Golden grove
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The golden grove, or, A manuall of Daily Prayers and Letanies, Fitted to the dayes of the Week. Containing a short Summary of What is to be Believed, Practised, Desired.
Wing T336
Sample 1
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The original contains new paragraphas are introduced by indentation,contains elements such as italics,contains comments and references,
A SHORT CATECHISM FOR The institution of young persons IN THE Christian Religion.
IN what does true Religion consist?
IN what does true Religion consist?
In the knowledge of the one, true
God, and whom he hath sent, Jesus
Christ, and in the worshipping and
serving them.
In the knowledge of the one, true
God, and whom he hath sent, Jesus
Christ, and in the worshipping and
serving them.
Quest. What dost thou believe concerning
Answ. That there is a God:
2. That he is one. 3. Eternal, 4. Almighty:
5. That he hath made all
the world: 6. That he knows all
of any shape or figure, or parts, or
body: 8. That he is present in all
places: 9. That his seat is in Heaven,
and he governs all the world,
so that nothing happens without his
order and leave: 10. That he is the
Fountain of Justice, 11. of Mercy,
12. of Bounty or Goodness: 13. That
he is unalterably happy, and infinitely
perfect: 14. That no evil can
come near him: 15. And he is the
Rewarder of them that diligently
seek him.
2. That he is one. 3. Eternal, 4. Almighty:
5. That he hath made all
the world: 6. That he knows all
things: 7. That he is a Spirit; notof any shape or figure, or parts, or
body: 8. That he is present in all
places: 9. That his seat is in Heaven,
and he governs all the world,
so that nothing happens without his
order and leave: 10. That he is the
Fountain of Justice, 11. of Mercy,
12. of Bounty or Goodness: 13. That
he is unalterably happy, and infinitely
perfect: 14. That no evil can
come near him: 15. And he is the
Rewarder of them that diligently
seek him.
Quest. What other Mystery is revealed
concerning God ?
concerning God ?
Ans. That God being one in nature,
is also three in Person; expressed
in Scripture by the names of
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The
first Person being known to us by
the name of The Father of our Lord
Jesus Christ. The second Person is
called The Son, and the Word of the
Father. The third is The Spirit
and Promise of the Father: and
these are Three and One after a secret
but cannot understand.
is also three in Person; expressed
in Scripture by the names of
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The
first Person being known to us by
the name of The Father of our Lord
Jesus Christ. The second Person is
called The Son, and the Word of the
Father. The third is The Spirit
and Promise of the Father: and
these are Three and One after a secret
manner, which we must believe,but cannot understand.
Quest. What is this God to us?
Answ. He is our Creator and Father,
and therefore he is our Lord;
and we are his Creatures, his Sons,
and his Servants.
and therefore he is our Lord;
and we are his Creatures, his Sons,
and his Servants.
Quest. Wherefore did God create
and make us?
and make us?
Ans. That we might do him honour
and service, and receive from
him infinite felicities.
and service, and receive from
him infinite felicities.
Quest. How did God make man?
Ans. By the power of his Word,
out of the slime of the earth, and
he breathed into him the breath of
out of the slime of the earth, and
he breathed into him the breath of
Quest. Was man good or bad, when
God made him?
God made him?
Ans. Man was made pure and innocent.
Quest. How then did man become
sinful and miserable?
sinful and miserable?
Ans. By listening to the whispers
of a tempting spirit, and breaking
an easie Commandment, which God
gave him as the first tryal of his
of a tempting spirit, and breaking
an easie Commandment, which God
gave him as the first tryal of his
Quest. What evils and changes
followed this sin?
followed this sin?
Ans. Adam, who was the first
man and the first sinner, did both for
himself and his posterity, fall into
the state of death, of sickness, and
misfortunes, & disorder both of body
and soul: we were thrown out of
Paradise, and lost our Immortality.
man and the first sinner, did both for
himself and his posterity, fall into
the state of death, of sickness, and
misfortunes, & disorder both of body
and soul: we were thrown out of
Paradise, and lost our Immortality.
Quest. Was man left in these evils
without remedy?
without remedy?
