Principles of Holy Christian Religion
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The principles of Holy Christian Religion: or, The Catechism of the Church of England paraphrazed.
Wing S3246
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The original contains contains footnotes,contains elements such as italics,
THE PRINCIPLES OF Holy Christian Religion: OR The Catechism of the Church of England paraphrased.
The Introduction.
1. Question.
BEcause your Name is the badge
and cognizance of that holy
Christian Religion you profess,
therefore 'tis first demanded of you
What is your name?
BEcause your Name is the badge
and cognizance of that holy
Christian Religion you profess,
therefore 'tis first demanded of you
What is your name?
2. Question.
And since together with your
therefore secondly askt
Who gave you this name?
And since together with your
Name you received Christianity, 'tistherefore secondly askt
Who gave you this name?
My Godfathers and Godmothers
in my Baptism, wherein I was made
a Christian, and therefore it is called
my Christian name.
My Godfathers and Godmothers
in my Baptism, wherein I was made
a Christian, and therefore it is called
my Christian name.
3. Question.
What happiness or benefit is it unto
you to be baptiz'd and become
What happiness or benefit is it unto
you to be baptiz'd and become
I am thereby made 1. A member of
Christ, 2. A childe of God, 3. An
heir of the Kingdome of heaven, or
more fully thus:
Whereas I was born in sin, and
am by nature the childe of wrath, and
heir of Death, and Hell; by being
born again of water, and of the Holy
Ghost in Baptism: I am not only
1. ingraffed into Christ's Mystical
body, the Church; but am also 2. reconciled
unto God through Christ,
and made his childe by Adoption, and
Grace; and not only a childe, but also
3. an Heir, even an Heir of God,
and joynt-heir with Christ of the Kingdome
of heaven.
I am thereby made 1. A member of
Christ, 2. A childe of God, 3. An
heir of the Kingdome of heaven, or
more fully thus:
Whereas I was born in sin, and
am by nature the childe of wrath, and
heir of Death, and Hell; by being
born again of water, and of the Holy
Ghost in Baptism: I am not only
1. ingraffed into Christ's Mystical
body, the Church; but am also 2. reconciled
unto God through Christ,
and made his childe by Adoption, and
Grace; and not only a childe, but also
3. an Heir, even an Heir of God,
and joynt-heir with Christ of the Kingdome
of heaven.
4. Quest.
Are these great Blessings confer'd
upon you through Baptism, absolutely,
or upon condition only?
Are these great Blessings confer'd
upon you through Baptism, absolutely,
or upon condition only?
Upon condition, that I do observe
and keep that promise and vow which
was made in my name, being baptized.
Upon condition, that I do observe
and keep that promise and vow which
was made in my name, being baptized.
5. Quest.
What did your Godfathers and
for you?
What did your Godfathers and
Godmothers then promise and vowfor you?
They did promise and vow three
things in my name: 1. That I should
forsake the Devil and all his works,
the pomps, and vanities of this wicked
world, and all the sinfull lusts of
the flesh. 2. That I should believe
all the Articles of the Christian faith.
3. That I should keep Gods holy will
and commandements, and walk in the
same all the days of my life.
They did promise and vow three
things in my name: 1. That I should
forsake the Devil and all his works,
the pomps, and vanities of this wicked
world, and all the sinfull lusts of
the flesh. 2. That I should believe
all the Articles of the Christian faith.
3. That I should keep Gods holy will
and commandements, and walk in the
same all the days of my life.
6. Quest.
Doest not thou think that thou art
bound both to believe, and do what
they have promised for thee?
Doest not thou think that thou art
bound both to believe, and do what
they have promised for thee?
Yes verily I do beleeve it to be my
bounden duty: and by Gods help I
will perform the same: And I heartily
thank our heavenly Father, who
through Baptism hath called me to
this state of salvation through Iesus
Christ our Saviour. And I pray God
to give me his grace, that I may continue
in the same to my lives end:
carefully observing this vow of my
Baptism, which is the general duty of
every Christian.
Yes verily I do beleeve it to be my
bounden duty: and by Gods help I
will perform the same: And I heartily
thank our heavenly Father, who
through Baptism hath called me to
this state of salvation through Iesus
Christ our Saviour. And I pray God
to give me his grace, that I may continue
in the same to my lives end:
carefully observing this vow of my
Baptism, which is the general duty of
every Christian.
7. Quest.
What is the meaning of the first
part of your Christian duty, or vow in
What is the meaning of the first
part of your Christian duty, or vow in
By promising to forsake the Devil and
all &c. I do oblige my self to resist,
and manfully to fight under the banner
of Christ against all temptations,
whether arising from the Devil, the
world, or the flesh, and not suffer my
self to be vanquished by them, and
be led captive to the service of
And this is that which is also call'd
Repentance from dead works, Heb. 6.1.
where 'tis remembred as the first of
the principles of the Doctrines of Christ,
because I must forsake the service
of sin, and all temptations leading
thereunto, before I can truly serve
God, or receive any benefit by the
means of Grace.
O God which art the authorBy promising to forsake the Devil and
all &c. I do oblige my self to resist,
and manfully to fight under the banner
of Christ against all temptations,
whether arising from the Devil, the
world, or the flesh, and not suffer my
self to be vanquished by them, and
be led captive to the service of
And this is that which is also call'd
Repentance from dead works, Heb. 6.1.
where 'tis remembred as the first of
the principles of the Doctrines of Christ,
because I must forsake the service
of sin, and all temptations leading
thereunto, before I can truly serve
God, or receive any benefit by the
means of Grace.
of peace, and lover of concord,
in knowledge of whom standeth
our eternal life, whose service isperfect freedome; defend me thy
humble servant in all assaults of
my ghostly enemies, the world,
the flesh and the Devil: that I
surely trusting in thy defence,
may not fear the power of any
such adversaries, through the might
of Iesus Christ our Lord.
Of the Creed.
WHat is the second part of that
promise you made when you
were baptiz'd?
WHat is the second part of that
promise you made when you
were baptiz'd?
To believe all the Articles of the
Christian faith: that is, all those chief
heads of Doctrine which Christ commanded
and taught, as also what
himself did for our example, and suffered
for our salvation.
To believe all the Articles of the
Christian faith: that is, all those chief
heads of Doctrine which Christ commanded
and taught, as also what
himself did for our example, and suffered
for our salvation.
What is the sum of them?
What is the sum of them?
The Apostles Creed.
The Apostles Creed.
What mean you by a Creed?
What mean you by a Creed?
A Creed is as much as Belief: And
it is a brief Summary of all the chief
heads of Religion which we are bound
to believe as necessary to everlasting
A Creed is as much as Belief: And
it is a brief Summary of all the chief
heads of Religion which we are bound
to believe as necessary to everlasting
Why do you call it the Apostles
Why do you call it the Apostles
Because 1. it contains the sum of
that Doctrine which the Apostles
preached. 2. It was compiled either
by the Apostles themselves, or Apostolical
men: and it consists also of 12.
Articles according the number of the
12. Apostles.
Because 1. it contains the sum of
that Doctrine which the Apostles
preached. 2. It was compiled either
by the Apostles themselves, or Apostolical
men: and it consists also of 12.
Articles according the number of the
12. Apostles.
Rehearse the Articles of your Belief
Rehearse the Articles of your Belief
1. I believe in God the Father Almighty,
maker of heaven and earth:
2. And in Iesus Christ his onely
Son our Lord,
3. Which was conceived by the
holy Ghost, born of the Uirgin Mary,
4. Suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, dead and buried,
5. He descended into hell, the third
day he rose again from the dead,
6. He ascended into heaven, and
sitteth on the right hand of God the
Father Almighty:
judge the quick and the dead.
