First Principles of a Christian
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The First Principles of a Christian: or Questions and Answers vpon the Creede, the ten Commandements, and the Lords Prayer: for the further opening of the ordinary Catechisme. Very fit to bee learned of all children.
STC 13503
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Questions and Answeres vpon the Creed, the Ten Commandements, the Sacraments, and the Lords prayer; for the farther opening of the ordinarie Catechisme.
BY what meanes art thou receiued
into the Church of
BY what meanes art thou receiued
into the Church of
Ans. Outwardly by baptisme
Act.2.41. but inwardly
by faith in Christ, Ro: 5.2.
Act.2.41. but inwardly
by faith in Christ, Ro: 5.2.
Quest. What benefits receiued you by
Ans. Three: first I was made a member
of Christ, 1. Cor. 6.15.
Secondly, I was adopted the childe of
God, Rom: 9.26 Gal: 4.5.
Thirdly, I was made the heire of the
kingdom of glorie, Rom: 8.17.
of Christ, 1. Cor. 6.15.
Secondly, I was adopted the childe of
God, Rom: 9.26 Gal: 4.5.
Thirdly, I was made the heire of the
kingdom of glorie, Rom: 8.17.
Quest. Seeing by Baptisme thou art receiued
into the Church of Christ, what
into the Church of Christ, what
vse is there of Godfathers and Godmotherstherein?
Ans. First, they did present me to the
Church instead of my Parents, Luk. 2.22.
Secondly, they made confession of that
faith, into the which I was to be Baptised.
Thirdly, they promised and vowed on
my behalfe, what on my part was to bee
Church instead of my Parents, Luk. 2.22.
Secondly, they made confession of that
faith, into the which I was to be Baptised.
Thirdly, they promised and vowed on
my behalfe, what on my part was to bee
Quest. What did they promise on your
Ans. They promised three things, First,
that I should forsake the three capitall enemies
of my saluation, the World, the
Flesh, and the Diuell, 1. Ioh. 2 14 15
Secondly, that I should beleeue all the
Articles of the Christian faith, Act. 16.31
Thirdly, that I should keepe all Gods
Commandements all the dayes of my life,
Deut. 6.2.
that I should forsake the three capitall enemies
of my saluation, the World, the
Flesh, and the Diuell, 1. Ioh. 2 14 15
Secondly, that I should beleeue all the
Articles of the Christian faith, Act. 16.31
Thirdly, that I should keepe all Gods
Commandements all the dayes of my life,
Deut. 6.2.
Quest. Dost thou thinke, that thou art
bound to performe these things promised?
bound to performe these things promised?
Ans. Yea verily, in regard of the couenant
which I haue made with GOD,
Hos. 2.23.
which I haue made with GOD,
Hos. 2.23.
Quest. Art thou able to performe all
these things?
Ans. Not of my selfe, but in some measure
I am enabled thereunto by Gods
grace, Phil. 4.13.
I am enabled thereunto by Gods
grace, Phil. 4.13.
Quest. What is vnderstood by the first
capitall enemie, the World?
capitall enemie, the World?
Ans. I doe vnderstand all outward
and earthly things: as euill company, riches,
honour, pleasure, and such like: as
they are meanes to draw mee from God,
1. Ioh. 2.15. 1. Ioh. 5.19.
and earthly things: as euill company, riches,
honour, pleasure, and such like: as
they are meanes to draw mee from God,
1. Ioh. 2.15. 1. Ioh. 5.19.
Quest. What is meant by the Flesh?
Ans. By the Flesh I meane our corrupt
nature, inclined to euill, vncleane lusts,
euill desires, whereby our will is often depraued
& peruerted, Rom. 7.18. Gal. 5.17.
nature, inclined to euill, vncleane lusts,
euill desires, whereby our will is often depraued
& peruerted, Rom. 7.18. Gal. 5.17.
Quest. What meane you by the Diuell?
Ans. I meane all those spirits of Apostacie,
euer at hand to suggest euill motions
into mine heart, Ioh. 13.2.
euer at hand to suggest euill motions
into mine heart, Ioh. 13.2.
Quest. You sayd that you are also bound
to beleeue. What is faith?
to beleeue. What is faith?
Ans. Faith is a grace giuen of God to
assure me of his mercy and loue vnto me in
Christ. Rom 8.38 reuealed vnto my minde
by the holy Ghost, Gal. 4.6. through the ministery
of the word, Ioh. 17.20. Ro. 10.17.
assure me of his mercy and loue vnto me in
Christ. Rom 8.38 reuealed vnto my minde
by the holy Ghost, Gal. 4.6. through the ministery
of the word, Ioh. 17.20. Ro. 10.17.
Quest. What are these things which we
are to beleeue vnto saluation?
are to beleeue vnto saluation?
Ans. We must beleeue all those fundamentall
points laid downe vnto vs in the
word, Ioh. 20.31. the summe whereof is
expressed in the Creed, commonly called
the Apostles Creed.
points laid downe vnto vs in the
word, Ioh. 20.31. the summe whereof is
expressed in the Creed, commonly called
the Apostles Creed.
Quest. Rehearse the Creed.
Ans. I beleeue in God the Father, almightie.
Quest. Into how many partes is this
Creed diuided?
Creed diuided?
Ans. Into foure partes contayning
twelue Articles: in the first whereof I am
taught to beleeue in God the Father, who
hath made me and all creatures, in the first
Article: in the second part I am taught to
beleeue in God the Sonne, who hath redeemed
me and all mankinde, in the six next
In the third part I am taught to beleeue
in God the Holy Ghost, who hath sanctified
me & all the elect, in the eight Article.
In the fourth part I am taught to beleeue
concerning the Church as is laid
downe in the foure last articles.
twelue Articles: in the first whereof I am
taught to beleeue in God the Father, who
hath made me and all creatures, in the first
Article: in the second part I am taught to
beleeue in God the Sonne, who hath redeemed
me and all mankinde, in the six next
In the third part I am taught to beleeue
in God the Holy Ghost, who hath sanctified
me & all the elect, in the eight Article.
In the fourth part I am taught to beleeue
concerning the Church as is laid
downe in the foure last articles.
Quest. What doest thou learne to beleeue
Father Almightie maker of heauen and earth?
in the first article, I beleeue in God theFather Almightie maker of heauen and earth?
Ans. I learne to beleeue foure things:
First that there is a God, Isai. 45.21.22.
Secondly, that this God is but one,
1. Cor. 8.6. 1 Tim. 2.5.
Thirdly, that this one God is distinguished,
into three persones, Father, Son,
and holy Ghost, 1. Ioh. 5.7.
Fourthly, that this one God is almighty,
declard so to be first by creating all
things, Gen. 1.1.
Secondly, by vpholding all things created
by his continuall prouidence, Psalm:
145.15.16. Act: 17.28.
First that there is a God, Isai. 45.21.22.
Secondly, that this God is but one,
1. Cor. 8.6. 1 Tim. 2.5.
Thirdly, that this one God is distinguished,
into three persones, Father, Son,
and holy Ghost, 1. Ioh. 5.7.
Fourthly, that this one God is almighty,
declard so to be first by creating all
things, Gen. 1.1.
Secondly, by vpholding all things created
by his continuall prouidence, Psalm:
145.15.16. Act: 17.28.
Quest. This thou beleeuest, but what
comfort reapest thou thereby vnto thy
comfort reapest thou thereby vnto thy
Ans. First I do beleeue that God is my
Father, and that I am his child, Ioh 1.12.
Gal: 3.26.
Secondly, that he being almightie and
I his childe, hee will giue mee all things
needfull, Psalm: 34.10. and preserue mee
from all dangers vnto saluation, 2. Tim:
Father, and that I am his child, Ioh 1.12.
Gal: 3.26.
Secondly, that he being almightie and
I his childe, hee will giue mee all things
needfull, Psalm: 34.10. and preserue mee
from all dangers vnto saluation, 2. Tim:
Quest. Touching the second Article,
why is the Sonne of God called Iesus?