Ans. No. But God pitying his
creature, promised, That of the seed
of the woman, he would raise up a
Saviour and Redeemer, who should
restore us to Gods favour, and to
the felicity which we lost.
creature, promised, That of the seed
of the woman, he would raise up a
Saviour and Redeemer, who should
restore us to Gods favour, and to
the felicity which we lost.
Quest. How did God perform the
Ans. By sending Jesus Christ to
take upon him our nature, to dye
for our sins, to become our Lord,
and the Author of holiness, and
life, and salvation to mankinde.
take upon him our nature, to dye
for our sins, to become our Lord,
and the Author of holiness, and
life, and salvation to mankinde.
Quest. Who is Jesus Christ?
Ans. He is the Son of God, the second
Person of the holy Trinity, equal
with the Father, true God without
beginning of life, or end of days.
Person of the holy Trinity, equal
with the Father, true God without
beginning of life, or end of days.
Quest. How then could he be our
Redeemer, and the promised seed of the
Redeemer, and the promised seed of the
Ans. The Son of God in the fulness
of time, by the miracles of his
Mercy, took upon him humane Nature,
and united it after a wonderful
manner to his Godhead; so that he
was both God and Man: He was
born of a Virgin, who conceived
him not by any natural means, but
by the power of the Holy Ghost,
and was called Jesus Christ, and his
Mothers name was Mary, of the
seed of Abraham, of the family of
King David; and all these things
came to passe when Augustus Cæsar
was Lord of the Roman Empire.
of time, by the miracles of his
Mercy, took upon him humane Nature,
and united it after a wonderful
manner to his Godhead; so that he
was both God and Man: He was
born of a Virgin, who conceived
him not by any natural means, but
by the power of the Holy Ghost,
and was called Jesus Christ, and his
Mothers name was Mary, of the
seed of Abraham, of the family of
King David; and all these things
came to passe when Augustus Cæsar
was Lord of the Roman Empire.
Quest. How did Jesus Christ
work this promised Redemption for
work this promised Redemption for
Ans. By his holy and humble
life, and his obedient dying a painful
death for us upon the Cross.
life, and his obedient dying a painful
death for us upon the Cross.
Quest. What benefits do we receive
by the life and death of Jesus
by the life and death of Jesus
Ans. We are instructed by his
Doctrine, encouraged by his excellent
God by his Death; He hath given
us an excellent Law, and glorious
Promises, and himself hath received
power to make good all those Promises
to his servants, and fearfully
to destroy them that will not have
him to reign over them.
Doctrine, encouraged by his excellent
Example, we are reconciled toGod by his Death; He hath given
us an excellent Law, and glorious
Promises, and himself hath received
power to make good all those Promises
to his servants, and fearfully
to destroy them that will not have
him to reign over them.
Quest. What Promises hath Jesus
Christ made us in the Gospel?
Christ made us in the Gospel?
Ans. He hath promised to give
us all that we need in this life; That
every thing shall work together for
our good; That he will be with us
in tribulation and persecution; He
hath promised his Graces and his
holy Spirit to enable us to do our
duty; and if we make use of these
graces, he hath promised to give us
more; He hath promised to forgive
us our sins; to hear our prayers; to
take the sting of death from us; to
keep our souls in safe custody after
death; and in his due time to raise
our bodies from the grave, and to
joyn them to our souls, and to give
us eternal life, and joyes that shall
never cease.
us all that we need in this life; That
every thing shall work together for
our good; That he will be with us
in tribulation and persecution; He
hath promised his Graces and his
holy Spirit to enable us to do our
duty; and if we make use of these
graces, he hath promised to give us
more; He hath promised to forgive
us our sins; to hear our prayers; to
take the sting of death from us; to
keep our souls in safe custody after
death; and in his due time to raise
our bodies from the grave, and to
joyn them to our souls, and to give
us eternal life, and joyes that shall
never cease.
Quest. How is Jesus Christ able
to do all this for us?
to do all this for us?