8. I believe in the holy Ghost,
9. The holy Catholick Church, the
Communion of Saints,
10. The forgiveness of sins,
11. The Resurrection of the body,
12. And the life everlasting, Amen.
1. I believe in God the Father Almighty,
maker of heaven and earth:
2. And in Iesus Christ his onely
Son our Lord,
3. Which was conceived by the
holy Ghost, born of the Uirgin Mary,
4. Suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, dead and buried,
5. He descended into hell, the third
day he rose again from the dead,
6. He ascended into heaven, and
sitteth on the right hand of God the
Father Almighty:
7. From thence he shall come tojudge the quick and the dead.
8. I believe in the holy Ghost,
9. The holy Catholick Church, the
Communion of Saints,
10. The forgiveness of sins,
11. The Resurrection of the body,
12. And the life everlasting, Amen.
What do you chiefly learn to believe
in these Articles?
What do you chiefly learn to believe
in these Articles?
Hence I learn to believe in that only
true God, who being one in essence,
is three in subsistence:
1. God the Father, who hath made
me and all the world:
2. God the Son, who hath redeemed
me and all mankinde:
3. God the Holy Ghost, who hath
sanctified me and all the elect people of
God: which divides this Creed into
three general parts, according to the
number of these three Persons of the
Hence I learn to believe in that only
true God, who being one in essence,
is three in subsistence:
1. God the Father, who hath made
me and all the world:
2. God the Son, who hath redeemed
me and all mankinde:
3. God the Holy Ghost, who hath
sanctified me and all the elect people of
God: which divides this Creed into
three general parts, according to the
number of these three Persons of the
What does the first general part of
your Creed concern?
What does the first general part of
your Creed concern?
God the Father, who by his Almightiness
of nothing hath made all things,
both the Heavens and the Earth, and
all that is contained therein: and by
the same his power does still sustain
and govern all things: which is the
sum, and meaning of the first Article.
God the Father, who by his Almightiness
of nothing hath made all things,
both the Heavens and the Earth, and
all that is contained therein: and by
the same his power does still sustain
and govern all things: which is the
sum, and meaning of the first Article.
What use are you to make of this?
What use are you to make of this?
That I am therefore bound to serve,
and worship him, and obey his Lawes,
as being the great Lord and Father
of all, from whom I have received all
that I am, and all that I have in the
That I am therefore bound to serve,
and worship him, and obey his Lawes,
as being the great Lord and Father
of all, from whom I have received all
that I am, and all that I have in the
What do's the second general part
of your Creed concern?
What do's the second general part
of your Creed concern?
God the Son, and the Redemption of
mankinde by him from sin and death.
God the Son, and the Redemption of
mankinde by him from sin and death.
By what means and titles is he
By what means and titles is he
He is first called Jesus which signifies
Salvation: 2. Christ, which signifies
Anointed, and denotes his threefold
office of King, Priest, and Prophet:
3. The only Son of God, viz. by eternal
generation: 4. Our Lord, in that
he hath bought and redeemed us, and
hath the sole power over us.
He is first called Jesus which signifies
Salvation: 2. Christ, which signifies
Anointed, and denotes his threefold
office of King, Priest, and Prophet:
3. The only Son of God, viz. by eternal
generation: 4. Our Lord, in that
he hath bought and redeemed us, and
hath the sole power over us.
What do you beleeve that he did
and suffered to redeem you?
What do you beleeve that he did
and suffered to redeem you?
I do believe that he came down
from heaven, and was by the power
of the Holy Ghost after a wonderful
manner conceived and made man, in
the sanctified Womb of the blessed
Virgin Mary; That he was born of
her; that he lived a most holy life,
and by his doctrine and example guided
and directed us in the way to
That he suffered for our sins many
grievous and bitter things under Pontius
Pilate, the Governor of Judea;
that he was by his command crucified,
or the several parts of his body
were stretched out upon the crosse
to his unspeakable torment, untill
through the violence of his pangs he
gave up the ghost, and being dead,
was also buried, to manifest the reality,
and truth of his death.
That he descended into hell, vanquishing
both the first and second death,
and him who had the power of death,
that is the Devil, and all the spirits,
and powers of darkness. That he rose
again the third day, thereby declaring
his victory over death, and over all
our ghostly enemies.
That having accomplished the
great work of our Redemption, he
again ascended into heaven, from
whence he came down: That he sitteth
at the right hand of God: reigneth
as King over all, and intercedes
for all them that call upon God in his
And that he shall come again at the
last day to judge the quick and the dead,
and render to all men according to
their works.
I do believe that he came down
from heaven, and was by the power
of the Holy Ghost after a wonderful
manner conceived and made man, in
the sanctified Womb of the blessed
Virgin Mary; That he was born of
her; that he lived a most holy life,
and by his doctrine and example guided
and directed us in the way to
That he suffered for our sins many
grievous and bitter things under Pontius
Pilate, the Governor of Judea;
that he was by his command crucified,
or the several parts of his body
were stretched out upon the crosse
as upon a rack, and nailed thereunto,to his unspeakable torment, untill
through the violence of his pangs he
gave up the ghost, and being dead,
was also buried, to manifest the reality,
and truth of his death.
That he descended into hell, vanquishing
both the first and second death,
and him who had the power of death,
that is the Devil, and all the spirits,
and powers of darkness. That he rose
again the third day, thereby declaring
his victory over death, and over all
our ghostly enemies.
That having accomplished the
great work of our Redemption, he
again ascended into heaven, from
whence he came down: That he sitteth
at the right hand of God: reigneth
as King over all, and intercedes
for all them that call upon God in his
And that he shall come again at the
last day to judge the quick and the dead,
and render to all men according to
their works.
What use are you to make of this
second part of your Creed?
What use are you to make of this
second part of your Creed?
That I therefore put my trust only
in the mercies of God through the
merits of Christ, for whatever concerns
the good either of body or soul.
That I repent me truly of all my sins,
which were the cause of my Saviours
sufferings. That I obey his Doctrine,
and follow his example, as the
way to heaven. That I seek those
things which are above, where Christ
sitteth on the right hand of God: and
by perseverance in all good works, wait
for the coming of my Lord to Judgement.
That I therefore put my trust only
in the mercies of God through the
merits of Christ, for whatever concerns
the good either of body or soul.
That I repent me truly of all my sins,
which were the cause of my Saviours
sufferings. That I obey his Doctrine,
and follow his example, as the
way to heaven. That I seek those
things which are above, where Christ
sitteth on the right hand of God: and
by perseverance in all good works, wait
for the coming of my Lord to Judgement.
What does the third general part
of your Creed concern?
What does the third general part
of your Creed concern?
God the Holy Ghost, and his sanctification
of me, and of all Gods people,
by his Gifts and Graces, to the sacred
service of God, and of our Saviour
Jesus Christ.
God the Holy Ghost, and his sanctification
of me, and of all Gods people,
by his Gifts and Graces, to the sacred
service of God, and of our Saviour
Jesus Christ.
In whom is this work of sanctification
In whom is this work of sanctification
In all the faithful and elect people
of God, cal'd the Holy Catholique
Church: Holy, because sanctified by
the Holy Ghost; and Catholique, that
is, universal, diffused and spread over
the face of the whole earth.
In all the faithful and elect people
of God, cal'd the Holy Catholique
Church: Holy, because sanctified by
the Holy Ghost; and Catholique, that
is, universal, diffused and spread over
the face of the whole earth.
How is this Sanctification wrought
by the Holy Ghost upon the Church,
or people of Christ?
