Catechisme for babes
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A catechisme for babes, or, little ones. Suitable to their capacitiy more than others have been formerly.
Wing J686A
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A Catechisme for BABES, or LITTLE ONES.
Q. WHo made you?
A. God
made me.
made me.
Q. When did God make
A. God made me
before I was born.
Q. Where did God make
A. God made me
in my Mothers
in my Mothers
Q. Wherefore did God
make you?
make you?
A. God made me
that I should serve
that I should serve
Q. Must you not then
you may rightly serve him?
learn to know God, that soyou may rightly serve him?
A. Yea I must
learn to know God.
learn to know God.
Q. When must you learn
to know God?
to know God?
A. I must learn to
know God now,
when I am but a
know God now,
when I am but a
Q. How may you learn
to know God?
to know God?
A. I may learn to
know God by his
word, and by his
know God by his
word, and by his
Q. What doe we call the
word of God?
word of God?
A. The Bible,
the holy Scripture
is the word of God,
the holy Scripture
is the word of God,
Q. What's the first Book
of the Bible calld, and what's
the last Book?
of the Bible calld, and what's
the last Book?
A. Genesis is the
first book of the Bible,
and the Revelation
is the last book.
first book of the Bible,
and the Revelation
is the last book.
Q. What doth the Scripture
say that God is?
say that God is?
A. The Scriptures
say, that God is a
Spirit; a good
God; a wise God;
mighty God; a
mercifull God; a
righteous Judge of
all men.
say, that God is a
Spirit; a good
God; a wise God;
a holy God; amighty God; a
mercifull God; a
righteous Judge of
all men.
Q. How many Gods are
A. There is but
one Jehovah, one
God the Father, of
whom are all things;
and one Lord and
Christ, by whom are
all things; and there
is one Comforter,
which is the Holy
Spirit; And these,
are one.
one Jehovah, one
God the Father, of
whom are all things;
and one Lord and
Saviour JesusChrist, by whom are
all things; and there
is one Comforter,
which is the Holy
Spirit; And these,
are one.
Q. What workes hath
God Made?
God Made?
A. God made
Heavens, and Earth,
and Waters, and
all things in them.
Gen.1.1. Ex.20.11.
Heavens, and Earth,
and Waters, and
all things in them.
Gen.1.1. Ex.20.11.
Q. Of what did God make all
A. God made all things
at first of nothing. Heb.11.3.
at first of nothing. Heb.11.3.
Q. How can this be?
A. Nothing is impossible
to God Almighty. Mark 10.
27. Luke 1. 37. Luke 18. 27.
Nothing is too hard to God.
Jer. 37.17.27. 1 Cor. 15. 35,36.
to God Almighty. Mark 10.
27. Luke 1. 37. Luke 18. 27.
Nothing is too hard to God.
Jer. 37.17.27. 1 Cor. 15. 35,36.
Q. Why must we believe that
God made all of nothing?
God made all of nothing?
A. We must believe it, because
God hath said it;
and God cannot lie.
God hath said it;
and God cannot lie.
Q. How did God make all
A. God made all by his
Almighty power; God said,
Let them be made, or,
They shall be made and
word. Gen. 1. 3,6,9,11,14, &c.
Psal.33.6. Revel.4.11. Jer.32.17.
Almighty power; God said,
Let them be made, or,
They shall be made and
they were all made by his word. Gen. 1. 3,6,9,11,14, &c.
Psal.33.6. Revel.4.11. Jer.32.17.
Q. In how many daies
did God make all things in
the beginning?
did God make all things in
the beginning?
A. God made all
things in six dayes.
Gen. 2.1,2,3.
things in six dayes.
Gen. 2.1,2,3.
Q. What did the Lord
God on the seventh day?
God on the seventh day?
A. God rested on
the seventh day,
and God blessed the 7th.
day, and sanctified it.
Gen. 2 2,3. Exod. 20.10,11.
the seventh day,
and God blessed the 7th.
day, and sanctified it.