Ans. When he had suffered death,
and was buried three days, God
raised him up again and gave him
all power in heaven and earth, made
him Head of the Church, Lord of
Men and Angels, and the Judge of
the Quick and Dead.
and was buried three days, God
raised him up again and gave him
all power in heaven and earth, made
him Head of the Church, Lord of
Men and Angels, and the Judge of
the Quick and Dead.
Quest. By what means doth Jesus
Christ our Lord convey all these blessings
to us?
Christ our Lord convey all these blessings
to us?
Ans. Jesus Christ had three Offices,
and in all he was Mediator between
God and Man; He is our
Prophet, our Priest, and our King.
and in all he was Mediator between
God and Man; He is our
Prophet, our Priest, and our King.
Quest. What was his Office as he
was a Prophet?
was a Prophet?
Ans. This Office he finished on
earth; beginning when he was thirty
years old to preach the Gospel
of the Kingdome, Faith and Repentance.
earth; beginning when he was thirty
years old to preach the Gospel
of the Kingdome, Faith and Repentance.
Quest. When began his Priestly
Office, and wherein does it consist?
Office, and wherein does it consist?
Ans. It began at his death; for he
was himself the Priest and the Sacrifice,
offering himself upon the Altar
of the Cross for the sins of all the
was himself the Priest and the Sacrifice,
offering himself upon the Altar
of the Cross for the sins of all the
Quest. Did his Priestly Office then
Ans. No: he is a Priest for ever;
that is, unto the end of the world,
and represents the same Sacrifice to
God in heaven, interceding and
praying continually for us, in the
virtue of that Sacrifice, by which
he obtains relief of all our necessities.
that is, unto the end of the world,
and represents the same Sacrifice to
God in heaven, interceding and
praying continually for us, in the
virtue of that Sacrifice, by which
he obtains relief of all our necessities.
Quest. What doth Christ in heaven
pray for on our behalf?
pray for on our behalf?
Ans. That our sins may be pardoned,
our infirmities pitied, our
necessities relieved, our persons defended,
our temptations overcome,
that we may be reconciled to God,
and be saved.
our infirmities pitied, our
necessities relieved, our persons defended,
our temptations overcome,
that we may be reconciled to God,
and be saved.
Quest. How is Jesus Christ also
our King?
our King?
Ans. When he arose from his
grave, and had for forty dayes together
conversed with his Disciples,
shewing himself alive by many infallible
tokens, he ascended into heaven,
and there sits at the right hand
of God; all things being made subject
to him, Angels, and Men, and
Devils, Heaven and Earth, the Elements,
and all the Creatures; and
defending his Elect, subduing the
power of the Devil, taking out the
sting of death, and making all to
serve the glory of God, and to turn
to the good of his Elect.
grave, and had for forty dayes together
conversed with his Disciples,
shewing himself alive by many infallible
tokens, he ascended into heaven,
and there sits at the right hand
of God; all things being made subject
to him, Angels, and Men, and
Devils, Heaven and Earth, the Elements,
and all the Creatures; and
over all he reigns, comforting anddefending his Elect, subduing the
power of the Devil, taking out the
sting of death, and making all to
serve the glory of God, and to turn
to the good of his Elect.
Quest. How long must his Kingdome
Ans. Till Christ hath brought all
his enemies under his feet, that is,
till the day of Judgement: in which
day shall be performed the greatest
acts of his Kingly power; for then
he shall quite conquer Death, triumph
over the Devils, throw his
enemies into Hell-fire, and carry all
his Elect to never-ceasing glories;
and then he shall deliver up the
Kingdome to his Father, that God
may be all in all.
his enemies under his feet, that is,
till the day of Judgement: in which
day shall be performed the greatest
acts of his Kingly power; for then
he shall quite conquer Death, triumph
over the Devils, throw his
enemies into Hell-fire, and carry all
his Elect to never-ceasing glories;
and then he shall deliver up the
Kingdome to his Father, that God
may be all in all.
Quest. How is Christ a Mediator
in all these Offices?
in all these Offices?