Ans. Because hee saueth vs from all
our sinnes, Math. 1.21. neither is there
saluation in any other, Act. 4.12.
our sinnes, Math. 1.21. neither is there
saluation in any other, Act. 4.12.
Quest. Wherefore is he called Christ?
Ans. In regard of his Offices wherevnto
he was ordained by God the Father,
Ioh. 6.27. and anoynted by the holy Ghost,
Math. 3.16.
he was ordained by God the Father,
Ioh. 6.27. and anoynted by the holy Ghost,
Math. 3.16.
Quest. Which are the Offices of Christ?
Ans. First, his Office Propheticall
to instruct vs in all things, Deut. 18.15.
Esay. 61.1.
Secondly, his Priestly Office to redeeme
vs, Hebr. 7.21. Heb. 9.11. and to
pray for vs, Rom 8.34.
Thirdly, his Kingly Office, to raigne
ouer vs by his spirit and word, Luk. 1.33.
Act. 2.36.
to instruct vs in all things, Deut. 18.15.
Esay. 61.1.
Secondly, his Priestly Office to redeeme
vs, Hebr. 7.21. Heb. 9.11. and to
pray for vs, Rom 8.34.
Thirdly, his Kingly Office, to raigne
ouer vs by his spirit and word, Luk. 1.33.
Act. 2.36.
Quest. Why is he called the onely begotten
sonne of God, since wee also are
the sonne of God?
sonne of God, since wee also are
the sonne of God?
Ans. For that he onely is the Sonne of
God by nature and generation, Ioh. 1.14.
but we are the sonnes of God by grace and
adoption, Rom. 8 15. Gal. 4.5.
God by nature and generation, Ioh. 1.14.
but we are the sonnes of God by grace and
adoption, Rom. 8 15. Gal. 4.5.
Quest. What doe you learne that Iesus
Christ is the Sonne of God by nature?
Ans. I learne vnto my comfort, that he
was very God, Ioh. 1.14. & that therfore
whatsoeuer was performed and suffered
by him was infinitely meritorious for
our saluation, Act. 20.28. 2. Cor. 5.19.
Col. 1.19.
was very God, Ioh. 1.14. & that therfore
whatsoeuer was performed and suffered
by him was infinitely meritorious for
our saluation, Act. 20.28. 2. Cor. 5.19.
Col. 1.19.
Quest. Wherefore is Iesus Christ called
our Lord?
our Lord?
Ans. Because hauing redeemed our
soules from sinne and Sathan, hee doth
challenge vs, as his owne to doe him seruice,
Rom. 14.8.9. 1. Cor. 6.19.
soules from sinne and Sathan, hee doth
challenge vs, as his owne to doe him seruice,
Rom. 14.8.9. 1. Cor. 6.19.
Quest. What doe you learne out of the
third Article, Conceiued by the holy Ghost,
borne of the Virgine Mary?
third Article, Conceiued by the holy Ghost,
borne of the Virgine Mary?
Ans. I learne first by his birth, that he
was man that so hee might suffer for my
sinne, Heb. 2.14.15.
Secondly, by the manner of his conception
by the holy Ghost, and birth of a virgine,
that he was without all manner of
sinne and so the sacrifice of himselfe, being
most pure, it was precious for our redemtion,
1. Pet. 1.19.
was man that so hee might suffer for my
sinne, Heb. 2.14.15.
Secondly, by the manner of his conception
by the holy Ghost, and birth of a virgine,
that he was without all manner of
sinne and so the sacrifice of himselfe, being
most pure, it was precious for our redemtion,
1. Pet. 1.19.
Quest. What learne you out of the
fourth Article, Hee suffered vnder Pontius
into Hell?
fourth Article, Hee suffered vnder Pontius
Pilate, was crucified, dead and buried, hee descendedinto Hell?
Ans. I learne, that vpon the Crosse he
suffered both in his body and soule, Isai.
53.5. and that by his Passion, as by an alsufficient
sacrifice, Heb. 10.14. he hath
freede my body and soule, from eternall
damnation, 1. Thess. 5.9. Heb 2.14 15.
suffered both in his body and soule, Isai.
53.5. and that by his Passion, as by an alsufficient
sacrifice, Heb. 10.14. he hath
freede my body and soule, from eternall
damnation, 1. Thess. 5.9. Heb 2.14 15.
Quest. Why suffered hee rather vpon
the Crosse then by other kinde of death?
the Crosse then by other kinde of death?
Ans. First, because that kinde of death
was most shamefull.
Secondly, it was most painefull.
Thirdly, thereby he tooke vpon him the
curse, Deut. 21.23. to free me from the
curse of the lawe, Gal. 3.13.
was most shamefull.
Secondly, it was most painefull.
Thirdly, thereby he tooke vpon him the
curse, Deut. 21.23. to free me from the
curse of the lawe, Gal. 3.13.
Quest. Seeing Christ hath thus dyed for
vs, why yet must all Gods Saints dye?
vs, why yet must all Gods Saints dye?
Ans. Not as a satisfaction or penalty
for sinne, but for two especiall benefits,
First, for that sinne, thereby is abolished
in my nature, Rom. 6.7.
Secondly, death is made an entrance
for our soules, into life eternal, Phil. 1.23.
for sinne, but for two especiall benefits,
First, for that sinne, thereby is abolished
in my nature, Rom. 6.7.
Secondly, death is made an entrance
for our soules, into life eternal, Phil. 1.23.
Quest. What learne you by his descension
into hell?
into hell?
Ans. I learne that he was extremely
that so we all might be exalted to an high
degree of glorie, Phil. 2.8.9.
humbled to the lowest steppe of dishonor,that so we all might be exalted to an high
degree of glorie, Phil. 2.8.9.
Quest. Touching the fift Article, what
profit haue we by his resurrection?
profit haue we by his resurrection?
Ans. First, hereby I learne, that hee
hath truely conquered death and Hell, and
hath obtained life and saluation for vs,
1. Cor. 15.20. 1. Pet. 1 3.4.
Secondly, I am thereby enabled to
rise from sinne, and am stirred vp to newnesse
of life, Rom. 6.4. Col. 3.1.
Thirdly, thereby I am secured of the
raysing of my body, 1. Cor. 15.20.
hath truely conquered death and Hell, and
hath obtained life and saluation for vs,
1. Cor. 15.20. 1. Pet. 1 3.4.
Secondly, I am thereby enabled to
rise from sinne, and am stirred vp to newnesse
of life, Rom. 6.4. Col. 3.1.
Thirdly, thereby I am secured of the
raysing of my body, 1. Cor. 15.20.
Quest. What learne you by sixt Article,
Hee ascended into heauen, and sitteth at
the right hand of God the Father?
Hee ascended into heauen, and sitteth at
the right hand of God the Father?
Ans. First, thereby hee hath taken possession
of heauen for vs, securing vs, that
we shall ascend thither after him, Ioh. 14.
3. Ephes 2.6.
Secondly, we haue the benefit of intercession,
that hee prayeth for vs, and pleadeth
our cause, Rom. 8.34. Heb. 9.24.
Thirdly, by that meanes he hath sent
vnto vs the holy Ghost, to be a teacher
and comforter in his place, Ioh. 16.7.
of heauen for vs, securing vs, that
we shall ascend thither after him, Ioh. 14.
3. Ephes 2.6.
Secondly, we haue the benefit of intercession,
that hee prayeth for vs, and pleadeth
our cause, Rom. 8.34. Heb. 9.24.
Thirdly, by that meanes he hath sent
vnto vs the holy Ghost, to be a teacher
and comforter in his place, Ioh. 16.7.
Quest. What learne you by his sitting
at the right hand of God?
at the right hand of God?
Ans. First, that all power is giuen vnto
him, both in heauen & earth, Mat. 28.18.
Secondly, that by his power hee will
saue his Church, and destroy his enemies
Psal. 2.9. Eph. 4.8.
him, both in heauen & earth, Mat. 28.18.
Secondly, that by his power hee will
saue his Church, and destroy his enemies
Psal. 2.9. Eph. 4.8.
Quest. What learne you out of the seauenth
Article, From thence hee shall come to
iudge the quicke and the dead?