How is this Sanctification wrought
by the Holy Ghost upon the Church,
or people of Christ?
It is begun in this life by the communion
of Saints, and remission of sins:
and it shall be perfected hereafter at
the Resurrection of the Body, in life
It is begun in this life by the communion
of Saints, and remission of sins:
and it shall be perfected hereafter at
the Resurrection of the Body, in life
What do you mean by the communion
of Saints?
What do you mean by the communion
of Saints?
I do profess to believe, that all true
members of Christs holy Catholick
Church, by the secret impressions of
the Holy Ghost, have both union and
communion with Christ, who is our
the members of Christ, by charity.
I do profess to believe, that all true
members of Christs holy Catholick
Church, by the secret impressions of
the Holy Ghost, have both union and
communion with Christ, who is our
head, by faith, and also one with anotherthe members of Christ, by charity.
What do you mean by Remission
of sins?
What do you mean by Remission
of sins?
I do believe that there is both for
me and for all other good Christians,
pardon and forgiveness of all our sins
to be obtained by the mercies of God,
through the merits of Christ our Saviour:
we sincerely performing the
conditions of a lively faith, and true
Repentance thereunto required.
I do believe that there is both for
me and for all other good Christians,
pardon and forgiveness of all our sins
to be obtained by the mercies of God,
through the merits of Christ our Saviour:
we sincerely performing the
conditions of a lively faith, and true
Repentance thereunto required.
What do you mean by the Resurrection
of the body?
What do you mean by the Resurrection
of the body?
I do believe that this body of mine,
and the bodies of all men, though they
be dissolved by death into dust and
ashes, yet shall be again raised out of
the dust of death, and rejoyned to
our immortal souls, that so we may receive
according to our deeds done in
the body, whether they be good, or whether
they be evil.
I do believe that this body of mine,
and the bodies of all men, though they
be dissolved by death into dust and
ashes, yet shall be again raised out of
the dust of death, and rejoyned to
our immortal souls, that so we may receive
according to our deeds done in
the body, whether they be good, or whether
they be evil.
What do you mean by life everlasting?
What do you mean by life everlasting?
I do believe that when we shall
be raised up at the last day, we
shall never die any more, but live
for ever, either in endlesse joyes, if
we have done well, or in endlesse
torments, if our deeds have been
I do believe that when we shall
be raised up at the last day, we
shall never die any more, but live
for ever, either in endlesse joyes, if
we have done well, or in endlesse
torments, if our deeds have been
What use are you to make of this
part of your Creed?
What use are you to make of this
part of your Creed?
That I do not grieve Gods holy
Spirit by my sins, nor hinder his
work of Sanctification upon my
soul, by resisting his good motions,
and incitements to holinesse
of life. That I continue a faithfull,
and true Member of Christs
Mystical Body, the Church, both by
a true and lively faith in Christ,
and an universall unfeigned charity
towards all Christians. That I trust
not in my own righteousness, but
relie on the merits of Christ only
repenting of all my misdoings, and
for ever abjuring and forsaking the
same: Denying ungodlinesse, and
worldly lusts, and living soberly, righteously
and godly in this present world,
as looking for the Resurrection of
the dead, and the life of the world
to come.
That I do not grieve Gods holy
Spirit by my sins, nor hinder his
work of Sanctification upon my
soul, by resisting his good motions,
and incitements to holinesse
of life. That I continue a faithfull,
and true Member of Christs
Mystical Body, the Church, both by
a true and lively faith in Christ,
and an universall unfeigned charity
towards all Christians. That I trust
not in my own righteousness, but
relie on the merits of Christ only
for the pardon of my sins, trulyrepenting of all my misdoings, and
for ever abjuring and forsaking the
same: Denying ungodlinesse, and
worldly lusts, and living soberly, righteously
and godly in this present world,
as looking for the Resurrection of
the dead, and the life of the world
to come.
Why doe you conclude with Amen?
Why doe you conclude with Amen?
I do hereby acknowledge, and ratifie
with my stedfast belief the undoubted
Truth, and certainty of this
Creed in general, and of every Article
thereof in particular, secretly
wishing, and humbly praying, that
through the stedfastnesse of this faith
I may evermore be defended from all
adversity, and be preserved in the way
of eternal salvation, even from God
the Father, through God the Son,
and by God the Holy Ghost; to whom be
glory for ever, Amen.
I do hereby acknowledge, and ratifie
with my stedfast belief the undoubted
Truth, and certainty of this
Creed in general, and of every Article
thereof in particular, secretly
wishing, and humbly praying, that
through the stedfastnesse of this faith
I may evermore be defended from all
adversity, and be preserved in the way
of eternal salvation, even from God
the Father, through God the Son,
and by God the Holy Ghost; to whom be
glory for ever, Amen.
I Believe, Lord help my unbelief:and evermore preserve thy
servant in the unity of the
true faith: Grant me with the
heart to believe unto righteousness
of life, that I may in the end
obtain the end of my faith, which
is the salvation of my soul, through
Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Of the Commandements.
WHat is the third part of your
vow in Baptism?
WHat is the third part of your
vow in Baptism?
To keep Gods holy will and Commandements,
and to walk in the same all the
daies of my life: and it is but just, and
reasonable that I should do what God
hath commanded me in this life; if I
will obtain what he hath promised me
in the life to come: If thou wilt enter
into life, keep the Commandements.
To keep Gods holy will and Commandements,
and to walk in the same all the
daies of my life: and it is but just, and
reasonable that I should do what God
hath commanded me in this life; if I
will obtain what he hath promised me
in the life to come: If thou wilt enter
into life, keep the Commandements.
What are these Commandements
God hath enjoyned, and you have promised
to observe and keep?
What are these Commandements
God hath enjoyned, and you have promised
to observe and keep?
The same which God spake in the
20. chapter of Exodus, saying, I am
the Lord thy God, which brought thee
out of the land of Egypt, out of the
house of bondage: which is the Preface,
and our obligation to obey.
The same which God spake in the
20. chapter of Exodus, saying, I am
the Lord thy God, which brought thee
out of the land of Egypt, out of the
house of bondage: which is the Preface,
shewing Gods right to command,and our obligation to obey.
Are the Commandements of God
under the Gospel, the same they were
under the Law?
Are the Commandements of God
under the Gospel, the same they were
under the Law?
They are the same for substance,
for God is the same God for ever,
and changeth not: they differ only
in ceremonies, and the manner of dispensation.
They are the same for substance,
for God is the same God for ever,
and changeth not: they differ only
in ceremonies, and the manner of dispensation.
In what particular respects do they
In what particular respects do they
Under the Law the commands of
God were more clog'd with ceremonies,
more dark and obscure, and not so fully
understood, as to the spirituall sense
and meaning of them. But as Christ
under the Gospel hath delivered them,
1. They are freed from the burden
of manifold ceremonial rites,
which were figurative and typical.
2. They are more clear, perspicuous
and intelligible, and this not so
much in the letter, as in the spirit and
very heart, and the thoughts and desires
3. The promises under the Gospel
to those that shall be obedient to
Gods commands, are greater and
more full, or at least more clear then
under the Law.
4. More grace is communicated to
us Christians under the Gospel for the
observation of Gods commands, then
was given to the Jewes under the Law.
Under the Law the commands of
God were more clog'd with ceremonies,
more dark and obscure, and not so fully
understood, as to the spirituall sense
and meaning of them. But as Christ
under the Gospel hath delivered them,
1. They are freed from the burden
of manifold ceremonial rites,
which were figurative and typical.