Gen. 2 2,3. Exod. 20.10,11.
Q. What must we and
you doe on the Lords Sabbath
you doe on the Lords Sabbath
A. We must not
work, nor prate, nor
play, on the Sabbath
day. Exod. 20. 11. Isa. 58 13.
work, nor prate, nor
play, on the Sabbath
day. Exod. 20. 11. Isa. 58 13.
Q. Whether did God
make all things good or bad?
make all things good or bad?
A. God is a good
God, and God made
al things very good.
God, and God made
al things very good.
Q. What other workes
doth God, besides his making
of all things?
doth God, besides his making
of all things?
A. God upholds,
and preserves all;
and orders all
and preserves all;
and God governes,and orders all
Q. Why doth the Lord
uphold, preserve, and govern
all things in Heaven and
uphold, preserve, and govern
all things in Heaven and
A. God doth all
for his own glory,
& for his peoples good.
for his own glory,
& for his peoples good.
Q. Whereas God made all very
good, How then came in naughtiness,
and death, and all paines?
good, How then came in naughtiness,
and death, and all paines?
A. Death, and all paines,
came by the first Adams sin,
and fall: for we sin'd, and lost
our goodness, and our happiness
came by the first Adams sin,
and fall: for we sin'd, and lost
our goodness, and our happiness
in him. Rom. 5.12,18.
Q. How came Adam to sin and
A. Eve his wife was
tempted by that old Serpent
the Devil: and they
both did eat of the fruit
that God forbad.
tempted by that old Serpent
the Devil: and they
both did eat of the fruit
that God forbad.
Q. What hurt came to them,
and to us, by that sin?
and to us, by that sin?
A. By this sinne came
the loss of the life
and glory of God: By this
came sin and death.
the loss of the life
and glory of God: By this
came sin and death.
Q. What is sin?
A. Sin is any naughtiness
against any of Gods ten
commands. 1 John 3. 4.
against any of Gods ten
commands. 1 John 3. 4.
Q. What doe we deserve
by any sin or naughtiness?
by any sin or naughtiness?
A. By any sin or
naughtiness, we deserve
death, and
Gods curse. Rom. 6. 23.
naughtiness, we deserve
death, and
Gods curse. Rom. 6. 23.
Q. How then can you avoid
Gods curse?
Gods curse?
A. I am guilty, &
J cannot avoid Gods
curse, by any deeds
that J can doe.
Rom. 3.19,20. Rom.11.6. 2 Cor.3.5.
J cannot avoid Gods
curse, by any deeds
that J can doe.
Rom. 3.19,20. Rom.11.6. 2 Cor.3.5.
Q. But yet God is wonderfull
good and mercifull;
What hath God done for
good and mercifull;
What hath God done for
redeeming these naughtyones?
A. God so loved
the World that he
gave his onely Son
Jesus Christ, Godman,
to be our Surety,
to redeem us,
and to procure all
good to us.
the World that he
gave his onely Son
Jesus Christ, Godman,
to be our Surety,
to redeem us,
and to procure all
good to us.
Q. What did, and what
doth this Surety for us?
doth this Surety for us?
A. Christ was made a
curse for us; and Christ
and was laid in the grave; and
God was fully satisfied;
and released him from that
prison, and took him up to
Heaven, and set him on his
right hand.
curse for us; and Christ
died for our naughtiness,and was laid in the grave; and
God was fully satisfied;
and released him from that
prison, and took him up to
Heaven, and set him on his
right hand.
Q. For what end was all this
A. All this was done, that
God might be honoured in
thus forgiving, humbling,
renewing, making holy, and
happy for ever such naughty
ones as we are. Rom. 5.
20.Tit. 2.11,12,14. Eph. 1. 3,4,6,
God might be honoured in
thus forgiving, humbling,
renewing, making holy, and
happy for ever such naughty
ones as we are. Rom. 5.