Article, From thence hee shall come to
iudge the quicke and the dead?
Ans. Exceeding great comfort, for that
hee which is our Sauiour shall bee our
Iudge, Act. 17.31.
Secondly, at that time he will receiue
vs and all his elect into glory, Mat. 25.34.
Thirdly, by that meanes hee shal destroy
all his enemies which are also our
enemies, 2. Thes.
hee which is our Sauiour shall bee our
Iudge, Act. 17.31.
Secondly, at that time he will receiue
vs and all his elect into glory, Mat. 25.34.
Thirdly, by that meanes hee shal destroy
all his enemies which are also our
enemies, 2. Thes.
Quest. What learne you out of the third
part of the eight Article, I beleeue in the holy
part of the eight Article, I beleeue in the holy
Ans. First, I learne that the holy Ghost
is God coequall and coeternall to the Father,
Act. 5.3.4
Secondly, that the holy Ghost is giuen
vnto vs to teach vs, to comfort vs, &
to sanctifie vs, Ioh. 14.16. Ioh. 16.13.
is God coequall and coeternall to the Father,
Act. 5.3.4
Secondly, that the holy Ghost is giuen
vnto vs to teach vs, to comfort vs, &
to sanctifie vs, Ioh. 14.16. Ioh. 16.13.
Rom. 1.4.
Quest. What learne you out of the
ninth Article, The holy Catholike Church
the Communion of Saints?
ninth Article, The holy Catholike Church
the Communion of Saints?
Ans. First I learne, that God hath a
Church vpon earth vniuersall, in regard
of persons, times and places, Mat. 28.19.
Act. 10.34.
Secondly, that the same consisting of
Gods elect, is sanctified by Christ, Eph. 5.
Thirdly, that I am a liuely member of
the same Church, 1. Cor. 6.15. Eph. 2.21.
Fourthly, that therin there is a fellowship,
of all Gods elect, communicating in
all the gifts of grace, 1. Cor. 12.12.13.
1. Ioh 1.3.
Church vpon earth vniuersall, in regard
of persons, times and places, Mat. 28.19.
Act. 10.34.
Secondly, that the same consisting of
Gods elect, is sanctified by Christ, Eph. 5.
Thirdly, that I am a liuely member of
the same Church, 1. Cor. 6.15. Eph. 2.21.
Fourthly, that therin there is a fellowship,
of all Gods elect, communicating in
all the gifts of grace, 1. Cor. 12.12.13.
1. Ioh 1.3.
Quest. What learne you out of the tenth
Article, The forgiuenes of sinnes?
Article, The forgiuenes of sinnes?
Ans. First, I learne to beleeue that all
my sinnes are freely forgiuen in Christ,
Rom. 3.25. Eph. 1.7.
Secondly, that being so freely forgiuen,
they shall neuer be laid to my charge, Esai.
my sinnes are freely forgiuen in Christ,
Rom. 3.25. Eph. 1.7.
Secondly, that being so freely forgiuen,
they shall neuer be laid to my charge, Esai.
Quest. What learne you of the eleuenth
and twelfth Articles, The resurrection of the
and twelfth Articles, The resurrection of the
dead and life euerlasting?
Ans. I doe learne three thinges most
comfortable, First, that all men shall bee
raised againe at the last day, Apoc. 20.13.
Secondly, that our bodies shal arise glorious
bodies, 1. Cor. 15.42. Phil. 3.21.
Thirdly, that we all in body and soule
vnited, shall liue with Christ for euer in
his kingdome. Ioh. 14.2. 1. Thes. 4.17.
comfortable, First, that all men shall bee
raised againe at the last day, Apoc. 20.13.
Secondly, that our bodies shal arise glorious
bodies, 1. Cor. 15.42. Phil. 3.21.
Thirdly, that we all in body and soule
vnited, shall liue with Christ for euer in
his kingdome. Ioh. 14.2. 1. Thes. 4.17.
Quest. What profit dost thou get, by beleeuing
all these things?
all these things?
Ans. First, by this means I am iustified
before God euen by faith alone in Christ,
Act. 13.39. Phil. 3.9.
Secondly, by faith I shall ouercome the
enemies of my saluation, 1. Ioh. 5.4.
Thirdly, being iustified, and ouercomming,
I shal inherit eternall life, Ro. 8.30.
Tit. 3.7.
before God euen by faith alone in Christ,
Act. 13.39. Phil. 3.9.
Secondly, by faith I shall ouercome the
enemies of my saluation, 1. Ioh. 5.4.
Thirdly, being iustified, and ouercomming,
I shal inherit eternall life, Ro. 8.30.
Tit. 3.7.
Quest. Why art thou iustified by faith
Ans. Not because my faith is perfect, &
deserueth at Gods hands, 1. Cor. 13.9. but
because the obedience & righteousnes of
Christ is made mine in the sight of God,
1. Cor. 1.30. of the which I can no other
way pertake but by faith, Rom. 4.22.24.
deserueth at Gods hands, 1. Cor. 13.9. but
because the obedience & righteousnes of
Christ is made mine in the sight of God,
1. Cor. 1.30. of the which I can no other
way pertake but by faith, Rom. 4.22.24.
Quest. Why cannot good works iustifie
vs in the sight of God?
vs in the sight of God?
Ans. Because that righteousnes which
shall stand in the iudgement of God, must
be most perfect, Deut. 27.26. but our best
works are imperfect & defiled with sinne,
Psal. 143.2. Isay. 64.6.
shall stand in the iudgement of God, must
be most perfect, Deut. 27.26. but our best
works are imperfect & defiled with sinne,
Psal. 143.2. Isay. 64.6.
Quest. Wherefore then must wee doe
good workes?
good workes?
Ans. For many great causes: First,
in regard of God.
Secondly, in regard of our selues.
Thirdly, in regard of Gods children.
Fourthly, in regard of the enemies
of our Christian profession.
in regard of God.
Secondly, in regard of our selues.
Thirdly, in regard of Gods children.
Fourthly, in regard of the enemies
of our Christian profession.
Quest. Why must we doe good works
in regard of God?
in regard of God?
Ans. First, because it is seruice required
of him and due vnto him, Luk. 1.74.
Luk. 19 13.
Secondly, in regard of thankfulnesse
vnto him, Psal. 116.12.
Thirdly, because by that meanes others
may be mooued to glorifie God, Matth.
of him and due vnto him, Luk. 1.74.
Luk. 19 13.
Secondly, in regard of thankfulnesse
vnto him, Psal. 116.12.
Thirdly, because by that meanes others
may be mooued to glorifie God, Matth.
Quest. Why are we to doe good workes
in regard of our selues?
in regard of our selues?
Ans. First, thereby to make our election
sure vnto our selues, 2. Pet. 1.10.
Secondly, because they are the way to
glory, Math. 7 14.
Thirdly, in regard of the reward, and
difference thereof, 1. Cor. 15.41. 2. Cor.
9 6.
sure vnto our selues, 2. Pet. 1.10.
Secondly, because they are the way to
glory, Math. 7 14.
Thirdly, in regard of the reward, and
difference thereof, 1. Cor. 15.41. 2. Cor.
9 6.
Quest. Why must we doe good works
in regard of Gods children?
in regard of Gods children?
Ans. First, that they may reape the
fruit thereof vnto their good in the works
of mercy, Philem. 1.20.
Secondly, that by our example they
may be stirred vp to doe good, Tit. 2.7.
fruit thereof vnto their good in the works
of mercy, Philem. 1.20.
Secondly, that by our example they
may be stirred vp to doe good, Tit. 2.7.
Quest. Why in regard of the enemies
of our profession?
of our profession?
Ans. To stoppe the mouthes of all
blasphemous aduersaries, 1. Pet. 2.15.
1. Pet. 3.16.
blasphemous aduersaries, 1. Pet. 2.15.
1. Pet. 3.16.
Quest. How many things are requisite
in our works to make them good?
in our works to make them good?
Ans. Three: First that they be commended
in the Law of God, 1. Sam. 15.22.