2. They are more clear, perspicuous
and intelligible, and this not so
much in the letter, as in the spirit and
life of the Law, as it reacheth to thevery heart, and the thoughts and desires
3. The promises under the Gospel
to those that shall be obedient to
Gods commands, are greater and
more full, or at least more clear then
under the Law.
4. More grace is communicated to
us Christians under the Gospel for the
observation of Gods commands, then
was given to the Jewes under the Law.
How many Commandements are
How many Commandements are
The words God himself delivered
on Mount Sinai consist of ten Commandements:
and the text saith he added
no more: Because all that is
through the whole Word of God enjoyned
besides, may in some respects
or other be reduced to one of these
ten words of command.
The words God himself delivered
on Mount Sinai consist of ten Commandements:
and the text saith he added
no more: Because all that is
through the whole Word of God enjoyned
besides, may in some respects
or other be reduced to one of these
ten words of command.
What general rules are to be observed
to understand the full meaning
of each Commandement?
What general rules are to be observed
to understand the full meaning
of each Commandement?
Two most especially. 1. That where
any duty is commanded, the contrary
thereunto is forbidden: and where
any sin is forbidden, the contrary duty
is commanded. 2. That in all duties
commanded, and sins forbidden, the
means conducing thereunto are commanded,
and forbidden also.
Two most especially. 1. That where
any duty is commanded, the contrary
thereunto is forbidden: and where
any sin is forbidden, the contrary duty
is commanded. 2. That in all duties
commanded, and sins forbidden, the
means conducing thereunto are commanded,
and forbidden also.
What is the first of these ten Commandements?
What is the first of these ten Commandements?
Thou shalt have none other Gods
before me.
Thou shalt have none other Gods
before me.
What is herein commanded, and
what forbidden you?
What is herein commanded, and
what forbidden you?
1. I am herein commanded to acknowledge
the God of Israel for the
only true God, and accordingly to serve
and worship him as God, viz. To believe
in him, to put my whole trust
in him, to fear him, and to love him
above all: and to express my inward
faith, hope, and love towards him by
the reverent performance of all external
acts of divine worship commanded.
by my daily prayers unto him, and
praises of him.
2. I am forbidden to acknowledge
any other god besides him, or to pay
any such divine worship to any other,
neither yet to prefer the love and
service of any creature before the love
and service of my Creator, who is God
blessed for ever.
1. I am herein commanded to acknowledge
the God of Israel for the
only true God, and accordingly to serve
and worship him as God, viz. To believe
in him, to put my whole trust
in him, to fear him, and to love him
above all: and to express my inward
faith, hope, and love towards him by
the reverent performance of all external
acts of divine worship commanded.
by him, and most especiallyby my daily prayers unto him, and
praises of him.
2. I am forbidden to acknowledge
any other god besides him, or to pay
any such divine worship to any other,
neither yet to prefer the love and
service of any creature before the love
and service of my Creator, who is God
blessed for ever.
What is the second Commandement?
What is the second Commandement?
Thou shalt not make to thy self
any graven Image, nor the likeness
of any thing that is in the heaven
above, or in the earth beneath, or in
the water under the earth. Thou shalt
not bow down to them nor worship
them: For I the Lord thy God am a
jealous God, and visit the sins of the
fathers upon the children unto the
third and fourth generation of them
that hate me, and shew mercy unto
thousands of them that love
me, and keep my Commandements.
Thou shalt not make to thy self
any graven Image, nor the likeness
of any thing that is in the heaven
above, or in the earth beneath, or in
the water under the earth. Thou shalt
not bow down to them nor worship
them: For I the Lord thy God am a
jealous God, and visit the sins of the
fathers upon the children unto the
third and fourth generation of them
that hate me, and shew mercy unto
thousands of them that love
me, and keep my Commandements.
What is herein commanded, and
what forbidden you?
What is herein commanded, and
what forbidden you?
1. I am herein commanded to worship
this only true God after an holy
and true manner, that is, after such a
manner as himself hath prescribed in
his holy Word: And that I do it not
only internally in spirit, and in truth,
but also externally, with all lowly,
humble and reverent prostration of
body before him.
2. I am forbidden to worship the
true God after a false manner; not to
worship him by an Idoll, nor by an
Image, neither yet according to the
fond imaginations of my own heart:
And that as I must avoid Idolatry, and
all false worship on the one hand, so
I must also take heed of sacriledge,
which is to rob God of the maintenance
of his true worship on the
other side.
And the reason of this Law is given given;
because God is so jealous of his
worship and glory, lest we should give
it to any other, or to our selves, that
he will severely punish all such as deprave
and fourth generation, accounting of
them as his enemies; but he will mercifully
reward them that obey, and
serve him according to his will, as
being his friends and promoters of his
1. I am herein commanded to worship
this only true God after an holy
and true manner, that is, after such a
manner as himself hath prescribed in
his holy Word: And that I do it not
only internally in spirit, and in truth,
but also externally, with all lowly,
humble and reverent prostration of
body before him.
2. I am forbidden to worship the
true God after a false manner; not to
worship him by an Idoll, nor by an
Image, neither yet according to the
fond imaginations of my own heart:
And that as I must avoid Idolatry, and
all false worship on the one hand, so
I must also take heed of sacriledge,
which is to rob God of the maintenance
of his true worship on the
other side.
And the reason of this Law is given given;
because God is so jealous of his
worship and glory, lest we should give
it to any other, or to our selves, that
he will severely punish all such as deprave
his worship, even to the thirdand fourth generation, accounting of
them as his enemies; but he will mercifully
reward them that obey, and
serve him according to his will, as
being his friends and promoters of his
What is the third Commandement?
What is the third Commandement?
Thou shalt not take the Name of
the Lord thy God in vain: for the
Lord will not hold him guiltless that
taketh his Name in vain.
Thou shalt not take the Name of
the Lord thy God in vain: for the
Lord will not hold him guiltless that
taketh his Name in vain.
What is herein commanded, and forbidden
What is herein commanded, and forbidden
1. I am herein commanded to propose
to my self the honour of Gods
holy Name in all my actions both divine
and moral: And to have a separate,
and distinct respect for all such
things and persons, as have the
name of God called upon them, and
more immediately relate to his
unadvised, wilful profanations of Gods
ever blessed Name, by oathes, perjuries,
execrations, cursings of the creatures,
of my neighbors, or of my
self; not to use the name of God
slightly, idly, foolishly, and vainly,
much less to cover any deceits, falshoods,
or what is in any respect unlawful,
or sinful: not unadvisedly or
irreverently to entermeddle, with
Gods holy Word, Sacraments or any
parts of his holy worship: neither yet
to slight, undervalue, or despise either
things, or persons, wherein, and
whereby God is honoured, and whereupon
his holy Name is called.
And the reason is given, because
God will never excuse such irreligious
profanations of his Majesty, but
will assuredly punish all offenders in
this kinde.
1. I am herein commanded to propose
to my self the honour of Gods
holy Name in all my actions both divine
and moral: And to have a separate,
and distinct respect for all such
things and persons, as have the
name of God called upon them, and
more immediately relate to his
2. I am herein forbidden all rash,unadvised, wilful profanations of Gods
ever blessed Name, by oathes, perjuries,
execrations, cursings of the creatures,
of my neighbors, or of my
self; not to use the name of God
slightly, idly, foolishly, and vainly,
much less to cover any deceits, falshoods,
or what is in any respect unlawful,
or sinful: not unadvisedly or
irreverently to entermeddle, with
Gods holy Word, Sacraments or any
parts of his holy worship: neither yet
to slight, undervalue, or despise either
things, or persons, wherein, and
whereby God is honoured, and whereupon
his holy Name is called.