Ans. A Mediator signifies one
that stands between God and us. As
Christ is a Prophet, so he taught us
his Fathers will, and tyes us to obedience:
As he is a Priest, he is our
Redeemer, having paid a price for us,
even his most precious blood, and
our Advocate pleading for us, and
As he is a King, so he is our
Lord, our Patron, and our Judge;
yet it is the Kingdome of a Mediator,
that is, in order to the world to
come, but then to determine and
end. And in all these, he hath made
a Covenant between God and us of
an everlasting interest.
that stands between God and us. As
Christ is a Prophet, so he taught us
his Fathers will, and tyes us to obedience:
As he is a Priest, he is our
Redeemer, having paid a price for us,
even his most precious blood, and
our Advocate pleading for us, and
mediating our Pardon and Salvation:As he is a King, so he is our
Lord, our Patron, and our Judge;
yet it is the Kingdome of a Mediator,
that is, in order to the world to
come, but then to determine and
end. And in all these, he hath made
a Covenant between God and us of
an everlasting interest.
Quest. What is the Covenant which
Jesus Christ our Mediator hath made
between God and us?
Jesus Christ our Mediator hath made
between God and us?
Ans. That God will write his
Laws in our hearts, and will pardon
us, and defend us, and raise us up
again at the last day, and give us an
inheritance in his Kingdome.
Laws in our hearts, and will pardon
us, and defend us, and raise us up
again at the last day, and give us an
inheritance in his Kingdome.
Quest. To what Conditions hath
he bound us on our part?
he bound us on our part?
Ans. Faith, and Repentance.
Quest. When do we enter into this
Ans. In our Baptism, and at our
ripe years, when we understand the
secrets of the Kingdome of Christ,
and undertake willingly what in our
names was undertaken for us in our
ripe years, when we understand the
secrets of the Kingdome of Christ,
and undertake willingly what in our
names was undertaken for us in our
Quest. What is the Covenant of
Faith which we enter into in Baptism?
Faith which we enter into in Baptism?
Ans. We promise to believe that
Jesus Christ is the Messias, or he
that was to come into the world;
That he is the Anointed of the Lord,
or the Lords Christ; That he is the
Son of God, and the Son of the
Virgin Mary; That he is God incarnate,
or God manifested in the flesh;
That he is the Mediator between
God and Man; That he died for us
upon the Cross, and rose again the
third day, and ascended into heaven,
and shall be there till the day of
Judgement, that then he shall be
our Judge; In the mean time he is
the King of the World, and Head of
the Church.
Jesus Christ is the Messias, or he
that was to come into the world;
That he is the Anointed of the Lord,
or the Lords Christ; That he is the
Son of God, and the Son of the
Virgin Mary; That he is God incarnate,
or God manifested in the flesh;
That he is the Mediator between
God and Man; That he died for us
upon the Cross, and rose again the
third day, and ascended into heaven,
and shall be there till the day of
Judgement, that then he shall be
our Judge; In the mean time he is
the King of the World, and Head of
the Church.
Quest. What is the Covenant of
Ans. We promise to leave all our
sins, and with a hearty and sincere
endevour to give up our will and affections
to Christ, and do what he
hath commanded according to our
power and weakness.
sins, and with a hearty and sincere
endevour to give up our will and affections
to Christ, and do what he
hath commanded according to our
power and weakness.
Quest. How if we fail of this
Promise through infirmity, and commit
Promise through infirmity, and commit
Ans. Still we are within the Covenant
of Repentance, that is, within
of returning from dead works,
and mortifying our lusts; and
though this be done after the manner
of men, that is, in weakness, and
with some failings, yet our endevour
must be hearty, and constant, and
diligent, and our watchfulness and
prayers for pardon, must be lasting
and persevering.
of Repentance, that is, within
the promise of pardon, and possibilityof returning from dead works,
and mortifying our lusts; and
though this be done after the manner
of men, that is, in weakness, and
with some failings, yet our endevour
must be hearty, and constant, and
diligent, and our watchfulness and
prayers for pardon, must be lasting
and persevering.
Quest. What Ministeries hath
Christ appointed to help us in this duty?
Christ appointed to help us in this duty?
Ans. The Ministery of the Word
& Sacraments, which he will accompany
with his Grace and his Spirit.