Eph. 2.10.
Secondly, that they flowe from a true
faith, Rom. 14.23. Heb. 11.6.
Thirdly, that they be done to Gods
in the Law of God, 1. Sam. 15.22.
Eph. 2.10.
Secondly, that they flowe from a true
faith, Rom. 14.23. Heb. 11.6.
Thirdly, that they be done to Gods
glory, 1. Cor. 10.31. 1. Pet. 4.11.
Quest. What meane you by the Lawe
of God?
of God?
Ans. I meane the morall law, contayned
in the ten Commandements.
in the ten Commandements.
Quest. Reherse the Commandements.
Ans. God spake these wordes and
sayd, &c.
sayd, &c.
Quest. What is meant by that preface
before the Commaundements, God spake,
before the Commaundements, God spake,
Ans. It doth containe foure arguments
most forcible to perswade vs to obedience,
first, in that it is said, God spake
these wordes, I learne, that God is the
authour of them. Ezek. 20.11
Secondly, in that it is saide, I am the
Lord, I learne that he hath authoritie to
command, and power to punish the breakers
of his law, Math. 10.28.
Thirdly, in that it is saide, Thy God,
I learne that we must obey in regard of
the couenant which we haue made with
him, Ezek. 11.20.
Fourthly, in that it is saide, Which
brought thee out of Egypt, we must obey
in regard of his mercy & goodnes towards
most forcible to perswade vs to obedience,
first, in that it is said, God spake
these wordes, I learne, that God is the
authour of them. Ezek. 20.11
Secondly, in that it is saide, I am the
Lord, I learne that he hath authoritie to
command, and power to punish the breakers
of his law, Math. 10.28.
Thirdly, in that it is saide, Thy God,
I learne that we must obey in regard of
the couenant which we haue made with
him, Ezek. 11.20.
Fourthly, in that it is saide, Which
brought thee out of Egypt, we must obey
in regard of his mercy & goodnes towards
vs, Psal. 116.12.
Quest. How are these commandements
Ans. Into two Tables, in the first wherof,
in foure commaundements, is taught
how wee ought to behaue our selues towards
our God.
The second, in the sixe last commandements,
teacheth vs what duties we owe
vnto our neighbours.
in foure commaundements, is taught
how wee ought to behaue our selues towards
our God.
The second, in the sixe last commandements,
teacheth vs what duties we owe
vnto our neighbours.
Quest. What doth God require of vs
in the first Commaundement, Thou shalt
haue none other Gods but me?
in the first Commaundement, Thou shalt
haue none other Gods but me?
Ans. First, I am forbidden all inward
Idolatrie, to set vp any Idoll in mine
heart, in giuing any part of Gods worship
vnto it, Isai. 42.8.
Secondly, we are commanded to worship
the Lord our God, and him only must
we serue, Math. 4.10.
Idolatrie, to set vp any Idoll in mine
heart, in giuing any part of Gods worship
vnto it, Isai. 42.8.
Secondly, we are commanded to worship
the Lord our God, and him only must
we serue, Math. 4.10.
Quest. Wherein consisteth the inward
and spirituall worship of God?
and spirituall worship of God?
Ans. Chiefely in these foure:
First, in learning to know him aright,
Ioh. 17.3.
Secondly, to beleeue in him, Ioh. 14.1.
out of which floweth prayer for what we
receiued, Psal. 50.14.
Thirdly, in louing him aboue all, Deut.
6.5. Mat. 10.37.
Fourthly, in fearing him aboue all,
Mal. 1.6. Luk. 12.15.
First, in learning to know him aright,
Ioh. 17.3.
Secondly, to beleeue in him, Ioh. 14.1.
out of which floweth prayer for what we
want, and thankfulnes for what we hauereceiued, Psal. 50.14.
Thirdly, in louing him aboue all, Deut.
6.5. Mat. 10.37.
Fourthly, in fearing him aboue all,
Mal. 1.6. Luk. 12.15.
Quest. What is required of vs in the second
commandement, Thou shalt not make
to thy selfe any grauen Image?
commandement, Thou shalt not make
to thy selfe any grauen Image?
Ans. First, we are forbidden to make
any image to represent God, Deu. 4.15.16
Isai. 40.18.
Secondly, we may not make the image
of any creature to giue diuine worshippe
vnto it, Ier. 2.27. Act. 7.41.
Thirdly, I am commaunded to worshippe
God as hee hath prescribed in his
word, Math. 15 9.
any image to represent God, Deu. 4.15.16
Isai. 40.18.
Secondly, we may not make the image
of any creature to giue diuine worshippe
vnto it, Ier. 2.27. Act. 7.41.
Thirdly, I am commaunded to worshippe
God as hee hath prescribed in his
word, Math. 15 9.
Quest. What is required of vs in the
third Commaundement, Thou shalt not take
the Name of the Lord thy God in vaine?
third Commaundement, Thou shalt not take
the Name of the Lord thy God in vaine?
Ans. First, we are forbidden to abuse
the glorious Name of God any manner
of way, as:
In coniuring, Deut. 18.11.
In cursing, Rom. 12.14.
In periury, Leuit. 19.12. Zach 1.4.
Secondly, we are commaunded to vse
the holy Name of GOD with reuerence
and honour, Deut. 28.58. as in giuing
praise vnto it, Psal. 118.28.29.
Or thanks, Phil. 4.6.
Or praying vnto it, Psal. 50.15.
Or in religious swearing by it, Esay
the glorious Name of God any manner
of way, as:
In coniuring, Deut. 18.11.
In cursing, Rom. 12.14.
In periury, Leuit. 19.12. Zach 1.4.
Or in idle and vaine swearing, Matth.5.34.
Secondly, we are commaunded to vse
the holy Name of GOD with reuerence
and honour, Deut. 28.58. as in giuing
praise vnto it, Psal. 118.28.29.
Or thanks, Phil. 4.6.
Or praying vnto it, Psal. 50.15.
Or in religious swearing by it, Esay
Quest. What doth God require of vs in
the fourth Commaundement, Thou shalt
keepe holy the Sabbath day?
the fourth Commaundement, Thou shalt
keepe holy the Sabbath day?
Ans. First, we are commaunded to
giue rest vnto our bodies, and therefore
it is called the Sabbath, Deut. 5.14.
Secondly, to doe such works whereby
the Sabbath is sanctified: as,
In diligent frequenting the publike
assemblies of the Church, Psal. 68.26 Act.
In reuerent hearing the word, Act. 13.
In receiuing the Sacrament, Act. 2.
In praying publikely and priuately,
Act. 16.13.
Thirdly, I am forbidden to doe the honest
and laborious workes of my calling,
Exod. 16.23. sauing in case of necessitie.
Luk. 13.15.
Fourthly, all sinfull actions and exercises
tending to sinne, as drunkenness, dancing,
dalliance, and the like, Rom. 13.13.
14. Ephe. 5.10.11.
giue rest vnto our bodies, and therefore
it is called the Sabbath, Deut. 5.14.
Secondly, to doe such works whereby
the Sabbath is sanctified: as,
In diligent frequenting the publike
assemblies of the Church, Psal. 68.26 Act.
In reuerent hearing the word, Act. 13.
In receiuing the Sacrament, Act. 2.
In praying publikely and priuately,
Act. 16.13.
And in giuing to the poore, 1. Cor. 16.2.Thirdly, I am forbidden to doe the honest
and laborious workes of my calling,
Exod. 16.23. sauing in case of necessitie.
Luk. 13.15.
Fourthly, all sinfull actions and exercises
tending to sinne, as drunkenness, dancing,
dalliance, and the like, Rom. 13.13.
14. Ephe. 5.10.11.
Quest. What persons are bound to keep
holy the Sabbath?
holy the Sabbath?
Ans. First all, thou, thy son, thy daughter,
thy manseruant, thy maidseruant, all
of euery condition, Exod. 20.10.
Secondly, all Fathers of families and
Magistrates are inioyned to take care
that all which doe liue vnder them do sanctifie
it vnto the Lord, Neh. 13.17.
thy manseruant, thy maidseruant, all
of euery condition, Exod. 20.10.