And the reason is given, because
God will never excuse such irreligious
profanations of his Majesty, but
will assuredly punish all offenders in
this kinde.
7. Quest.
What is the fourth Commandement?
What is the fourth Commandement?
Remember that thou keep holy the
Sabbath day: six daies shalt thou labour
and do all that thou hast to do;
the Lord thy God. In it thou shalt do
no manner of work, thou, and thy son,
and thy daughter, thy man-servant,
and thy maid-servant, thy cattell
and the stranger that is within
thy gates; for in six daies the Lord
made heaven and earth, the sea, and
all that in them is, and rested the
seventh day; wherefore the Lord blessed
the seventh day, and hallowed it.
Remember that thou keep holy the
Sabbath day: six daies shalt thou labour
and do all that thou hast to do;
but the seventh day is the Sabbath ofthe Lord thy God. In it thou shalt do
no manner of work, thou, and thy son,
and thy daughter, thy man-servant,
and thy maid-servant, thy cattell
and the stranger that is within
thy gates; for in six daies the Lord
made heaven and earth, the sea, and
all that in them is, and rested the
seventh day; wherefore the Lord blessed
the seventh day, and hallowed it.
What is herein commanded, and
what forbidden?
What is herein commanded, and
what forbidden?
1. I am commanded in general to
dedicate every day of my life a spiritual
Sabbath unto God, that is, a rest
from sin and vacancy to his service:
And in particular that I devote every
seventh day, or one day in seven to the
publick and solemn worship of God,
with the rest of his Church and
2. I am forbidden on this day, either
my self to do, or suffer any I
have command over to do any servile
work, but what is of necessity, or charity,
that so I may the better attend
And the reason is given, because
the Lord after six daies labour in the
work of the Creation, rested on the
seventh: called therefore the Sabbath,
which signifies rest: the commemoration
whereof we Christians
observe on the first day of the week,
which is Sunday, because our blessed
Lord arose on that day from death to
life, and perfected thereby the great
work of our Redemption.
1. I am commanded in general to
dedicate every day of my life a spiritual
Sabbath unto God, that is, a rest
from sin and vacancy to his service:
And in particular that I devote every
seventh day, or one day in seven to the
publick and solemn worship of God,
with the rest of his Church and
2. I am forbidden on this day, either
my self to do, or suffer any I
have command over to do any servile
work, but what is of necessity, or charity,
that so I may the better attend
the service of God both publick andprivate.
And the reason is given, because
the Lord after six daies labour in the
work of the Creation, rested on the
seventh: called therefore the Sabbath,
which signifies rest: the commemoration
whereof we Christians
observe on the first day of the week,
which is Sunday, because our blessed
Lord arose on that day from death to
life, and perfected thereby the great
work of our Redemption.
What is the fifth Commandement?
What is the fifth Commandement?
Honour thy father and thy mother,
that thy daies may be long in the
land which the Lord thy God giveth
Honour thy father and thy mother,
that thy daies may be long in the
land which the Lord thy God giveth
What is herein commanded, and
what forbidden?
What is herein commanded, and
what forbidden?
1. I am commanded in general to
give honour to whom honour is due,
and to have respect to all my superiors,
whether in age, quality, or condition:
obey my natural Parents in all their
just and lawful domestick commands:
to obey Kings, and all that are in authority,
paying them tribute, custome,
and honour: to obey also all civil
Masters, and all my spiritual Governour,
Pastors, and Teachers, according
to their several respective interests
and authority over me.
2. I am herein forbidden all disrespectfulness
to my superiors; all disobedience
to the commands, and contempt
of the persons of my Parents,
and of all higher powers: all murmurings
and repinings against such as are
in authority over me, whether Civil or
And this is the first Commandement
with promise: For that all peace and
security depends upon this; that every
one do his duty in all his relations
unto others.
1. I am commanded in general to
give honour to whom honour is due,
and to have respect to all my superiors,
whether in age, quality, or condition:
more particularly, to reverence andobey my natural Parents in all their
just and lawful domestick commands:
to obey Kings, and all that are in authority,
paying them tribute, custome,
and honour: to obey also all civil
Masters, and all my spiritual Governour,
Pastors, and Teachers, according
to their several respective interests
and authority over me.
2. I am herein forbidden all disrespectfulness
to my superiors; all disobedience
to the commands, and contempt
of the persons of my Parents,
and of all higher powers: all murmurings
and repinings against such as are
in authority over me, whether Civil or
And this is the first Commandement
with promise: For that all peace and
security depends upon this; that every
one do his duty in all his relations
unto others.
What is the sixth Commandement?
What is the sixth Commandement?
Thou shalt do no murther.
Thou shalt do no murther.
What is commanded, and forbidden
What is commanded, and forbidden
1. I am herein commanded to use
all means for the preservation both of
my own life, and the lives of others also:
And to this end to live peaceably, and
charitably, and to love all men, even
my very enemies.
2. I am forbidden not only to
avoid all manner of murder and bloudshed,
whether directly or indirectly,
but also all anger, wrath, hatred, variance,
strife, contention, revenge and reviling
of others, though we be provok'd thereunto.
1. I am herein commanded to use
all means for the preservation both of
my own life, and the lives of others also:
And to this end to live peaceably, and
charitably, and to love all men, even
my very enemies.
2. I am forbidden not only to
avoid all manner of murder and bloudshed,
whether directly or indirectly,
but also all anger, wrath, hatred, variance,
strife, contention, revenge and reviling
of others, though we be provok'd thereunto.
What is the seventh Commandement?
What is the seventh Commandement?
Thou shalt not commit adultery.
Thou shalt not commit adultery.
What is commanded, and what forbidden
What is commanded, and what forbidden
1. I am herein commanded to be
chaste, sober, and temperate, that both
my soul and body may be preserved the
pure, spotless, and immaculate members
of Christ, and temples of the Holy
2. I am forbidden adultery, fornication,
and all kinde of corporal uncleanness,
which is not conjugal; together with
all kinde of unclean thoughts and desires,
words and behaviour, and all provocations
thereunto, viz. all riot and
excess, surfetting, gluttony, and drunkenness:
all wanton and loose company,
light attire, wandring eyes, and filthy
1. I am herein commanded to be
chaste, sober, and temperate, that both
my soul and body may be preserved the
pure, spotless, and immaculate members
of Christ, and temples of the Holy
2. I am forbidden adultery, fornication,
and all kinde of corporal uncleanness,
which is not conjugal; together with
all kinde of unclean thoughts and desires,
words and behaviour, and all provocations
thereunto, viz. all riot and
excess, surfetting, gluttony, and drunkenness:
all wanton and loose company,
light attire, wandring eyes, and filthy
What is the eighth Commandement?
What is the eighth Commandement?
Thou shalt not steal.
Thou shalt not steal.
What is commanded, and what forbidden
you herein?
What is commanded, and what forbidden
you herein?
1. I am commanded to be just and
upright in all my dealings, that so no
man may by me be depriv'd of what
rightly belongs unto him; and to
my power I am commanded to be
charitable also, that the poor be not
depriv'd of their proper livelihood
and subsistence, which is my superfluity:
And if in case of any wrong done
by me, I am hereby enjoyned to
make restitution to the party wronged
by me; or if that cannot be done,
to give it to the poor.
2. I am forbidden all oppression, and
extortion, stealth, cousenage, circumvention,
denial of an almes to the poor;
and in a word, all waies and means,
whereby either, publickly or privately,
by force, or by fraud, I may acquire,
or detain from any what either by
the rule of righteousness or charity belongs
unto them.