20.Tit. 2.11,12,14. Eph. 1. 3,4,6,
Q. Who come to reap these benefits
by Jesus Christ?
by Jesus Christ?
A. They reap these benefits,
that by the Spirit are
convinced of sin, of righteousness,
and of judgement,
and that receive Jesus
Christ, as their Prophet,
Priest, and King.
that by the Spirit are
convinced of sin, of righteousness,
and of judgement,
and that receive Jesus
Christ, as their Prophet,
Priest, and King.
Q. What assurance have we
that God will doe so great things for
naughty ones?
that God will doe so great things for
naughty ones?
A. God hath given assurance
of this by giving us
his own Son; and making
him our Surety; and by
making a new Covenant,
and by confirming it by
his Sons death for us; and
to be a Prince & a Saviour, to
give repentance & pardon
to Israel, to serve him all our
of this by giving us
his own Son; and making
him our Surety; and by
making a new Covenant,
and by confirming it by
his Sons death for us; and
by raising him from death,to be a Prince & a Saviour, to
give repentance & pardon
to Israel, to serve him all our
Q. How must the Lord
God be served?
God be served?
A. We must serve
God as he commands
us in the Law, and
God as he commands
us in the Law, and
Q. How many Commandements
are there in the
are there in the
A. There are ten
Commandments in
the Law. Exod. 34. 28.
Deut. 10.4.
Commandments in
the Law. Exod. 34. 28.
Deut. 10.4.
Q. Must you not hearken
to Gods word, and to Gods
counsel; & pray for all this?
to Gods word, and to Gods
counsel; & pray for all this?
A. Yea J must
hearken, that my soul
may live; and J must
pray, that Jesus
Christ would draw
me to him, and turn
me that J may be
turned. Isa. 55.2,3.
hearken, that my soul
may live; and J must
pray, that Jesus
Christ would draw
me to him, and turn
me that J may be
turned. Isa. 55.2,3.
Q. Wherefore did God
give the Law?
give the Law?
A. The Law, entred that
sin might abound; that his
Grace, to such undone sinners,
by giving Christ to die
for their sins, might the more
abound. Rom. 5.20.
sin might abound; that his
Grace, to such undone sinners,
by giving Christ to die
for their sins, might the more
abound. Rom. 5.20.
Q. How do they live,
and how must they live, that
hope to be saved by Jesus
and how must they live, that
hope to be saved by Jesus
A. Every one that
hath this hope, will
labour to be good, in
heart, word, & deed.
1 John 3.2,3. 2 Cor. 5. 17, 18.
hath this hope, will
labour to be good, in
heart, word, & deed.
1 John 3.2,3. 2 Cor. 5. 17, 18.
Q. Must we alwayes live
A. No: God hath
appointed that wee
must once die. Heb.9.27.
appointed that wee
must once die. Heb.9.27.
Q. What must be after
our death?
our death?
A. After death
must bee the great
day of judgement.
must bee the great
day of judgement.
Q. What will become of
all naughty people at that
day of judgement after
all naughty people at that
day of judgement after
A. All must come
to judgment: naughty
women, & naughty
children, must be in
hell torments for ever.
to judgment: naughty
men, and naughtywomen, & naughty
children, must be in
hell torments for ever.
Q. What will then be
done to all good men, and
to good women, and to
good children?
done to all good men, and
to good women, and to
good children?
A. Good men, &
good women, and
good children, shall
go to Heaven, and
everlasting happiness.
Mat.25.34,46. 1 Thes.4.15.
good women, and
good children, shall
go to Heaven, and
everlasting happiness.
Mat.25.34,46. 1 Thes.4.15.
The chief heads of this Catechism fitted for Childrens Capacity.
The God that made all,learn to know,
His Word and Works as
they him shew.
Scriptures begin with Genesis;
With Revelation th'ending
Heaven, Earth and Waters,
all therein,
God made in Six daies, every
God rests and Holieth Sabbath
That we must not
Prate nor play.