Secondly, all Fathers of families and
Magistrates are inioyned to take care
that all which doe liue vnder them do sanctifie
it vnto the Lord, Neh. 13.17.
Quest. What doth God require of vs in
the fift commaundement, Honour thy Father,
and thy Mother, &c.
the fift commaundement, Honour thy Father,
and thy Mother, &c.
Ans. First, we are commaunded to
loue, feare, and obey all our superiours,
chiefely our naturall parents, Eph. 6.2.
2. All Magistrates, Rom. 13.1.5.
3. Our spirituall Pastors, 1. The. 5.12.
Heb. 13.17.
5. Our godly elders, Isai. 3.5. 1. Tim.
Secondly, we are forbidden to hate,
despise, or disobey them, either in thought,
word, or deed, Pro. 20.20. Rom. 13.2.
loue, feare, and obey all our superiours,
chiefely our naturall parents, Eph. 6.2.
2. All Magistrates, Rom. 13.1.5.
3. Our spirituall Pastors, 1. The. 5.12.
Heb. 13.17.
4. Our masters, Col. 3.22.5. Our godly elders, Isai. 3.5. 1. Tim.
Secondly, we are forbidden to hate,
despise, or disobey them, either in thought,
word, or deed, Pro. 20.20. Rom. 13.2.
Quest. What doth God require of vs
in the sixt Commaundement, Thou shalt
not kill?
in the sixt Commaundement, Thou shalt
not kill?
Ans. First, I am forbidden to preiudice
the life of my neighbour.
First, by actuall murther, Gen. 9.5.6.
Mat. 26.52.
Secondly, by malice, 1. Ioh. 3.15.
Thirdly, by mocking, quarrelling, or
any other way to prouoke anger, 2. Sam.
16.7. Math. 5.22.
Secondly, I am commaunded to preserue
his life, First, by defending him,
Exod. 2.13.
2. By louing him, Ephes. 5.2.
3. By vsing all louing behauiour towards
him, Ephes. 4.32.
the life of my neighbour.
First, by actuall murther, Gen. 9.5.6.
Mat. 26.52.
Secondly, by malice, 1. Ioh. 3.15.
Thirdly, by mocking, quarrelling, or
any other way to prouoke anger, 2. Sam.
16.7. Math. 5.22.
Secondly, I am commaunded to preserue
his life, First, by defending him,
Exod. 2.13.
2. By louing him, Ephes. 5.2.
3. By vsing all louing behauiour towards
him, Ephes. 4.32.
Quest. What doth God require of vs in
the seuenth Commaundement, Thou shalt
not commit adultery?
the seuenth Commaundement, Thou shalt
not commit adultery?
Ans. God forbiddeth all vncleannes in
actuall whoredome, Hebr. 13.4. Leui. 18.
Secondly, all vncleane lusts of the
heart, 5.28.
Thirdly, all vnchaste behauiour, either
in word or deede, whereby eyther we our
selues or others might be inticed, Eph. 4.
29. Eph. 5.3.
Secondly we are commanded to keepe
cleane bodies, 1. Cor. 6.19.
2. Chast hearts. 1. Thes. 4.3.4.
3. Chaste behauiour in worde and gesture.
the flesh, as first all defiling the body byactuall whoredome, Hebr. 13.4. Leui. 18.
Secondly, all vncleane lusts of the
heart, 5.28.
Thirdly, all vnchaste behauiour, either
in word or deede, whereby eyther we our
selues or others might be inticed, Eph. 4.
29. Eph. 5.3.
Secondly we are commanded to keepe
cleane bodies, 1. Cor. 6.19.
2. Chast hearts. 1. Thes. 4.3.4.
3. Chaste behauiour in worde and gesture.
Quest. What is required of vs in the
eight Commaundement, Thou shalt not
eight Commaundement, Thou shalt not
Answer. First wee are forbidden to
wrong our neighbour in his goods, first,
by actuall stealing, Leuit. 19.11. Ephe. 4.
2. By couetousnesse, Ephe. 5.5. Col.
3. By all vnlawfull getting from him,
First, by false weights and measures,
Deut. 25.13.
5. or,
3. By any vniust meanes, 1. Thess.
Secondly, we are commaunded to labour,
that so; First we may eat our owne
bread, 2. Thess. 3.12.
Secondly, that we may be able to doe
good vnto others, especially to the poore
Saints, Gal. 6.10. both by hospitalitie,
Heb. 13.2. and almes deeds, Heb. 13.16.
wrong our neighbour in his goods, first,
by actuall stealing, Leuit. 19.11. Ephe. 4.
2. By couetousnesse, Ephe. 5.5. Col.
3. By all vnlawfull getting from him,
First, by false weights and measures,
Deut. 25.13.
2. By vsury, Deut. 23.19. Psal. 15.5. or,
3. By any vniust meanes, 1. Thess.
Secondly, we are commaunded to labour,
that so; First we may eat our owne
bread, 2. Thess. 3.12.
Secondly, that we may be able to doe
good vnto others, especially to the poore
Saints, Gal. 6.10. both by hospitalitie,
Heb. 13.2. and almes deeds, Heb. 13.16.
Quest. What doth God require of vs
in the ninth commaundement, Thou shalt
not beare false witnesse against thy neighbour?
in the ninth commaundement, Thou shalt
not beare false witnesse against thy neighbour?
Ans. First we are forbidden to speake
falsely in witnes-bearing, Exod. 23.1.
Deu. 19.18.
Secondly, to backbite or slaunder any,
Psal. 15.3.
Thirdly, to lye. flatter or dissemble,
Psal. 12.3. Ioh. 8.44. Eph. 4.25.
Secondly, we are commaunded in all
thinges to speake and maintaine truth.
Psal. 15.2. as,
1. In bearing witnesse, Zach 8.16.
2. In plainely reprouing our brethren,
Leui. 19.17.
19.4.5. 1. Pet. 4.8.
falsely in witnes-bearing, Exod. 23.1.
Deu. 19.18.
Secondly, to backbite or slaunder any,
Psal. 15.3.
Thirdly, to lye. flatter or dissemble,
Psal. 12.3. Ioh. 8.44. Eph. 4.25.
Secondly, we are commaunded in all
thinges to speake and maintaine truth.
Psal. 15.2. as,
1. In bearing witnesse, Zach 8.16.
2. In plainely reprouing our brethren,
Leui. 19.17.
3. In defending his good name, 1. Sam.19.4.5. 1. Pet. 4.8.
Quest. What doth God require of vs in
the tenth commaundement, Thou shalt not
couet thy neighbours house, thou shalt not couet,
the tenth commaundement, Thou shalt not
couet thy neighbours house, thou shalt not couet,
Ans. First, wee are forbidden to giue
way to the least motion of vnlawfull desire,
concerning that which is our neighbours,
Ier. 4.14.
Secondly, we are commaunded to entertaine
& nourish in our soules, all holy
and heauenly motions, Ro. 7.22. Col. 3.2.
way to the least motion of vnlawfull desire,
concerning that which is our neighbours,
Ier. 4.14.
Secondly, we are commaunded to entertaine
& nourish in our soules, all holy
and heauenly motions, Ro. 7.22. Col. 3.2.
Quest. Are any of Gods children able to
keepe these commaundements perfectly?
keepe these commaundements perfectly?
Ans. No, first because we sinne, the best
of vs in many things, Psal. 19.12. Iam.
Secondly, because our best works doe
sauour of the flesh, and are defectiue, Isai.
64.6. Gal. 5.17.
of vs in many things, Psal. 19.12. Iam.
Secondly, because our best works doe
sauour of the flesh, and are defectiue, Isai.
64.6. Gal. 5.17.
Quest. How shall wee then shunne the
curse of the Lawe, and eternall damnation?
curse of the Lawe, and eternall damnation?
Ans. By faith in Christ, 1. Cor. 1.30.
2. Cor. 5.21.
2. Cor. 5.21.
Qu. By what meanes yet may we grow
In holy obedience before God?