1. I am commanded to be just and
upright in all my dealings, that so no
man may by me be depriv'd of what
rightly belongs unto him; and to
my power I am commanded to be
charitable also, that the poor be not
depriv'd of their proper livelihood
and subsistence, which is my superfluity:
And if in case of any wrong done
by me, I am hereby enjoyned to
make restitution to the party wronged
by me; or if that cannot be done,
to give it to the poor.
2. I am forbidden all oppression, and
extortion, stealth, cousenage, circumvention,
denial of an almes to the poor;
and in a word, all waies and means,
whereby either, publickly or privately,
by force, or by fraud, I may acquire,
or detain from any what either by
the rule of righteousness or charity belongs
unto them.
What is the ninth Commandement?
What is the ninth Commandement?
Thou shalt not bear false witness
against thy neighbour.
Thou shalt not bear false witness
against thy neighbour.
What is herein commanded, and
forbidden you?
What is herein commanded, and
forbidden you?
1. I am commanded in general to
give testimony to the truth upon all occasions:
and particularly to preserve
and advance the good-name, and esteem
of my neighbour: and to speak well
of all men, as far as in truth and modesty,
and without flattery I may.
2. I am forbidden all false and evil
speaking, lying and slandering, railing
and reviling, rash censuring and condemning
others: And to this end I am
forbidden all tale-bearing, and much
medling and talking of other mens
lives, and manners, wherein by some
respective duty I am not concerned.
1. I am commanded in general to
give testimony to the truth upon all occasions:
and particularly to preserve
and advance the good-name, and esteem
of my neighbour: and to speak well
of all men, as far as in truth and modesty,
and without flattery I may.
2. I am forbidden all false and evil
speaking, lying and slandering, railing
and reviling, rash censuring and condemning
others: And to this end I am
forbidden all tale-bearing, and much
medling and talking of other mens
lives, and manners, wherein by some
respective duty I am not concerned.
What is the tenth Commandement?
What is the tenth Commandement?
Thou shalt not covet thy neighbours
house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbours
wife, nor his servant, nor his
maid, nor his oxe, nor his asse, nor any
thing that is thy neighbours.
Thou shalt not covet thy neighbours
house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbours
wife, nor his servant, nor his
maid, nor his oxe, nor his asse, nor any
thing that is thy neighbours.
What is commanded, and what forbidden
you herein?
What is commanded, and what forbidden
you herein?
1. I am commanded to be content
with my present state and condition
what ever it be, and in order
hereunto to be diligent, and industrious
in the duties of my calling, both
for my own support, and the relief of
2. I am herein forbidden not only
not to wrong my neighbour in body,
goods, or good name, but not so much
also as to covet or desire it: neither
in relation to my profit, to covet my
neighbours house, oxe, asse; neither in
relation to my pleasure, to covet his
wife, maid; neither yet in relation
either to profit or pleasure, to covet
any thing that is his.
1. I am commanded to be content
with my present state and condition
what ever it be, and in order
hereunto to be diligent, and industrious
in the duties of my calling, both
for my own support, and the relief of
2. I am herein forbidden not only
not to wrong my neighbour in body,
goods, or good name, but not so much
also as to covet or desire it: neither
in relation to my profit, to covet my
neighbours house, oxe, asse; neither in
relation to my pleasure, to covet his
wife, maid; neither yet in relation
either to profit or pleasure, to covet
any thing that is his.
What doest thou chiefly learn by
these Commandements?
What doest thou chiefly learn by
these Commandements?
I learn two things to be chiefly,
and summarily enjoyned, and commanded
me: namely 1. My duty towards
God. 2. My duty towards my
Commandements into two Tables, the
former consisting of the four first, and
the latter of the six last Commandements.
I learn two things to be chiefly,
and summarily enjoyned, and commanded
me: namely 1. My duty towards
God. 2. My duty towards my
neighbour: which divides these tenCommandements into two Tables, the
former consisting of the four first, and
the latter of the six last Commandements.
What are the particulars of your
duty towards God, in the four first
Commandements enjoyned?
What are the particulars of your
duty towards God, in the four first
Commandements enjoyned?
The sum of all in general, is, to love
the Lord my God with all my heart,
and with all my soul, with all my minde,
and with all my strength. More particularly;
To believe in him, to fear him,
to put my whole trust in him, to call
upon him by fervent and frequent
prayers, to give him thanks for his
mercies, and daily to praise and magnifie
his name.
To worship him, and that not
only with all inward devotion of
soul, but also with all outward reverence
and low prostration of body.
To honour his holy Name and his
Word, and what ever hath his holy
name, and mark imprinted thereon.
of my life, and also punctually to observe
those daies that are consecrate
to his publick, and solemn worship.
The sum of all in general, is, to love
the Lord my God with all my heart,
and with all my soul, with all my minde,
and with all my strength. More particularly;
To believe in him, to fear him,
to put my whole trust in him, to call
upon him by fervent and frequent
prayers, to give him thanks for his
mercies, and daily to praise and magnifie
his name.
To worship him, and that not
only with all inward devotion of
soul, but also with all outward reverence
and low prostration of body.
To honour his holy Name and his
Word, and what ever hath his holy
name, and mark imprinted thereon.
To serve him truly all the daiesof my life, and also punctually to observe
those daies that are consecrate
to his publick, and solemn worship.
What are the particulars of your
duty towards your neighbour, in the
six last Commandements enjoyned?
What are the particulars of your
duty towards your neighbour, in the
six last Commandements enjoyned?
The sum of all in general, is, to love
my neighbour as my self, and to express
this love, by doing unto all men
as I would they should doe unto
me. More particularly,
To love, honour, and succour my
father and mother: to honour and obey
the lawful Power of the land, whether
supreme or subordinate: to submit my
self to all my Governors, Teachers,
spiritual pastours, and Masters: to
order my self lowly and reverently to
all my betters, and affably, courteously,
and kindly to all persons whatsoever.
To hurt no body by word nor
deed, to bear no malice nor hatred in my
To keep my body in temperance,
soberness, and chastity.
and to keep my hands from picking
and stealing.
To avoid all evil speaking, lying
and slandering.
Not to covet or desire other mens
goods, but to learn and labour truly to
get mine own living, and to do my duty
in that state of life, whereunto it
shall please God to call me.
LOrd have mercy upon me, andThe sum of all in general, is, to love
my neighbour as my self, and to express
this love, by doing unto all men
as I would they should doe unto
me. More particularly,
To love, honour, and succour my
father and mother: to honour and obey
the lawful Power of the land, whether
supreme or subordinate: to submit my
self to all my Governors, Teachers,
spiritual pastours, and Masters: to
order my self lowly and reverently to
all my betters, and affably, courteously,
and kindly to all persons whatsoever.
To hurt no body by word nor
deed, to bear no malice nor hatred in my
To keep my body in temperance,
soberness, and chastity.
To be true and just in all my dealings,and to keep my hands from picking
and stealing.
To avoid all evil speaking, lying
and slandering.
Not to covet or desire other mens
goods, but to learn and labour truly to
get mine own living, and to do my duty
in that state of life, whereunto it
shall please God to call me.
write all these thy Lawes in my
heart, I beseech thee: and give me
thy grace enabling me to express my
obedience hereunto in all the actions
of my life, through Jesus Christ
our Lord: Amen.
Of the Lords Prayer.
DOest thou think that thou art
able to do all these things of thy
self, to walk in the Commandements
of God, and to serve him?
DOest thou think that thou art
able to do all these things of thy
self, to walk in the Commandements
of God, and to serve him?
I do most humbly confess that without
Gods special Grace, I cannot observe
to do the least of Gods commandements,
& I must therefore learn at all
times to cal upon God by diligent prayer
for the assistance of his divine grace.