BY Sin Gods Curse, we allshould have,
Christ was a Curse, Died,
rose to save
And Ransome us from all distress,
And be our Wisdome, Righteousness;
As hee's to all that him receive,
Who Self-Deny in him Believe.
For all this love that God hath
In giving us his onely Son.
We not our Own, but his must be,
His will, not ours, Obey must we.
In Love keep his Commandements,
In Him enjoying all Contents.
The sum of the two Tables of the LAW.
WIth all thy HeartLove God above,
Thy Neighbour as thy self so
The ten Commandments, the sum of each.
The first Table.
The first Table.
1 JEhova' alone thy God havethou.
2 No Idoll make, nor to it bow.
3 The Name of God take not in
4 Do not the Sabbath day profane.
The Second Table.
The Second Table.
5 Honor thy Father and Mothertoo.
6 Thou shalt not any Murther do.
7 Do not commit Adultery.
8 Steal Not, by any injurie.
9 False Witness see thou do Not
10 Thy Neighbors State do Not
Why the Law was given.
Why the Law was given.
THe Law was given to shew ourSin.
And Wrath that's due thereby.
That we to CHRIST for Righteousness,
And Life, might alwaies flie.
God Made, Upholds'
and Governs all.
god is a Spirit Eternall.
Most Holy, Wise, Great
Good, and Just.
Before Him all to judgment
Then Naughty ones to Hell
are cast.
Good go to Heaven, where
joyes do last.
The Conclusion
O happy Child, if this IKnow,
And love, and learn in Life
to show.
Here happy, in adversity:
And happy to Eternity.
Another short CATECHISME: Suited to the capacity of the youngest Learners.
Of the Four Conditions of every Man; Namely, What it 1 Was; 2 Is; 3 May be; 4 Must be, to all Eternity: And how this last may be known in this Life.
Of the Four Conditions of every Man.
Q. WHat was our Condition
at first, when
at first, when
God made all things very good?
A. Our condition at first
was very good: it was holy,
and happy. Ge.1.26,27,31.
God Created man in his own Image very
was very good: it was holy,
and happy. Ge.1.26,27,31.
God Created man in his own Image very
2. Q. What is our Condition
now, by Adams sin and naughtiness,
in eating the fruit that God
forbad him?
now, by Adams sin and naughtiness,
in eating the fruit that God
forbad him?
A. Our Condition by Nature,
is very bad: it is sinfull;
and Cursed.
is very bad: it is sinfull;
and Cursed.
3. Q. What may be our
Condition by the Grace of our
Lord Jesus Christ, who is the
second Adam and by the Love of
God, and by the Communion of
the Holy Spirit? 2 Cor. 13. 14.
Condition by the Grace of our
Lord Jesus Christ, who is the
second Adam and by the Love of
God, and by the Communion of
the Holy Spirit? 2 Cor. 13. 14.
A. Our Condition may be
of Happiness, if that Grace
be received; but if it be neglected,
it will be very bad,
in the naughty way of Wo,
forevermore. Matth. 7. 13,14.
Enter in at the strait gate. Rom. 2.
7 10. Heb. 2.1,2,3. 2 Cor. 6. 1,2.
verygood again, in the good wayof Happiness, if that Grace
be received; but if it be neglected,
it will be very bad,
in the naughty way of Wo,
forevermore. Matth. 7. 13,14.
Enter in at the strait gate. Rom. 2.
7 10. Heb. 2.1,2,3. 2 Cor. 6. 1,2.
4. Q. What must be our
Condition after Death, when God
sends Jesus Christ to judgement?
Condition after Death, when God
sends Jesus Christ to judgement?
A. Naughty ones, in the
Naughty way, for their
naughtiness, must be in Hell
for ever. Good ones, in the
good way, by the grace of
our Lord Jesus Christ, must
be in Heaven for ever. Matt.