Ans. By vsing all holy exercises, especially
these foure:
First, by hearing and reading the
word of God, Psal. 119.9. 1. Pet. 2.2.
Secondly, by mutuall conference,
1. Thes. 5.11.
Thirdly, by receiuing the Sacraments,
Acts 2.42.
Fourthly, by earnest prayer vnto God
for the increase of his grace, Luk. 11.13.
Iam. 1.5.
these foure:
First, by hearing and reading the
word of God, Psal. 119.9. 1. Pet. 2.2.
Secondly, by mutuall conference,
1. Thes. 5.11.
Thirdly, by receiuing the Sacraments,
Acts 2.42.
Fourthly, by earnest prayer vnto God
for the increase of his grace, Luk. 11.13.
Iam. 1.5.
Qu. First then, what is the word of God?
Ans. All that doctrine deliuered in the
Scriptures of the old & new Testament.
Scriptures of the old & new Testament.
Quest. How doe you know it to be the
word of God?
word of God?
Ans. Because it was deliuered, and
written by diuine inspiration, 2. Tim. 3.
16. 2. Pet. 1.21.
written by diuine inspiration, 2. Tim. 3.
16. 2. Pet. 1.21.
Quest. How doe you know that euery
part of the Scripture was deliuered by diuine
inspiration, and so is indeed the word
of God?
part of the Scripture was deliuered by diuine
inspiration, and so is indeed the word
of God?
Ans. By many firme arguments: but
especially fiue:
First, by the inward testimony of the
27. 1. Cor. 2.15.
Secondly, by the wonderfull maiestie
of the Scriptures, 1. Cor. 2.14. deliuered
yet in great simplicitie.
Thirdly, by the mightie power of it, in
conuerting soules, Psalm. 19.7. 2. Cor.
Fourthly, by the matter, which altogether
sauoureth of heauenly wisedome.
Lastly, by the continuall consent of all
the Scriptures, being written by so many
in times so different.
especially fiue:
First, by the inward testimony of the
holy Ghost in mine owne heart, 1. Ioh.27. 1. Cor. 2.15.
Secondly, by the wonderfull maiestie
of the Scriptures, 1. Cor. 2.14. deliuered
yet in great simplicitie.
Thirdly, by the mightie power of it, in
conuerting soules, Psalm. 19.7. 2. Cor.
Fourthly, by the matter, which altogether
sauoureth of heauenly wisedome.
Lastly, by the continuall consent of all
the Scriptures, being written by so many
in times so different.
Quest. You say, that receiuing the Sacrament
is one meanes of your spirituall
growth: what is therefore a Sacrament?
is one meanes of your spirituall
growth: what is therefore a Sacrament?
Ans. A Sacrament is a visible signe of
inuisible grace, Gen. 17.11.
inuisible grace, Gen. 17.11.
Quest. What are the ends why God did
ordaine Sacraments vnto his Church?
ordaine Sacraments vnto his Church?
Ans. Many: but especially fiue:
First, to be badges of our Christian
Secondly, to be signes to set out to
our sences the promises of God, Gen. 17.
Thirdly, to be as Seales to confirme
Fourthly, to be meanes to conuey vnto
vs inward & spirituall graces, where
there is faith to apprehend them, 1. Cor.
10 16.
Lastly, to be effectuall meanes of the
increase of faith and pietie in our hearts,
Acts 2.46.
First, to be badges of our Christian
Secondly, to be signes to set out to
our sences the promises of God, Gen. 17.
Thirdly, to be as Seales to confirme
the truth thereof vnto vs. Rom. 4.11. Fourthly, to be meanes to conuey vnto
vs inward & spirituall graces, where
there is faith to apprehend them, 1. Cor.
10 16.
Lastly, to be effectuall meanes of the
increase of faith and pietie in our hearts,
Acts 2.46.
Quest. Who doe make the right vse of
the Sacraments?
the Sacraments?
Ans. They which are daily confirmed
thereby, in faith and newnes of life, Acts
thereby, in faith and newnes of life, Acts
Quest. How many sorts of Sacraments
are there?
are there?
Ans. Two sorts, one of the olde testament,
to assure vs that Christ should
Another sort of the new Testament, to
assure vs that Christ is already come.
to assure vs that Christ should
Another sort of the new Testament, to
assure vs that Christ is already come.
Quest. What is a Sacrament of the new
Ans. It is an outward signe ordained of
God to assure vs, that Christ and all his
benefits are made ours, Luke 22.19.
2. Cor. 11.24.
God to assure vs, that Christ and all his
benefits are made ours, Luke 22.19.
2. Cor. 11.24.
Quest. How many Sacraments hath
Christ ordayned in his Church?
Ans. Two onely, Baptisme, and the
Lords Supper, 1. Cor.
Lords Supper, 1. Cor.
Quest. What is Baptisme?
Ans. Baptisme is a Sacrament of our
new and spirituall birth, Tit. 3.5. where
by the outward washing of water, we are
taught and assured that our soules are
washed from all our sinnes in Christes
bloud, Acts 2.38. 1. Ioh. 1.7.
new and spirituall birth, Tit. 3.5. where
by the outward washing of water, we are
taught and assured that our soules are
washed from all our sinnes in Christes
bloud, Acts 2.38. 1. Ioh. 1.7.
Quest. Why are Infants baptized, seeing
thy doe not yet actually beleeue?
thy doe not yet actually beleeue?
Ans. Because the couenant and promises
of God do belong vnto them, Gen. 17.
7. Acts 2.38.39.
of God do belong vnto them, Gen. 17.
7. Acts 2.38.39.
Quest. Seeing we are baptized onely in
infancy, how hath baptisme effect to wash
away sinnes afterward committed?
infancy, how hath baptisme effect to wash
away sinnes afterward committed?
Ans. Baptisme hath his effect during
our whole life, and is as a perpetuall
fountaine euer washing vs, Zach. 13.1.
while we with a liuely faith do looke vnto
the shedding of Christs bloud, Heb. 10.
our whole life, and is as a perpetuall
fountaine euer washing vs, Zach. 13.1.
while we with a liuely faith do looke vnto
the shedding of Christs bloud, Heb. 10.
Quest. What is the Lords Supper?
Ans. It is a Sacrament, wherein by receiuing
Bread and Wine consecrated by
and we doe really receiue the body and
bloud of Christ, 1. Cor. 10.16.
Bread and Wine consecrated by
the word of God doth truly offer vnto vs,and we doe really receiue the body and
bloud of Christ, 1. Cor. 10.16.
Quest. Which are the outward signes
in the Lords Supper?
in the Lords Supper?
Ans. Bread and Wine, Mat. 26.26.27.
Quest. Which is the inuisible grace?
Ans. The body and bloud of Christ,
Luke 22.19.
Luke 22.19.
Quest What doth God teach vs in appointing
Bread and Wine, bodily foode,
to bee outward signes of the body and
bloud of Christ.
Bread and Wine, bodily foode,
to bee outward signes of the body and
bloud of Christ.
Ans. Three things: first, that Christ is
the true and liuely foode of our soules, being
sacramentally apprehended by faith,
whereby our spirituall life is supported,
Secondly, that all the merits of Christs
passion, and whatsoeuer is in him, is verily
become ours, Rom. 8.32.
Thirdly, heereby wee are taught the
manner of our spirituall vnion with
Christ, that he is inseperably concorporated
with vs, and we with him, Iohn 6.
56. Iohn 15 4.
the true and liuely foode of our soules, being
sacramentally apprehended by faith,
whereby our spirituall life is supported,
Secondly, that all the merits of Christs
passion, and whatsoeuer is in him, is verily
become ours, Rom. 8.32.
Thirdly, heereby wee are taught the
manner of our spirituall vnion with
Christ, that he is inseperably concorporated
with vs, and we with him, Iohn 6.
56. Iohn 15 4.
Quest. What is meant by the words of
drinke yee all of this, this is my bloud of the new
Testament, which is shed for many
institution, Take, eate, this is my body: anddrinke yee all of this, this is my bloud of the new
Testament, which is shed for many
A. In that Christ saith, Take, he teacheth
vs that he is become ours, 1. Cor. 1.30.
