, nor they
who desire not to enjoy them.
not the ends of Christs death, nor they
who desire not to enjoy them.
Q. What if you neglect these means and
quench the spirit?
quench the spirit?
A. I shew that I undervalue all that
Christ hath done and suffered, and
provoke God to bring on me a greater
measure of his wrath, for this my
contempt, than if I had never heard
of a Saviour.
Christ hath done and suffered, and
provoke God to bring on me a greater
measure of his wrath, for this my
contempt, than if I had never heard
of a Saviour.
Q. Do you believe God will bring
this wrath on you, if you thus behave
your self?
this wrath on you, if you thus behave
your self?
A. Yes, I believe God hath appointed
a day wherein he will judge
the world in righteousness, and render
to every man according to what
he hath done in the flesh, whether it be
good or bad.
a day wherein he will judge
the world in righteousness, and render
to every man according to what
he hath done in the flesh, whether it be
good or bad.
Q. What shall be the condition of all
men after the day of Judgement?
men after the day of Judgement?
A. To them who by patient continuance
in well-doing, seek for glory
God will give eternal life, but to them
that obey not the truth, and live in
indignation and wrath, the portion
of every soul that doth evil.
in well-doing, seek for glory
God will give eternal life, but to them
that obey not the truth, and live in
unrighteousness, tribulation, and anguish,indignation and wrath, the portion
of every soul that doth evil.
Q. Seeing we profess to believe these
things, what manner of persons ought we
to be?
things, what manner of persons ought we
to be?
A. We ought to live in all holy
conversation and godliness, being diligent
that we may be found of God
in peace, without spot, and blameless;
growing in grace, and in the knowledge
of our Lord and Saviour Jesus
Christ: to whom be glory both now
and forever. Amen.
conversation and godliness, being diligent
that we may be found of God
in peace, without spot, and blameless;
growing in grace, and in the knowledge
of our Lord and Saviour Jesus
Christ: to whom be glory both now
and forever. Amen.