25.46. These shall go away into everlasting
punishment. But the righteous into
life everlasting. Rom 6. 23. Sins wages
is Death: but the gift of God is eternall
These four Conditions are moreNaughty way, for their
naughtiness, must be in Hell
for ever. Good ones, in the
good way, by the grace of
our Lord Jesus Christ, must
be in Heaven for ever. Matt.
25.46. These shall go away into everlasting
punishment. But the righteous into
life everlasting. Rom 6. 23. Sins wages
is Death: but the gift of God is eternall
life through Jesus Christ our Lord.fully unfolded in the second Chatechism.
The Second Catechism of the four Conditions of every Man.
First of Mans first Condition.
1. Q. What was Mans
Condition at first,
when God made all the World?
Was man then Bad, or Good?
Condition at first,
when God made all the World?
Was man then Bad, or Good?
A. God made all good,
God made man like himself,
good; for God is good.
God made man like himself,
good; for God is good.
Q. What goodness or excellency
is in God, wherein Man was
like to God?
is in God, wherein Man was
like to God?
A. God is wise, and
God is holy, and God is
righteous, and God is perfect.
God is holy, and God is
righteous, and God is perfect.
Q. What more excellency is in
A. God is the Lord and
Ruler of all the World;
God is happy; God hath
no naughtiness, nor misery.
Ruler of all the World;
God is happy; God hath
no naughtiness, nor misery.
Q. How then was man at first
like to God?
like to God?
A. Man at first was like
to God, thus; At first, man
was wise, man was holy,
and man was righteous, and
man was perfect.
to God, thus; At first, man
was wise, man was holy,
and man was righteous, and
man was perfect.
Q. Wherein besides, was man
at first like to God?
at first like to God?
A. Man was Lord and
Ruler of all the world, and
man was happy; man had
no naughtiness nor misery.
Ruler of all the world, and
man was happy; man had
no naughtiness nor misery.
2: Of Mans second Condition
2 Q. When Adam the first
man had sinned by
doing naughtily against what God
bad him, yielding to Eve his Wife,
and to the Devil,more than to God:
What was Adams Condition then?
And what is now the Condition
of every Child, of every Man, and
of every Woman by Nature?
man had sinned by
doing naughtily against what God
bad him, yielding to Eve his Wife,
and to the Devil,more than to God:
What was Adams Condition then?
And what is now the Condition
of every Child, of every Man, and
of every Woman by Nature?
A. By the sin and naughtiness
of Adam our Father,
not like to God, but like the
Devil. Gen. 3.12. Jo 8 44.
of Adam our Father,
both Adam and we becamenot like to God, but like the
Devil. Gen. 3.12. Jo 8 44.
Q. How is this condition of all
now like the Devil?
now like the Devil?
A. The Devil is sinfull,
naughty; and he is miserable:
So every man, every
woman, and child, is by
nature very Naughty, and
miserable. Jo. 8.44. Ephes. 2.2,
3. Acts 26. 18.
naughty; and he is miserable:
So every man, every
woman, and child, is by
nature very Naughty, and
miserable. Jo. 8.44. Ephes. 2.2,
3. Acts 26. 18.
3. Of Mans third Condition
3 Q. MAns Condition was
good at first by
Creation: now tis bad by Corruption:
What may be your
Condition here in this world by Regeneration?
good at first by
Creation: now tis bad by Corruption:
What may be your
Condition here in this world by Regeneration?
A. Mans Condition may
or may remain in
the bad way of wo and Cursedness
for ever. Deut. 30.
19. chuse life
be in the good way of Blessedness;or may remain in
the bad way of wo and Cursedness
for ever. Deut. 30.
19. chuse life
Q. How may Mans Condition
be brought here into that good way
of Blessedness?
be brought here into that good way
of Blessedness?
A. Mans Condition here
may be brought into that
good way of Blessedness, by
the Grace of our Lord Jesus
Christ who is Abrahams
blessed seed. 2 Cor. 8. 9. &
13. 14. Gal. 3. 18. 16.
may be brought into that
good way of Blessedness, by
the Grace of our Lord Jesus
Christ who is Abrahams
blessed seed. 2 Cor. 8. 9. &
13. 14. Gal. 3. 18. 16.