Secondly, in that he saith, eate, drinke,
he teacheth vs, that he is become one bodie
with vs, 1. Cor. 10.17.
Thirdly, in that he saith, which is giuen
for you, which is shed for you, that both these
are not so much his as ours, and that hee
tooke them vp, and layd him downe for vs
and our saluation, Ioh. 10.11. 1. Tim. 2.6.
Lastly, we are taught that the right vse
of the Sacrament consisteth of those actions,
and that therefore eleuation, reseruation,
circumgestation, and adoration of
the Sacrament in Popery, is no part of
Christs ordinance.
vs that he is become ours, 1. Cor. 1.30.
Secondly, in that he saith, eate, drinke,
he teacheth vs, that he is become one bodie
with vs, 1. Cor. 10.17.
Thirdly, in that he saith, which is giuen
for you, which is shed for you, that both these
are not so much his as ours, and that hee
tooke them vp, and layd him downe for vs
and our saluation, Ioh. 10.11. 1. Tim. 2.6.
Lastly, we are taught that the right vse
of the Sacrament consisteth of those actions,
and that therefore eleuation, reseruation,
circumgestation, and adoration of
the Sacrament in Popery, is no part of
Christs ordinance.
Quest. By what meanes doe wee eate
Christs body, and drinke his bloud in the
Christs body, and drinke his bloud in the
Ans. Spiritually by faith, Ioh. 6.35.
47. while in those outward signes we doe
behold Christ crucified for vs.
47. while in those outward signes we doe
behold Christ crucified for vs.
Quest. Doe the wicked and vnbeleeuers
eate Christs body, and drinke his
eate Christs body, and drinke his
bloud in the Sacrament?
Ans. No, because they want faith.
Quest. Is the bread turned into Christs
bodie, and the wine into his bloud in the
bodie, and the wine into his bloud in the
Ans. No, for so, first the vnbeleeuers
should eate Christs bodie, and drinke his
Secondly, we should destroy the nature
of the Sacrament by taking away the
outward signe.
Thirdly, we should destroy the truth
of his naturall bodie by depriuing it of
the true properties thereof, Heb. 2.17.
should eate Christs bodie, and drinke his
Secondly, we should destroy the nature
of the Sacrament by taking away the
outward signe.
Thirdly, we should destroy the truth
of his naturall bodie by depriuing it of
the true properties thereof, Heb. 2.17.
Quest. What vnion is there of the outward
signes with the thing signified?
signes with the thing signified?
Ans. Onely a Sacramentall vnion,
whereby Christ is so present in our Sacraments
as hee was in the ceremonies
and Sacraments of the Law, 1. Cor. 10.3
whereby Christ is so present in our Sacraments
as hee was in the ceremonies
and Sacraments of the Law, 1. Cor. 10.3
Quest. What change then is there in the
outward signes?
outward signes?
Ans. No change in their nature, but
only in vse, for that elements before common,
are now consecrated to be signes of
things spirituall & holy, in regard whereof
they are holy, 2. Sam. 21.4.
only in vse, for that elements before common,
are now consecrated to be signes of
things spirituall & holy, in regard whereof
they are holy, 2. Sam. 21.4.
Quest. What must wee doe for our preparation
before we come to receiue the Sacrament?
before we come to receiue the Sacrament?
Ans. Examine our selues, 1. Cor. 11.28.
Que. Why must we examine our selues?
Ans. For two causes: first, because the
vnworthy receiuer is guiltie of the bodie
and bloud of Christ, 1. Cor. 11.27.
Secondly, because he prouoketh God
to wrath, and so eateth, and so drinketh
his owne damnation, 1. Cor. 11.29.
vnworthy receiuer is guiltie of the bodie
and bloud of Christ, 1. Cor. 11.27.
Secondly, because he prouoketh God
to wrath, and so eateth, and so drinketh
his owne damnation, 1. Cor. 11.29.
Quest. Who are they which receiue vnworthily?
Ans. All they which come irreuerently,
or without faith and repentance renued,
Isai. 1.13.15. Tit. 1.15.
or without faith and repentance renued,
Isai. 1.13.15. Tit. 1.15.
Quest. Are all Christians to receiue the
Lords Supper?
Lords Supper?
Ans. No: only such are to receiue who
both can and doe diligently examine and
approue themselues, 1. Cor. 11.28.
both can and doe diligently examine and
approue themselues, 1. Cor. 11.28.
Quest. Wherein are we to examine our
Ans. In foure things: first, whether we
know the true sense and meaning of this
Sacrament, Pro. 19.2.
Secondly, whether we haue a true and
Thirdly, whether we finde true repentance
in our hearts, Isai. 1.16.
Lastly, whether we be in loue and charitie
with all men, Math. 5.23.24.
know the true sense and meaning of this
Sacrament, Pro. 19.2.
Secondly, whether we haue a true and
liuely faith, 2. Cor. 13.5.Thirdly, whether we finde true repentance
in our hearts, Isai. 1.16.
Lastly, whether we be in loue and charitie
with all men, Math. 5.23.24.
Qu. You said that prayer is one meanes
of our spirituall growth, what thinges are
requisite in prayer?
of our spirituall growth, what thinges are
requisite in prayer?
Ans. Many: as namely, first, that wee
pray vnto God through Christ, Ioh. 16.23.
Secondly, wich assurance through faith
to be heard, Mar. 11.24. Iam. 1.6.
Thirdly, that our prayers doe flowe
from the heart, and be feruent, 1. Cor. 14.
15. Iam. 5.16.
Fourthly, that we be in charity when
we pray, Mar. 11.25. 1. Tim. 2.8.
Fiftly, that we leaue sinne, and endeauour
to liue according to Gods will, Psal.
66.18. Ioh. 9.31. Ioh. 3.22.
Sixtly, that we faint not in prayer, but
continue in the exercise therof, Luk. 18.1.
Col. 4.2.
Finally, that our prayers must be framed
according to Gods will, 1. Ioh. 5.14.
pray vnto God through Christ, Ioh. 16.23.
Secondly, wich assurance through faith
to be heard, Mar. 11.24. Iam. 1.6.
Thirdly, that our prayers doe flowe
from the heart, and be feruent, 1. Cor. 14.
15. Iam. 5.16.
Fourthly, that we be in charity when
we pray, Mar. 11.25. 1. Tim. 2.8.
Fiftly, that we leaue sinne, and endeauour
to liue according to Gods will, Psal.
66.18. Ioh. 9.31. Ioh. 3.22.
Sixtly, that we faint not in prayer, but
continue in the exercise therof, Luk. 18.1.
Col. 4.2.
Finally, that our prayers must be framed
according to Gods will, 1. Ioh. 5.14.
Quest. When are our prayers framed
according to Gods will?
according to Gods will?
Ans. When they are made according to
the prayer which our Lord Iesus Christ
hath prescribed as a rule to frame our
prayers thereby, Math. 6.9.
the prayer which our Lord Iesus Christ
hath prescribed as a rule to frame our
prayers thereby, Math. 6.9.
Quest. Reherse the Lords prayer.
A. Our Father which art in heauen, &c.
Quest. How many things are principally
to be obserued in the Lords prayer?
to be obserued in the Lords prayer?
Ans. Three: first, what name wee are
taught to giue vnto our God to whome
we make our prayers, Our Father which
art in heauen.
Secondly, the summe of that wee pray
for, contained in the sixe petitions.
Thirdly, a conclusion, giuing vs assurance
that we shal haue what we aske, for
thine is the kingdome, power & glory, &c.
taught to giue vnto our God to whome
we make our prayers, Our Father which
art in heauen.
Secondly, the summe of that wee pray
for, contained in the sixe petitions.
Thirdly, a conclusion, giuing vs assurance
that we shal haue what we aske, for
thine is the kingdome, power & glory, &c.
Quest. What comfort doe you conceiue
in the name you are taught to giue vnto
in the name you are taught to giue vnto
An. First, in that we are taught to call
God our Father, we learne that he loueth
vs, and is tenderly affected vnto vs, and so
will giue what we aske, Mat. 7.9 10.11.