I do most humbly confess that without
Gods special Grace, I cannot observe
to do the least of Gods commandements,
& I must therefore learn at all
times to cal upon God by diligent prayer
for the assistance of his divine grace.
After what manner are you to pray
unto God?
After what manner are you to pray
unto God?
After the same manner that Christ
in his holy Gospel hath taught me,
Our Father which art in heaven,
hallowed &c.
After the same manner that Christ
in his holy Gospel hath taught me,
Our Father which art in heaven,
hallowed &c.
Of how many parts doth this prayer
Of how many parts doth this prayer
Of three parts: 1. The Preface.
2. The Petitions. 3. The Doxologie, or
Of three parts: 1. The Preface.
2. The Petitions. 3. The Doxologie, or
Rehearse the parts distinctly.
Rehearse the parts distinctly.
1. The Preface in these words: Our
Father which art in heaven.
2. The Petitions are six in number:
The three first concern the glory and
service of God: viz. 1. Hallowed be
thy Name. Thy kingdome come.
3. Thy will be done in earth as it is
in heaven. The three last concern our
own wants and engagements, viz.
4. Give us this day our daily bread.
5. Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive
them that trespass against us.
6. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver
us from evil.
3. The Doxologie or conclusion in
these words: For thine is the Kingdome,
the power and the glory, for ever
and ever: Amen.
1. The Preface in these words: Our
Father which art in heaven.
2. The Petitions are six in number:
The three first concern the glory and
service of God: viz. 1. Hallowed be
thy Name. Thy kingdome come.
3. Thy will be done in earth as it is
in heaven. The three last concern our
own wants and engagements, viz.
4. Give us this day our daily bread.
5. Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive
them that trespass against us.
6. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver
us from evil.
3. The Doxologie or conclusion in
these words: For thine is the Kingdome,
the power and the glory, for ever
and ever: Amen.
What do you desire of God in this
What do you desire of God in this
I desire my Lord God our heavenly
Father, who is the giver of all goodness,
and gives willingly because a
father, and plentifully because in heaven;
that he would be pleased to send
his grace unto me, and unto all people,
1. That we may worship him as we
ought to do: That his ever blessed
name may be sanctified by me and by
all men upon whom his holy Name is
2. That we may serve him as becomes
the faithful subjects of his kingdome,
submitting unto and walking
after his most holy Lawes.
That we may obey, and do his will
both readily, sincerely, and constantly
here upon earth, as 'tis done by the
blessed Angels and Saints in heaven.
And I do further pray unto him, that
as our necessities are renewed every
day, so he would be pleased to send us
day by day, all things that be needful
both for our souls and bodies.
That he would be merciful unto us
and forgive us our sins through Jesus
Christ, resolving for his sake, and according
others in what they do, or shall offend
and trespass against me.
That he would save and defend us
from all dangers ghostly and bodily:
preserving us from the evil of sin by
his Grace and delivering us from the
evil of punishment by his Mercy: and
more particularly, that he would deliver
us from all the temptations of
that grand enemy of our souls, the
Devil: that so we may be delivered
from the wrath of God, and from
everlasting death and damnation hereafter.
And this I trust he will do of his
great mercy and goodness, being infinite
in both, as he is in glory, power, and dominion:
His Kingdome is over all, His
Power is infinite, and His Glory is
above the heavens, and this from
everlasting to everlasting. And 'tis
the hearty desire of my soul, that it
should be so: and therefore I say
Amen, that is, So be it.
I desire my Lord God our heavenly
Father, who is the giver of all goodness,
and gives willingly because a
father, and plentifully because in heaven;
that he would be pleased to send
his grace unto me, and unto all people,
1. That we may worship him as we
ought to do: That his ever blessed
name may be sanctified by me and by
all men upon whom his holy Name is
2. That we may serve him as becomes
the faithful subjects of his kingdome,
submitting unto and walking
after his most holy Lawes.
That we may obey, and do his will
both readily, sincerely, and constantly
here upon earth, as 'tis done by the
blessed Angels and Saints in heaven.
And I do further pray unto him, that
as our necessities are renewed every
day, so he would be pleased to send us
day by day, all things that be needful
both for our souls and bodies.
That he would be merciful unto us
and forgive us our sins through Jesus
Christ, resolving for his sake, and according
to his command to forgive allothers in what they do, or shall offend
and trespass against me.
That he would save and defend us
from all dangers ghostly and bodily:
preserving us from the evil of sin by
his Grace and delivering us from the
evil of punishment by his Mercy: and
more particularly, that he would deliver
us from all the temptations of
that grand enemy of our souls, the
Devil: that so we may be delivered
from the wrath of God, and from
everlasting death and damnation hereafter.
And this I trust he will do of his
great mercy and goodness, being infinite
in both, as he is in glory, power, and dominion:
His Kingdome is over all, His
Power is infinite, and His Glory is
above the heavens, and this from
everlasting to everlasting. And 'tis
the hearty desire of my soul, that it
should be so: and therefore I say
Amen, that is, So be it.
Must you alwaies make use of this
form when you pray unto God?
Must you alwaies make use of this
form when you pray unto God?
This is alway to be annext to my
prayers, either before or after: for 'tis
both the Pattern according to which I
am to pray, Mat. 6.9. And the form
also I am to use when I pray; commanded,
Luk. 11.3.
O Holy Jesu, who hast taught meThis is alway to be annext to my
prayers, either before or after: for 'tis
both the Pattern according to which I
am to pray, Mat. 6.9. And the form
also I am to use when I pray; commanded,
Luk. 11.3.
to pray unto God aright; give
me the heart with all religious carefulness,
and devotion of soul to
observe thy directions and commands
herein: and daily to powre
forth my soul unto God in that divine
and heavenly inspired prayer
which thou hast taught me. And
let my prayers be ever acceptable
unto God through thy blessed mediation
and intercession for me: who
art my only Advocate and Mediator,
blessed for ever: Amen.
Of the Sacraments.
WHat other means hath God ordained
for the conveyance of
his graces into our hearts?
WHat other means hath God ordained
for the conveyance of
his graces into our hearts?
The use of Sacraments.
The use of Sacraments.
How many Sacraments hath Christ
ordained in his Church?
How many Sacraments hath Christ
ordained in his Church?
Two only as generally necessary to
salvation: There are other external
representations of Gods mercies, and
rites of conveying the same, but
there are only two commanded as absolutely
necessary to salvation: that
is to say, 1. Baptism, 2. And the
Supper of the Lord: By Baptism we
are admitted members of Christs
Church: by the Lords Supper we are
confirmed and grow up to the perfect
men in Christ: therefore children are
admitted to the Sacrament of Baptism,
grown up to ripeness of years.
Two only as generally necessary to
salvation: There are other external
representations of Gods mercies, and
rites of conveying the same, but
there are only two commanded as absolutely
necessary to salvation: that
is to say, 1. Baptism, 2. And the
Supper of the Lord: By Baptism we
are admitted members of Christs
Church: by the Lords Supper we are
confirmed and grow up to the perfect
men in Christ: therefore children are
admitted to the Sacrament of Baptism,
but not to the Lords Supper till they begrown up to ripeness of years.
What meanest thou by this word
What meanest thou by this word
I mean an outward and visible sign
of an inward & spiritual grace, given
and ordained by Christ himself, as a
means whereby we receive the same,
and a pledge to assure us thereof.