Q. And how else?
A. By the love of God the
Father. John 3.16.
Father. John 3.16.
Q. And how else?
A. By the Communion
of the holy Spirit. 2 Cor. 13,
14. John 16.9.
of the holy Spirit. 2 Cor. 13,
14. John 16.9.
Q. How may Mans Condition,
bad way of Wo, and of Cursedness
for ever?
and your own condition be in thebad way of Wo, and of Cursedness
for ever?
A. My Condition, and others
Condition, may be in
that bad way; if we despise
or neglect that Grace of our
Lord Jesus Christ; and that
Love of God the Father;
and that Communion of the
Holy Spirit. Heb. 2. 1, 2, 3.
& 4. 1, 2. 2. 11. & 10. 26. 2
Cor. 6. 1, 2.
Condition, may be in
that bad way; if we despise
or neglect that Grace of our
Lord Jesus Christ; and that
Love of God the Father;
and that Communion of the
Holy Spirit. Heb. 2. 1, 2, 3.
& 4. 1, 2. 2. 11. & 10. 26. 2
Cor. 6. 1, 2.
4, Of Mans fourth Condition
4 Q. MAns Condition at
first was Holy &
Happy; now it is Sinfull and wofull;
it may be here in this life, in
the good way of happiness, or in the
bad way of Wo forever. What
must be all mens Condition at
the day of Judgement after Death?
first was Holy &
Happy; now it is Sinfull and wofull;
it may be here in this life, in
the good way of happiness, or in the
bad way of Wo forever. What
must be all mens Condition at
the day of Judgement after Death?
A. All that are dead,
shall be raised out of their
Graves. And we all must
come before the Judgement
seat of Christ.
shall be raised out of their
Graves. And we all must
come before the Judgement
seat of Christ.
Q. What shall then be done to
all naughty people, that died in the
bad way?
all naughty people, that died in the
bad way?
A. To Naughty people,
that died in the bad way,
Christ will say, Depart ye
Cursed into everlasting fire,
prepared for the Devil and
his Angels: and they must
be curs'd in Hel fire for ever.
Mat. 25. 31-41-46.
that died in the bad way,
Christ will say, Depart ye
Cursed into everlasting fire,
prepared for the Devil and
his Angels: and they must
be curs'd in Hel fire for ever.
Mat. 25. 31-41-46.
Q. What shall then be done to
all Good people, and good Children?
all Good people, and good Children?
A. To good people, and
that good way, Christ will
say, Come ye blessed of my
Father, inherit ye the Kingdome
prepared for you
from the foundation of the
World, And they must be
Blessed in Heaven for ever.
Mat. 25. 34-46.
Oh that thou36
good Children, that died inthat good way, Christ will
say, Come ye blessed of my
Father, inherit ye the Kingdome
prepared for you
from the foundation of the
World, And they must be
Blessed in Heaven for ever.
Mat. 25. 34-46.
wouldst Remember
these 4 Conditions!
That wherein thou
1. Wast!
2. Art!
3. Maist be!
4. Must be!
JNstruct the Child, that God
made all very good, and that all
the good we have, or shall have,
is from God. And therefore, that
we should be thankfull to him for
all the good we have, by Day, or
by Night. And we should pray to
God for all the good we would
Blessed be God that gave mesleep; and makes me see, and hear
, and speak: God Almighty bless
me, and keep me from ill all this
day, for Jesus Christ's sake. Amen.
Before Meat.
Blessed be God, that gives memeat. God Almighty bless me,
and my meat. Amen.
After Meat.
Blessed be God, that hath givenme meat, and fed me; God Almighty
bless me, that I may serve him.
At going to Bed.
Blessed be God, that kept me fromill, this day. God Almighty bless me,
and give me sleep, and keep me
from ill this night, for Jesus Christ sake.
Amen. FINIS.