& Sacraments, which he will accompany
with his Grace and his Spirit.
Quest. What is a Sacrament?
Ans. An outward Ceremony ordained
by Christ, to be a sign and a
means of conveying his grace unto
by Christ, to be a sign and a
means of conveying his grace unto
Quest. How many Sacraments are
ordained by Christ?
ordained by Christ?
Ans. Two: Baptism, and the Supper
of our Lord.
of our Lord.
Quest. What is Baptism?
Ans. An outward
washing of the body in
water, in the Name of
the Father, Son, and Holy
Ghost: in which we
after a Sacramental manner, and are
made partakers of Christs death,
and of his Resurrection, teaching
us, That we should rise from the
death of sin to the life of righteousness.
washing of the body in
water, in the Name of
the Father, Son, and Holy
Ghost: in which we
are buried with Christ in his death,after a Sacramental manner, and are
made partakers of Christs death,
and of his Resurrection, teaching
us, That we should rise from the
death of sin to the life of righteousness.
Quest. What is the Sacrament of
the Lords Supper?
the Lords Supper?
Ans. A Ceremony of eating bread
and drinking Wine, being blessed
or consecrated by Gods Minister in
publick Assemblies, in remembrance
of Christs death and Passion.
and drinking Wine, being blessed
or consecrated by Gods Minister in
publick Assemblies, in remembrance
of Christs death and Passion.
Quest. What benefits are done unto
us by this Sacrament?
us by this Sacrament?
Ans. Our souls are nourished by
the body and blood of Christ; our
bodies are sealed to a blessed Resurrection,
and to Immortality; our
infirmities are strengthned, our graces
increased, our pardon made more
certain, and when we present our
selves to God, having received
Christs body within us, we are sure
to be accepted, and all the good
prayers we make to God for our
selves & others are sure to be heard.
the body and blood of Christ; our
bodies are sealed to a blessed Resurrection,
and to Immortality; our
infirmities are strengthned, our graces
increased, our pardon made more
certain, and when we present our
selves to God, having received
Christs body within us, we are sure
to be accepted, and all the good
prayers we make to God for our
selves & others are sure to be heard.
Quest. Who are fit to receive this
Ans. None but baptized Christians,
and such as repent of their
sins, and heartily purpose to lead a
good life.
and such as repent of their
sins, and heartily purpose to lead a
good life.
Quest. What other Ministeries
hath Christ ordained in his Church, to
help us, and to bring so many great
purposes to pass?
hath Christ ordained in his Church, to
help us, and to bring so many great
purposes to pass?
Ans. Jesus Christ hath appointed
Ministers and Embassadors of his
own to preach his Word to us, to
pray for us, to exhort and to reprove,
to comfort and instruct, to restore
and reconcile us, if we be overtaken
in a fault, to visit the sick, to separate
the vile from the precious, to
administer the Sacraments, and to
watch for the good of our souls.
Ministers and Embassadors of his
own to preach his Word to us, to
pray for us, to exhort and to reprove,
to comfort and instruct, to restore
and reconcile us, if we be overtaken
in a fault, to visit the sick, to separate
the vile from the precious, to
administer the Sacraments, and to
watch for the good of our souls.
Quest. What are we tied to perform
towards them?
towards them?
Ans. To pay them honour and
maintenance, to obey them in all
things according to the Gospel, and
to order our selves so, that they may
give account of our souls with
chearfulness and joy.
maintenance, to obey them in all
things according to the Gospel, and
to order our selves so, that they may
give account of our souls with
chearfulness and joy.
Quest. Which are the Commandments
and Laws of Jesus Christ?
and Laws of Jesus Christ?
Ans. They are many, but easie;
holy, but very pleasant to all good
in this world, and in the world to
come: and they are set down in
the Sermons of our blessed Lord,
and of his Apostles; but especially
in the 5. 6. 7. Chapters of S. Matthew.
holy, but very pleasant to all good
mindes, to such as desire to live wellin this world, and in the world to
come: and they are set down in
the Sermons of our blessed Lord,
and of his Apostles; but especially
in the 5. 6. 7. Chapters of S. Matthew.