Or thus:
Because the graces and mercies of
God in Christ are inward and invisible,
therefore Christ complying with
the weakness of our souls, which understand
not but by bodily organs,
hath ordained in his Church certain
Rites called Sacraments, which are
not only visible, and apparent signs
of his invisible and hidden Graces; but
also the means whereby we are made
partakers of his Graces, and pledges to
assure us of them.
I mean an outward and visible sign
of an inward & spiritual grace, given
and ordained by Christ himself, as a
means whereby we receive the same,
and a pledge to assure us thereof.
Or thus:
Because the graces and mercies of
God in Christ are inward and invisible,
therefore Christ complying with
the weakness of our souls, which understand
not but by bodily organs,
hath ordained in his Church certain
Rites called Sacraments, which are
not only visible, and apparent signs
of his invisible and hidden Graces; but
also the means whereby we are made
partakers of his Graces, and pledges to
assure us of them.
How many parts be there in a Sacrament?
How many parts be there in a Sacrament?
Two: 1. The outward visible sign,
invisible Grace, or thing signified.
Two: 1. The outward visible sign,
or thing signifying: 2. The inwardinvisible Grace, or thing signified.
What is the outward visible sign or
form in Baptism?
What is the outward visible sign or
form in Baptism?
That which we see whith our eyes
in Baptism, is Water, wherein the
person baptized is dipped or sprinkled
with it: And the form of words to
be used when the person is so washed,
is, In the Name of the Father, of the
Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
That which we see whith our eyes
in Baptism, is Water, wherein the
person baptized is dipped or sprinkled
with it: And the form of words to
be used when the person is so washed,
is, In the Name of the Father, of the
Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
What is the inward or spiritual
Grace, thereby represented?
What is the inward or spiritual
Grace, thereby represented?
The washing of the soul from sin,
and sanctification to the sacred service
of God: which is called in holy
Scripture, A death unto sin, and a
new birth unto righteousness: for being
by nature born in sin, and the
children of wrath, we are hereby
made the children of grace.
The washing of the soul from sin,
and sanctification to the sacred service
of God: which is called in holy
Scripture, A death unto sin, and a
new birth unto righteousness: for being
by nature born in sin, and the
children of wrath, we are hereby
made the children of grace.
What is required of persons to be
What is required of persons to be
Two things: 1. Repentance, whereby
they forsake sin, and consequently
the service of the world, the flesh,
and the Devil, tempting unto sin.
2. Faith, whereby they stedfastly believe
the promises of God made to them
in that Sacrament.
Two things: 1. Repentance, whereby
they forsake sin, and consequently
the service of the world, the flesh,
and the Devil, tempting unto sin.
2. Faith, whereby they stedfastly believe
the promises of God made to them
in that Sacrament.
Why then are children baptized,
when by reason of their tender age
they can neither believe nor repent?
Why then are children baptized,
when by reason of their tender age
they can neither believe nor repent?
They have Faith and Repentance in
the possibility, thou not in the actuall
being thereof: and they do perform
these duties, thou not by
themselves, yet by their sureties, who
promise and vow both Faith and Repentance
in their names, which when
they come to age, themselves are
bound to perform; otherwise they forfeit
the benefits of their Baptism.
They have Faith and Repentance in
the possibility, thou not in the actuall
being thereof: and they do perform
these duties, thou not by
themselves, yet by their sureties, who
promise and vow both Faith and Repentance
in their names, which when
they come to age, themselves are
bound to perform; otherwise they forfeit
the benefits of their Baptism.
Why was the Sacrament of the
Lords Supper ordained?
Why was the Sacrament of the
Lords Supper ordained?
For two reasons chiefly: 1. For a
Sign: 2. For a Seal. 1. For a Sign:
sacrifice of Christs death for the sins
of the world: whereof we ought
to have the continual remembrance.
2. For a Seal to convey, or pledge to
assure us of the great benefits we receive
by the death of Christ.
For two reasons chiefly: 1. For a
Sign: 2. For a Seal. 1. For a Sign:
to signifie and represent unto us thesacrifice of Christs death for the sins
of the world: whereof we ought
to have the continual remembrance.
2. For a Seal to convey, or pledge to
assure us of the great benefits we receive
by the death of Christ.
Since in every Sacrament you say
there are two parts, the outward sign,
and the inward grace: what is the
outward part, or sign of the Lords
Since in every Sacrament you say
there are two parts, the outward sign,
and the inward grace: what is the
outward part, or sign of the Lords
The outward elements in this Sacrament
are Bread and Wine, which
the Lord hath commanded to be administred,
and received: saying, Take,
eat, drink ye all of this, do this in remembrance
of me.
The outward elements in this Sacrament
are Bread and Wine, which
the Lord hath commanded to be administred,
and received: saying, Take,
eat, drink ye all of this, do this in remembrance
of me.
What is the inward part, or thing
signified by the Sacramental Bread
and Wine?
What is the inward part, or thing
signified by the Sacramental Bread
and Wine?
The body of Christ, broken upon
the Crosse, by the Bread: and his
bloud powred out, by the Wine: and as
the Bread and Wine are truly taken
and indeed is the body and bloud of
Christ taken and received spiritually
of every true faithful soul in the
Lords Supper, if rightly administred.
The body of Christ, broken upon
the Crosse, by the Bread: and his
bloud powred out, by the Wine: and as
the Bread and Wine are truly taken
and received corporally: so verilyand indeed is the body and bloud of
Christ taken and received spiritually
of every true faithful soul in the
Lords Supper, if rightly administred.
What are the benefits, whereof we
are made partakers by the right receiving
of the Lords Supper?
What are the benefits, whereof we
are made partakers by the right receiving
of the Lords Supper?
Our souls are thereby strengthned
with divine grace, and refreshed with
the sense of Gods mercy, by the vertue
of Christs body and bloud spiritually
received, even as our bodies are
strengthened and refreshed in the use
of common and material bread and
Our souls are thereby strengthned
with divine grace, and refreshed with
the sense of Gods mercy, by the vertue
of Christs body and bloud spiritually
received, even as our bodies are
strengthened and refreshed in the use
of common and material bread and
What is required of them that come
to the Lords Supper, that they may be
made partakers of the benefits thereof?
What is required of them that come
to the Lords Supper, that they may be
made partakers of the benefits thereof?
To examine themselves 1. Whether
they repent them truly of their
former sins, stedfastly purposing to
lead a new life. 2. Whether they
have a lively faith in the mercies of
faith is obedience or good-works; for
faith without works is dead. 3. That
they have a thankful and devout remembrance
of Christs death. 4. That
they be in charity with all men:
which charity is exercised in giving,
and forgiving: 1. Giving unto others,
what their necessities require, and our
abilities afford. 2. Forgiving others
in what they have any way provok'd
or injur'd us.
O Holy Jesus, who hast vouchsafed,To examine themselves 1. Whether
they repent them truly of their
former sins, stedfastly purposing to
lead a new life. 2. Whether they
have a lively faith in the mercies of
God through Christ: now the life offaith is obedience or good-works; for
faith without works is dead. 3. That
they have a thankful and devout remembrance
of Christs death. 4. That
they be in charity with all men:
which charity is exercised in giving,
and forgiving: 1. Giving unto others,
what their necessities require, and our
abilities afford. 2. Forgiving others
in what they have any way provok'd
or injur'd us.
not only to redeem me unto
God in thy bloud, but also to
ordain Sacraments whereby I may
not only be engraffed into thee, but
also nourished by thy most precious
body and bloud: O fill my heart
with true thankfulness unto thee
for such unspeakable mercies: and
grant that in the wise and pious
use hereof I may grow up into
thee in all grace and godliness, to
the hopes of a full and immediateenjoyment of thee face to face in
glory, blessed Jesus, Saviour and
Redeemer: Amen.