Secondly, in that he is heauenly, wee
learne his al sufficiency, that he is able to
furnish vs with all thinges necessary,
God our Father, we learne that he loueth
vs, and is tenderly affected vnto vs, and so
will giue what we aske, Mat. 7.9 10.11.
Secondly, in that he is heauenly, wee
learne his al sufficiency, that he is able to
furnish vs with all thinges necessary,
Gen. 17.1. Ro. 10.12.
Quest. How many things doe the sixe
petitions containe?
petitions containe?
Ans. Two: first, things concerning
Gods glory, contained in the three first
petitions, wherby we are taught first and
principally in our desires to seeke and sue
for the aduancement thereof, Mat. 6.33.
Secondly, things concerning our owne
necessities, contained in the three last,
whereby we are taught in a second place
to respect our owne wants, and the supplying
Gods glory, contained in the three first
petitions, wherby we are taught first and
principally in our desires to seeke and sue
for the aduancement thereof, Mat. 6.33.
Secondly, things concerning our owne
necessities, contained in the three last,
whereby we are taught in a second place
to respect our owne wants, and the supplying
Quest. What doe you aske of God in
the first petition, Hallowed be thy Name?
the first petition, Hallowed be thy Name?
Ans. First, that he so direct vs all, that
we might haue in high reuerence his glorious
Maiestie, omnipotencie, wisedome,
mercy, goodnes, and truth, shewed in his
word, and shining in his creatures, Psal.
29.2. Psal. 71.8. Ier. 9.24.
Secondly, that his glorious Name
may neuer be dishonoured by vs, eyther
in thought, word, or deed, Leuit. 22.31.32.
Pro. 30.9. Ro. 2.24.
we might haue in high reuerence his glorious
Maiestie, omnipotencie, wisedome,
mercy, goodnes, and truth, shewed in his
word, and shining in his creatures, Psal.
29.2. Psal. 71.8. Ier. 9.24.
Secondly, that his glorious Name
may neuer be dishonoured by vs, eyther
in thought, word, or deed, Leuit. 22.31.32.
Pro. 30.9. Ro. 2.24.
Quest. What doe you sue for in the second
petition, Thy kingdome come?
petition, Thy kingdome come?
Ans. First, that God would raigne daily
more and more in vs by his holy word and
spirit, Luk. 17.21. Ro. 14.17. 2. Cor. 10.5.
Secondly, that the Lord would weaken
the power of Sathan, Rom. 16.20. 1. Ioh.
3.8. and of all the wicked which fight for
him, Iudg. 5.31. Psa. 2.4.5. Psa. 21.12.13.
Thirdly, that he would finish these
dayes of sinne, and receiue vs into glory,
Reu. 22.20.
more and more in vs by his holy word and
spirit, Luk. 17.21. Ro. 14.17. 2. Cor. 10.5.
Secondly, that the Lord would weaken
the power of Sathan, Rom. 16.20. 1. Ioh.
3.8. and of all the wicked which fight for
him, Iudg. 5.31. Psa. 2.4.5. Psa. 21.12.13.
Thirdly, that he would finish these
dayes of sinne, and receiue vs into glory,
Reu. 22.20.
Quest. What doe you aske in the third
petition, Thy will bee done in earth as it is in
petition, Thy will bee done in earth as it is in
Ans. First, that we, renouncing our
owne corrupt wills and affections, Math.
16.24. may obey the holy will of God,
Luk. 22.42.
Secondly, that this obedience may bee
performed of vs all faithfully, cheerefully,
perfectly, as it is of all Angels in heauen,
Psal. 103.20.21.
owne corrupt wills and affections, Math.
16.24. may obey the holy will of God,
Luk. 22.42.
Secondly, that this obedience may bee
performed of vs all faithfully, cheerefully,
perfectly, as it is of all Angels in heauen,
Psal. 103.20.21.
Quest. What doe you pray for in the
fourth petition, Giue vs this day our dayly
fourth petition, Giue vs this day our dayly
Ans. That God would giue vs foode
and rayment, and all things needfull for
this life, Pro. 30.8. Psa. 104.27. Ps. 145.15.
vs his creatures for our vse, that they
might be wholesome and comfortable,
Deut. 8.3. 1. Tim. 4.4.5.
Thirdly, that as euery day wee shall
haue wants, so the Lord would dayly by
his prouidence supply the same, Math. 6.
34. Heb. 13.5.6.
and rayment, and all things needfull for
this life, Pro. 30.8. Psa. 104.27. Ps. 145.15.
Secondly, that he would sanctifie vntovs his creatures for our vse, that they
might be wholesome and comfortable,
Deut. 8.3. 1. Tim. 4.4.5.
Thirdly, that as euery day wee shall
haue wants, so the Lord would dayly by
his prouidence supply the same, Math. 6.
34. Heb. 13.5.6.
Quest. What doe you pray for in the
fift petition, Forgiue vs our trespasses as wee
forgiue them that trespasse against vs
fift petition, Forgiue vs our trespasses as wee
forgiue them that trespasse against vs
A. First, that God would for Christs sake
forgiue all our sins, Ps. 51.1.9. Eph. 4 32.
Secondly, that we may be directed by
him to forgiue one another, Luk. 17.3.4.
forgiue all our sins, Ps. 51.1.9. Eph. 4 32.
Secondly, that we may be directed by
him to forgiue one another, Luk. 17.3.4.
Quest. What do you learne out of these
An. Foure things: first, that all men
are sinners, Eccl 7.22.
Secondly, that we must seeke for remission
of sinnes, Mat. 18.26. Luk. 18.13.
for we cannot satisfie, Iob. 9.3. Mat. 18.25
Thirdly, none can forgiue sinnes but
God, Iob. 34.31. Luk 5 21.24
Fourthly, to the malicious man there
is no forgiuenes, Mat. 6.15.
are sinners, Eccl 7.22.
Secondly, that we must seeke for remission
of sinnes, Mat. 18.26. Luk. 18.13.
for we cannot satisfie, Iob. 9.3. Mat. 18.25
Thirdly, none can forgiue sinnes but
God, Iob. 34.31. Luk 5 21.24
Fourthly, to the malicious man there
is no forgiuenes, Mat. 6.15.
Quest. What doe you pray for in the sixt
deliuer vs from euill?
petition, And lead vs not into temptation, butdeliuer vs from euill?
Ans. First, wee pray that our hearts
may be so established by grace, that wee
may bee able to resist all temptations,
2. Cor. 12.9. Ephes. 6.13.
may be so established by grace, that wee
may bee able to resist all temptations,
2. Cor. 12.9. Ephes. 6.13.
Quest. What is imported by the conclusion,
For thine is the kingdome, power, and
glory for euer?
For thine is the kingdome, power, and
glory for euer?
Ans. First, that all power and gouernment
is euerlastingly inuested in the person
of God alone, and in none other, and
that therefore hee is able to graunt what
we aske, and no creature can resist him,
Eph. 1.11. Eph. 3.20.
Secondly, that all glory belongeth vnto
him, and therefore he will graunt all these
things, for that therby he is glorified both
in himselfe, and in all his Saints, Ier. 33.
9. Ioh. 14 13.
is euerlastingly inuested in the person
of God alone, and in none other, and
that therefore hee is able to graunt what
we aske, and no creature can resist him,
Eph. 1.11. Eph. 3.20.
Secondly, that all glory belongeth vnto
him, and therefore he will graunt all these
things, for that therby he is glorified both
in himselfe, and in all his Saints, Ier. 33.
9. Ioh. 14 13.
Qu. What meaneth this word, Amen?
Ans. So be it, or so it shall be, whereby
are shewed two things:
First, a feruent desire to haue what I
pray for, Dan. 9.19.
Secondly, an assurance that I shal haue
what I aske, 1. Ioh. 5.15.
are shewed two things:
First, a feruent desire to haue what I
pray for, Dan. 9.19.
Secondly, an assurance that I shal haue
what I aske, 1. Ioh. 5.15.